Chapter 29

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"Well, you didn't." You answered

Gun first.

You pulled your leg back and swiftly shot it up high in the air, all the way towards the gun in the man's hand. Just how you were taught to. Startled with your unexpected actions, the buff man was caught off guard and your leg kicked the gun out of his hands. Back onto your two legs, you used your other leg to round your kick high to level his waist and spun on your toes, effectively kicking the man at his hip bone. You earned a groan of pain from the victim of your kick, he bent over to somehow calm his throbbing torso.

'Huh, never judge a person by their looks.' You thought absently. His strong and buff appearance created a thought that he'd be skilled and super strong when fighting. All the boys who watched the scene blinked dumbfounded by you.

Hoseok was quick to get out of his trance and snatched the fallen gun out of the man's reach, making the gun click and you eyed him questioningly, "isn't it loaded?" You asked, earning a fit of laughter from the boy, "PFFT, HAHAHA, he didn't even load it! It was kept on safe!" He exclaimed in disbelief. Calming down, he continued, "well, it's loaded now." He clarified, turning more suitably serious, pointing the gun towards the buff man.

Namjoon subtly made his way to your side and slung an arm around your shoulder before speaking, "one things for sure, never judge someone by their looks." He smiled down at you before amusingly gazing at the buff man who continued to voice his pain. "I didn't even kick him that hard." You mumbled, "yes, you did. Add those heels as a bonus too." Yoongi smirked.

Right, Heels.

You were so caught up with your anger and protecting your boys, that you had forgotten about the stubborn feeling at the heel of your foot for wearing them for nearly 4 hours. In addition to that, you had ran in these shoes.

Jin made his way towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder, while also examining your form, "we need to fix you up once we get back," he sighed sadly. Hoseok's eyes soften in realisation once he noticed minor injuries present on you, slightly lowering the pointed gun. You shook your head slightly at the eldest, "I'm fine, really." You assured, "You guys saved me. Did you guys work as some secret agents before I came or something? Cuz' that was so cool!" You smiled, earning soft chuckles from the guys, "Well, you're not entirely wrong," Jimin smiled. You gasped slightly at this. "What's that supposed to-" you tried to question but fast footsteps caught your attention from behind.

You spun on your heel and looked behind you to find the buff man take a run towards you with a small blade in his hand. Your eyes widen in shock as you didn't expect it, "Y/N, move!" Taehyung exclaimed, coming forward to stand in between the running man and your frozen figure. You stumbled back slightly as Namjoon pulled you behind and under his protective arms swiftly. You watched in a gape as Taehyung skillfully dodged the swinging blade from the man, grabbing onto his forearm before twisting it so the man twisted along, uncomfortably on his foot to stop his arm from misplacing.

(A/N: honestly, why am I still drawing scenes— fuck what I said before, drawing is fun man🤡)

Taehyung's face was blank, clearly stating that he wasn't scared, nor was he finding his opponent difficult to fight; the man growled loudly as he struggled, now freestyling his punches and kicks in an attempt to stubbornly land a hit on Taehyung.

You looked around at the other boys who nonchalantly watched the scene, unbothered. 'They definitely have some explaining to do,' you thought in suspicion. Your attention was soon switched onto the fighting men ahead of you. "Jimin, get ready!" Hoseok yelled, noticing few men coming conscious and ready to fight. Jin yelled, "Namjoon!" Was all he let out.


Your head spun once more, towards the source of the gunshot—

'Woah, Taehyung has a gun?!' Your eyes widened in shock, unable to comprehend where he got it. Swiftly spinning your head to Hoseok, you noticed that he still held the same gun he picked up... Wait, he's holding two guns—-

You gasped audibly as Namjoon lifted you off of your feet suddenly, and a bit further from the fight. You struggled to look at the boys as Namjoon blocked your view. Why? What happened?

"Y/N, don't look behind. Trust me." Namjoon warned as he kept moving away and out the ally while the others remained. You were about to question his order but a scream interrupted you as you flinched. "Who was that?!" You exclaimed in worry, 'please don't tell me one of the guys got hurt...'.


Namjoon crunched his expression in frustration, grumbling to himself, "damn, those bastards."  But you heard it and you could only worry more. Do they know them?

"Namjoon-" you tried to speak but he gushed you to listen to his instructions and keep quiet, "I know you're really confused, but now is not the time. I need to get you to a safer place. I'll explain things later," he added. (A/N: hehe so much for being famous as BTS. turns out there's more to them in this story woO)

As you were carried further, you could distinctly hear a number of gunshots at the ally. You still attempted to look over Namjoon's figure but you didn't go unnoticed, "Y/N," he warned, a hint of finality in his tone - causing you to finally obey his order.


"Namjoon, you know i can just run along with you. Where are you even taking me?" You softly spoke up after a good, estimated, 10 minutes. By now, he had slowed down into a walk but continued to carry you nonetheless. You furrowed your brows, "joonie," you called out, this time catching his attention, "what?" He asked before looking ahead once more. "I can walk, you know," you ushered, lightly swinging your legs to notify that your legs work perfectly fine. "I know," he simply put, earning a pout from you, "Hey, I'm heavy."

"Hi heavy, I'm Namjoon."

"Yah!" You chuckled softly, "and for your information, you weigh absolutely nothing." He assured causing you to scoff, "How was I supposed to know that <your weight> is nothing to you? Freaking show off, stop flexing." You sassed, earning an oddly hot laugh from the man; "I'm not flexing, and by the way, we're here." He announced before gently putting you back on your feet.

You looked over at the place and your eyes grew wide in surprise. Why would he bring you here? This is the safe place? Namjoon noticed your conflicted expression and smiled softly in understanding, "I know what you're thinking. Why would I bring you here?" Once again, you gaped at the man, "you mind reader... what are you exactly?" You joked, yet still held the shocked expression, earning another chuckle from him. "Yah, lets go in." He ushered you forward but you pushed back and stood in front of him with a raised brow as you crossed your arms over your chest, "this can't possibly be the "safe" place, joonie. And what are you keeping me safe from? That gang? You know I'm capable of—" You bombarded him with questions, stopping soon after as he raised one hand as a sign to stop, "Y/N, you have to believe me. I am trying to keep you safe. That 'gang' isn't just any gang, just- just get in and I'll explain things-" he assured but you cut him off, "Namjoon, I'd really believe you on everything except this building being a safe place," you admitted,

"Why'd you bring me to BigHit?"

Short chapter today oop- what's gonna happen next hmmmm? Well I know.. I'm the author duh.

What do you guys think is happening? I'd love to see your guesses in the comments!

‼️About my previous statement on having u guys have full ability to imagine the written scenes... I'm not sure anymore honestly. Should I continue making drawings or leave ur imaginations to it?‼️

Love you guys 💞💕

~ bonnehh_

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