Chapter 3

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"Well, since we're done with the introductions, let's head home guys, Y/N and yoongi can stay though," Namjoon interjected, as he gathered the five men, leaving yoongi with me. "You two need to get along... at least a little." With that being said, he sent a quick smile and scurried back with the guys. "Namjoon! Ugh.. I cant believe him," yoongi mumbled the last part.

You raised a brow, "I am not talking to you. So you do you and- Wh-What? Stop looking at me like that," you stopped mid sentence when you saw the scariest glare coming off of him as he stared at you with darkened eyes.

"Leave." He growled. You jumped a little at his sudden deep voice, "what's wrong with you? I didn't mean any of this to happen!" You exclaimed, hiding your urge to shrink under his stare as you spoke with the little confidence left in you. "Well it happened. So fix it by leaving." With those words being said, he left you dumb founded at the reception lobby with your luggage as you watched him turn his back on you.


He stopped, and turned, clearly more pissed. "What?"

You gulped and repeated, "I said, no." You spoke clearly "I'm staying here and you have to deal with it-" You continued but got cut off, again. "I don't want to deal with-" he spoke but you knew what he was gonna say and cut him off; "-whether, you like it or not." You finished.

"Not." He left you there again.

You sighed, you've guessed that you already made an enemy in your "fresh start". Although it wasn't such a great start to your new fresh life, away from people you know, you stayed determined to make the best of it. With that being said, you carried your luggage to your new home and started to settle.


Day light caressed your skin through the window in your room. As you woke up and fluttered your eyes open to looked at the unfamiliar room, you nearly panicked. Soon, fresh memories of the day before, flooded through your mind like bullets and you recalled that this is your new home. Letting out a small yawn and stretching slightly to wake your muscles, you got up from the floor of your still empty room and went on with your morning routine.

Today, all your heavy furniture was supposed to arrive, and as you opened the main door that led you out of your room, as expected, you found all your furniture packed in bubble wrap. Pulling up your long sleeves above your elbow, you started to drag in the lightest furniture first; the dining chairs.

You continued on with this for thirty minutes and were already huffing and out of breath. Damn your lazy ass. You stood in your house as you attempted to fit your large and comfy couch through the entrance. You groaned at the stubborn couch, 'why won't it budge?!' You were irritated. "Great. I've blocked my own way out. I'm gonna starve and die in my new empty house because this stupid couch... won't. Move!" With one last pull, you miraculously managed to fit it in.

"Finally!" You cheered in accomplishment. "Need a hand, Y/N?" 'Huh?' You looked ahead of the couch to spot hoseok holding onto the other side of the couch, "oh, hoseok!"

"So I didn't do it myself..." you mumbled to yourself.

"Nope." He said. You looked up at him in confusion, "what?" You asked. "Oh wait... did I say that out loud?"

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'. "Did your furniture just arrive?" He asked as he helped lift your couch and place it where he was told by you. "Yeah, they came about an hour ago but I still have so much to move in," You huffed as you went over to the entrance and grab another one of your furniture. "I'll help you then." He smiled and came over to help you. You smiled back, grateful for his help, "thanks."


"Ahh! Done!" You beamed as you plopped yourself onto your couch in exhaustion. "How are you not tired, hobi?" You asked. Yes, you've already given him a nickname and he visibly found a liking to the new name for him. "I guess being a dancer helped me with my stamina," he shrugged. "Right.. - Wait... you dance?" You asked, surprised yet not surprised. He did have a fit body, some of his biceps flexed too. You noticed these things when he lifted your furniture with lesser effort than you.

"Let me get you some water, though." You offered, as you stood up and head towards your kitchen and grabbed a glass. "Oh, no need, really, I just helped cause I wanted to," he insisted. "No please, you helped a lot. I would still be moving that couch- well try to move my couch," you joked. "Do you want anything to eat? I could buy you something as a repay. I was planning on heading out to look around this area." After all, he did do you a big favour.

"Oh! Can I come?" Another melodic voice spoke at the entrance of your house. You spun your head along with Hoseok to see who decided to join in onto your offer; "kookie! You're up early," he exclaimed as he patted Jungkook's shoulder. "Oh, sure. I don't mind!" You accepted, smiling. "Yay!" He exclaimed. "Can I join? We could stop by a market to get groceries together!" Interjected yet another lovely voice, Jin. "Ah, yes! I still need to get my groceries, thanks for the reminder, seokjin!" You thanked. "No problem, and no need to be so formal with me, just Jin is fine!" He said. You nodded and noted that into your mind.

"Do others want to join?" You asked just to make sure because these boys happen to appear one after another with the willingness to come along. "Nah, it would be too much of a trouble for you anyways." Hosoek declined. "Really? I really don't mind, more the merrier, no?" You offered once again.


You and the group of boys tagged along with you including taehyung. Namjoon And yoongi as well as jimin decided to stay at home. The five of you had stopped by at a grocery store to take your necessities. "Y/N-ah, we're alone~" Jungkook spoke from behind you. "What?" You turned around and yep, you only saw Jungkook next to you. "Where are the others?" You asked. "Um, I think taehyung is lost, Jin hyung is probably looking for him aaaand... I don't know about hoseok hyung." He shrugged. "Really? Ah, I hope they find him.., this store is pretty big.." you looked around, concerned for the men. "It's normal, don't worry," he chuckled. 'It's normal?' You thought.

"Say, are you paying for that or..?" You asked, pointing out the bag of chips he secretly snuck into the trolly basket. "Haha... you noticed.." he laughed nervously, clearly embarrassed for being caught. You raised a brow, "don't tell me you tried to make me blindly pay for your chip packet?", "Uh- oh there they are!" He pointed behind you.

"Stop changing the topic jungk-OOF!" You collided right into another trolly as you turned, tripping in the process, and landing right onto your butt. "Ow." You squeeked. "Oh my- I'm sooo sorry Y/N, I should've told you I was behind you!" Jin yelped in alarm as he quickly lended you a hand to help you up. "N-no problem, 's good," you assured, standing up on your own.


"Hyung! Hyung! Please come back! Yoongi Hyung has gone crazy! He's destroying our house as we speak!" Yelled in a new yet, familiar voice. Jimin. "What?! Why?!" Jin questioned in a panic.

"I don't know! For some reason he's really angry!" He exclaimed, out of breath. "Did.. did you run all the way here?" You asked. He nodded, "There's  no time! Come on!" He spun back and took back the root to their home.

"Come on guys, Y/N I suggest you join us too," hoseok pointed out. "You are his soulmate." He continued. "Yeah sure, I plan to come either way," you followed behind in a rush as them.

What happened?




~ bonnehh_

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