Chapter 4

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What happened?

As the six of you all entered your apartment, everyone -including you- came into their house. Panick rushes into you as you witness the sight of flipped over furniture and broken glass shattered into the ground, picture frames fallen onto the ground in piles. It was a mess!

"Hyung! Thank god! Yoongi stormed off into his room," Namjoon said, relieved to see the boys back. "He wouldn't open his room either and it's really quiet.." he continued in concern.

Although you didn't like Yoongi much, you still couldn't help but worry about him. All of the boys followed behind Namjoon, to where you assumed Yoongi's room was located. You followed behind in silent concern.

"Is he in there?" You asked as the boys stopped infront of a room door, trying to pull it open. Clearly, it didn't budge.

"Oh I know! Y/N!!" Taehyung suddenly chimed. The others gasped, "perfect!" Namjoon agreed. "W-what?" You suddenly felt cautious to the boys eye contact, they seem to be communicating through their eyes and you couldn't make out any of their 'talks' as an attempt to understand.

You froze as the six of the men looked at you with desperate eyes.


"WHAT?!" You yelled, "HELL NO! HE HATES ME!" You continued. "Please, Y/N! You don't understand! Since you're a girl, he will be less..." Jin trailer off. "Less?!" You questioned with drilling eyes, "y'know... less violent or yelling and all.." Jungkook continued. "I am not going in there!" You repeated, these men really thought that after everything, they thought you could be the solution to 'help' Yoongi to calm down. 'For crying out loud, he hates me!' You thought.

"You're his soulmate Y/N I'm sure it'll help!"
"Hyung's right, Just this once!!"
"Give it a shot, please!"
"We'll have your back for sure!"
"That's right!"

They all cried desperately. You sighed.

"OKAY! Okay! Stop cribbing already! BUT! If I don't come out of there in fifteen minutes though, know that I'm probably dead." You gave in. In return, everyone quickly scurried away into the dining area and living room with short and grateful 'thank you's.

You sighed again, reluctantly taking small steps closer to the door and softly knocking, "Uh.. y-Yoongi? It's me, Y/N..." you added to let him know it's not his brothers. After waiting a minute, you knocked again, "Yoongi?" You questioned. Worry flooded into you as you heard nothing, deciding to just let yourself in, you attempted to open the door. 'Locked.' You thought.

"Guess I have no other choice now do I?" You mumbled to yourself, hufffing in slight annoyance. Pulling out a bobby pin from the bun of your hair, you started picking on the lock.

I know, this is so cliché but it works, you thought to yourself. Sure enough, a confirming 'click' let you know that the door was unlocked. Slowly and silently entering the room, you let out a breath you didn't know you held once you saw his body laying peacefully on a bed. "Yoongi?" You let out a whisper, you remembered one of the boys telling you how grumpy and scary he gets when you wake him up from his 'precious' sleep. He reminded you of yourself as you would be grumpy too... just not violent. You shuddered.

You felt undoubtedly uncomfortable. Taking in deep breathes, you went into his side and kneeled beside his bed. "Blood..." you mumbled to yourself as you saw the state of his poor knuckles. 'It must've been when he probably shattered the glass...' You thought.

Unfortunate to him, you found a deep wound at the side of his palm that seemed to continuously bleed out. 'That'll need stitching...' You noted. Thankfully, you've studied medicine and know how to stitch up deep wounds on your own. Getting up onto your feet, you looked around his room for a first aid kit.


Moving to his bathroom, your heart sank, the mirror is shattered too. 'Something really must've got him this angry...' you observed. "Aha!" You softly spoke out, finding a full kit with everything you need.

Now, sitting at the side of his bed, you gently lifted his hand and cringed at its state. You sighed, "what happened?" You asked softly.


Yoongi is a living rock you swore. He is a heavy sleeper, he didn't flinch at all when you were stitching up his wound. When you finished aiding his hand, you silently observed the boy.

You came to accept that he was your soulmate. "Hey, I know you can't hear me but, I'm sorry you had to meet me," you softly spoke to him, knowing that it was useless to talk to him now. "I... I've accepted that you really are my soulmate.. and..., trust me- or not- but I completely and definitely understand why you wouldn't want to have a soulmate. From what I know till now... your quite independent, and having to be with a soulmate kinda.. takes that away, huh?

I didn't want to be dependent on you my entire life so I thought believing this soulmate shit is all just a saying. But reality always has to come in and I learnt to accept you, even if you haven't to me. And it's okay." You breathed, you slowly felt some weight being lifted off of your shoulders and continued; "I'm also sorry for being so mean to you when we first met but, you weren't nice either and I tend to go along with the impressions and... yeah.. um, even if you didn't hear all this, im glad I got this off my chest." You sadly smiled and got up, leaving the room and shutting the door behind you.

As you walked back into the living room, you noticed that everything was slowly back to place, the boys have already cleared up the glass and properly put down the furniture back where they were before. Turning towards the dining room, you noticed all the boys at the table, chatting away.

You let a small smile settle into your features as you observed how close they all were, a whole new healthy family of seven. Soon enough, one of them noticed and quickly rushed towards you, "Y/N! You're alive!! How did it go?!" Jimin quickly looked at you, yet visibly relieved to see you alive. You chuckled, "yes I am alive and.. nothing happened, really. Turns out he was dead asleep." You answered. "How-?"

"-dont even ask how I got through the lock," you quickly interjected, cutting off Namjoon's obvious question, he nodded and let it slide, still keeping the curious look on his face.

"Oh, Y/N! Glad to see you alive, I'm almost done preparing dinner, come join us!" Jin chimed from the kitchen, you smiled in delight as you could smell the delicious smell of his cooking. "Yeah! Eat with us! It can be a repay for helping us with the Yoongi situation!" Hoseok agreed, followed by the rest of the boys. You felt warmly welcomed and couldn't decline the offer and agreed to join, "I'd love that," you smiled.


So, you've finally accepted to have a soulmate huh? I wonder tho, is it cuz he's Yoongi? 😂😂 I think so!

~ bonnehh_

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