Chapter 5

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You groaned in pure frustration as the boys once again, pleaded you another request.

Waking up Yoongi.

"WHY ME??" You whined, they thought that you being a girl was an advantage to avoid yoongi's angry and grumpy side, thinking he'd let it slide since it's your first time waking him up.

You really wanted to avoid this problem, it made you feel vulnerable in a way that only a past memory could bring.

You were always one to avoid men the best you can, reasoning your first time meeting the boys when they followed you into the reception(chapter 1). Oddly, the boys were the first men that actually didn't scare you. They had already given you the feeling of safe and you unconsciously felt them as kind gentlemen.

"Pleaaassssseeeeeee??" The younger ones whined together. "Fine..." You huffed, hiding the fear that grew at The pit of your stomach. 'It's Just Yoongi... nothing will happen except him being grumpy like the boys said.. right? He's not here...' You tried to convince yourself. Still, you remained scared. Unwanted memories suddenly started appearing in bits and pieces in your mind but you forcefully pushed them away.

It won't happen.

You approached the same door and slowly entered the room, leaving the door open in case you need to escape if he attempts to murder you. You went back to his side and softly spoke, "Yoongi, wake up, uh, dinners almost ready."


You sighed and spoke a little louder, "Yoongi, Jin wants you to join dinner with us," You huffed as all you got was a low and inaudible mumble as he switched position, facing towards you.

"Yoongi," you decided to lightly shake him by the shoulders, "dinner." You continued.

"Yoon-AH!" You yelled loudly as you landed beside him on the bed as he pulled you down by your arm. You gulped. You swore you saw a familiar eye at his room window... 'No no no no' you shivered slightly. "Stop talking for once." Was all he said as he wrapped an arm around your waist. "Y-y-Yoongi, l-let me g-go.. p-please.." you spoke in a slightly shaky voice. It can't be him.

Memories came rushing into your mind as if they happened just yesterday, scenes being freshly played in repeat. You trembled, "Yoongi please! Let me go!!" You yelled, probably loud enough to reach the dining room.

"Y/N? What's happening??" A distant voice called out. Sounds like Namjoon.

"Y-Yoongi please..." you sniffed, unconsciously, wet and hot tears filled your eyes, you tried your best to keep them in. Yoongi shuffled, and lifted his head and slowly opened his eyes in sudden concern, "Y/N..?" He asked. You were now a shaky mess with hot tears filling your eyes...


<"I'll...... un..tiE tHem _..once we..'re done_..." He smirked,>

< "p-please.. I-I'M..__SOrRy..- I won't do it aGain....._!">

<"d-dA_D, I-im— IM SORR__.. I...M SO_RRY PLE..._aSE NnO.......!-" >

memories started piecing together...

<*slap!* "shut_....tHe fuck uP....-I told you to stop hanging out with other boys, soUlMAteS/...._ don't exist..__.. go..t it?

Only me, this wHIP, and your DUMB as$." He growled.>

<You're the reason she left! You're a mistake! Go to hell!" He growled. >

<"I'll kill him..." He eyed the boy, turning to you after, "then you.." You shut your eyes in pure horror as he lifted the whip—>

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" You screamed, falling of the bed and crawled back into a corner, using your hands in a desperate way to shield yourself. You were down right sobbing now, you despised these nightmarishly memories of your life that you left behind.

"Y/N?!" Namjoon barged in, face showing clear concern and alert. "Hyung?! What did you do?!" He asked as he rushed towards you, "Hey, hey don't worry-!" You slapped his hand away that he was gonna place on your shoulder, "no! Please! D-don't!" You cried, "I'm sorry! Please don't come n-near me! He-he'll-" You trembled as you attempted to calm your sobs, cutting yourself off with another choked out sob.

Yoongi stood straight, "Why are you sorry? Did I do something? Who is he?" He bombarded you with questions but spoke softly, in hopes to calm you down. Your eyes were shut, you swore you saw your drunkard father in front of you at yoongi's window. You shot your head up and looked around, all seven of the boys surrounded you with the most worried look, not your father, he wasn't at the window anymore. Your eyes widen, tears continued to slide down your soft skin. "Wh-What..-" You stuttered, looking at all the windows to find no one.

Namjoon tried to put his hand on your shoulders again, more gently this time. As his palm touched your shoulder, you flinched but didn't push it away.

You ignored the slight tingle and electric feeling on your shoulder.

He slowly exhaled a breath, "Hey, nothings happening, you're safe." He assured you. You felt a sudden guilt; you worried the boys a lot, your father can't find you here. He doesn't know anything. It's just a rush of underwhelming and unwanted dark memories of your past. "I-I'm so s-Sorry.. I-I didn't-" you swallowed in a sob and continued, "- I didn't mean to c-cause a scene..." You apologised. Jin carefully approached and enveloped you into a gentle and warm hug.

Another tingle ignited at the other end of your shoulder...

Shushing you to speak further, he continued, "Hey, don't worry, you just scared us a little... you wanna talk about it with us?" He offered. You shook your head, you weren't ready yet.

"Jimin, please help Y/N with some water?" Jin requested. "Y-Yeah.." He stammered and quickly rushed to get you a glass of water.

Everyone led you to the living room and settled you on the couch, still worried for you. 'Why are they all so caring..?' You questioned "I-I'm fine n-now, tha-" cutting you off, Jungkook piped in, "Y/N, you're clearly not, what happened?" He softly asked. "U-um—!" Namjoon cut you off this time;

"GUYS!" He yelled from one of their bathrooms.


Hohoho juicy stuff ahead, this is slightly a filler chapter BUT! These unusual feelings of Y/N will be answered ;)

~ bonnehh_

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