Chapter 31

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'What exactly had that gang done?' You thought.

Surely when Namjoon mentioned 'brutal' he was just exaggerating, right? You were undeniably curious and couldn't contain your curiosity for longer, yet you put every ounce of your energy in holding back the subject since clearly, Namjoon -along with Jin- were uncomfortable with it.

"Ow, ow, ow- hold up, that really stings!" You jumped as soon as Jin began to dab a bit of anti-bacteria at your knee after gently cleaning off the blood. "I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely, lifting one hand to grab yours, "here, hold my hand as tightly as you want while I disinfect your wound, hm? It will only take a good 5 seconds." He assured you with a comforting squeeze in the hand before continuing to aid your knee. You bit at your lip and took full advantage of his hand, holding onto it desperately in hopes to lower down the pain. Sure enough, just as he said, the pain had vanished within seconds.

"Gosh, I have such low pain-tolerance I'm so sorry. I didn't break your hand, did I?" You rambled in embarrassment. Jin chuckled at your antics before shaking his head, "No, you didn't break my hand, don't worry." He assured, "You need more taking care of right now anyways, so hold onto my hand tight, cuz' a few might take a while." He gave you a heads up, causing you to gulp in remorse.


"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" You chanted as you winced in pain. "Hold on a little longer, dear, it's the last one," he encouraged you to hold in which you did with a lot of effort. "Aaaand, done! Great job, Y/N." He smiled, now covering your wounds efficiently with bandages. You sighed in relief, "Thank the lords! I have been freed!" You joked, sitting upright as Jin let out a laugh.

The last wound was the longest -the one on your back. You were taken off guard when Jin began to unbutton your button-up white tee. He assured you that he wasn't taking it off all the way to which you nodded. Of course, you didn't tell him that you didn't mind taking the whole shirt off to make it easier for him. Soon after, the shirt was back on and over your shoulders. Jin gently fixed up the shirt and even helped button your shirt fully, unconsciously putting feather touches on your collarbone with his knuckles.

You bit on your lip to avoid letting out any weird 'inhuman' noises.

"Come on, I'm sure the others really want to see you." He ushered you, pulling at your arms gently as he led you around about the large maze-like building and into a brightly lit room. Upon entering, you noticed all the boys scattered around the room - laying or sitting on a black leather, L-shaped couch, a single mattress at one corner or just standing around, roaming from one place to another for no reason while conversing with each other.

As soon as they heard the opening of the room's door though, they instantly noticed your figure stepping in and rushed towards you. With an exception of Namjoon and Jin, who had already taken their time with you as well as Yoongi who apparently fell asleep on the couch. "Y/N!" Jungkook yelled out, being the first to engulf you into a hug. "That's me," you giggled, brushing off the slight sting at your back as you returned the embrace. "Yah, idiot! She has injuries! Be more careful, will you?" Jin scolded as he pulled you away from Jungkook, quickly checking at your back in worry. "Wah, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot!" Jungkook gasped, turning guilty but you assured him that you were fine.

Hoseok quickly piped in, "How did you do that kick back then, though?" He asked in full interest. You stared blankly at him for a second before your memory clicked into place, "that? I don't know myself actually. Well I know karate- a little bit of karate and remember learning this one freestyle kick where your leg shoots as high as the level of your face," you began in wonder, "at that time I was really pissed," you chuckled light heartedly, "I remember watching this one martial arts' kick of a small girl and... I kicked the guy's hip?" You finished in question. "Seriously?" Jin asked in awe.

"But Y/N, never do that again! Stepping on that one guy's foot before and all," Taehyung frowned, reminding you how reckless you were, "who knew what that bastard would have done to you out of anger!" He added, worry overlapping his emotions. You sighed, "I know but i don't regret it." You admitted. "You can't really blame me for my actions, though. If I hadn't done anything, he'd probably already sliced through my ne-" you were cut off by Hoseok, "No, shh, you're fine now. Don't even remind me. I almost lost it." He frowned, unable to contain himself thinking about other possibilities that could have been the worst.

Jimin walked over and pulled you into a more cautious hug, "Next time, don't do be so reckless, please. I don't want you getting hurt." He softly spoke. You closed your eyes and hugged him back before nodding. "Okay..".

You pulled away before speaking, "I'll try. But if things don't run smoothly, I might have to take action myself." You admitted firmly. The boys (except Yoongi) frowned at this but nodded nonetheless.

"Aside from me and recklessness. Can someone please brief me on what that gang has done in the past? I'm really curious and I'm starting to lose my shit and patience." You asked, noticing the same uneasy look displayed onto the boys' features that Namjoon expressed. Yoongi woke up too, at your little curse.

"You really want to know?" Yoongi piped in groggily, rubbing on his eye to remove any sleepiness. You nodded immediately and went over to take seat beside the man. "Hyung-" Namjoon began, "She's gonna have to know about these things eventually joon. Plus it's not like they can do anything anymore." Yoongi cut in before facing you.

You looked up at him with interest, silently urging him to start. "Well, they committed a hell of things - just a heads up." He warned, letting out a small smile at your eager nod before continuing;

"DOM-K are greatly known for involving innocent girls." Yoongi started, the remaining boys settling around the two of you as they reluctantly let the pale man tell you about the gang. "They've tortured them for fun, raped for their own pleasure, burnt them alive for no reason and even urged them to commit crimes for them. Some girls even committed suicide because they were told to. Those girls were unfortunate targets that they placed upon and planned in advance on how to capture them. But at that time, BTS wasn't put to the job yet as we were training for coming missions so there was no one but helpless cops at the chase to stop them.

That gang has gone as far as pushing a cop itself to rape a little girl, no more than the age of 12. One particular crime that had the entire BigHit workers on edge was an elaborate murder of 10 high school girls. Those girls were first spread to be known missing for around 2 weeks or so. They were all found in line, hanging dead from a ceiling in a two-story abandoned building. After more research and the polices' findings, they found out that all of them had been raped, tortured for around a number of hours, then burnt alive as they were hung. Once they were dead, the gang had cut in a message on their bodies to BigHit as a warning to leave their 'business' alone." As Yoongi explained this, your eyes had already fallen wide and your jaw was on the floor. You kept silent though, he wasn't done yet.

"After that finding, a month later, BTS was given this job and we were briefed on the gang. At the time, the company was still uneasy and so were we. Later on, we had gone out on a search mission to hopefully, and finally capture that gang before another crime could be commited, but we were left to retreat empty handed and without trace of them. Today, was too close." He finished. You remained frozen in place, gaping at the gobsmacking explanatory of the gang. You began to tremble at the thought as you remembered how you involuntarily involved yourself with them and were gone as far as to be targeted by them. What if they actually captured you? Would you even be alive right now? What would they have done-

"Y/N I told you that it was best if you didn't know. Stop thinking of that incident, you're fine now!" Namjoon stood up, moving towards you and wrapping you into his protective arms. You continued to tremble as you immediately hugged the tall man back desperately. "I-I was their next t-target," You stammered. "Shh, they cant do anything anymore. We've captured them. They won't hurt you. They can't." Yoongi tried to comfort you through words in a calm and assuring tone. You nodded your head, "r-right." You breathed shakily, calming down fast. The room fell into a peaceful silence until one boy perked up at a thought.

"Y/N? I don't know if it's the right time to ask you this but.." Jimin piped in hesitantly, "Now that you know who we are and what we are involved in through our.. secret job, did you change your view on us..?" He continued, finishing off with a whisper. You looked ahead of Namjoon's figure and shook your head, "I still lo— L-like you guys the same," you blushed. 'Was I just going to say 'Love'?' You thought to yourself, quickly brushing it off as Hoseok cheered in relief, "Really?" He smiled brightly. You smiled back, finally pulling away from Namjoon's embrace while still holding onto his hand in yours, "in fact, you guys just became even more cooler and ho- AWEsome," You quickly corrected yourself, "I said Awesome," you repeated in case the others caught onto your little slip up.

You noticed a side smirk from Yoongi and blushed involuntarily, figuring that he caught onto what you were about to say, "so we're not anymore hotter than before?" He smiled smugly. Your eyes widen, "th-thats not- you're hot! ...Shit," you cursed as you realised yoongi made you admit. The boys laughed loudly at your accidental admittance.

"OKAY! So I wanna do a guessing game real quick," you cut in, silencing the boys as they put all their attention on you. "So obviously, Hoseok is J-Hope," you started, earning a chorus of 'ah's and 'oh's. "Jungkook is kookie.., oh and Jin is Mr.Handsome," you giggled.

"Go on, you've got them right so far." Namjoon smiled, crossing his arms over his chest, while taking a seat beside you on the couch. You looked at him in thought before pointing, "you are... RM?" You questioned earning a chuckle from the man as he gave you a confirming thumbs up, "4 down, 3 more to go," You stated proudly.

Looking over at Taehyung you deadpanned, "hi, V." Earning an offended gasp, "why'd you call me V like that?!" You laughed at his expression before answering, "You're the most obvious to me since you always put a peace sign next to your face which also happens to look like a 'V' and I clearly remember you calling yourself V at the park. Remember? So you kinda revealed yourself." You pointed out, before pausing, "Wait... HOW COME I DIDNT FIGURE IT OUT THEN?" You asked in disbelief.

Jungkook answered this, "because you're an oblivious child," he giggled. You scoffed at his remark, "I'm an adult, captain blindness."

"Y/N! What about me?? Who am I??" Jimin interjected, Earning your attention, "ah, uhm, you're... Chimchim," you pointed unsurely before sighing in relief when he gave you a happy nod, "that leaves Suga, who is yoongles," you grinned.

"Yoongles?" Suga stared at you in amusement, "Yeah, don't like it?" You asked casually, earning an instant 'no' from the pale man, "too bad" you smirked.


All of you erupted into laughter, 'yep, they're still the same gentlemen I know even after this new info about them,' you smiled.


Idk why I've ended this chapter this way, it's just stretching really long and I couldn't find a proper ending to it so I left it at that. Pretty random if I say so myself but pls deal with this just this once, 🙃

Love you guys! 🥺💕💜

~ bonnehh_

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