Chapter 32

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Kinda filler chapter and slightly boring, I'm having a little writers block please bare with me ;-;

You were safely taken back home by Jin and Jungkook while the others informed that they had to do something at the building first. You didn't question it, but still held your suspicions that they were doing something that related to their job.

Your thoughts were cut short when you heard the door of the car opening. You spun your head and realised that the three of you had reached your apartment. "Come on, Y/N," Jin called out, opening the car door for you so you could step out. You thanked him and soon made your way back into your room with the two men. 'Freak it,' you finalised before turning on your heel to face the boys who made themselves comfortable on your couch. "Uh, guys?" You hesitantly called out, making your way to sit on one of the single couches you had. "Yes?" Jungkook asked.

"Why didnt the others come home?" You asked back, biting onto your lip as you watched the two exchange glances at each other, "you do remember that we've caught DOM-K, right?" Jin began in question. You nodded, "well, we can't just leave them at the building without being under security who have taken a break. Like us." He continued. "Only we know about their reappearance and are aware of them being captive under our security in BigHit. No other Agent- I mean, worker, is awake at this time of night," Jungkook added. You began to feel guilty, "you guys were given a break?" You asked, earning nods, "Ah, I'm so sorry." You apologised, "you guys aren't supposed to work right now and I-" you began but Jin cut in, "Hey, it wasn't your fault they targeted you." You nodded but still held opposition, "I know, but I brought that upon myself," You admitted.

"What?" Jungkook questioned, eyes widening slightly. Jin sharing the same expression.

You looked at him in puzzle before you realised how you sounded. You quickly added, "O-of course not intentionally! They were actually at the restaurant I work in and as you know, I am a waitress-" you explained but Jin interjected, "Which needs to change," You glared at him for a fraction before continuing, "-SOoo, it's my job to take in orders. I didn't know they were dangerous- clearly, and approached them for servings." You added.

By now the two men held unreadable expressions which slightly worried you but you continued nonetheless, "while taking orders, they made some shady remarks like perverts do but I ignored it and continued to act as if it didn't irritate me. Until later once I told them 'enjoy' as I served them their meal, this dude- drunk dude said that he'd enjoy more after. I brushed it off again... since he was drunk."

Jungkook scoffed slightly, "Y/N, if some 'dude' just talks to you like that -drunk or not- you get away from them. You should know that!" He frowned. You sighed and nodded, "yes dad."

"Yah! I'm being serious," Jungkook smiled lightly, "I know, I know, but back to the story," you brought back.

"After that, I really thought I was done dealing with them but this other guy literally yelled, calling me and I was literally one of the only female workers at the moment so I had no choice since the other waiters were busy with other guests. I thought they wanted some other dish but they just started 'wooting' at me." You explained before sighing in annoyance, "I got really pissed by then and indirectly told them to get out of the restaurant but the same drunk dude just stood up and came towards me saying that he'll leave if I come with him. I was damn ready to kill with my heels... b-but I'd get fired so I took the safe route towards my boss-" You rambler on But Jin coughed in, "what did he say that pissed you off?"

"You really want me to?" You asked frowning, Earning a shrug, "just curious." You raised a brow, standing up in front of them before saying "fine."

You stated, "first they called me like this",

You began to act drunk and said, " scuuuuuuse me.. cutie-" you stopped and cringed, "ew, okay um and then, uh..," You mumbled. This caused Jungkook and Jin to laugh at your reaction but told you to continue, "okay well then they said, "oho you are fiiiiiine as fuck" but more drunkenly" you sighed, crunching your nose cutely.

"Not gonna lie but they said the tr-" Jungkook started but Jin shushed him quickly, "Jungkook!" He warned. You raised a brow at the two who just shrugged.

"Oh Jungkook?" You remembered, "hm?" the said boy hummed in response.

"Do you have a pair of those finger-free gloves?" You asked, smiling after he nodded, "Yeah,"

"Great! Can I-"

"But they're at BigHit," he grinned sheepishly. You groaned, "I really need those to cover up the names, though..".

"Why do you want to hide- oh right." Jungkook started before realising that you had both of your wrists inked with his and yoongi's name.

"I can call you kookie, right?" You asked hopefully before fisting your hands in the air as he nodded with his cute bunny smile, "but, not in public. I'm sure you know why," he added. You nodded without question.

-with the rest of Bangtan-

(A/N: I made up the names entirely. If these names turn out to be anyone that you know or heard of, it's purely coincidental.)

"Yah, Joon," Yoongi called out, causing Namjoon to turn over to face the source. "Why can't I go back?" He whined. Namjoon sighed, "Hyung, we're only five guys taking watch over DOM-K. We can't let anything slip up since we've finally caught them. Plus we should actually be getting more men to keep an eye on them." He reasoned.

"It's supposed to be our fucking break," Yoongi groaned. Soon the captives let out low snickers at the man's misery. Yoongi shot up and glared at them, "you can laugh all you want," he started, "but you won't be laughing when you realise your 'fun times' have come to an end. How tragic, no? Hell will be pleasant, I'm sure. Weak-ass dickheads." That shut them up easily. 'Huh.'

"Hey joonie, I've found their identities," Hoseok yelled as he made his way from the hall that connected one room to another. "Thank god," Namjoon sighed, taking the number of papers from Hoseok before reading it out loud; "DOM-K," he started, eyeing the captivated gang that seemed to shoot glares now. Guess they don't like people knowing their names.

"Leader: Kang chulmin, has a younger brother and age 26. Leads and makes decisions for the gang." He pointed. Namjoon looked up and directed his finger towards a Man that held an iconic slanted scar over his nose with dark green and curly hair. He gave a growl at Namjoon for revealing his name but Joon remained unfazed.

"Next up, Captivator: Kim Sanguel, has a younger sister who is dead. Age 22. Stalks and Kidnaps target." Now he pointed towards the guy next to Chulmin; he had piercing green eyes, slightly more muscular in appearance than the leader and has black hair. He held a bored expression while his eyes threw daggers at BTS.

"Then we have 2 Combat fighters, namely: Cho yeon-woo and Choi Daniel - both 24 and are the only childs. Manipulate girls and participate in torture as well as rape." Namjoon's eyed hardened at the two. One with a natural brown hair and black eyes and the other with a dull blue hair and dark brown eyes, respectively. They looked unfazed yet kept a hard look. Jimin growled, "Disgusting, Shameless piece of-",

"You're only going to increase their already over-the-top egos by calling them out for what they've done," Taehyung softly spoke from behind Jimin, placing a hand on the man's shoulder to calm his nerves a little. Jimin looked over at them and noticed the slight tilt of their lips as they curved up. he let out a lower growl, walking away, "tch, fucking bastards."

Namjoon continued, "Finally, we have a... Hyung why is it blank?" Namjoon asked. Hoseok sighed and explained that the final gang member didn't include a specific task. "Okay.. well, the name is Gongchan woo: 2 elder brothers- both dead- and age 20. The youngest. Sometimes the rapist, participated in torture and erases any traces of the gang's whereabouts." RM raised a brow nonchalantly as he pointed the final member; he had brown hair, tipped with blond highlights with dark blue eyes. He looked the most expressive out of all as he showed a mix of fear and uneasiness.

Handing the paper back to hobi, Namjoon entered into the little conference-type area that was divided into two sections. The gang were tied up securely by hand-cuffs while tightly roped into a metal chair- each. "Why suddenly show up and target an innocent waitress that works in a restaurant? Why bother showing up in the first place?" He questioned.

No response.

"And seriously. Hiring other buff-looking -yet inexperienced- men just to get her?" He added, finally receiving a sort of reaction. He raised a brow again, 'interesting...'

"And even so, all of that effort to get her in your grasp? How weak are you guys?" Namjoon strategically began to mock their attempts. "Yah!" Sanguel yelled, struggling against the ropes and cuffs on the chair as he fought to attack Namjoon.


"What? Am I wrong? Or was she supposed to fall for your manipulating, Choi Daniel? What about you, Cho Yeon-woo?" He continued to add. By now the two combat fighters were twitching in rage while also struggling against the ropes that held them from attacking.

'Lets get the leader to join,' Namjoon hummed as he thought of his next triggering questions, silently signalling his members to be ready for anything with his eyes. Confirming nods in return was enough for him to begin.

"Kang chulmin," he began, noticing the gang leader snarl at him, "is there a reason why you failed to lead your group? Did you plan to get you and your members to end up caught on purpose? Gave up so soon?", "Yah, Kim Namjoon!" He shouted, "shouting won't benefit your voice box I'm afraid, but that didn't answer my questions at all." Namjoon calmly responded, "your fun times are over, Chulmin."

"Wait till I get these stupid ropes off," He spat, "now, now. I'm only going to ask for answers in return for my questions. If you answer truthfully, I may discard the ropes," Namjoon added.

The leader growled, "Like I'll listen to you," Namjoon sighed, "Tae," he called out. Just then, Taehyung entered the room with a young boy. Chulmin's eyes widen in shock, "D-Dongseang? Its.. I-" The leader stammered.

"Hyung, save it. Or should I even call you 'Hyung' anymore?" Chulmins younger brother cut in with raging eyes. "N-no dont say that, I can-" the leader tried to explain.

"Lets begin with the questions, now that you've decided to speak, shall we?" Namjoon smiled darkly.


Hohoho new character name reveal am I right? Haha nOiCe! And I'm really sorry for my lack of update 😔 I usually try to keep my updating schedule to publish a chapter after every 4 days. I'll try my best!

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~ bonnehh_

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