Chapter 33

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Jin had received a call from Jimin while you and Jungkook conversed until the call ended and Jin abruptly told you that you should take some rest for the night. Jungkook soon followed along and told you to do the same.

You had protested a number of times to sleep when they told you that you should rest. You being the stubborn girl you are, led Jungkook to lift you off of the single couch and carry you to your bedroom himself before plopping you onto the bed and wrapping you up under the covers. Jin's glare was enough to make you limp on the bed but you still stayed awake.

You saw Jin making his way beside you on the bed, slightly surprising you when he began to pet your head while also humming one of their songs. It sure was working and you began to feel drowsy.

You had long fallen into slumber for the remaining hours of the long night with last seeing Jin and Jungkook exiting your bedroom. Your eyes were already millimetres apart so you couldn't muster the energy to call out for them. Finally falling into your dreamland.


"Hyung?" Jungkook called out, "what?" Jin replied in question, glancing at the younger man beside him as they made their way out of the apartment complex.

"Is it really okay to leave Y/N alone?" He asked in concern, occasionally looking back, over his shoulders towards the building. Jin sighed, "Have some trust on the girl, kookie. Have you not seen her fight back before at that ally?"

"I have, and of course I trust her! Just- she's already hurt and I don't want her to have to defend herself again. We are there for her - to protect her.." Jungkook explained, fumbling with his fingers while doing so. "I get it. But Jimin called us to get to BigHit as soon as possible. I'm sure nothing will happen to her. She's a brave fighter anyways." Jin consoled. "Get in the car," he said as the two arrived at the car. Jungkook obediently hopped into the passenger seat while Jin took the wheel.


It was revealed to the boys that chulmin's (the leader of DOM-K) younger brother was Kang Dongho who was only 18 years old.

Namjoon started, "let him out, Taehyung." With that, the boy was taken out of the room by Taehyung, kept away from hearing any questions and answers.

Chulmin's eyes flamed with rage, "you fucking bastard, if you do anything to Dongho-" he growled but Namjoon cut in, "Nothing will happen to your brother, as long as you answer my questions truthfully." He said.

Gongchan woo(youngest gang member) spoke up; "Chulmin-"

"Shut up 'Chan. I'm not going to let them hurt my brother," the leader cut in. Hoseok watched half surprised at the leader, 'so he has a heart?'.

"I'll start off with the simple questions." Namjoon started before starting, "Were you the ones who killed a middle aged man and-"

"And fucked his daughter then burnt her?" Sanguel finished nonchalantly. Namjoon's eyes hardened, "correct.. I'll take that as a yes." Writing details onto a book that he held with him, he began the real questions that bothered all of Bangtan.

"Now, the most recent incident - which you are well aware involving the restaurant waitress." He pointed.

"Just ask the damn question." Chulmin snarled. "Very well," Namjoon obliqued.

"Why did you target her?"

Daniel spoke up, "who wouldn't want to fuck her till she begs to stop? Her voice was bound to sound delicious when she'd cry of pain when I first heard her speak," he smirked. Yoongi scowled at this. The gang weren't aware that he could hear their answers from the other side of the room, but he could and that answer itself revealed that their motives were the truth. His knuckles were turning pale white from how strong his hands were fisted.

"What happened to your soulmates?" Namjoon spoke lowly. He was finding it hard not to snap their necks himself but still contained himself.

"Dead. All of them dead. We killed 'em." Chulmin chimed in. "Damn right, they were ugly as fuck. Too clingy." Cho Yeon-woo added shamelessly.

"Have you been stalking the waitress? If so, how long?" Namjoon questioned. "No stalking this time.. she was just there and we wanted her.., Chulmin wanted her." Gongchan mumbled, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Why'd you suddenly disappear and to where?"

Sanguel laughed darkly, "ask the leader," Namjoon raised a brow in alert and turned towards the leader who sat in front of him, "care to start?"

Chulmin gave off a glare towards all of his members as they refused to answer before turning back to look straight towards Namjoon, "fuck off," he cursed.

Joon sighed sadly, "I didn't want to do this, but you're asking for it,". Just then, a scream filled the room and the gang leader's eyes widen, "What- what the fuck?! What are you doing to Dongho?!" He yelled in rage, instantly recognising the voice belonging to his brother.

"Simple," Namjoon replied, "Hurting him." He stated flatly.

"Speak up faster, the better for your only family." Namjoon chimed before straightening his posture and slamming his fist onto the wall behind him, "Speak." He commanded. The screams continued to fill the silent room and the leader visibly seemed frustrated. "Fucking- Stop hurting my brother!" He screamed. The room felt silent at an instant and Namjoon smiled, "took you long enough."

"Aish!" He let out, glaring daggers at his gang members who still refused to make eye contact. "We-" he started but yeon-woo cut him off, "you. Only you."

"We, found ourselves a secluded building and kept ourselves busy there," he stressed on the word 'we'. "Before that, we had gotten our gang enough money to spend on whatever we wanted. We... we imprisoned a chick as our fuck-slave. Outside that building, we traded sorts of drugs with some drug dealers and- that's it." He breathed.

Namjoon glanced back at Yoongi who shook his head, then turned back towards the leader, "there's more to it. Keep talking." He ordered. The leader let out a curse towards RM, "fuck you."

"Time is ticking," Namjoon mocked, glancing at his watch then at the man. The leader scoffed, "what will you do, huh? Find the building, save that chick and send us to hell?" He questioned blankly.

Namjoon smiled, "precisely. But we do have some things to take care of before we send you to hell." He faltered his smile and leaned closer, "what do you know about that waitress?" He whispered lowly.

"That she has more than 1 soulmate? Two inked names displayed on both of her wrists, her back has 3 inked names and the right of her waist has an inked name too. It's already fucking obvious that she is the rare multifated. Her left thigh too. Inked with a name. Seven. Seven fucking soulmates is what she has. That slut of a multifated really interested me so I wanted her. As simple as that." He said nonchalantly.

"How'd you know where all her inked names were?" Namjoon's voice dropped octaves deeper. He eyed Gongchan who remained in place. "So you did stalk her?" He asked.

"Let me speak, will you?" Chulmin cut in, "The kid isn't lying, we didn't stalk her but that uniform is half translucent so it's easy to spot black on her skin. She knows that we were all drunk. Me, maybe more than everyone but I still managed to pin point them. That chick is a fish-brain if she thinks no one will notice." Chulmin finished with a shrug.

"Who were those other men in that ally?" Joon continued to interview, "hired em'. Drug dealers. They all know about her special case and wanted her too. After our turn to fuck her up, we planned to sell her off to those dickheads for big money in return," he blurted out, now completely done with everything.

"Where'd you keep those pussies?" Chulmin questioned this time.

"Another room." Namjoon put simply. "I'd thank you for cooperating but I'm sure you don't care about shit so I'll be leaving now." Namjoon stood up, walking over to exit the room while eyeing each and every gang member at the same time with a hardened look. "I expect to see all of you here, when I return." He finally put and left the room - last hearing Chulmin yell; "Get the ropes off you Shitty fuck!".


As the dimpled man exited the room, he let out a smile towards Dongho who approached him with Taehyung trailing beside him. "Thank you for playing along. We got the answers to our questions thanks to you.. and uh," he hesitated, "I'm sorry," he sighed sadly, "about your brother."

The boy shook his head dismissively, "don't worry about it," Dongho smiled sadly, "my brother was long dead to me. This Chulmin - I don't know him." He kept a strained smile. Taehyung patted the boy's shoulder sympathetically, who only sighed.

"I'm glad I could be of help." He added.

Just then, Jungkook and Jin entered the room with Jimin trailing behind them. Dongho's eyes widen in disbelief, "J-Jungkook...?" He blurted.

Jungkook looked over to Dongho and shared the same expression - his eyes flew wide and he took a step back in shock and froze in place. He shook out of his trance and held a confused expression.

"Dongho? What are you doing here?"


So I was pretty blank while writing this chapter.. lol. The questions from joonie are pretty mixed up but I couldn't maintain an order so it ended that way.

So Jungkook and Dongho know each other huh?? (=^^=) I wonder how they met~

Love you guys! 💜💙

~ bonnehh_

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