Chapter 34

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"Dongho? What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

His Hyungs shared a puzzled look with one another until Jin spoke up, "You two know each other?"

Jungkook nodded then proceeded to engulf Dongho into a hug, "been a while, man." He smiled. Dongho shared the smile, hugging the boy back, "Yeah,".

"Okay, great reunion but how-" Jimin cut in impatiently but Jungkook cut him off, "Wow Dongho, you look so much more.. mature," he grinned, pulling away from the hug, examining the younger boy. "Riiigght, And you still look like a coconut, hyung," He snickered Before yelping as the 'hyung' hit the back of his head, "yah!"

Jimin frowned, "yah, Jungkook," he called out, this time earning his attention. "How do you two know each other?" He questioned.

"Ah, right," the younger let out, "a few weeks back, when it was my turn to get the groceries, this kid right here crashed his trolly into me. Pretty hard, may I add."he started, eyeing Dongho who smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, so he started panicking and asked me if I was okay... I was not." He continued, still eyeing the boy, "Aish, hyung, I'm sorry okay?!" He whined.

"Then, he treated me to free food as an apology and we became friends. Oh and we hung out a little at the park after eating, then I remembered that you all will starve if I don't get back so I didn't see him since then, after I left." He finished.

"Well, he is related to DOM-K leader, Chulmin." Namjoon piped in, calmly, "he lended us some big help before you and Jin Hyung showed up. Since the two of you are familiar with each other, I'm offering Dongho to our place. What do you say?" Namjoon directed the last part to the teen boy who nodded willingly.

Jin joined in, "oh and Joon, Y/N is asleep at her home right now. Me and Jungkook have secured the entrance from any possible intruders just in case." He informed. Yoongi spoke up, "can I stay over with her either way? Who knows if whatever intruder is prepared well in advanced for such things." He shrugged. Hoseok rolled his eyes, "you just want to sleep."

"Is it wrong?" Yoongi shot back, "I didn't say that," hobi mumbled.

Namjoon broke in, "we all can go back. I've called for the security agents. They'll be here in 10 to 15 minutes. Till then, we'll have to keep watch on the gang. If it makes anyone feel better, I've also called for an installment on our security at the area in case they manage to get out of the chairs." The boys smiled approvingly and nodded.


You didn't know why you suddenly woke up. It may have been because of what you went through- you weren't sure.

You did sleep a little, that's for sure. But your eyes seem wide awake now and your room still remained dark. You checked the time and found out that it was only 4 in the morning. You didn't realise how fast things escalated within those four hours.

You laid on your bed and thought back on the occurred events.

You unconsciously served a criminally involved gang at your work place at the restaurant. They became drunk and you left from work slightly early at around 11:50pm. One of the gang members were stalking you and soon that turned to chasing. You called the boys for help and dropped your phone when that stalker caught to you-

"My phone!" You let out. That's right, you needed to get a new phone as soon as possible or you would have to go through the trouble of contacting anyone when you needed them. Better yet, you were well aware that you had involuntarily involved yourself into a dangerous road so if you were to get in trouble, (which you hoped wouldn't happen soon) no one would be able to track your location nor know of your situation till it's too late.

You shuddered at the thought and got off your bed to fetch yourself a calming glass of water. 'Wait...' you paused.

Where are the boys? Are they still at BigHit?

You changed your way of direction towards the exit and pulled on to the door—-
"What the hell?" You questioned to no one in particular. A new set of questions filling your mind as you realised that the door was locked from the other side. You were quite sure about the culprit for this doing and groaned loudly, "KIM SEOKJIN!!!".


Jin sneezed as he buckled up into the driver's seat of the SUV. The boys looking at the eldest curiously.

Jin shrugged, "someone's thinking about me, I guess." he smiled. "Who the hell would waste their time thinking over you?" Yoongi questioned nonchalantly at the back, "yah!" Jin frowned. 'The disrespect!'.

-time skip brought to you by Jimin's abs-

The boys -including Dongho- had reached to the front of their apartment door, Jin pocketing for the keys so everyone can come in.

You sat blankly at the couch in your living room and stared at the ceiling. Instantly though, you heard a number of footsteps outside and rushed over and began to bang at your door, "YAH! Get me out of here! Bangtan!!" You knew it was them. Who else would come back at this time of night?

A faint "Y/N?" was heard on the other side. You recognised that voice to belong to Jimin. "Yes 'Y/N'! Open the fucking door! I'm mad!" You yelled at the stubborn door that remained locked.

You paused at your movements and picked on a few words, "she's mad? I'm scared," that was definitely Hoseok. "Yeah, dont open it, hyung.." and that was Jungkook.

"YAH! I'll be furious if this door doesn't fucking open right now! I can here you idiots!" You yelled once more. Pulling away from the door when you heard an instant click at your door. You let out a huff in relief and flung the door open, holding a frown on your face with furrowed brows.

"Good morning..?" Jin sheepishly let out. You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at the eldest, "explain." You gritted out.


After joining the boys at their apartment room in the living room, Jin had quickly explained why the door was locked and where they were while you slept soundly. They told you about Namjoon having to conference the gang and that the boys had to wait till the company's security were there. You settled down from being mad and heaved out your forgiveness, "but please tell me next time." You added.

"And who's the quiet one?" You asked, pointing at Dongho who sat silently beside Jungkook. He began to fidget shyly as he was put into the spotlight. Jungkook spoke up, "this is Dongho. He's my friend and also.. one of the gang's brother," he whispered the last to you so the boy wouldn't here him.

"Oh.." you frowned but quickly placed a smile, "hi there," you greeted. "Hi." He simply put.

"Yah, since when did you become shy?" Hoseok chuckled, elbowing at the younger's side teasingly, "I'm not shy! I just- never mind.." He grumbled. 'Cute.' You thought.

You snapped back and realised something, "oh fuck-" you stood up and went over and sat beside Yoongi at the other end of the couch, slightly hiding your frame. Yoongi looked at you questioningly but you quickly briefed him an explanation, "I need to cover up the names, he can't know that I'm a multifated.." he nodded, "Come with me. I'll get you a full sleeve shirt, I think I have one which can kinda fit you." He stood up and pulled you with him to his room.


Dongho watched as you and Yoongi stood up and walked away abruptly. He took advantage of your absence and asked a question that lingered in his mind when he first saw you; "Jungkook Hyung," he tucked at the said man's sleeve, earning his attention as well as the others.

"Why does Y/N h-" he began but Bangtan shrieked, "Y/N?!" Dongho jumped at this and looked at the elders in a panicked-questioning expression.

"She's older than you!" Jungkook scolded. "So it's okay if I call her noona? Isn't she like- one of you guys' girlfriend?" The youngest questioned. "N-no, she's just.. our really close- er, friend." Jimin denied, earning nods from the others in unison, "uh, what were you asking about her?" Jin reminded.

"Right, uhm, Why does Y- noona have so many bandages? Did something happen?" He asked innocently, noticing the change in expression from the elders. "Ah, She was actually targeted by the gang. We saved her in time before anything wors-" Namjoon explained but Jungkook cut him off, "she's fine now. Nothing else happened." He finished with a blank look, 'thank god.'

Just then, Yoongi and Y/N returned but the only difference this time was that you had worn an overly huge long sleeve shirt that extended over your palms. The grey shirt stretched down till your mid thighs, making you look adorably smaller. Yoongi sat down onto the same spot with a satisfied and proud smile while gesturing you to sit next to him- which you did.

Jungkook whispered to Dongho, "cute, huh?" He smirked, amusingly eyeing the teen boy who stared at you with a light pink tint on his cheeks. Dongho snapped out of his trance and furiously shook his head, "no!" He yelled, involuntarily catching everyone's attention, "uh- um," he stammered.

"Dongho just denied that you're cute." Jungkook exclaimed. The teen boy shrunk into his seat in embarrassment, mumbling out a 'no' repeatedly. One things for sure, the boy didn't expect you to smile at him, "that's right! I'm not cute! Tell these idiots!" You cheered, "hah! In yo' face!". It puzzled the boy at your odd reaction. He most definitely expected the opposite, which so happens to be the reaction of any girl. It interests him a lot.

"You're not angry?" He blurted, earning an eye smile from yours truly as you shook your head, "nope. I don't think I'm cute either but these stubborn oldies think otherwise. I really don't get what's cute about me, or wait... maybe it's the soulma-MPH!" You rambled But Yoongi slammed a hand over your mouth, eyeing you with a hint of a warning- to which you quickly nodded.

"The sleepless night has gotten into her head. Excuse this girl, please. She really.. loves the idea of having to meet her soulmate but she hasn't met him yet." Yoongi stated. You furrowed your brows, 'do they not like the idea of reveal me as at least one of their soulmates?'.

You understood the part where you were secretly a multifated. However, playing off as any normal being with one soulmate was an alternate option that they could use. Seems as though that they threw that thought out of the window. So you guessed just being none of their fated soulmate would be better comfortable for them in front of the teen.

You gently pulled yoongi's palm away from your lips and let them retract back to himself silently. Feeling just a tad bit sad at your thoughts.

Hoseok, who unconsciously had settled at the arm of the couch noticed your change in behaviour as you quieted down. His face changed into a look of concern for a while before hiding his worries until he finds a time alone with you, following along at an ongoing conversation the remaining boys shared with the teen.


The bright morning striked through the living room's glass door-like windows (apartment consists of a balcony lol. The doors slide open and closed but they're all made of glass so we can see the view outside from the inside the room as well.)

You and the boys had relaxed onto the couches together. Dongho had taken his leave a while ago. Hoseok remained at the arm of the couch while you were noticibly zoned out. Yoongi had long fallen into slumber even before Dongho left.

You stayed beside the pale man as he unconsciously radiated his body warmth to you as you sat beside him. It gave you a sense of comfort and relaxed your mind so you didn't move from your spot.

Hoseok silently watched as the boys announced that they were heading off into their respective rooms to either do something or to gain some of their lost sleep, still aware that you were awake while leaning back on the couch beside him. He made sure everyone had completely left, slightly irritated at Jin's protests to also take rest, "Hyung, I'm not tired, really. You can go sleep, you need rest too, afterall." He tried to convince, finally earning a reluctant sigh from the eldest, "alright... but make sure-" he began but hobi cut in, "Yeah, Yeah, I'll rest too, stop worrying! Plus I'll be with Y/N. Now gooo" He shooed.

At the mention of your name, you snapped back to reality and realised that it was only a sleeping Yoongi and an irritated-looking Hoseok beside you on the couch. "Hobi, has everyone gone to sleep?" You tugged at his shirt's sleeve.

"Ah, most of them. Jimin and Jungkook said that they were going to play in their room." He answered. You nodded in acknowledgement while staring off at the floor.

"Y/N?" Hoseok called out softly. You hummed in response.

"What's wrong?"

Hhhhh this chapter is probably the longest now. 2256 words man.

Are y'all going to spill da tea or lie? I'm pretty sure the following chapter is predictable 😂😂

Love you!💞💞

~ bonnehh_

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