Chapter 36 -💋-

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The "💋" pretty much means that there is a lot of kissing in this particular chapter. FiNaLLy eVerYoNe gEtS a KiSs! 😜

"actually... the remaining of us want a kiss too."

You didn't know how to respond. You stood still, contemplating whether or not should you be replying or not.

'Do I say "of course!"? No, that sounds desperate... sure?? Okay?? N-'

"Earth to Y/N?" Jungkook broke in, snapping you back, "Uh, w-what do you want me to say? yes?? Of course?" You blurted. The boys shared a look amongst each other then proceeded to nod. Well.

"Uh, then.. um, g-go ahead?" You felt so awkward. Not in a bad way of course. No one has admitted such a statement, nor have you ever heard of such an admittance. Well, there's a first for everything.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" The five yelled in unison. Realisation hit you, and you figured out that they were already fighting over one another to be the first in line.

Hoseok and Taehyung watched from the couch, sitting side by side with bored eyes at their brothers, "I've never found myself watching such a ridiculous scene my entire life." Hoseok let out, earning a blank nod from the younger, "so competitive over a simple kiss from our Y/N, too." He added.

"Yah, just kiss her. Why are you preparing a waiting line? I'm sure she's fine with it. Don't make our girl wait." Hoseok yelled over their chanting. Catching Hobi's words, the five turned silent and glanced at the boy.

Then at you.

Then at each other.

"HOSEOK" you yelled at him, a fierce blush apparent on your cheeks, "why would you say-WAH!" You whined but a grip on both of your shoulders surprised you as it spun you towards the source. That being Jungkook.

At an instant, new and soft lips crashed to yours, catching you off guard. A choruses of 'yah!'s could be heard ringing in the room.

Your senses quickly returned to you when you felt his lips move against yours and you instantly responded. Already used to his lips, you savoured the content sigh he let out. He then nibbled gently at the bottom of your lips, causing you to feel butterflies in you. He then slowly and reluncantly pulled away, fluttering his eyes open along with you.

You stood quiet as you recalled the others watching your little moment. "Yah! Stop making me nervous! Everyone!" You whined loudly, covering your face with your palms to cover the growing blush on your cheeks.

"Cute!!!" Jungkook giggled, engulfing you into a tight hug, finding your little embarrassed actions adorable, muffling your voice.

"Yah! Jungkook! Your turn is over! Let go of Y/N!" A number of voices yelled together, causing the said man to flinch slightly, while letting go of you to let the others have their kiss (though he prefers to keep you to himself, atm).

Your hands were soon pulled away from your face by Jimin, who rewarded you with his cute eye smile. You remained flustered at the thought of having an audience. Anticipating the third kiss of the day, you swallowed a gulp and waited for him to pull a move, acknowledging the fact that he still held your hands in his, not letting it go.

Jimin's smile grew wider at the flustered look you gave towards him, instantly looking over at his brothers to announce your seemingly adorable expression, "she's so precious, Ah!!" He fanboyed cutely, unconsciously melting your heart.

He turned back to you with a glint in his eyes, "is this when I get my soon-to-be-rewarded kiss?" He asked, earning an unsure laugh from your side. "Haha.., I didn't plan to deliver it this way but, uh, sure?" You admitted, regaining some of your usual confidence to rise ever so slightly. This caught the attention of the others, "Jimin was in your 'kissing' list?" Hoseok let out in question.

"A-anyio! He - he just bursted through his room when I was l-looking for you and said that he wanted a kiss from me but at that time I had gone to you because you kissed me out of the blue and ran awa-MPH!" Jimin cut you off impatiently, walking forward as you slightly tumbled backwards by the force and hit the wall of your living room in the process. (A/N: yus cliche. Suck it)

You instantly kissed him back at the feeling of his plump pink lips pressed against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as you unconsciously wrapped your hand around his shoulders, bringing one of your hands to tangle with his silky locks. He moved his hands to wrap at your hip, pressing them flushed against his torso.

He didn't even care that the boys yelled out about his actions, "Yah Jimin! You're taking it too deep!"

In fact, it only brought him to up his level of 'deep-ness'. He licked along the bottom of your lip, causing you to gasp breathily. He swiftly put his tongue into action, sloppily exploring your mouth.

It was addicting to say the least.

You tugged at his hair when you felt his tongue move against yours, instantly receiving a low groan of approval from the latter. Your knees began to give out on you, so you clenched onto his shirt to keep yourself standing.

Abruptly, the mochi was pulled away from you, letting out a whine at an instant when he no longer felt you against his body, "Yah! It was getting good too!" He let out, pouting his flushed and swollen lips sulkily.

"Don't 'Yah' me! Aish, seriously this kid. Know your limits! Who knows where you'd have taken it if it weren't for us to stop you," Jin interjected, scoldingly. The scolded man intensified his pout, looking away from the elder as he backed away to join the audience. Quickly though, he looked back to find that Namjoon had also pulled you away from the wall, away from him.

You held onto his fabric as your legs stayed weak under you. The dimpled man instantly took notice of this and had pinned your body back to the wall making it your support.

Only this time, he made you wrap your legs around his hips, lifting you to stay in the level of his face since he was clearly a head taller. Your mind was fuzzy so you hadn't taken full attention to your position.

Once again, the boys complained about the positioning, voicing their opinions to reveal that they found it 'too sexual', "you're literally digging your huge ass into her va-" Taehyung yelled, only to be cut off by the eldest, who nudged his side warningly, "finish that sentence I dare you, young man." He glared.

Taehyung pouted childishly, only to be distracted by the sound of your surprised yelp. Turning to face you- your show, Namjoon had dived straight into the tongue action, dominating your mouth easily while tasting every inch of your mouth.

Breaths and saliva mixing, your mind grew fuzzier by the seconds that passed. You unconsciously let out a soft moan at the feeling of having your lower lip clasped by Namjoon's teeth. He bit roughly at it, yet made sure not to hurt you - to which he successfully passed.

Your legs tightened around his slim torso as one of his hands travelled to grope at your ass while the other angled your face perfectly for him to suck you off.

He pulled away only slightly, before giving you one last and final kiss that stretched about 5 seconds long. Finally pulling away, he held a devilish smirk at the sight of your state; legs weak, swollen pink lips, messy hair and dazed eyes.

He didn't let go of you however, still holding you in his arms by your ass while keeping you flat against his body. Your breathing still uneven, you unconsciously reminded yourself that two more of your men awaited for their turn. (Jin and Yoongi)

It seemed to you that after every individual, they become more heated than the previous one, supposedly still growing as the next - Yoongi - settled you onto his lap, making you straddle him. You didn't even realise when it had happened.

Looking up, the man held dark eyes as he scanned you briefly before diving for his kiss. Or perhaps you could say, make-out.

You shut your eyes closed the nth time, kissing the man back just as fiercely as he did. Biting onto your lips, sucking and licking them altogether made your legs tremble at where they rested, your breath becoming uneven once again, you tangled your hands into his hair, tugging on it loosely while he sneaked his arms to hug at your waist, straightening your lower back. It caused you to lean more into him, chest touching chest, it was almost as if he intended to feel you pressed to him.

Unlike in reality, he did very much intend to do so.

The other boys watched with gawking mouths, unable to believe that Yoongi out of all of them took the initiative to make you sit on his lap - to make you straddle him while sucking the air out of you effectively. They watched with a gulp as the pale man's hands trailed up and down your sides then to your ass, giving it a visible squeeze.

You gasped at that, only to let out an unexpected moan as you felt one of his hand's slender fingers touch your warm skin, underneath the cloth of your pants, causing goosebumps to arise.

"Hyung! You can't touch her like that, it was just meant to be a Frickity fracking kiss! Nothing else!" Jungkook yelled out instantly, tumbling over to the two of you along with the other boys.

You were swiftly lifted off of yoongi's lap from behind, now gasping for air. Looking over your shoulders, it was Hoseok who frowned at the smirking Male that had just kissed you.

Yoongi, casually crossed his legs over one another and amusedly eyed at his overly jealous brothers. "It was never mentioned. I wouldn't have done that if there were kissing rule's so called 'limits'." He simply put, licking at his flushed lips in the end.

Back onto your feet, you finally regained some of your strength with the time you got, still not moving away from hobi, who seemingly was back hugging you.

"Okay, out of the way immatures, you don't know how to let a woman breathe." Jin chimed out arrogantly, shoving Hoseok away form you while gently pulling you into his arms. A soft smile on his features while examining your swollen lips, "they couldn't give you a chance to breathe, huh?" He spoke out with a chuckle.

You smiled weakly, "s' okay," you replied back breathily.

The younger men, (except of Tae and hobi) stood dumbfounded, realising just how much of little time they spared you before pulling you towards themselves to get their kiss instantly. No time to catch a breath. Instantly sharing similar feelings of guilt, they erupted into a chorus of 'sorry's. You smiled towards them softly, "it's okay, guys." You shrugged off, before having your face turned by the eldest ever so gently to face his.

"You can handle one more kiss, yeah?" He mumbled, never letting your lips go out of his sight. You blushed brightly, nodding shyly.

Soon, he gently pressed his lips lovingly against yours, more calm and lazy. He made sure to massage at your swollen lips carefully with his own, earning a content sigh from you. He smiled into the kiss, satisfied with the way your breathing had calmed and how you relaxed.

Pulling away, the man gave off a dirty smirk towards his brothers with a silent message saying, 'im the only true gentleman, fuck you'.

You were admitttedly surprised with how gentle the last one turned out, expecting an even higher level of making-out into your list of kissing levels.

Jin quickly piped up, "now that we all have gotten our long-wanted kiss, Y/N, we were wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner with us?" He asked hopefully.

You smiled sweetly at the man and nodded towards the group, "of course!".


So I know that my chapters so far haven't involved any scenes involving kissing or further steps of intimacy except for just one, I thought having a chapter filled with kisses (or Make-out) could possibly make up for the previous chapters that didn't hold such moments.

Vote for similar chapters if you want some, and I'll prepare a future chapter just because you want to read some... (ya nasty)



Love you guys a bunch! 🥰💜

~ bonnehh_

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