Chapter 37

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The time for dinner was still far ahead seeing as the day shone brightly with the sun overhead. The boys had cheered loudly when you gratefully accepted the offer, earning a giggle fit from you.

Calming down a little from the excitement of having a night out, you and the boys had settled cozily on your couches. You sat comfortably in between Taehyung and Yoongi as the two wrapped their arms around you in a side hug from each side, keeping you warm. Beside Taehyung sat Jungkook, followed by Namjoon. (A/N: long asS couch if I say so myself)

The other one of your couches had Jin and Hoseok while Jimin occupied your single-person couch. You were grinning like an idiot as you scanned over every individual's face, seeing as the many of them held swollen lips. Out of the seven, only Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin did not. Of course, your smile only grew wider when Jimin noticed the giddy smile, asking why you were smiling so much.

"Everyone - except Jin, Hobi and Jungkook have swollen lips." You answered, still grinning.

This caught the attention of all. Some displayed different shades of pink and red while the others grinned similarly as you. "That's when you know the kiss was good." Namjoon smirked. "I mean, sure we have our lips swollen but have you seen yours, Y/N?" Yoongi piped in amusement. You shook your head, furrowing your brows curiously as you believed it was just as swollen as theirs.

"Is it really swollen?" You asked, licking at your lips instinctively. Earning confirming nods, you shrugged, "Well, you can't really be surprised. You guys sucked the oxygen out of me, one after another. With the exception of Jin, of course." You countered defensively. Jin smiled approvingly at your statement, giving off a cocky look towards his brothers who ignored it.

"Where's the dinner being held, by the way?" You piped up, "That's for us to know, and for you to be surprised for." Hoseok smiled, followed by nods from the other boys. Your eyes furrow slightly, "is the restaurant far? Fancy or casual? *le gasp* Expensive? I swear to god, BTS, if it's expensive—" you began but Jungkook cut you off, "it's a surprise," he emphasised the word 'surprise', "And don't worry about the cost, sweetheart. That's all on us." Jin softly added.

Your heart fluttered at the name but you held in the urge to squeal. Instead, you tried to contribute to whatever price the dinner would may cost, "let me at least pay for my dish- or even half of my dish, i can't possibly let you guys pay for my food which I ordered," you started, "plus, it will add onto the cost for your ordered dishes— drinks too! I might as well not eat at all, I'd feel too guilty!" You frowned. The boys gently shook their heads, "Y/N, we don't care how much we have to spend if it means you have a good time and won't have to worry for expenses. That's all." Yoongi softly let out, slowly laying his head onto your shoulder while securing his grip around your waist.

You sighed defeatedly. You knew all to well that they'd insist more over your defiance. You couldn't find it right to have someone else pay on your behalf for the things that you wanted - that being anything from food to accessories to even clothes. In addition to that, if you were to be able to afford the things you want, why should the other person pay either way? You can pay for yourself all together, instead. They earned their income for themselves, so why waste that well earned money on you? It's not that you don't appreciate their way to show gratification, it's just the thought of spending money on you instead of getting something that they want for themselves with their own money just doesn't settle well for y—-

"Y/N, you're over thinking again," Taehyung broke you out of your thoughts, nuzzling his nose into your fluffy and silky hair. "It's what we want to do," Jimin reasoned, figuring some of your thoughts, "we'd be happy if you'd let us." He added softly.

Reluctantly, you nodded, "alright..," right after though, you eyed Taehyung and Namjoon who frowned disapprovingly at your look, knowing the look on your face all too well that said 'I will spend money for you too'. The expression itself held firmness to it but you very much knew that only the two out of the seven knew about your plan to repay them.

"Then in the coming future, I will treat you all out too. Whether it would be food or clothing - anything." You stated, yet instantly, the boys let out a chorus of defiance, "Y/N, we can't let you do that-" Jungkook started, "exactly, it would be too much! You don't have to repay us anyhow!" Hoseok added, "being able to get you things that make you happy is enough!" Taehyung joined.

"Guys," you tried to counter back but Jin beat you to it, "as much as I appreciate your way to repay us, I can't let you spend money on all seven of us, Y/N." He frowned in distaste. You pouted, "but what if I want to?" You asked, "there is no need at all, though. But... If you really do want repay us - which let me tell you does not involve money at all, - then your happiness is all we need. Repay us with your smile, spending time with us, by being happy and by being yourself, just those things are more than enough." Namjoon interjected, having Yoongi instantly add, "Exactly!".

You couldn't help but let a content smile to settle into your features, 'I know how i feel now. There can't be another time after this.' You thought.

"I love you guys." You smiled sweetly at every individual, meaning every word you just let out. In response, all of them visibly perked up in shock, having been startled due to the strong term you used.

"L-Love? As in--" Jungkook began but you cut him off, "Literally. This confession may not be the best way of telling since I'm never the best with words, but I feel it's the best timing I could find to reveal it. I mean every word, really." You shyly let out.

"You- you love us," Hoseok breathed, "romantically," he added, still breathily as well. The way he rephrased it made you turn visibly shy and embarrassed. You nodded silently at his statement.

Wait... do they feel the same way though?

Instantly, you straightened your posture on the couch and re-adjusted your slightly crumpled clothes on you; "Uh- b-but I hope it doesn't pressurises anyone— I mean, like - My feelings may not be mutual a-and it's totally okay! I just needed to-to let you guys know how I feel, and this sudden confession in no means n-needs to be accepted cause I most definitely can't let you guys force yourselves to see me in a dif- different way, that's all reall-" You stuttered out quickly in a panic, but yoongi's suddenly tight grip on your waist distracted you, so you turned over to look at him in question.

"You know, you really do talk too much," he started with a small playful smile while looking at you in the eyes. You parted your lips slightly to question his words before you felt his soft lips on yours the second time.

Although you admit that you've already received many sudden kisses, it never gets old and surprises you all the time. Before you could react though, Suga had already pulled away, "You know that saying where actions speak louder than words? I hope you've got your answer." He smiled his gummy smile this time, satisfied later when you nodded. You were beyond flustered and turned into a blushing mess.

Taehyung then took your attention from the pale man and landed a sweet peck on your cheek, "I love you, too." He whispered before pulling away, with a proud grin at your burning face.

"I love you too, Y/N. more than you could imagine." Jimin shyly let out with his adorable eye smile, coming over and placing his own little kiss on the other cheek, before settling back to where he sat.

You covered your face, embarrassed. Your feelings were really being returned.

Hoseok jumped up from his seat and pulled you up and into his embrace, "I love, love, love you!" He exclaimed happily, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You let out a giggle and returned his embrace.

Abruptly, Jungkook broke the embrace and replaced hobi with himself, while placing a gentle kiss on your head, "mine." He grinned toothily, "I love you too, Y/N-ie." He softly confessed. You returned his hug as well, overjoyed with the happenings that were taking place.

Jungkook slowly pulled away and let Jin confess too.

"Y/N, I'm really happy you feel that way about me..." he started softly, tugging a strand of your hair behind your ear, "but, I'm really sorry," he sighed. 'W-what?' Your smile faltered slightly, "w-why are you apologising?" You hesitated to ask.

"Hyung?" Taehyung and Namjoon questioned, confused themselves.

The room fell silent after that. You noticed that the others were lost too, 'he's serious?' Hoseok thought in utter shock, 'but he can't be!' Jungkook's mouth stayed slightly agape. 'But I thought...?' Jimin tensed, eyes furrowing, "Hyung, what do you mean?" Yoongi asked aloud, catching the eldest's attention. Jin sighed once again, returning his attention to you while wrapping his hands loosely around your waist and staring down at you who looked at him full of nerves.

"Y/N, I—-"


Cliffhanger oooooooooooohH! So, idk myself but it has come to this, readers.

I promise you though, that this book only allows happy endings. (I cant stand bad endings 🤧) you will receive the satisfaction you deserve of the ending but,

Stories do contain angst or if you prefer to use "sad" or "depressing". There are more to come and I hope you realise that there are always ups and downs no matter what. Don't worry, though! You'll see how it turns out :)

Love you all! 💞💕💜🥰


Happy birthday to me, and to those who have had a birthday this month, along with The ones who've yet to come :)

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