Chapter 38

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"Y/N, I just..." Jin cut himself off, seemingly struggling to find suitable words to use.

"Jin," you smiled weakly, "you don't have to say it, I understand," you breathed. The elder shook his head dismissively, "no, no, you have to hear me out," he insisted and your throat began to clog. It was clearly a rejection. The fact that he wanted to explain his reasons only made you feel like you weren't enough. The reasons why you weren't enough.

"I— you said you love me - love us, right?" He began, pulling at your waist to bring you closer to his body. You were beginning to feel dizzy from the confusion that burst through you at a rapid pace but nodded nonetheless. Does he want me to get my hopes up? Why won't he just say it? What's with his gestures?

His actions gave off a completely different answer to his upcoming words. His hands wrapped around your waist gave off a message conveying that he wants you close to him. Yet, the sentence that he is seemingly trying to put to words are clearly an apology. An apology towards your sincere love confession. An apology to your confession because his feelings aren't mutual with yours.

"So, I'm sorry." He repeated, carefully watching your reaction as words left his lips.

"But I love you more than you do to me."

'Wait, What?'

"..." The room fell silent after that and your breathing paused. The boys still stuck in processing his words.

"AISH, HYUNG!" The Makne line yelled, soon followed by the sound of groans shared in the room.

Yoongi rubbed at his temple in irritation while Hoseok basically began to judge every single part of Jin, followed by Namjoon who facepalmed repeatedly with a disappointed yet, annoyed sigh. Jin didn't care though. After his little laughing fit, he noticed your figure still frozen under his embrace and began to grow worried.

You stood blank under the eldest's arms, unable to comprehend whether or not were your feelings returned or accepted— Wait, that's kinda the same thing—-

"Y/N? Hey, I'm sorry, i couldn't think of a cheesier... return confession right on the spot," Jin brought you out of your dazed form. "W-what?" You stuttered, finally looking back at him. "W-well my feelings for you were obvious so I just played along to a suspension for my answer." He briefly let out. Your exhaled slowly, "but I thought you were apologising because your feelings weren't mutual..?" You replied, more of a question to yourself than to anyone. Jin tilted his head for a moment..

He then paused, "Wait..." he furrowed his brows at you, "You thought I was going to reject you?!" He yelled, letting go of your body and jumping around the living space in disbelief once you nodded.

"HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK THAT WAY?!" He screamed, starting to become reckless with your 'stupid' assumption. "I-I just, uh-" You stammered, looking around at the others as a plead for help. Catching onto your silent request, Namjoon made his way to the reckless man and patted his back awkwardly, "she knows your true feelings now, though.." he mumbled. Jin only turned more reckless, "Now! Not before! I cant believe it! Y/N-" Jin jumped, speeding towards your figure in a rush, "Y/N, I am so sorry that you thought I didn't love you! You must have felt so bad! I should have been mOrE ObViOuS!!" He exclaimed dramatically, pulling you into his embrace.

You smiled at his behaviour, "it's okay, Jinnie! I'm just really... I guess I don't believe- I couldn't actually," you started. "I couldn't believe that someone would love a girl like me, let alone like." You stated with a bitter chuckle at the end. "I just feel like I need to change and become more like someone that everyone finds a liking to. Me being multifated doesn't count. I always have this thought in the back of my head that screams out my insecurities. I always think that I'm not skinny enough, I should start a diet, I need to become more likeable. Become one of those people who stay flawless and pretty. Get myself a wardrobe filled with expensive clothes, wear designer clothes to have some sort of status because that's what usually attracts people... having loads of money, buying whatever you want. Everyone seem to love those people.., well to my perspective. I keep thinking that if I could only be them, then I'd find someone who'd find an attraction towards me." You sighed, feeling Jin's arms tighten around your form. Namjoon frowned and came over to you, replacing Jin's hug with his.

"You don't need to change, Y/N. People who can't see how unique and amazing you are, aren't people you should be thinking about. Me and the boys see how different you are. In a good way. Your differences are what makes you, You. Don't try to change and lose yourself trying to become someone you're not. You are one of a kind, and that's what makes you so special. You're so special that you managed to have seven different boys fall for you. Because you were you. Don't let anyone take that special you, away. And people who don't like you? They're just envious. They're jealous because they aren't you. They can't accept the fact that you are so unique. It frustrates them so much, that they begin to search for ways to take that away from you. So that they can be you." He smiled.

"You might think what special you have in you. That special is something no one knows, except for yourself, Y/N. You just have this... this thing that- that I can't seem to find words to describe. You're just so.. you. It's sometimes terrifying because I'm just wondering how you unconsciously made your way into our hearts so fast. It's practically impossible to imagine the speed but it happened. Even so, I'm happy -  We're all happy."

(A/N: love yourself :,) )

You were tearing up from the endearing words that Joon spoke, tightening your arms around his slim waist to put all your emotions into the hug. "Thank you," you breathed, voice pitchy-er because of the buildup of emotions. You snuggled your face into his chest while he tightened his grip around you as well, "It's only the truth, Princess." He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on top of your head lovingly. "I love you too, Y/N." He finished.

"Is it a wrong time for me to say that we need to get ready for tonight's dinner?" Taehyung piped up.

"What the— Taehyung!"


The boys retreated back to their apartment room and began to ready themselves for the upcoming dinner. Each of them fixing up their little accessories to go along with their outfit. You were informed that the dinner was some what formal, therefore you and the boys had decided on wearing suits for the boys and a formal dress for you.

The men had finished up within one and a half hour... you in the other hand...

"Why is it so difficult to pick out what to freaking wear?!" You yelled to the air, huffing in frustration as all the formal outwear that you owned were displayed on top of your bed. Just 3 to be exact. You spent your hour freshening up with a shower, shaving your skin clean and smooth and drying your hair in hopes to have time to think about your choice.

At the end of the hour though, you were left with an empty head as you glared at your dresses. "Why am I so hopeless?" You sighed.

Just then, a knock on your bedroom door signified the presence of another person. "What the- who is it?" You called out, reaching towards your bedroom door to see who managed to enter your apartment in the first place. "It's hobi! Your hope!" A cheerful voice replied, causing you to let a smile plaster into your face unconsciously. What a timing.

Guess I'm not hopeless after all - hope is right in front of me.

Just as you opened your door, you froze on your spot and your eyes shot wide. Holy wacka moly in a frickity fracking trolly.

Hoseok stood at your door with a black suit, a perfectly styled hair that let you have a glimpse of his holy forehead. His red hair matching with his red bow tie that perfectly fit upright, around his neck. His hearty smile greeting you with so much light and affection, it nearly made your eyes squint from the brightness. Just as you were examining his gorgeous features, you noticed light makeup displayed on his eyes and perfectly coloured brows with lip balm on his lips to make them look extra kissable.

We love a man who wears makeup.

You may have forgotten to breath and may have stared at Hoseok for longer than you had intended to, considering he cleared his throat to catch your attention. Snapping back to your senses, you blushed slightly when you noticed the amused expression the man held, "checking me out, huh? I know I look breathtaking but you could be a little more discreet about it." He asked with a hint of teasing in his tone. "What? Pshh, nooo.. I just— w-what brings you here?" You changed the subject.

"I figured you might have trouble choosing your outfit." He shrugged. You gaped at him, "how did you.. how..?" You asked, stepping back as you glanced at your bed that had your only formal dresses on display, as in fact, you did have quite the trouble with deciding. The man chuckled lightly, making his way towards your bed to take a look at the three dresses you owned.

You noticed the male frown ever so slightly as he looked at your dresses so intensely. "Not the best dresses, right?" You half smiled, shifting your weight from one leg to another. "No, they are pretty." He replied truthfully, "But for this dinner...," he added, walking towards your closet to check the other clothes you owned. You sat at the foot of your bed expectantly, not minding the red head as he looked through your closet.

"TAEHYUNG-AH!" Hoseok yelled abruptly, making you jump at your spot in surprise.

"WHAT?" You heard Taehyung yell all the way from their apartment.





thud thuD thUD THUD THUD

"BETTER HUR-" Hoseok screamed but the fast thudding of footsteps made him hold his sentence as Taehyung instantly burst through the door with the said bag.

A Gucci bag.

"Y/N! I have your clothes for the dinner!" He yelled out before pausing and clearing his throat. You eyed him questioningly until- "Fear not, for I have come prepared with these life and dinner saving clothes to ease your tension towards choosing your outfit! Oh, how awful must you've felt, considering you only have a limited variety to choose from which my sharp eyes observed..." he dramatically states before dramatically slow-mo lifting the Gucci bag with his hand, into the air, "Here in this very bag, holds a dress I guarantee will look absolutely stun—" He rambled on... dramatically.

"Yeah, yeah gimme that." Hoseok snatched the clothes out, unfolding the said dress for you to see and hot dang does it look absolutely gorgeous and.. expensive.

Hoseok's eyes observed your expression having his eyes glint with recognition and at an instant, you found yourself being pushed into your bathroom with the dress shoved into your arms, "you've got your dress! Now wear it before I make you wear it myself." He commanded, shutting the door before you had the time to reply- or rather, object.

'... that was hot.' You unconsciously thought, finding Hoseok's authoritative side not only hot, but a major turn on.

"Better get these on before I lose my shit." You mumbled to yourself with wide eyes, shrinking slightly at the thought of having Hoseok easily take control of you.

"Y/N, if I open this door, I better find that dress worn. Don't want anything happening before the dinner now, do we?" You heard Hoseok speak right at the door from the other side. I HAVENT EVEN WORN IT YET-

"Wait! I-I'm putting it on, just one more minute!" You pleaded, rushing to get the dress on. Gorgeous and breathtaking as it is, the dress is quite stubborn too. Especially the back zipper. 'Holy shimmy shimmy Koko bop why can't this fucking dress zippity yeeting zip up like- I'm not that fat—'

"One minute is over, darling! I'm opening the d- oh." Hoseok pulled open the door but cut himself off at the sight of you. You were really struggling with the zipper, almost looked like you were going to rip your dress to shreds right this moment if the zipper didn't zip up. Gucci or not.

The man shook his head with a chuckle, "you should've told me, silly." He let out, coming over towards you to help pull the zipper up. With his help, the dress was finally on you without the need to pull a stubborn zip up.

"There we go, let's get you out so the others can take a look at your pretty figure." He casually let out, urging you forward with his hands at your lower back.

As you neared your full-body length mirror, you nearly choked on air.

"Holy Fuck."


Omg this chapter took me a whole week 😭😭

It isn't the most entertaining out of the previous ones but trust me when I tell you that it will... well,

The calm before the storm :)

Love you! 💞💜💕

~ bonnehh_

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