Chapter 39

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"Holy fuck." You blurted out.

You observed your reflection with wide eyes, stunned from the perfect dress that deliciously hugged at your curves. The dress ended at your mid thighs. It's dark red colour bringing out your sexy and daring side, yet held the formal outwear needed for the dinner. It was perfect, and wasn't too revealing either. Your skin glowed bright under your bedroom lights.

To finish off the look, Taehyung held out black, high-length ankle boots with heels. It matched your dress perfectly. Putting it on, you looked back at your reflection and caught the sight of a necklace, jewelled with an eye catching Ruby in the front. You stood still as Hoseok leaned over your shoulders to help put the gorgeous necklace on for you. His hands gently moving your soft and silky hair to your side to lock the necklace around your neck. Taehyung then came over, holding a pair of earrings with the same Ruby jewel dangling from the ring. Tucking stands of hair behind your ear, he replaced your simple gold earrings with the new fancy and beautiful ear rings.

There you have it, your entire look.

...but seems as though your two boys weren't finished. Taehyung ran off to their apartment and at an instant, you found yourself sitting on your chair, in front of your dresser mirror with Jungkook spilling a set of makeup products on the dresser table. You watched as he examined your face and nodded as if he could already picture the makeup on your face.

"Close your eyes, Y/N-ie," he spoke in a soothing voice, making you flutter your eyes closed for him.


"Done! You can check yourself out now!" Jungkook exclaimed cheerfully, sounding proud of his work.

Well that was fast.

You opened your eyes and stared at your reflection in silence.

"Well?" He smiled, waiting for your feedback.

"Kookie," you let out, turning to face the said man, "you've barely put any makeup on me. I mean, I see a thin, black eye liner, light eye shadow and.. lip gloss? Maybe even a teensy-tiny bit of blusher too. But... that's it." You let out and directed your puzzled expression towards him.

The male smiled bashfully towards you, expecting it, "That's because you're naturally beautiful, silly. Don't want unnecessary makeup to hide it now, do we?" You blushed at his remark, "ah, seriously you... I don't even know how to respond to that," you giggled lightly, covering your face to hide your growing natural blush.

The boy chuckled at your reaction, pulling your wrists to remove your hands from covering your face. You let him but refused to make eye contact, still flustered. 'You're wipped Y/N... there's no uno reverse for this, they keep crawling deeper into my heart,'.

"The others are ready, by the way," Hoseok piped in, "they're waiting at your living room." He snickered, watching as you gave him a look that indicated 'bish I'm not even surprised'.

Walking out of your bedroom, you made your way to your living space and nearly, literally dropped your jaw to the floor if it wasn't for your hand that covered your mouth from letting out incoherent and alien noises of surprise, mixed with your inner BTS fan girl.

'Never mind, I'm SHOOK.' You thought in disbelief.

(A/N: I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to give a full description for everyone's outfit 🤧 but BTS in suits y'know? They have everyone.. at a loss for words... Indescribable ;)
...get it? Cuz I'm unable to describe them so they're indescrib— nvm pls keep reading)

"How is this real? Is this really real?" You breathily let out, once you pulled your hand away.

The men, all gave out chuckles at your reaction, "it's as real as it is," Namjoon grinned, "but holy fuck, Y/N? How are we supposed to keep other guys' eyes off of you, huh? You're literally outstanding!" He exclaimed. "Ahh, you're exaggerating, plus if what you say about other guys trying to get me is true, I have you guys to pry them off with just a teensy tiny glare." You smiled.

Just then, you noticed both Taehyung and Hoseok clutching their hearts, whereas Jungkook seemed dead on the floor. "Jun—" you called out but hobi and Tae cut you off, "that smile! T-Too mUCH-" they choked out.

You huffed, "okay, now that's just being overdramatic." You deadpanned, crossing you're arms over your chest while giving off a playful glare, "I don't see the difference; I smile all the time." You stated.

Jungkook jumped, "you're wearing a rED DRESS! I JUST FUCKING REALISED" He gasped, seemingly experiencing the most bliss of his life. You looked at him questioningly, "Does the colour of the dress make a difference?" You let out, earning a knowing chuckle from Jin, "Not just any colour, dear. Red is Jungkookie's favourite colour," he stated, "the fact that the jewels and the dress present that colour on you, has him in paradise." He finished off with a smirk.

"And when I say paradise, I mean having you personally stripped from that red—"

"OKAYYY, lets not reveal our inner desi—" Namjoon interrupted

"ORR maybe we can stop openly lustin—" Hoseok cut in.

"Can we not speak up on how we want to fu—" Yoongi also cut in.

"FOcus on thinking about Y/N being nak—" Jungkook interrupted

"OR anything that relates to intimate thoughts, thAnk yOu vErY muCh," Jimin cut in swiftly,while side eyeing all five of his brothers as a warning while he faced you.

Unfortunate for them, you understood everything but acted as if you didn't catch on.


"I'm not that innocent anymore, guys and trust me when I say that I know exactly where your thoughts had travelled." You coughed out smugly. Flustered, the boys avoided eye contact from you while coming up with other topics to talk about, "Well, since we're all ready, let's start moving so we're not late to our reservation." Yoongi cut in, earning nods from others.

You, on the other hand were utterly concerned about the expenses even though the boys insisted willingly, stating they wanted to. Even so, the word 'reservation' had you overthink the amount they spent to reserve an entire table for eight persons. But you also had to keep in mind where they reserved it, considering they were world-wide famous YouTube 'idols' who only hid their face with flu-masks and occasionally add in hoodies or caps to further 
hide their identities better. Due to that acknowledgment, they are still on-guard when in public sight without the masks; who knows, some super fans may even recognise them by just their breathing.

With that being said, they could have reserved their table at a more private area, which you believed costed more than normal, public reservations.

"Oi, Y/N!" Hoseok brought you out of your thoughts, "Wahh, you really flew out of Earth to some whole new galaxy! Do you realise that Taehyung is carrying you to our ride, right now?" He asked amusedly. You snapped out and panicked instantly when you felt your legs floating, "wh- Yah! Taehyung, Again?" You huffed.

"But that's not what I wanted to bring you back to earth for," Hoseok added, catching your attention, "I wanted to request.." he trailed.

"No, screw requests. Stop worrying about expenses, and if I find you silently overthinking about how much we spend, you're going to have to abandon your apartment and come over to me, sweetheart." He sternly stated, making you erupt in deadly shivers.

"Woah, hyung you gave Y/N the chills." Taehyung spoke up, as he felt your body shiver underneath his touch. Unexpectedly, he brought his lips to hover over your ear, "if you disobey Hyung, then you're seeing yourself exactly where he told you, you'd be," he whispered, "this side of him is commanding and he keeps his words. Just a heads up!" He cheerily let out the last part, noticing how you began to tense under his touch as he continued to speak. At that time, your eyes never left Hoseok's and you could instantly make out the dark, lustful look this Hoseok held, and you gulped harshly.

Honestly? How were you supposed to respond to that?

"I-I can walk, y-you know.." you mumbled, breaking eye contact from Hoseok as you found a new interest on the hard ground beneath you. "We reached so there's no point walking," Taehyung grinned, "you're sitting next to m—"

"Y/N, MINE - SIT - ME!" Jungkook yelled, quickly. You, along with the others (except Taehyung) began to laugh at his sentence structure, "what?" Jimin managed to ask in between his laughing fit.

"Taehyung got to sit with Y/N before, now I call dibs first," he shrugged, "so I simply said that She's mine today and is sitting next to me... but in short." He grinned toothily.

"Aight, that's one way to call dibs." Namjoon chuckled, while Taehyung sulked adorably, "just cuz' we sat together once, doesn't mean there can't be a second time.." pouting, he reluctantly let you go, only to have Jungkook snatch you towards him.

You were used to it... most of it. ...uh, kind of.

To your complete surprise, the makne had a word or two to say to you too, "you have no idea what you're doing to me," he whispered having your eyes widen.

Noticing you freeze, he gleefully let himself help you in the black SUV.

"If I find another one of y'all whispering suggestive shenanigans to my precious and still innocent Y/N—" Jin piped up, but got cut off to his dismay, "you mean; our Y/N," Yoongi added, "plus I think this is turning her on." He smirked, glancing at your beet red face.

"N-No! I-I'm just.. I don't know how to respond to your inappropriate words!" You defended, "what? You want me to say "fuck me daddys"? Or literally pounce on you because I'm turned on--" you cut yourself off, creating a silence that let the boys process your words.


"Yeah, you're totally not turned on, Y/N." Jungkook smirked, snaking his arms around your waist, "y-yah, I'm not!" You countered, smacking his arms to let go of you. It didn't work, he just tightened his grip, and knowing he is the Muscle bunny, and you're just plain out, squishy flesh and bones so the opponent kind of had an upper hand. "Yah, let go Kookie I want to sit with Yoongi- oh he's dozing off already. Jin I wanna sit with you!" You exclaimed childishly, making grabby hands to add onto your childish act. Jin awed internally and returned the grabby hands gesture to you with adoring eyes.

"Hey! Why don't you wanna sit with me??" Jungkook whined, expressing an upset and offended look, "you're a teaser! I'm not gonna sit still next to you, while you continue to tease the shit out of me! I can't allow that, not while I have Jin to protect me!" You reasoned with a pout.

You really were just joking around but you noticed the somber face the bunny boy displayed. Reluctantly however, he loosened his grip around your waist, "oh, you should've told me sooner - I didn't know, I'm really sorry, Y/N... I won't tease you at all if it makes y—-"

You cut him off by squishing his cheeks together with your palms, "Oh my frickity frogging gosh kookie, you lil munchkin, I was just playing around, you goof! Now ewase that sad face and gimme your adowable bunny smile! It suits you better and brightens up everything around you," you interjected quickly, adding on with a cute baby-talk voice, and to your delight, he made sure to give you the biggest bunny smile to bless your eyes.

"Awwwwwwwwwe, now just for that, I'm gonna cuddle the life outta you, and I don't give two shits about your clothes getting crumpled - let alone mine," you stated, scooting closer towards him and wrapping an arm over his waist in a welcoming embrace, all the while. The said bunny boy became the happiest giddy boy for you and to your obliviousness, the remaining 5 stared longingly (Yoongi is asleep).

Just then, one member flipped your head towards his direction, catching you off guard, as well as Jungkook;

He briefly kissed you fiercely, only to pull away and whisper a single sentence that had you aroused within seconds, "after this little dinner date, I'm gonna have to—"


FINISHEDDDURITKDJ whOO haha idk if ya call this a cliff hanger but I DO LOL

who just kissed you out of the blue?

And what did he whisper to arouse you?

What was Jungkook's reaction?? 😂😂

Love you!🥰💜💕💜💕💜💕

~ bonnehh_

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