Chapter 40

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"after this little dinner date, I'm gonna have to take over you, I can't hold back any longer after that," he whispered, "on the way back, I'll need your help so you have to sit next to me." Then closely, he noticed how your eyes showed a glint of lust pass swiftly.

"Yah! Taehyung!! You can't just ruin the moment so suddenly!" Jungkook broke in obliviously, showing his pout to add onto his act. Both of you spun your head towards the makne and you thanked the oblivious boy for saving you. "Nothing is ruined, muscle bunny, now come'ere!" You welcomed another embrace for him, which he gratefully accepted, not before poking his tongue towards the blunette.


The car ride stretched longer than you had expected and you found yourself dozing off sleepily as you rested your head on a very comfortable and warm pillow - Jungkook's chest. It didn't help the fact that he was sliding his fingers through your styled hair really soothingly either. And before you knew it, you entered your Dream land.
Jimin, who sat in front of you noticed your sleeping form and cooed, "awe, she fell asleep," silently, catching the attention of the others. "I don't blame her," Yoongi mumbled as he blankly stared out the tinted window

The pale man had woken up when he heard a whining Jungkook, complaining about having his moment ruined. To say he was surprised when he saw your face just in time to catch a glimpse of your lust-filled eyes, was an understatement. It created another level of desire within him but he held it in.

Now, he was getting sleepy once more as the room fell silent but Jimin spoke up and he took notice of your sleeping form. "But I believe we're almost at the restaurant," he added.


"Who's waking her up?"


You were woken up with a very intimidated Jungkook and you couldn't pin point why he seemed so.

Well, you realised once you were wide awake and decided to keep quiet for the mean time- okay, you were actually electrecuted-ly shocked when you noticed exactly what the restaurant looked like.

'ALERT ALERT - MONEY, BROKE, HOMELESS' was your first thought process as you had a vague prediction of your future just as you stared at the entrance - 'what about the interior?!' You panicked, finding it impossible to fit in with the level of modern, expensive look it displayed.

Suddenly You regret ever thinking of money.

Just as you tore your eyes off of the enormous building, your eyes met Hoseok's and your soul nearly left your body. 'Fuck he knows' you gulped. He gave you a side smirk while raising one brow amusedly. This was a clear message saying, "I caught you.".

You sighed, "I guess I'll have to suck it up, then," you mumbled to yourself— (A/N: wait- no that wasn't pun intended, I swear-) you felt a warm hand graze yours and you instinctively looked at the source. Namjoon took your hand in his and linked them together, "come on, we're having our dinner at the top floor. I made sure no CCTV camera is working while we stay to have some sort of privacy with us. Although I would've book the entire floor, I know you would worry too much so I simple reserved a table." he stated as he led you in the almost-gold interior with a surprising number of high-class business men and women occupying seats.

You gasped loudly. "Oh my god, joonie please tell me I'm not dreaming- is that freaking Bambam and Jackson from Got7?" You asked. Namjoon paused for a fraction and glanced towards the said people at their table. "Huh, I thought they said they were busy?" He questioned aloud. At that, your head snapped towards the white-haired man, "you know them?!" You whisper-yelled, being tugged along with Namjoon to the elevator. "I'll tell you at the table, darling. I didn't think you were a fan of theirs," he admitted with a chuckle.

Freak, even the elevator looks expensive—

"Y/N, double trouble." You heard someone whisper to you and you jerked away in surprise, "Hoseok! You scared the crap out of me!" You exclaimed once the elevator began to lift all 8 of you to the top floor. Then you paused, 'don't tell me—' you eyes travelled to search for a blue haired male and sure enough, Taehyung was intently staring at your soul. Then he proceeded to lick his lips sensually with a teasing little bite on the bottom lip, following after.

"I'm going mad, I'm going mad, they're just teasing the shit out of me, it's just a joke, they aren't going to fuck me, don't worry Y/N, keep calm, brEathE." You whispered to yourself to assure you own hormones so that they calm the fuck down. Too bad though...

Everyone heard you.


"What. The actual. Fuck?" You let out in disbelief.

The top floor wasn't all you had expected - it was far beyond your expectations; giant high-roof gold chandeliers hung from the ceiling with lights shining in all it's glory, helping the human eyes to clearly see the room in display. An entire - humongous - room held a fancy dinner table, enough to fit 10 persons, the surface delicately covered with a modern, silk white cloth. Just as you enter, the first thing you see is the beautiful city lights shining amongst the Daegu town with a clear night sky. The pitch black background with twinkling little stars scattered throughout the sky, while having the main focus of a full, bright moon in clear few, right in the middle. The glass that let you see this magnificent view stretched from one end of the wall, all the way to the other end.

The room's floor covered with cushioning, yet fitting with a colour-schemed carpet layed in the huge room, walls of marble greatly matched the room colour scheme as well. "Wow..." you breathed as you took in the entire room. The boys smiled at your reaction, Yoongi coming over to lead you to the reserved table— it was in fact, the only table in the room that was for 10 persons. The rest were for 4 persons. Some tables were occupied and some were empty, however. Bangtan really went all out and booked the biggest table on the floor for themselves.

Ahead of your reserved 10 seater table, a line of deserts were displayed on a long table, along with some starter, side-dishes. Seating yourself on the surprisingly comfy, cushion chair, you took in the table decor; on the white silk cloth, stood a number of wine glasses as well as simple glasses for water. Right at the center stood a very eye catching bouquet of flowers with the aid of a long jug-like container with various numbers of flowers that held appealing colours in them. Surrounding them were slim, yet tall scented candles and more of other sizes that were yet to be lit. Each person had one side-plate with a number of foreign utensils you didn't know existed until now. Spoons of various sizes were put in order. "At least I know this is a soup spoon," you let out, lifting the said spoon with your hand with a small giggle.

Chuckling, Yoongi took a seat to your right. Then he decided to shock you by snatching out all the unknown spoons out of your dining display, and shoved it away by throwing it across the table, and onto the long starter (and desert) table. "Yoongi!" You gasped, about to stand to bring those utensils back but he stopped you. "Don't worry, they're all on that table, not on the floor." He shrugged, having you roll your eyes at his reason.

"Hey, princess." A low voice called out, from your left. Taehyung. Of course. You gulped, "h-hai." You stuttered, unconsciously pointing your eyes downwards. 'FRICK HE'S HARD-'

"It's painful to hold in, y'know..." he spoke up, watching you. "I didn't mean to make this of myself, you just happened to turn me on back at the car, before," he explained subtly, with a low voice so no one hears your conversation. Feeling sympathy for the boy, you sighed, "Taehyung, I know," you turned to look at him completely, then scooted closer to him, "okay, you know what?" You started, "please don't freak out," extending your hand, you watched Taehyung attentively.

Taehyung gave you a questioning look and leaned closer to hear you, "freak out over wh-" he cut himself off with a gasp. Your hands reached over to unbutton his pants, the skin contact at his bulge further flaming his inner lust, "Y-Y/N, what are you doing?" He stuttered out a whisper. "Shut up, and let me help get rid of your pain," you whispered back, unzipping the pants.

"Y/N, isn't it a little too inappropriate, right now?" He began to take deep breaths when your fingers grazed at the hem of his boxer briefs. He never stopped you though, and that thought made a smirk plaster onto your face. "Maybe," you whispered, "But if I stop now, this dinner won't be as enjoyable with that boner, now would it?" You spoke lowly.

"Fuck," he cursed at your words, biting onto his lip to avoid sounds escaping, and your smirk grew.

"keep your voice low, pup."


Smut. You know it and if you're not up for it, sKIP. If you don't like it overall, why the hell are you reading my book? I have a warning right at the description of the book too. 💀


Love ya tunsss 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕

~ Bon—-




• Choose a kpop group other than BTS that you Stan/are a fan of/love/like/know.

-> mention rolls each member has in a mafia gang (for example, hacker, leader, combat fighter, spy, etc...)

•Format u can use:
Name of group:
<Names of a member> - <their role>
<same for the other members> - <their roles>

Comment here!

(It'll help me and ease my confusion cuz I'm currently reading a mafia fanfic of Got7 and their roles in it are mixed up to me cuz I have limited knowledge about them :,))

~ Bonnehh_

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