Chapter 43

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"Excuse me, are you the Bangtan boys?"

You abruptly froze and unconsciously stopped breathing, 'no, no, no.." you instantly held onto Jungkook's hand tightly, hoping to signify that you were beginning to panic once again. The said boy instinctively turned his head to you, worry overlapping his confused emotions once he had taken a look at the man that called for them.

"Can we help you, sir?" Namjoon asked back, noticing your sudden tense state. "Ah, so you are Bangtan! I would like to request you for do me a favour... in exchange for $10,000 from my side," the anonymous man started, "that is, if you accept." He pointed.

You had to hold in the urge to gag at the man's act, knowing very well that he wasn't someone to request. Rather, he'd order everyone he thinks is of a lower label than him and treat them like garbage.

"What is the favour in the first place?" Yoongi interjected sceptically.

The man let out a side smirk, then dropped it and pulled out a picture, "I want you to find the girl in this picture. Her name's Y/N," he pointed seriously, "Y/N L/N. Find her, and bring her to me. You will earn yourself $10,000. Is it a deal?" He asked.

Your hand trembled within Jungkook's. His own grip tightening on your hand as he took in the request and processed it.

"No." Namjoon spat, without hesitation. "I'm sorry, but we decline. Go find someone else, sir." Turning, he began to walk away but the man spoke up, "wait! Why not? She hasn't been found since a few months ago! My daughter is missing!" He exclaimed.

All the boys froze and you whimpered audibly, "wait..." the man paused, finally noticing your presence next to them, "who's the girl with you? Are you already out to do a job?" He questioned, stepping forward as he spoke.

You could here his footsteps approaching you and your heart instantly dropped, "Jungkook don't let him near me, please!" You whispered swiftly and instantly, Jungkook shielded you behind him while he faced the man, who happened to reveal himself as your father. "Don't take a step closer, sir." The makne warned, overly suspecting of the man. However, that didn't faze him and the father attempted to swipe past the taller man that shielded you, failing in the end to grasp you within his reach.

"Why so secretive now? Can't I know who that young lady is?" The father questioned, continuing to attempt to see you while Jungkook began to feel uncomfortable at the man's close proximity. "Mr. L/N I'll kindly say this once; step back." Namjoon snarled slightly, catching the father's attention.

You didn't dare to look at the man you've come to despise, afraid that he'd instantly recognise you. "Come on." Your group finally left without further intrusions and you relaxed once the elevator doors shut, and it was just you and the boys. You instantly gave Jungkook a grateful hug, "Thank you," you sighed in relief. "Is that guy... really your father?" Jin hesitantly asked, not wanting to touch a sensitive topic.

You nodded subtly, looking over at the others with a defeated look, "I'm sorry the dinner had to end so fast, I didn't think I'd ever meet that man after I left..." you let out. The boys instantly gave out choruses of 'its okay's.


The car ride was somewhat silent for the most part. Other than Taehyung and Jimin's attempt to lift the mood with silly jokes and expressions, the group shared chuckles along the way.

When you all reached the front of your apartment doors, you instantly realised that you would have to explain what had happened back at the dinner and why you ran away. You were sure the boys wanted answers and so, you had found yourself at their apartment living space, preparing to finally open up a topic you thought would be revealed some time later.

"Take your time, Y/N. I'm sure the topic about your father is sensitive, and none of us want to push you to tell us anything." Jin countered worriedly, noticing the uneasy look you held. You shook your head dismissively, "There were other times where I'm sure you noticed how I start to behave when the word 'father' is used - family even," you started, "I'm sure there are many questions bugging you guys and I feel like I should finally tell you what relationship I have with my father." You explained, taking a deep breath and exhaling through your mouth to calm your beating heart.

"A few years back, around 2 years ago, I was under the same roof as him. He's an alcoholic so he'd come back late at night, very drunk. I usually stay in my room to avoid any probable physical fights from him." You gulped, "He um, brings random women to the house sometimes too, but when he doesn't, he needs to have something to do so he chooses to..." you trailer hesitantly.

"H-he chooses to use me as a punching bag to relieve his stress because at that time we were financially unstable. I went out to earn money for the two of us by working as a cashier in a convenience store but the amount was hardly enough to sustain even one." The boys stayed silent so you continued, "he'd usually take all of the money and if I don't give him, he'd hit me again... but w-with a whip."

"What?!" Jungkook raged suddenly, making you jump at the sudden outburst. "It got too much for me so I worked my ass off for the next 2 years and earned enough money for myself to move out. I chose to move here since the apartment was affordable, and I simply left in the middle of the night without his notice." You shrugged.

It wasn't the worst part of your past anyways.

"So.. does that mean..." Hoseok began in a low volume, "Back to when you broke down at yoongi's room, it had something to do with your da— father, right?" He asked unsurely. You tensed slightly and nodded, not wanting to lie to them.

"I-I guess I should explain about that too..." you mumbled.

"I used to have a guy best friend and we were put into pairs to work for a project. His parents had invited guests to his house at that time so we chose to work at mine," you began, but quickly added, "I was around the age of 16 at that time," then continued on, "While working, we lost track of time completely and hung out a little longer than we intended too... my father had returned to the house then, and saw him, instantly forcing him out, after making sure to hit him enough to give off a "warning" to never enter the house again. After that, he never spoke to me and blocked me out. B-but before he was out of the house, my dad had managed to tie us up to separate chairs."

"My father hated it that someone else was in his house without his consent and he p-punished me, badly." Your throat clogged at the blurry and traumatic memory that began to puzzle itself back together;

<"YyYy/N..n...._.." Your friEnd choke_d oUt>

<"I'll...... un..tiE tHem _..once we..'re done_..." He smirked,>

< "p-please.. I-I'M..__SOrRy..- I won't hapPen aGain....._!">

<"d-dA_D, I-im— IM SORR__.. I...M SO_RRY PLE..._aSE NnO.......!-" >

<*slap!* "shut_....tHe fuck uP....-I told you to stop hanging out with other boys, $0U1M-Ate.:S/...._ don't exist..__.. go..t it?

Only me, this wHIP, and your DUMB as$." He growled.>

<You're the reason she left! You're a mistake! Go to hell!" He growled. >

<"I'll kill him..." He eyed the boy, turning to you after, "then you.." You shut your eyes in pure horror as he lifted the whip—>

You shook your head at the memory, eyes filled with fresh tears that cascaded down your cheek as you remembered the pain you bared that lasted for days. "Every time he hit me, he would bring up the topic about my m-mother leaving us because of me, that I was a mistake and wasn't supposed to be alive in the f-first place. He'd blame me for- for every wrong thing..; how I'm unable to take care of my o-only fami—" you cut yourself off there. You couldn't speak anymore, not without breaking down completely. You tried to contain your cries however, because you had to mention why he suddenly came into scene when you were in yoongi's room.

"His eyes are one of the things that I can recognise at an instant - a piercing green colour. And I unconsciously looked out the room's window..." you paused, finally looking up to make eye contact with the boys, "I-I swear I saw those eyes back then- I wasn't hallucinating, I'm sure of it!" You desperately stated, "y-you guys have to believe me, please," you pleaded.

"Y/N... what you're stating is very serious. You know that, right?" Namjoon questioned, interlocking his fingers. "It means that man knows where you live, and where we live."

Yoongi instantly stood up, fists clenched at his sides, "that fucking gang, I fucking knew it!" He exclaimed, "we need to get to BigHit, fast." Yoongi yelled out to the group, a new level of fear clearly visible from his darkened eyes.

Fear for you.

"Dom-K? What does this have to do with them?" Hoseok asked, standing up as well. "Even if their 'motives' to get Y/N was true, all we knew was that the group had that dickheaded leader that ordered his members to do tasks and nothing more," yoongi groaned out, "We never suspected them to work under someone's favour!" He yelled this time.

"Then that means that the gang doesn't give two shits about a multifated, it's all for the money." Namjoon growled, and finally, he concluded with hardening, rage full eyes, "Dom-K is working for Y/N's father."


The door burst down harshly, "Glad to know you figured out the unfortunate," Your father smirked, "You're smarter than I thought, Bangtan." He slyly let out, holding two guns that playfully hung at the tip of his fingers.

Behind him stood the Dom-K gang that held dark smirks. "I guess the ropes aren't the only thing we can get off on our own." Chulmin gritted through his teeth, "What did you say back at that white-ass room? Oh right, 'your fun times are over', Namjoon." he laughed lowly.

All the boys stood up defensively at an instant. Their first priority automatically was for you to be under their protection. Jungkook growled lowly, "Don't you fucking touch her."

The father laughed, "I won't," he simply put, tilting his head to the side as he took a step forward, then eyed the gang behind him, "but they will."

Chulmin's smirk twisted into a scowl slowly. Play time is over.

"Get her."


WelP I guess Dom-K really plays a big roll in this story :)

Did u expect this? 👀

Love youuuuuuuu 🥰💕❤️💜💕💜💞

~ bonnehh_

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