Chapter 44

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Extra special chapter ;) thank you guys for giving me details about groups with mafia roles! And as promised...

"Get her."

Those two words caused the outmost chaos that you've ever experienced.

Everything felt like time moved in slow motion as Jungkook wrapped his arms around you and pulled you with him, away from the charging Gang. Your father's eyes bored into yours unblinking as the happening unravelled because of him. Your eyes teary and afraid of what was to happen and where you'd hide. What about the guys?

Pistols coming into action and the gang ruthlessly shot at your boys with the determination to shoot them at least once. Namjoon and Jimin pulling out a gun of their own that they had hidden at the strap of their pants while yoongi pulled out a set of blades and threw them with perfect aim. Gun shots fired, making your ears ring unpleasantly, and the supposed gang leader, Chulmin charging towards the direction you and Jungkook ran with Hoseok right behind your tail. Jin out of sight and no where to be seen. 'Huh?' You suddenly realised Jin's absence at the scene and instantly felt concern for the eldest.

"There's no way out!" Chulmin's haunting laughter filled the apartment room hall as he continued to chase after you. Your eyes made contact with Jungkook's only for a second before he hoisted you up bridal style, making your eyes widen. "Hold on, Y/N!" He yelled and took a sharp turn into one of the boy's room.

Right towards the window, "Close your eyes!" He yelled.

You screamed your lungs out, terrified as Jungkook made contact with the glass and shattered through it with you in his arms. Peeking, you were in mid air, glass pieces flying around you and you instantly shut your eyes back, continuing to scream.


Gravity forcefully pulling your bodies back to the ground and Jungkook landed with a grunt, yet never stopping as he continued to run.

"DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" You heard your father yell out of rage, watching through the shattered glass with flaming eyes. You only managed to look back for a split second, managing to find a pistol directed right behind Taehyung as he pounced towards your father from behind.

Your eyes widened and you managed to scream in terror for the loving blue haired boy. Who only managed to look behind him for a fraction with clear realisation flashing in his eyes, before the gun was triggered.




"No, no, no..." your throat clogged with your emotions desperate to be released. Your eyes unconsciously trailed to where you were headed, and your mind instantly made sense of the situation. Jungkook was leading you to an awaiting van.

"NO! Jungkook, Turn back! Please! Taehyung, No!" You cried, bursting out as you struggled to get out of the boy's grip, being put into the awaiting black van with Jin sitting ready at the wheel. Hoseok taking the passenger seat.

You could feel a sting at the middle of your back that pierced you with pain. Exactly Where Taehyung's name was inked.

"Y/N..." Jungkook sighed, placing himself beside you in the van, while cupping your tear-stained cheek in his palm, "I know- I just- ...listen," he breathed, "Taehyung is going to be f—"

"He got shot, Jungkook! I can feel his inked name burning on my skin with pain as we speak! Don't tell me he's fine when he's clearly not!" You exclaimed, then lowering your voice with heavy breaths, "I-I saw..," you sniffled, "I saw one of the gang shoot him from b-behind.., he could only turn a bit before being sh-shot.. and my father..., he didn't even flinch at the sound of a gunshot either, I-" you cried softly, feeling weak for breaking down once again.

The image of his body falling to the ground, stuck in your mind in replay with your father never leaving his eyes off of you.

(A/N: something went wrong with this one and it happened when saving it ;-; I'm sorry for the terrible animation but.. it's there!)

"Y/N," Jungkook voiced out, "he may have been shot, but I need you to trust his strength. He'll survive. Namjoon hyung and yoongi hyung are there to help. Trust them, it will be just fine," he tried to convince, "heck, he has Jimin there too." He added.

Hoseok and Jin stayed quiet as the two of you talked. Jin focusing on the path with occasional glances at the rear mirror to make sure nothing was following them, yet he held soft eyes at the conversation that was being spoken. Hoseok had his hand gun ready within his grasp for any 'incases' if something dangerous was suddenly to pop out.

"He just- he got shot, Jungkook..." you whimpered softly, "all because he was gonna stop my fucking father!" You gripped at your hair, "I could've prevented this chaos if I just stayed with him! None of you would've have to get involved with that disgusting being." You whispered in the end.

"Hold the fuck up." Hoseok interjected, "Y/N," he turned to face you, "are you seriously blaming yourself for his actions?" He gritted, then scowling at your instant nod, "so you're telling me- telling us, you want to go back to when you never met us? Do you not need us? Or at least want?" He raged.

"Hyung, please don't yel-"

"Don't interrupt, JK." Hoseok cut in with a sharp voice, startling the younger. "Y/N, look at me when I talk to you, damnit!" He yelled, causing both of his brothers to jump at the volume.

However you didn't even flinch, and instead, you looked at him straight in the eye, "That's not what I meant!" You yelled back, "How could you think that?! You're taking my words for some whole other meaning! Are you even trying to understand my perspective of this fucking situation?!" You continued, fear and sorrow overlapped with anger.

Hoseok growled, "But that's exactly what you meant! 'If I stayed with him' are you out of your mind?!" He countered back, "You ran away so you wouldn't have to face that fucking bastard! And as a result, you managed to find your way to us! How could you suddenly decide that you want to go back?!"

"Not to the fucking past! You guys could've simply handed me to him! Then none of you would've have to get hurt! All because they were after me! Stop risking everything for me! I'm not—"

"Why the hell would we hand you to him?! You think that lowly of us?!" He cut in, nose flaring as he tried to keep his cool, however his yelling said otherwise.

"Hoseok, you're thinking lowly of me! Not the other way around! I'm the one here talking about risking my happiness by going with my father so you can be safe!"

"No! Y/N, what part of us not handing you to your Father do you not understand?!"

"Every part of it! And what about you? What part of me being handed to my father to make things simpler for all of you, do you not understand?!"

"God damnit, Y/N Why are you making everything so complicated?!"

"So I'm making your life complicated, huh?! Hand me over to them right now then! I'll get out of your fucking life!"


"Hyung, where the hell did the other bastards disappear to?" Jimin panted, alarmed of any movement as he held his hand gun securely.

Yoongi cursed lowly, pointing his eyes darkly at the tied up gang members. "They escaped," he sighed, "We can get answers from these two dickheads, though." He snarled. The boys managed to tie two of the gang members: Kim Sanguel and Gongchan woo. They were badly bruised and injured with fatal wounds.

However, they weren't the only injured; yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin held cuts and some bruised injuries - thankfully, nothing too major. The remaining of the gang managed to flee off with Y/N's father, who called himself as "Ezra (pronounced: Eh-zz-rah)"

"We need to inform Hoseok and Jin hyungs," Namjoon piped in, pulling his phone out and calling Jin. "..."

"Well?" Yoongi asked, impatiently. "Fucking pick up, hyung," Namjoon groaned, "Jin hyung isn't picking up, I'll call Hoseok hyung," repeating the same step, he tapped on Hoseok's number, once again filling the room with silence as he waited for the number to pick up.

"Busy..." Namjoon mumbled, cutting off the call. "Jungkook is with them, I'll try calling him." Jimin spoke up, fetching his own phone to tap on the Makne's number.

"Hello?" Jungkook instantly picked up, however muffled yelling could be heard in the background.

"Yeah, JK. Be sure you're not being followed. Three gang members of Dom-K managed to get away with That Ezra guy." Jimin cut straight to the point. "Uh, yeah, okay," The younger replied shortly after.

"Why do I hear yelling?" Jimin asked, worried that they were already being chased and Hoseok was simply giving out commands on what was to be done... but he could here Y/N too. "Uhm..." Jungkook trailed, "Y/N and hobi hyung are.. uh, in an argument." The boy let out uneasily. "I tried to calm them down but they keep getting more angry. I don't know what to do," he sighed.

"What?!" Jimin exclaimed in shock, unable to believe that hoseok out of all of them would get into a fight with Y/N. "Hobi hyung is angry because Y/N started blaming herself about this whole situation and in return, Y/N tried to defend her reasons... oh freak, I-it's escalating to a whole other level, I need to hang up now." Jungkook hung up.

Jimin went to a loss of words. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked, noticing Jimin's unsettling expression, "Y/N and hobi hyung are fighting." He simply put.


"Go get Taehyung, we need to go after That 'father who' and the remaining of his 'we are dickbrains who follow dick-pa'." Yoongi stated flatly, shoving past two significantly injured bodies of the tied up gang members. Namjoon nodded towards Jimin who rushed to get Taehyung who was laying motionlessly on the torn-up couch. "Taehyung-ah, you can fight it. I know you can. Just hold on till we get you to the others..." Jimin mumbled as he carried the limp body of his brother carefully.


You and Hoseok never let up and continued to shout at each other in rage. Refusing to give time for the other to complete a sentence as you two yelled out your own reasons and arguments to counter on the other's opinionated statements. It continued for way longer than Jin and Jungkook thought and the eldest wasn't having it anymore.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" He yelled over their voices. "This isn't the time to argue and yet, here you are! Act more mature about our current situation! Im trying to get all of us safely inside the BigHit building and you two are yelling at each other's faces! Stop it already!" He continued.

"Do you even know where your topic is taking this?! First Y/N, you're overthinking things and saying we should've just handed you to your father. We are not doing that! Ever! Then Hoseok, you counter back saying Y/N wants to go back to the past when we never met. No one "WANTS" To go to that prick!How does that turn to you two flipping each other off with insults and offensive counter backs about getting out of each other's life?!" He finally exclaimed in disbelief. "Do you two even know what you're even saying anymore?! I get that there must be some misunderstanding you two are having from understanding each other's point of view, but acting like immatures and screaming at each other without thinking about your choice of words is completely and utterly ridiculous and uncalled for!" Jin panted heavily, finally finishing his scolding which he hoped knocked some sense into you and Hoseok.


Noticing the sudden silence, Jungkook chose this time to inform his hyungs, "I got a call from Jimin," he piped up, "three of Dom-K's members escaped with Y/N's father, Ezra." He grumbled, "they're most probably heading towards BigHit thinking we're all there." He added in worry.

"Then we'll head towards Got7's base. Hoseok, give them a heads up." Instantly, the vehicle took a sharp new turn, causing the others to hold onto something to keep themselves from hitting the side of the Van.

Instantly, you paused, the mere mention of Got7 causing your heart to beat rapidly due to your inner fangirl fighting to take over you. You swore you were hearing things.

"Got7 it is then..." Hoseok let out, still a little taken back from Jins outburst. Then you really screeched.



And just to put it out to u readers, I'll truthfully confirm that I don't Stan them. HOWEVER, I do listen to some of their songs. ^~^;

Animation takes time and I won't promise for more but MAYBE we'll see 👀 (plus the app I use is crappy lol)

Love youuuu 💕💜💕💞❤️💘💕💜💞❤️💘

~ bonnehh_

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