Chapter 46

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@taetaes_tannie shoutout to you! You guessed right! 💕
Alright so imma just put down the age of everyone in this book so far to clear up things. And I'm sure u guys are aware that this is a FANFICTION so ages can differ and altered to my liking.

You: 20 Your friend Eunji: 2o

BTS:                                    Dom-K:
Jin: 27                                Chulmin: 26
Yoongi: 26 Yunwoo: 24
Hoseok: 25 Daniel: 24
Namjoon: 25 Sanguel: 22
Jimin: 24 Gongchan: 20
Taehyung: 24
Jungkook: 22 Dongho: 18

Mark: 27
Jaebeom: 26
Jackson: 25
Jinyoung: 25
Youngjae: 24
Yugyeom: 22
Bambam: 22


"You'll irritate your skin on your back if you keep moving the way you are now."

'Wait... I recognise that voice...' your brows furrowed and you cornered your eyes to look behind you with minimal movements and sure enough, it was Bambam who looked at you with amusement, clearly not caring about your exposed back in the slightest.

Don't scream Don't scream Don't scream—

"You seem oddly collected when seeing some girl half naked." You blurted out, surprising yourself from not literally fangirling the life out of yourself.
And scaring one of your idols away.

The said idol only chuckled and made his way towards the chair beside where you laid.


Your eyes followed his figure as he settled himself on the chair, and examined the burn on your back. You noticed the change in his expression as it twisted from a relaxed to confused, then tense, "You're... Taehyung's soulmate?" He questioned softly, leaning forward to take a closer look to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. You only managed to nod slightly before wincing at a rush of pain that your slightest movement caused.

(A/N: Yall idk how bad 1 degree burns are but let's just pretend that in this story, they hurt like hELL even if u move your leg when the burn is on your back :>)

"But I thought-" he trailed and you interrupted, "I know, I just.. I-I'll tell you later when I feel it's okay from the others," you stuttered. BamBam nodded understandingly and this time took a look at your facial features, making you feel slightly self conscious at his roaming eyes. "I feel like I've seen you before..." he mumbled, furrowing his brows.


"Yeah, about that... I believe you mean at the restaurant?" You replied back, noticing how he perked up, "oh! You're that girl who walked beside Namjoon hyung!" Bambam smiled, "So you're a fan?" He asked, curious eyes looking right back to yours. You blushed lightly and stuttered out an embarrassed 'yes'.

He thinks I'm a crazy fan girl. Nice. Keep it up. So proud of you.

Bambam smiled again, "Let's keep that topic for later," he chuckled, before switching his expression to a concerned one, "does the burn around the name have to do with Tae-hyung?" He questioned, hovering his hand over your back while slowly closing the distance—

"Y/N, I'm so sorry I took—" Jin barged in, "— long.." he trailed, voice deepening as he took in the sight in front of him; your face flushed and nervous, and Bambam's hand hovering over your bare back, just close enough to have a centimetre distance in between. Bambam let out a nervous laugh, "haha, Seokjin hyung! It's not what you th—", the elder scowled, "Yah! What do you think you're trying to do to her?! Out!" Jin yelled aloud, rushing towards the two of you, "Out, out, out!" He shooed the younger away, his overprotectiveness overcoming. And just before BamBam could disappear from your vision, he gave you 'let's talk later' look, to which you nodded.

HE WANTS TO TALK TO MEEEGIDEJDISO Ahgases would kill to be me hAH

Just as Jin was sure you and him were alone, he rushed to your side and looked at you from up to down in concern, "he didn't do anything, did he? I swear to god, I will make sure—" Jin let out before being cut off, "Jinnie, I'm fine. And no, Bambam didn't do anything. In fact, he got me a glass of water," you spoke up, eyeing the untouched glass of water at a table beside the head side of the bed.



"Wait, so let me get this straight," Mark piped up, furrowing his brows at the two members of Bangtan. "Dom-K is back, and not only that - but they are after the girl, Y/N - who is currently in the infirmary because of a sudden burn that appeared on her back.. and Dom-K is after her because of her father?" Hoseok nodded and Mark continued, "and then you said that her father's name is...?" He pressed, "Ezra." Jungkook replied back, furrowing his brows later, "why?".

Mark visibly tensed and looked over at JB, who sat beside him that mirrored him, before turning back to look at Hoseok and Jungkook. "Ezra L/N... that doesn't sound right," he mumbled, "that's what I thought too. But Y/N seems to be familiar with the name," Hoseok scratched the nape of his neck, eyes darkening slightly in sorrow as he recalled the fight between you two.

Jaebeom gasped, "Sungjin! It's that guy who came to us two weeks back!" He stood up with fisted hands and looked at Mark with a hard expression. Mark nodded and stood up as well. Hoseok frowned, "wait, I'm not following," he interjected, "Who's Sungjin, now?".

Jackson spoke up, "Im pretty sure Sungjin is Ezra. That guy was apparently looking for Y/N too, saying that she's his daughter and that she went missing. Was she missing or..?" He questioned later, earning a shake of the head from the redhead, "she ran away." He simply put as he looked down to the ground with dark eyes, 'and now she wants to go back,'.

Jungkook placed a comforting hand on the elder's shoulder and gave a small smile to him, getting a nod of assurance in return.

"I'm bECk," Bambam piped in, skipping towards the lounge the others were settled in. "Where were you?" Youngjae questioned, making space for the boy so he can seat himself next to him, "I went to fetch a glass of water for Y/N. I overheard shuffling from the infirmary room and- yeah." He ended. Jungkook perked up, "you didn't.. do anything else, right?" He asked, knowing that Jin had made you take the dress off to help with your burn. Bambam scoffed and gave the brunette an offended look, "I did not! We talked, but that's it!" He defended, making his way to settle himself next to Youngjae.

"That's not important at the moment guys..." Jinyoung piped up with bored eyes, but paused, "but you really didn't do anything else, right?"

"Aish! No!!"


"Taehyung you need to calm the fuck down!" Yoongi yelled, overly frustrated at the boy who continued to shout.

"I can't! You don't underst—" Taehyung yelled back, growing restless in the car seat next to Jimin but Namjoon cut him off, "Taehyung, listen—"

"Fucking - Y/N's name is on my back, damnit!" The car went silent instantly and Jimin's breath hitched. No one dared to speak up and the air grew tense but Taehyung wasn't having any of it, "How the hell do you expect me to stay calm now?!" He yelled.

"Taehyung.. how about I check your back? I'm sure she's fine. Jin is there too - if anything possibly happened," Jimin tried to convince his brother, scooting over so Tae could turn. Taehyung hesitated but he let the boy check his back nonetheless, "is- is it okay..?" He asked once he felt his shirt tugged up.


Jimin gulped harshly, "uhm, I'm not going to lie to you Tae... but—" he paused, examining your name on Taehyung's back that glowed a bright red. "But what? Jimin spill it!" Taehyung pleaded, growing anxious. "H-hold on," he replied back, then turned to yoongi, "hyung, can you take a quick look at this?" He asked unsurely, watching as yoongi reluctantly twisted his upper body a little, enough to turn his head to look behind. He watched as the pale man'a eyes grew in size, "why—" he swallowed, "Namjoon pick up the speed, we need to get to Got7's base." He commanded, having Namjoon speed up instantly. The leader held a concerned expression at the sudden command but listened anyways.

Taehyung began to Panick, "w-why? What's wrong? Is it the name? The wound?", no one spoke up and Taehyung grew more frustrated, "god damnit, just say it!" He screamed, causing all three of his brothers to flinch visibly at the outburst.

Namjoon accidentally turned the wheel too harshly when he jumped, and panicked as everyone in the vehicle held their breaths at the sudden force before calming down when they were back on track.

The silver haired man froze for a second before frowning, "Taehyung!" Namjoon scowled, "Look, I understand your concern but if we were to tell you right this moment, who knows what you would do with that restless behaviour!" He yelled, "Yoongi hyung didn't tell me to speed up to Got7's base for nothing and I expect you to keep your fucking cool till we reach!" He continued, "do I make myself clear?" He asked with hard eyes, before softening his gaze when he noticed Taehyung shrink as he nodded with a hint of fear... and there's something else in his eyes that he can't pin point.

Namjoon sighed, before continuing on to look at the road. 'I'll ask him once we reach.'

Ring! Ring!

Yoongi grunted with irritation before picking up the call without checking the caller ID, "what?" He questioned sombrely.

"Don't 'what' me! What's happening right now?! Y/N is in a lot of pain and I can't help her more than I'm capable of! She only started screaming a few minutes ago and can't handle it much longer!"Jin yelled through the phone call in a panic.

Yoongi sat up straight and furrowed his brows, "wait- hold on, what do you mean by that? How does this relate to anything happening with us? We're headed to you guys right now!"

Namjoon side eyed the pale man beside him then proceeded to look into the rear view and gasped loudly, "Taehyung?!".

Jimin shot up instantly at the sudden volume in the car and looked beside him to see Taehyung cough up fresh, crimson blood.

Yoongi looked behind as well and noticed his brother's state and yelled into the phone, "how did you-?!"

"I'll explain later," Jin yelled back, "get over here, now!"



Any explainations as to why u think Taehyung Is suddenly in that state?

I luv y'all! 💞💜💕❤️

~ bonnehh_

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