Chapter 47

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>Mark: 27<
Right-hand man, skilled with all types of guns, combat fighter
>Jaebeom: 26<
Leader, shooter, combat fighter
>Jackson: 25<
Sniper, Skilled with blades, assassin
>Jinyoung: 25<
Spy, assassin, shooter
>Youngjae: 24<
Spy, combat fighter, medic
>Yugyeom: 22<
Hacker, seducer, skilled with all types of guns
>Bambam: 22<
Hacker, combat fighter, shooter

"I'll explain later," Jin yelled, "get over here, now!" Then the call ended.

Jin grabbed at his hair with worry and looked towards your crying figure and rushed back to your side, "Sweetheart hey, hey," Jin softly started, "look at me, please." He pleaded, gently wiping at your running tears as he kept extra attention at the sudden heat that radiated off of your back, "make it stop, please!" You cried, clenching the bed sheets in your palms to keep holding in the waves of pain rushing on your back. You continued to gasp in between your sobs that filled the silence of the room, your lungs burning for a reason you cannot point out. However, you did feel a sudden rush of heat as soon as the pain resurfaced on your back.

Jin scrunched his expression, "UGH! Why can't I be useful for once?!" He screamed, gripping at his hair in frustration as he paced back and forth to think. To think of anything that could help you even a little. He hated it so much. He has so much experience with helping with burns and yet he didn't know what else to do with your back, seemingly radiating heat as he stood.

You hated it too. You hated that you could clearly read off the self-blame from Jin's eyes that were wide for everyone to see. "Jin," you choked out, still feeling your back burn with so much pain. "Look at me."

"What? What is it? I'm sorry I can't help more - but I-I should be able to - a-and I don't even know—"

"Jin, hey," you cut him off as he rambled on, "This- This b-burn has something to do wi-with Taehyung," you started off, "So it's related to his a-and my soulmate bond," continuing, you noticed Jin's breath turn uneven, "I-I'm your soulmate too! Why- why can't I still help, then?" He exclaimed with worry, "Y/N, we're soulmate's too! I should be able to help! And-and I can't - I don't know how! You're hurting and I'm supposed to be there to lower it! E-even a little! Why can't I do that, either?!" He raged.

Great, you worsened it.

"Jin!" You yelled, having him immediately stop his negative train of thoughts. "Hear yourself! You've helped me so much! More than I could ask for! Stop thinking that way!" You countered back, breathing heavily. 'Wait.. it's not so hot anymore... did the temperature return to normal?' Your thoughts stopped you from speaking further and Jin began to panic, "Y/N? Y/N?? Hey, can you hear me? W-what's wrong?" He questioned worriedly and looked over at your back and froze.

The both of you remained frozen for a while and Jin grew utterly confused. "Y-your back.. and-and your burns are disappearing.. what...?" He breathed, kneeling closer to see the red skin surrounding Taehyung's name began to slowly vanish. To add to it, the pain began to subside along with it. And before the two of you could even comprehend what was happening and now - has happened, your skin was back to health as if the burns never came in the first place.

You breathed out and your hand reached behind you to feel the skin of your back that felt completely normal to you, "wh-what just happened..?".


Jinyoung made his way to the main entrance of their building (not exactly a building but y'know, some mafia base building.. place) when he was informed about more arrivals.

Beep! Beep!

The front lounge rung with an eery ring as it situated right after the door entrance and Jinyoung crunched his face, "I'm coming, jeez! Don't spam the doorbell!" He let out and sped up his pace. Swinging the door open, he welcomed the remaining 4 members of bangtan with a smile and a hint of worry for the blue haired man. Instantly, he helped Jimin take Taehyung to the infirmary while Namjoon and Yoongi made their way to the main lounge.

As the three made their way to the infirmary, Jimin instantly made out Jin and your voice behind the door of the infirmary room. "Hold on," he started and stepped closer before knocking on the door, which followed silence until footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

"Ye— oh, Jimin!" Jin peeked out from behind the door and gasped at Taehyung's state. "Here, let me help." He instantly made his way to wrap Taehyung's arm around his broad shoulders and led him and Jimin inside. "How is he conscious? He got shot for goodness sake!" Jin questioned in disbelief as Taehyung kept his eyes trained to the ground.

"Take me to Y/N," Taehyung suddenly blurted before lifting his head subtly and looking at Jin in the eyes, "please." He pleaded, desperation clear in his eyes and the eldest gulped before nodding.

You stayed laying on the bed and patiently waited for Jin to return so that you could continue to convince the elder that he was never to be blamed. "I'm back," you heard Jin call out but you could make out some sort of strain as he came closer to you.

You furrowed your brows, "Jin—" you cut yourself off with a gasp when you noticed Taehyung and Jimin there, standing beside him. "T-Taehyung," you breathed, tears forming in your eyes from the immense relief washing over you to see him still breathing.

The said man gifted you a weak smile in return and made his way over to you with Jin and Jimin's help, before frowning. "Why are you in the infirmary? Are you hurt? Where are you hurt? And-and how?" He let out in a rush and settled himself next to you in a sitting position. You opened your mouth to speak but Jin beat you to it, "her back was covered with 1 degree burns.. Taehyung-ah, your inked name was a bright red." He explained briefly, "but just before you two showed up, her burns began to subside and I can't say I know how it happened," he sighed, "because I don't.".

You nodded along and Taehyung frowned, "what? Ho—" he began to question but he was cut off with his coughing, having Jimin panic, "Jin hyung! Please help Taehyung! Before we got off our ride, Tae was coughing out blood," he explained in a rush and Jin instantly had Taehyung on another bed, laying on his stomach before swiftly, yet carefully removing his stained white button up. "Youngjae-Ah, please pass me an injection. I'm going to have to inject Taehyung with some propofol to make him unconscious.. the bullet—..." Jin stopped.

Jimin let out a nervous laugh, "about that..." he started, catching the elders' attention, "Jimin-ssi, what did you do..?" Youngjae furrowed his brows, concerned for Taehyung because he knows the inexperience Jimin has when it comes to aiding injuries. "Uh, I thought the bullet on Taehyung's back was making his wound worse if it stayed in his body longer.. so I just found some tweezers and pulled it out..?" He shrunk within the two elder's stares.

"You just- you pulled it out?! Were the tweezers even clean?" Jin asked loudly, and Jimin gulped. 'Damn, I didn't even think of hygiene, what do I say to that?'. "M-maybe?" He stuttered.

"MAYBETNFFU- what about the bullet wound? How is it freaking sealed?!" Jin questioned, expression turning more distorted with worry and disbelief, having Jimin feel a hint of guilt rise within him, "I-I ironed it closed.. b-because he was l-loosing blood." He stammered. Now that he thought back on it, that didn't sound too good at all.

Jin gaped at the younger male, "Jimin, you should have at least thought about sterilising those tweezers. Even running some tap water would've been so much better than that! It'll increase the risk of infection due to the breach of host barriers! You sealed that wound which is most probably infected right now! No wonder he's so weak - barely breathing at this point!" Jin exclaimed and instantly rushed around to get the required equipment's to help Taehyung.

"Youngjae, please get me propofol, Taehyung is unconscious right now and I can't risk him getting his consciousness back while I work on his wound." He requested then turned to Jimin with a stern expression, "You aren't allowed to stay in this room until I say it's okay," he began, "get Y/N some fresh clothes and meet the rest at the main lounge." He finished before turning back to help his brother. Jimin nodded and mumbled, "I-I'm sorry, I really didn't mea—"

"Sorry isn't going to help Taehyung, now go before I make you myself." Jin cut him off harshly without looking at the blonde. Jimin's lips trembled slightly and although the elder wasn't looking at him, he nodded and proceeded to lift you up and get you some fresh clothes. You, of course were overly concerned for both Jimin and Taehyung. But you knew Taehyung would be better soon with Jin's help. However, Jimin was clearly on the brink of tears and was most definitely feeling guilty thinking he worsened Taehyung's wound.

You covered your body with a large cloth and wrapped it around and headed out to wherever Jimin was taking you. 'Probably the changing room or something.. I'll speak to him about it then.' You thought. You watched as Youngjae remained at the door with his arms crossed and gave a small bow towards you and you returned it with a small smile.


Jin sighed heavily and tapped at his foot, "Whats taking him so lo—" he paused and noticed Youngjae at the door, "I thought I asked you to-"

"You were too harsh on Jimin, hyung." Youngjae interrupted with a frown, before making his way over to Jin with the requested propofol in his hands. "He was only trying to help his friend," he began, "I understand that he's inexperienced, but maybe in the current situation that they were in, he thought it was the best choice of action for the moment." He slowly spoke, making sure the elder took his words into consideration.

Jin let out another sigh and massaged at his temple, "Aish, you're right," he grumbled, "he's probably guilt tripping now.. and it's all because I can't keep my cool with everything that's been happening." He let out, "I just- I'm so worried for Y/N.. her father is crazy, then there's Taehyung who gets shot by one of Dom-K's gang members... then through out all this, Hoseok and Y/N get into an argument and- I'm just really overwhelmed." Youngjae nods understandingly with soft eyes.

"Being the eldest of the group does cause us to have some sort of 'motherly' instinct over the younger ones, and I completely understand, Jin." Mark suddenly interjects from the doorway. "And I relate to that feeling of having to worry over everyone that is close to me." He adds but frowns.

"But I'm afraid, I have to cut this short," he sighs, "we've got some company."



Again, I'm not well knowledged about Got7 members' personalities so everything about them is entirely based off of my imagination so please don't come at me saying things like "<member name> DOESNT ACT LIEK THAT"


^^oof 🤣🤣 That's going to my "noted" list 😉

Love you lots!! 🥰💕💞💜💘❤️

~ bonnehh_

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