Chapter 48

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Mark: 27
Jaebeom: 26
Jackson: 25
Jinyoung: 25
Youngjae: 24
Yugyeom: 22
Bambam: 22

"But I'm afraid, I have to cut this short," Mark sighed, "we've got some company." He stated seriously.

"What?" Jin frowned, "Sungjin, Y/N's father is at the front of our base right now. And I'm pretty sure he's going to ask for our help." He started and walked towards Jin and Youngjae, "but he clearly doesn't know that you guys are here. Which is why I need you all to go to the building's secret hideout so he doesn't find you. I don't want my friends in anymore danger." He gave off a half smile.

Jin returned the smile with a nod before frowning, "what about T—", Mark cuts in, "already taken care off. I have a wheeled bed waiting outside this room. Just lay him there and take him to the hideout where all of the medical supplies are readily kept for you to use." He stated, earning a pleased smile from Jin. "Thank you.".


You began to get fidgety as Jimin refused to speak up every time you brought up small talk. Apparently, you had to walk with a cloth wrapped around your body all the way to the second floor of the base and into a well-kept room filled with a years' supply of clothes. However, they were all for men and so in the end, you were put into an oversized grey shirt that stretched to your mid thighs, that were tucked neatly into some loose black sweat pants. Thankfully, the pants had straps so you were able to tie them, otherwise they'd easily slip off.

You were currently seated at a black, two-seater couch in the room and were waiting for Jimin to emerge from behind the wall that covered another pile of clothes there. But Jimin hadn't even slipped a word since you two left the infirmary and you finally decided that you needed him to talk, "Jimin." You called out.

No response.

"Jimin! This is seriously getting ridiculous," you frowned and made your way over to the division and turned to see what he was doing. "Jim—" you cut yourself off and noticed the blonde crouched at the corner of the room with his head buried in his hands. You were surprised to find him crying silently to himself at the corner and wondered why you hadn't figured it out before. Of course he was hurting; he easily takes blame and when Jin pointed out the reason for Tae's condition, you should've expected an outcome like this.

You sighed and sat yourself next to him, "hey, you don't have to keep your emotions to yourself," you started softly, "About Jin, I know what he said was out of stress, he didn't mean it." You continued on and finally, Jimin lifted his head and glanced at you. "Before you arrived, he was visibly frustrated because of my burns and how it suddenly disappeared. He kept calling himself 'useless' because he didn't know what to do." You sighed, eyes softening at the memory, "I tried to calm him down but he just got more aggravated," you looked back at Jimin and pulled him into a comforting hug, to which he returned back.

"I'm sure he'll come around and realise his mistake and apologies, don't take his words to heart. You don't need to blame yourself for helping your brother either, because it was all for a reason and of good intent." You finished. Staying like that for a few minutes more and Jimin finally spoke up, "Thank you, Y/N."

You let out a relieved sigh, hearing Jimin's voice after the deafening silence in the room had troubled you too much. "Any time." You smiled and patted his back once more before breaking the hug. Getting up onto your feet, you stretched your hand out for him to take and he gratefully accepted, hoisting himself up onto his feet himself before smiling down at you adoringly. "Really, I feel much better now." He grinned. You returned the smile and nodded, "let's go to—"


You were cut off with a loud explosion somewhere at the first floor and yelped in shock.

Jimin taking you behind him instantly to protect you in case the same would happen right in this room any time. "What was that?" You exclaimed in worry, "I have no idea but it's definitely bad news." Jimin scowled.

Grabbing onto your hand to keep you beside him at all times, he carefully made his way to the exit of the room and swung the door open only to let out a fit of coughs along with you from the sudden invasion of grey smoke in your lungs. "What the hell?" He questioned, and proceeded to wrap one arm around your frame to keep you under his grasp more securely.


Jungkook began to suddenly let out a fit of coughs in the hideout room of the base, catching the elders' attention. "You okay there, Kookie?"  Jin asked from beside him and patted the boy's back. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, I just don't..." he trailed and noticed his hand with your inked name on the wrist. He frowned, "hyung?" He called out loudly, having Namjoon take the initiative to reply with a hum, "where's Y/N?" He questioned, eyes growing wide as realisation settled onto his features at your absence in the room. "And Jimin!" Hoseok piped in, worry taking over his features.

Jin gasped, "they're out, in one of the base's changing room!" He stated, having Namjoon frown in return, "If I remember correctly, I believe the closest changing room from the infirmary is on the second floor," he mumbled.


All the member's eyes widened (except Tae, he's unconscious), "oh no," Hoseok gulped. Yoongi stood up in an instant and sped towards the exit, "I'm going to them." He bluntly stated but Namjoon blocked his way to leave, "No, hyung you are staying right here." He stated firmly, having yoongi growl, "No I'm not, move out of my way, joon." The pale man snarled when the younger refused to move, "yah, if you don't move within 5 seconds—"

"You are not leaving this room!" Namjoon exclaimed, scowling in frustration, "I won't let you go out there and get involved with whatever is happening! All of us are finally under some sort of safe haven and you going out there could just lead that Sungjin guy here!" He continued. Yoongi scoffed, "So you mean to tell me that Y/N and Jimin out there, possibly being hurt doesn't concern you even the slightest?" Yoongi questioned, "of course it does! I'm beyond worried for their safety but we need to trust Got7 with this!" Namjoon shot back.

"Which one of them knows about Jimin and Y/N literally out there, huh? Who?" Yoongi raised his voice, growing more impatient as he stayed under the safety of the hideout. "Yoongi, for fuck's sake Jimin and Y/N aren't completely defenceless! In addition to that, one of the got7 members must've found them by now!" Namjoon yelled out loud, he didn't even bother with the honourifics at this point.

"Watch your mouth, Kim!"


~a little while back~

Just as Mark was sure the hideout was secured with the BTS member's he rushed to the base's entrance where Jaebeom stood with his arms crossed. Furrowing his brows, he stood himself beside the leader and looked out to see Sungjin standing there.

"Ah! I remember you! Mark, was it?" The man questioned with a strained smile, "you do remember." Mark flatly replied, before eyeing JB with questioning eyes who in return gave a small glance before facing the man, "Mr. Sungjin if we really had time, we would help you look for euh.. <weird name(lol)> was it?" He asked 'unsurely'.

The man frowned, "It's Y/N." he grumbled before putting on another smile, "but I can't help but ask what you're busy with?" He blinked, taking a small step forward, "that information is classified." Mark interjected, before furrowing his brows in suspicion, "I really hope you know what business we do, otherwise you would be asking a random household of people about a missing daughter."

"Of course I know you boys!" Sungjin instantly shot back, eyes twitching slightly for holding in the act. "You stop criminals and... stuff, so-!" He added.

"Exactly. We stop criminals. Not find missing people. That work is supposed to be done from the local police officers." Jinyoung interrupted, piping his head into view from behind Mark and JB's shoulders.

The man sighed, "I wish you would've just helped me and hand her over without a fight," he nonchalantly let out, earning alarming expressions from the three members,

"blow it."


The base shook abruptly after a loud explosion from somewhere behind the base.

"Fuck!" Jinyoung cursed and flung himself forward to the clear culprit, to land a punch on the man until a new pair of hands stopped him from doing so, "what th—Ugh!" (A/N: stream UGH! :)) A hard punch made contact with his face, sending Jinyoung to the ground with a thud as he groaned in pain.

Sungjin scowled, "Yah, I get you out of that stubborn ass animal cage, and in return you were supposed to get that bitch! Why the fuck are you here?!" He yelled at Daniel, who landed the punch. Daniel scoffed, "you're supposed to be thankful I saved you from this pretty face."

"Talking back now, aren't we?" The old man let out, pulling out his pistol. "You're both really stupid for taking your time to talk to one another while we're here, you know that?" Jackson appeared, throwing a sharp blade towards Sungjin which hit the pistol out of the man's hands while also slightly cutting his palm. Sungjin flinched, "Aish! You!" He growled.

Daniel stood still, however and proceeded to just punch Sungjin into unconsciousness. And of course, he fell unconscious. "Fucking, weakass, shithead of a father wanting that dumb girl, with seven fucking soulmates." He grumbled, before turning to face all four Got7 members who stared at the gang member with a ridiculed face. Daniel stepped back for a moment before speaking, "This doesn't mean I'm teaming with you eggheads," that was enough to bring the members back on track, "well uh, okay." Mark let out before JB swung his palm to the enemy's neck, hitting his pressure point which as a result, left him unconscious beside the old man.

"That just happened." Jinyoung mumbled, trying to ease the pain at his jaw before turning back to head into the base that is clearly flaming.


Another explosion erupted leaving the boys to turn back to look where it came from. Seems like this time it was the second floor.

Jackson paused for a second and looked over his shoulder though, catching Jinyoung's attention, "Jackson?" He called out, snapping the man out of his little trance, "yeah, what?" He replied, having the latter furrow his brows, "saw something?" He questioned.

"No, it's nothing, ... let's go." Jackson shrugged off and rushed in before eyeing his brother, "Better get those other bastards to a stop too." He implied, earning a stern nod from Jinyoung.


As they rushed in to find where the explosion exactly took place, JB had paused in his track, causing his members to look back at him with wondering eyes, "what?" Mark spoke up, Jackson and Jinyoung catching up, "you here that?" JB replied, having everyone alert to some sound.



Eidosmdjdod im still learning about got7 Oof I'm slow when it comes to differentiations between idols in their group.
Lemme just tell u, it took me VERY LONG to figure out who's name is who in bts, I managed to learn the names in BTS, but not who's it belonged to. So u can (hopefully) imagine what I'm going thru atm (T-T;;)
Comment any queries you have about a soulmate bond in this story and your answers will be delivered soon! :>
I. Love. YOUUUUUUU 🥺💜💕❤️💕💜

~ bonnehh_

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