Chapter 50

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"The medical equipments have been stolen!"

You and the boys heard a distant yell from outside the room, causing your eyes to widen with worry, "Jimin...".

"How did he get hurt?" Jin asked, equally worried for his brother, "he... shielded me," you mumbled softly, "he heard a timer bomb from the third floor and... got hurt shielding me," you frowned. "Y/N it isn't yo—" Jungkook softly spoke.

"Not my fault, I get it," you cut him off, "I just can't help the feeling though..." you added, hearing Hoseok scoff slightly "because that's all you ever do no matter what." He grumbled. "Hos—" Namjoon started but the red head beat him to it, "Am I wrong though? Because every time we protect her, someway or the other, she finds a way to feel at fault and as a result, make us feel bad," Hoseok snapped his head to the leader, then turned to you, "Is it good to feel bad after protecting our soulmate? Or should we feel some sort of relief and happiness that we took the hit for her and kept her safe?" He snarled, "which one is it, huh?" He questioned, directing it towards you only.

You looked away from his hard stare and stood with fumbling words to reply. "I only feel at fault because I wish I was the one keeping you safe.. and instead, it's always the opposite," you frowned at the red head, "why shouldn't it stay that way? We want to be ones keeping you safe. Not the other way around." He stated, eyes softening slightly. The boys stood quiet and simultaneously thought of leaving you two to talk things out.

The door swung open, revealing Yugeum, who looked a little stressed. "Any extra hands, please?" He panted, giving off the conclusion that he was running around to look for some sort of help and thought the boys as the last option, "Don't worry though, the gang left," he started, " Jinyoung and Youngjae hyung made sure of it and checked every corner of the base." He stated, before getting startled by the abrupt volunteers from the boys, who shot their hands up.

"We'll help! Uh, Hobi and Y/N will stay with Taehyung," Jin instantly spoke, side eyeing the two of you who stood dumbfounded. "Wh-" Hoseok began but Jungkook beat him to it, "Alright! Now that, that's settled, let's go!" He chimed, all too enthusiastic to seem natural, to which you raised a brow at. "Okay..." you let out, watching as the boys scurried off to help the got7 members.

You began to fidget with your fingers as soon as silence took over the room and the tension in the room suddenly began to feel suffocating and awkward. You could only guess that Hoseok felt the same. 'Alright Y/N. just speak up and stop all this and swallow your pride just this once.' You encouraged yourself and opened your mouth to speak;

"Hoseok listen—"
"Y/N hear me out—"

"Oh, uh," you paused, biting back a smile as Hoseok let out a nervous laugh.

"You go first—"
"After you—"

"Ah," the two of you let out a laugh, before Hoseok spoke up without having any interruptions, "please, continue." He softly let out. You nodded before inhaling once, and breathing out.

"I'm really sorry for saying the things I did before," you began, "I felt overly frustrated during that time and let anger get the best of me, and control what I say. And thinking back on my words, I couldn't even identify why I said such horrible things in the first place. I realised you simply just cared for my well being, and I honestly am really grateful for that. I just hated how some of you had to get hurt during the chaos, and also have your home flipped over into a mess, all the while. Having you and the boys was, is and forever will be the best thing in my life and I just couldn't bare seeing you all hurt." You explained, before gulping, "However, I must admit that I won't stop feeling even the slightest bit of guilt. I know I wasn't the one who hurt you and the boys or even brought those guys to you all on purpose, but even so, you protect me - keep me safe and I'm left without a scratch. Then there's you guys: cuts, bruises, scratches... getting shot," you sighed.

"I..." your head snapped up at Hoseok who spoke up, "I understand now - your feelings," He continued, "and I'm sorry too, I really am. I cursed at you without giving you the time to even explain yourself. I jumped to ridiculous conclusions. Even when I think back, I realised; why would you - or anyone for that matter - want to ever go back to such a despicable man? I let my mind believe that you simply wanted things to stop by going back without fighting for your own freedom, and it was wrong for me to assume such things." He paused for a second then continued, "Once before when you were covered with scratches and cuts... back at the ally, I couldn't help but feel so furious. Even now, looking at you. You have some scratches and cuts becuase of all those explosions... I rarely feel such an emotion yet, seeing you in that state made me promise myself that I'd protect you from even the tiniest of scratches. Because you definitely don't deserve the pain. Whether it being you tripping simply because of your clumsiness or not. I just couldn't bare it. I still can't, and- and I don't think I ever will," he rambled on.

"Hobi..." you let out softly, stopping him from rambling further before stepping forward and pulling him into a hug, "It's okay. After all this is over, you won't have to worry about me getting hurt, or me to you and the boys." You smiled before pulling away to look at him in the eyes, "but that promise to make sure I don't get a single, tiny little scratch is a bit much, don't you think?" You raised a brow, earning a soft laugh from the red head, "maybe, but I'm up for the challenge!" He fisted the air. "You and your ridiculous challenges, take it back!" You laughed. "Fine, fine. You're too clumsy anyways. I can't save you from falling off your bed in your sleep while I'm asleep too. Yeah, okay, I take it back." He grinned.

"Yah! I don't fall off my bed in my sleep!" You playfully hit him at his chest, having him gasp, "I thought you didn't want me hurt! You just punched me! You wound me, Y/N. How could you?" He dramatically fell to the floor, gripping his chest. You rolled your eyes at his act with a smile, "alright, get up before I punch you even harder." You stated, giggling as Hoseok stood up in an instant, "oh dear, I'm very scaredu," he let out in English, "me don't want hurteu pleaseu." He added making you frown, "what does that mean?" You asked. Hoseok snickered, "nothing~" he replied.

"Ugh..." (a/n: I will say this again: stream UGH! Bishes:))

A strained voice caught both of your attention, "Taetae!" You gasped, rushing to settle beside the blunette. Hoseok followed right after. "Hey, easy there." You softly let out, easing Taehyung into a sitting position carefully. "Thank you." The latter replied. "How does it feel to be aliv— ow!" Hoseok began but you pinched his forearm, "what was that for?" He pouted.

"He never died in the first place, you idiot." You shot back. Taehyung let out a chuckle, catching your attention. With a smile, you asked, "how are you?" The blue haired boy replied, "it's nice to wake up to see your face," he smiled, having you giggle lightly.

"Oh goody, So I'm invisible now." Hoseok piped in, bemusedly. "Ah, no no hyung," Taehyung let out, "It's.... cool to see you too," he stated, tone more questioning. Hoseok shook his head, "yah! How could you be so careless?" He began, "That gang can't suddenly disappear into thin air when you're literally launching your whole ass body on to Sungjin!" He huffed.

"Sungjin?" Taehyung questioned, "Y/N's father. That's his real name apparently." Hoseok sighed, scratching the nape of his head.

"He had a cOde nAme?" Taehyung asked once more, sitting more straightly but winced slightly after from a wave of pain in his back, before easing back to his original position, "hey, minimum movement!" You scolded, extending your hand to rub your hand gently over his bandaged wound—

"Woah! What did you do?!" Hoseok exclaimed as soon as your hand made contact with Taehyung's wound as a faint golden glow appeared under your touch, "I-I don't know," you stuttered, examining your palms carefully.

"Do you feel anything different Taehyung?" Hoseok asked, eyes wide with curiosity. "Uh," Taehyung started unsurely, "The pain on my back slightly went away..." he mumbled, directing his gaze and locking it with yours.

"What?" You asked, "Y/N, could you maybe put your hand on my back again?" Tae piped up, watching as you nodded and brought yourself closer beside him before placing the palm of your hand right on the wound.

"I-it's glowing again.." you let out, this time moving your hand in an up and down motion, "Wahh, I feel tingly!" The younger male exclaimed, "really?" Hoseok interjected, coming closer to see the faint glow better.

"Let's check your back," the elder added, coming over and lifting Tae's shirt to see the bandages. "I don't see anything different..." the latter mumbled softly. "Let's remove the bandages," you piped up, already beginning to loosen the bandage around Tae's upper back.

As soon as it came off, both you and Hoseok let out an audible gasp, "what? What is it?" Taehyung spoke up, unable to see what you two were seeing. So instead, he decided to extend his hands to his back and feel for his wound—

Only there wasn't any. "What? Where did it go?" Taehyung exclaimed in surprise. Instantly, he stood up without a second thought and dashed to the room's body-length mirror and spun on his spot to see his back. He gasped audibly as well, and shot his head towards you with wide eyes, "did you just heal me?".

"Yes. Yes she did." Namjoon piped up from the door frame with eyes filled with interest along with a knowing expression.

"Let's sit down, I think I'll tell you guys a little more about soulmates."

NAHDSIDODKXJXIS So I realised that my soulmate au has not gone into depth.
And the only thing you know about it is that:
-your soulmate's name gets inked into your skin.
-If the procedure of the bonding is fast, you can feel a tingly sensation.
-Once you've bonded, you gain a new sort of instinct regarding your soulmate's emotions and situation.
And that's it lol. Hence, the next chapter will give further information about the soulmate Bond in this story :)

Love you so much 🥺💜💕💜💕💞❤️💘💕💜

~ bonnehh_

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