Chapter 51

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"Let's sit down, I think I'll tell you guys a little more about soulmates."

Namjoon announced and gestured for you, Hoseok and Taehyung to settle yourselves. "Now this may not have been taught during school and I'll let you ask questions if something isn't clear okay? So...


This is quite straightforward: It's a term used to convey that two souls are ideally made for each other - A soul's other half.

So when you meet that other half, you feel complete. Just like a puzzle piece fitted perfectly together. You get the name of your soulmate's inked onto your wrist; but in case for a Multifated, the wrist as well as other areas such as the shoulder, back, neck, thighs, waist, etc.

There is no way you can get rid of the ink on your skin. The soulmate is meant to be accepted and should be a part of your life. However if you don't meet you other half by the age of 45, your ink Mark begins to fade(It has been tested). This situation hasn't been a case yet and most definitely won't happen as the chances of meeting your soulmate are upto - and sometimes are over 67%. (A/N: I was gonna type 69% but oh well, let's keep this appropriate 😂😂😉)

With that being said, once you've bonded with your soulmate, you gain an instinct which helps you identify their current situations.

"So was the 'before-ally' part- when we were in our house, a soulmate instinct of ours about Y/N's situation?" Hoseok asked. "Yes. All of us felt something wrong, didn't we?" Namjoon replied.

The effect of the bond is very strong, but keeping a close distance with your soulmate doesn't make you feel any different than you were before meeting them. The strength of this bond is capable for one half to feel the other half's mental state and emotions. The highest it can go is up to physical feelings, but only if the soulmate is at a far distance from you.

As the distance gets covered gradually, the physical effects begin to fade and you're back to normal.

"Ah, that explains so much now..." you mumbled, earning a nod from Hoseok. Taehyung was still confused with your phrase, though.

And Namjoon took notice, "In your case Taehyung, since you had an injury on your back, Y/N was being effected too. As the two of you got further away, the effects grew and Y/N faced physical pain. It was lucky enough that the distance wasn't wide enough to give Y/N the same injury too. The only unfortunate part was that the burns on your back effected her. Which brings me to my next point...

When your soulmate is facing some physical injury such as a cut for example, the distance divides the pain accordingly. If it was a deadly wound such as a deep stab, then the pain would be divided and shared along with you.

In this case, Taehyung was shot on his back so he should've been in a fatal state with the way his wound was continuously bleeding out. In addition to that, he managed to stay conscious at times, despite his pale and weak state. The pain was shared with you, and your far more healthy state helped keep him alive throughout the time. But as soon as the distance between the two of you shortened, Taehyung's soul had slowly began to take back the divided pain from you and took the initial pain and effect the wound was meant to cause -Hence, the sudden reason he coughed up blood.

"YoU WHAT?" You yelled in shock, turning to Taehyung, "when did that happen?" You asked, "ah, when we were in the car," he mumbled, "but I'm fine now."

"Yeah, Joon just get to the point already. How did Y/N suddenly have healing powers? Is this some weird ass book about soulmates having magical healing powers now?" Hoseok interjected, growing impatient as the subject hadn't been discussed yet.
Namjoon nodded.

The healing ability of a soulmate is only capable to be used by a Multifated, which is you. This ability is only used when the Multifated makes physical contact with their inked name or on the injury on one of their soulmate's skin. Your hand made contact with your Name - along with his injury on Taehyung's back and so you began to heal his injury effectively. However it does have its limitations.

Your healing ability is limited to your energy. As you heal one of your soulmate, your energy is drained too.

"So I'm sure you feel slightly tired, Y/N." Namjoon added in acknowledgment. You nodded, feeling your eyes droop slightly, "yeah."

There is also a downside to this. If you overuse it, you can drain out your energy to the point that it can cause yourself to fall into coma. Which is why it should be rarely used. This ability can be learned to control as time passes. Once you've mastered it, you can make contact with your inked name on your soulmates' skin without using up your energy to unnecessarily heal them.

"Wait! But Jimin's hurt too! Won't I be feeling some pain right now?" You asked, furrowing your brows.

Back to the physical pain and it's division, the furthest distance you can keep from your soulmate is around 100 - 150 meters . Which is why you aren't being effected by Jimin's physical state at the moment. Any further than that, then you begin feel the pain too. But since you're in perfect health, It's much easier for Jimin's to cope up with the stab wound.

"Wait I'm still confused," Hoseok piped in, "Y/N has seven soulmates. Shouldn't she feel yours And Yoongi hyung's physical pain or something like that too? Or if she gets hurt, won't we feel her pain then?" He questioned, earning nods from you and Taehyung too. Namjoon perked up, "Ah, yes about that...

Since a Multifated has more than one soulmate and in this case, you had 3 of your soulmate's far from you, you picked up the physical effects from the most endangered soulmate. Which was Taehyung. See, the soulmate bond works strongest and gives its most effect on you when your other half is under danger. It gives you an alert to their situation and you can go about it. How? You may ask—

"How?" Taehyung grinned, earning a shake of the head from the leader, who chuckled.

Although you may feel the effects of an injury your soulmate may feel, you can help them through the distance by helping your body by - suppose a pain killer pill. Once you've swallowed it and it does it's job, your soulmate will begin to feel some sort of relief from the pain as well. But—

"Damn there's always a 'but'..." you grumbled.

The relief you give your soulmate is only temporary. As long as the far distance is kept, you share your side effects on whatever that may have happened with your soulmate. So to simplify this, a Multifated receives the physical effects only from a particular soulmate - based on the percent of danger they hold: which is higher than the rest.

Now about the pain that the Multifated experiences physically— "This hasn't been confirmed yet, though.." Namjoon added in swiftly — if you, perhaps get shot in someplace vital, it is said that the bonded can help the same way too - only this time, the distance between one another does not prevent them from feeling the Multifated's pain. Even if the Multifated happens to be right beside even one of her bondeds, they will still feel half of her pain. That's the demerit. However dispite that, the bondeds can share the half pain from the Multifated, evenly amongst themselves. Then as a result, the bondeds could lower their pain all the way to a small pinch-like feeling, while helping their Multifated to keep consciousness and stay alive, all the while.

"There's also one thing about this Multifated that I'd like to tell you guys," Namjoon said.

You see, all this physical side effects that the bonded or the Multifated feel - if you haven't noticed yet, revolve entirely on the Multifated herself. It's just like a star:

Without the 8th spark on the top, the remaining seven would most likely fall apart. So in a way, the Multifated keeps us together and keeps us more stabilised - or in our case, further strengthen our already strong bond with each other.


"Alright, so that's just about it!" Namjoon clapped his hands together, "I didn't know having a soulmate had so much to it. Then there's a Multifated and the bondeds..." Taehyung breathed in awe. "Well now you know," the Silver haired male shrugged. "Yeah, well now I'm sleepy, so-" you yawned, earning chuckles from the boys, before Hoseok piped in, "where did you learn all this?" He asked with wide, curious eyes, "this was definitely not taught during school." He added.

Namjoon smiled sadly, "before bangtan, I worked in a lab as a scientist and did a lot of research on soulmates. There were many test volunteers and through that, I gathered these points about having a soulmate," He paused, "I'd rather not speak too much about it though," he sighed before putting on a smile, "Come on, the gang's gone now. Plus food isn't going to eat itself." He giggled.

"Holy shit, yes finally!" You exclaimed, "Ah, I'm starving!" Taehyung chimed, having Hoseok agree with a nod. The three of you instantly followed behind the leader.

"Yah! Slow down guys! Your long ass legs take huge steps! Your one step covers a distance that is equal to two steps of mine!" You whined, speeding up your pace. "Get roller skates and hold onto us, then you won't have a problem," Hoseok snickered, imagining the scenario.

(A/N: new colours ooOoOooh!1!!1!)


"There you are!" Jin grinned, moving around the long dining area as he set the table. "Me, JB and Bambam set out some meals for all of us. I'm sure we're all hungry here," he chuckled.

"God bless you three." You beamed, settling yourself on one of the seats next to Jinyoung. The said man smirked at his group members slyly, and then pointedly stared at Youngjae, "So Youngjae..." he casually spoke up with a cocky grin, "I guess Y/N prefers to sit next to me than with you." He all but yelled for everyone to hear.

You paused, "wait wh—"

The younger male scoffed, "please, if she knew she had to choose a seat next to one of us, she would've totally sat next to me! Isn't that right, Y/N?" Youngjae smirked. You stayed dumbfounded, "wait- I-I was supposed to choose?" You asked, straightening up in your seat as you received nods. "Well? You wanted to sit next to me instead of that pest, right?"


"Don't listen to him." Jinyoung let out, eyes trained onto you. You gulped, "u-uh, um," you began, looking between the two idols.

"Y/N, sit next to me," yoongi piped up lazily as he sat himself opposite to the two other males. "Ah, yeah s-sure!" You instantly shot up and rushed to the seat next to yoongi.


"Yoongi - what now?" Suga bursted out laughing, "Uh-" you stammered, 'HOW DID HE HEAR ME???' You innerly panicked, because actually, you really didn't say that aloud.

"P-POONGI, AHAHAHAHAH," Jungkook wheezed all the way from the kitchen, followed by Jimin who fell to the floor as he hugged his stomach to stop it from aching... wait—

(a/n: why could I hear Jungkook's laugh while typing it- 😂😂)

"JIMINIEEE" you screeched out and flung off your seat faster than the speed of light, and smashed yourself against the boy on the floor. "OOF-" the blonde male wheezed, "I just recovered, woman!" He let out, still returning the bone crushing hug that you pulled him into.

"You... how— y-you're okay! What about your waist?? Ho ma gawd—" you rambled but the blonde male cut in, "I know, I know, I don't even know myself! Ask Jin hyung!" He pointed. You spun your head to the eldest with wide eyes, "hOW DID YO—".

'H e a l i n g t h i n g y' the male mouthed secretly, eyes roaming cautiously at everyone, before speaking aloud, "Uh.. who knows. When I came back to treat him, he was alright." He mumbled. Your eyes grew wide, and your eyes instinctively set on Namjoon. The said man mirrored your confused gaze as well, shrugging his shoulders to signify that he doesn't know either.

"As sweet as this little scene looks, please eat the food before it runs cold," Jinyoung piped up, resuming to eat his meal. Simultaneously, everyone took their seats around the table: you being between yoongi and Mark.


"Wait... is this supposed to be breakfast?" You suddenly asked, looking around at the males, who then looked at each other, and finally eyes set on the three cooks.

"Uh, well I suppose... it is 4 in the morning so-" Jaebeom began but Bambam cut in, "who cares? Are you hungry or not?" He directed the last question to you, "of cour—".

"Then eat." He grinned, as he cut you off. "Yah, remember we're her s—" Jungkook started but Namjoon cut him off, "We haven't discussed that yet, JK..." he grumbled. "...oops" the younger let out, as the attention of all Got7 members were directed to you and the boys.

"So let's start that discussion now." Mark started, side eyeing your figure for a moment before turning to look at the others as well,

"Explain what's going on, Bangtan."


Bro so my app is on a time limit so I can't keep writing chapter in advance so, I believe at some point, you guys have to wait a little longer than 5 days to get your new update. We'll have to see. (It's not guaranteed yet so-)


~ bonnehh_

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