Chapter 52

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‼️‼️My book is being accused of copywriter atm, and the author who believes I've plagiarised her chapters wants to take down my book. I'm not sure what the next course of action is rn, but if things work out smoothly, I can continue to update y'all with new chapters as usual. For now, I'm changing my update schedule to a 6 days gap instead of 5. Please wish me luck 😭😭


"Explain what's going on, Bangtan."

Yoongi sighed, "Y/N is our soulmate," he stated, not bothering to beat around the bush, causing the room to fall into silence.

"Yeah Tae-hyung's name is inked on her... back." Bambam let out. "Pabo, Suga said "OUR"," Yugyeom started, face clearly expressing surprise, "Which means Y/N is all of bangtan's soulmate." He explained, having Bambam snap his head to you with wide eyes, "wait, really?" He questioned, looking at every BTS member's faces to find even a hint of a lie in their expression. However, to his disbelief, all of them held a serious look.

"It's true. All of us have Y/N's name inked at certain areas on our body; mine is on my left shoulder, but you can take a look at Jungkook and Yoongi hyung's wrists to at least clarify that Y/N is their soulmate too." Namjoon interjected, watching as Yoongi lifted his right wrist up to show your name inked onto his skin— "why don't I just show both of my wrists?" You cut in, not waiting for Joon to reply and lifting both of your wrists up to reveal Jungkook and yoongi's name inking one of your wrists each.

"Wahhhh," Youngjae let out, "and Taehyung's name is inked on your back..." Mark mumbled beside you, earning a nod from you. "So you're..." he trailed,

"A Multifated."


"It's true, there is a Multifated! I saw her! Seven giant dudes were beside her and all of them were hot!" A brunette exclaimed, telling her group of friends about her discovery, "this may sound weird and stalker-ish, but I think they all just went to Got7! I saw one of the idols, I believe it was Jackson." She added.

"Pfft, no way! What does this have to do with Got7 at all?" One of her friends interjected, "even if a Multifated was real, Someone must've taken a picture or something to add proof to their statement. Do you have proof?" They asked. "Not yet-".

"Exactly! You're just making things up now."

"But that's where you're wrong! I may not have a picture at the moment. But trust me when I say that I will very soon - I have a strong feeling that I know who this Multifated is..." the girl smirked.


~Smol time skip brought to u by Jin's flying kiss~

"Aish, the sleepiness is really draining me at this point. I might as well collapse and sleep on the floor right about now." You yawned in the end. Your legs felt like heavy sacks of bags that kept you from walking further, and the thing is: you literally just left the dining room. "Do you want me to carry you?" Jungkook offered shyly, "ah, it's okay. I guess that heal—mph-" your mouth was covered swiftly by Hobi, who looked at his younger with panicked eyes as he noticed Jungkook's curious, yet suspicious eyes. "Uh- g-geez, Y/N! Close your mouth when you're yawning." You frowned and simply licked his palm, "EWWWW" the elder shrieked, rubbing his palm vigorously onto your shirt, "take your saliva bacK!"

"The shirt's not mine, by the way." You mumbled, already half asleep as you continued to walk, having Hoseok pause his movements, "Yah, why would you do that??" He pressed, following the same direction as the others. "I do cover my mouth when I yawn, I wasn't even about to-"

"Yes you were, I could feel it." Hoseok cut in.

"You can feel it?" Jungkook asked amused. "Y-yes." Hobi mumbled.

"Whatever, where are we even going?" You groaned, "my legs will give up on me any minute now!" You whined, having Namjoon stop in his tracks and look back to let you catch up beside him, "c'mere," he softly let out and hoisted you up, making you wrap your legs around his torso and your hands around his neck. "No fair!" Jungkook gasped, "I asked first!" He added.

"I didn't ask." Namjoon smirked, then continued towards the base's exit. "Joon, you're comfy.." you slurred your words subconsciously, nuzzling your head in between the space between his neck and shoulder. "Why are you acting so cute, all of a sudden?" Joon chuckled, making you smile slightly as you felt the vibrations of his voice - which in way, pulled you further into your slumber but you still tried to fight back.

"Sleep, sweetheart. It's gonna be awhile before you get to sleep on a bed. I'll wake you up, alright?" Jin patted your head soothingly, successfully putting you to sleep.

As soon as you were deep in sleep, the boys' faces -including Got7's - turned somber. Namjoon looked towards the two young hackers, "Are you sure, what you saw was true? It could've been anything." He asked. Yugeom frowned, "I'm 100% sure a girl was just outside the main gate." He stated sternly.

Bambam spoke up, "Which is why, we need to take you all to some place more secluded and safe.", Mark nodded, "We may not be the ones on your boat, being the bonded of a Multifated, but we know all kinds of possibilities and outcomes of having it revealed to the world. And over a Majority of them aren't good outcomes," He sighed, "But just one girl finding about our base isn't the only problem. Every one of us must be aware that Dom-K still has a few of their gang members out there." He stated.

"And we can not afford any mishaps so before we got out of this place, Jinyoung and Youngjae had went on a look out on this area and looked at, and around every corner." JB inputted, "One of those gang members have binoculars and are at a higher ground on a hill behind our base, the one with brown hair and..." Youngjae began, "green eyes." Jinyoung finished.

"Sanguel..." Jimin growled lowly, with gritted teeth. "But that's not all. Apparently, A dude with black eyes and brown hair has a sniper ready from another hill beside the one behind our base, on the left." Jinyoung added.

"Tsk. Yeon woo." Yoongi grumbled, clearly tired from the lack of sleep the previous night's event caused. Now he's just plain irritated. "No worries, Suga. We'll both blade throw at their necks and slice their heads off if you'd like." Jackson smirked, noticing the elder's eyes darken at the thought, "I'll take you on that." Yoongi smirked as well.

Namjoon coughed in, "later. As much as the thought satisfies all of us, we need to get to a safer place. If not for all of us, then at least for Y/N." he said. "But won't yeon woo be able to shoot us, if we go from the main exit?" Hoseok piped in with a concerned expression.

Mark smirked, "this exit is their least expected get away for us. They know about our underground tunnel drive through, so we take the most obvious route: the front exit." He explained. "Good point." Hoseok let out.

"Uh, um but Namjoon," Jackson cut in, catching his friend's attention, "I'll need to ask you to give Y/N to me..." he mumbled unsurely. "What, why?" Jungkook beat Namjoon to respond, "it's nothing bad! I swear!" The latter blurted out in a panic, as he noticed the leader's grip tighten around your sleeping frame protectively.

"What I'm trying to request you is to let me carry her for you guys. Once all of you get in the SUV outside this door, me and my group mates will bring her along with us in the second SUV van."

"What? why?" Jungkook frowned, "she can get in with us. I don't see the problem with that," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It may not be a problem, but I want you guys to remember that one gang member has a sniper. Problem or not, it is the fact that they'll definitely target your van since they would surely assume Y/N is with you. If you're really so keen on protecting her, I suggest you let her sit in our van." Jaebeom spoke up this time, furrowing his brows from impatience.

Namjoon hesitated at first, but gave in nonetheless, "If what you're implying is true, then I guess it's safer if she's with you after all." He nodded. Jin already felt timid at the thought of having you with anyone but them, but decided to agree on their thought process. It made sense.

"Jeez, it's not like we're stealing her from you," Jackson chuckled, as he adjusted Y/N onto him while also making sure you don't wake up from your much needed slumber, "well, she is a fan of yours, if you didn't know already." Hobi grumbled, "when we were heading to you guys, Jin hyung mentioned about your base and she literally screamed." He added, shaking his head as he thought back, "she scared the shit out of me, not gonna lie." He chuckled.

"Why the fuck did you scream?!" He snarled with irritation—

The red head frowned at the memory, 'gotta make up for that. And more..' He thought. Jin's eyes softened, "you guys made up right?" He whispered, placing a comforting hand on the male's shoulder. Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts, "what? Oh, y-yeah we did." He assured, later biting the inside of his cheek at the doubtful expression Jin responded with, "You can tell me if something's wrong you know?" Jin sighed, but nodded anyways to give the red head his time to think things through. "But we did-"

"You guys ready to make a run?" JB questioned aloud, hand ready to open the front door as soon as everyone confirms that's they're ready. "On the count of three, then."

"1...2...3, Go!" He yelled and swung the door wide open, "could be a little more quiet here..!" Jackson whisper-yelled, head whipping back and forth between you and Jaebeom. The Bangtan boys sprinted towards the first SUV, speeding up even more as soon as gun shots began to fire at their direction. Thankfully, they missed majestically.

"Now us. Remember, the sniper is behind this building. So if you stay closer to the front walls, this Yeon woo guy, won't be able to shoot us. Our SUV is just behind Bangtan's." Mark instructed, giving Jackson the most warning since you were in his arms. The said man, nodded.

Youngjae rushed beside Jackson and quickly plugged your ears to lessen the gunfire noises. "Being startled awake from gunshots isn't the way." He stated with a little sass, before slumping slightly, "but it definitely wont guarantee she won't wake up." "Alright guys, On the count of three,"JB repeated.

"1...2...3, Go!"


Hold up, if y'all think I won't make Y/N wake up from freaking gunshots then u are sOO wrong. How the hell do u sleep through something like that? I certainly won't. This book may be fictional, but there should be some realistic element to it too, shouldn't there? So yeah, I'm just giving this one part of the next chapter away, because I prefer y'all know about this little detail. ,:>

Love you guys! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

~ bonnehh_

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