Chapter 53

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I'm happy to announce that my book won't be taken down. I'm very grateful for your support, everyone! The author however to my dismay, is still not in terms with the fact that the both of us have weirdly thought of an all too similar plot. She has decided to discontinue her book which kinda makes me really sad, but it's her choice and I support her decision.

We may have not started off well, but thinking from her perspective, I find myself in the same situation where I can't believe a book has exactly the same story line as mine. I hate to admit it, but I would've instantly assumed the same thing.

Your upmost support for my book is a great motivation and I can assure you with every confidence I have that this book will have a proper ending. I don't plan to give it up!

With that aside, please don't let this stop you from enjoying and commenting on my chapters so by all means, let's begin reading the new chapter! 💕 (whoever read this, may god bless u and thank you for taking ur time to hear me out🥰🥺)


"1...2...3, Go!"

All of you made a run for it, and as Mark instructed, the boys stuck closer to the front walls of the base. The footsteps of a number of people running was probably heard by the sniper however, as Gunshots began to fire once again.

You jumped awake from your sleep and noticed that you weren't inside. In fact, you weren't even in the arms of one of your soulmates, so you screamed in a panic, "WHAT THE FUCK?!", Jackson screamed in surprise at your sudden outburst and nearly toppled over if it weren't for his reflexes. "Y/N it's okay, it's just me! Jackson, you know? Jackson wang??" The man spoke up, his voice more out of breath due to the running he kept at the same pace before slowing down as soon as he reached the SUV. "J-Jackson??? What?!" You yelled again, eyes shooting towards the ground where bullets flew and made contact with the ground.

"WHO'S SHOOTING?!" You exclaimed in worry, tightening your grip around the man's neck. Jackson choked, "I c-can't breathe-" he wheezed, "aH, Sorry!" You squeaked, "where's Namjoon?!" You yelled, "where are my guys?! And why can't I hear you clearly?!"

"Youngjae-ah!" Jackson called out, having the said man to rush to you, "sorry I plugged your ears, here. Turns out ear plugs will forever remain useless.." Youngjae calmly put, and helped remove the ear plugs. "Oh." But you really wished you hadn't had them taken off. Because the sniper was ridiculously loud. "Bangtan just took one van before us, they're headed to our new destination. We settled on taking you with us because the gang would definitely target them, thinking you're with them." Jackson explained, instantly noticing the slight frown on your face. "Haha, don't worry; I'm pretty sure I saw Yoongi hyung take the wheel," he laughed, relieved that you at least cracked a smile.

But how bad can that be?

~ meanwhile, with the BTS members ~

"Yoongi-yAHHHH" Jin yelled as soon as he took the passenger seat. Yes, you read this right; it means yoongi took the wheel.

"If you were driving, everyone would probably be shot by now! If not, then the tires will surely be shot and busted!" Yoongi defended, reasoning why he is speeding the vehicle so much. "WeLL, Hoseok won't last long either way!" Jin shot back, having yoongi glance at the rear view to see Hobi hyperventilating with his eyes shut closed, and clinch onto both Taehyung and Namjoon since he sat between them. He seemed to also mumble prayers.

Namjoon may be the leader, but does that stop him from fearing at the SUV's current speed? Nope. It definitely does not.

"HYUNG SLOW DOWN, PLEASE!" He all but yelled. To the man's complete surprise, the elder listened to his plea, and slowed down to a more suitable and safer speed. He didn't make any sign to vocalise his response though. Namjoon stared dumbfounded, before shaking out of his little trance, "Uh, th-thanks."

"Hhhhh wuUoOhH, hhhhhh wooooOAh," Hoseok vocalised his attempt to calm down from the initial speed that they were moving, loosening his grip slightly from his brothers, to which Taehyung let out a relieved sigh, "my blood circulation, thank you god." He let out.

"The gang should lose track of us by now, right? Or-" Jimin piped up from the back, "No, not with the speed this man drove, I don't think so." Jin replied back, earning a playful eye roll from the pale man. "Hey, At least I managed to outrun the— who's that?" He started but abruptly changed his sentence into a question, catching the other's attention. "That doesn't look like the van the others were supposed to get on... did they change their vehicle?" Jin let out. "Could be, That woo guy had a sniper so maybe he finally landed a useful shot." Jungkook casually let out.

"Take a sharp turn." Namjoon suddenly commanded, making Hoseok frown, "but that's not the route to—"

"On it." Yoongi cut in, spinning the wheel swiftly towards the right, "Jungkook, get your hand gun out, Jin hyung I need you to hand me the two pistols from underneath your seat only when I give you the signal." Namjoon unbuckled his seatbelt and scooted slightly more forward in his seat, "Hoseok keep an eye on the driver and let yoongi hyung and Jungkook know of their next move. Jimin, Taehyung—" Namjoon instructed sternly before having the 95 liners to beat him to it, "We got it." They simultaneously said before the leader nodded, then pulled down his window to poke his hand out with a sign that signified the vehicle following them, to pull up.

Yoongi took the SUV a little more further down the bumpy road and stopped it as soon as the distance from the main road was suitable. Before he got out along with the others, he made sure to prepare his set of blades and keep them ready to use just in case.

As the group got out of the van one by one, the car following them took a halt a few meters behind them. The men instantly found themselves frowning with confusion at the person who exited the vehicle. "Hello! Thank you for pulling up, we got lost on our way to our cousin's house." A young woman smiled, walking closer to the seven men. "Wow, such fine men you all are. Did we just find another set of lost people in this area?" She giggled.

'It's an act.' Bangtan thought immediately as she got closer.

"Another?" Yoongi raised a brow, "We didn't pass by anyone else through this road until you appeared." He stated. "Oh, did I say that? No, no, haha, what I meant was.. that me and my.. brother were lost here so, now we found you guys! And you're lost too!" She tried to explain before taking a pause, "...w-were you lost...too?". "Miss, was there a reason you were following us? If not, then me and my mates would like to leave sooner than later." Namjoon interjected, "following you? We just happen to move the same direction you guys were going. And if I read your sign right, you told us to pull up." The lady scoffed.

Namjoon's eyes sparked at that and he glanced towards Jin, who instantly handed the pistols to him. "V." He simply Let out, earning a shocked gasp from the woman. Taehyung had easily moved himself behind the woman without her notice and at the leader's call, locked her under his hold. "Jimin,".

Jimin instantly busted the car's tires and had the woman's "brother" locked under his hold in a blink as well. "Nice try, lady. Who taugh you about this sign, hm?" He showed:

(A/N: I just made up any weird hand gesture lol)

(A/N: this is literally the only fully coloured image I have created for this book so far lmfao <I suck at making hands please don't come at me.. and jewellery🥺>)

"... fuck."

"It's only communicated between gangs, not even local police knows about it. Ring a bell?" Joon raised a brow. "Who sent you?" Taehyung snarled, earning a gasp form the anonymous woman as she felt a cold metal right at the middle of her back, "Okay! Okay! Holy fuck please don't kill me!" She yelled in a panic.

"Name." Namjoon demanded, "Mina! Oh god, it's Mina! Get that gun away from me!" She exclaimed, "We don't like hurting women in anyway, but if their intentions are ill-intended then it's only fair you face the consequences." Jin's frown deepened as he took a step closer to Mina. "Why were you following us?" He asked.

"Money! For money I swear, that's it! I-I saw you guys at a huge mansion-place and I saw a girl after you took off—" she began but Yoongi cut in, "How does this even relate to money? Who's paying you, huh?" He questioned.

"The- the day before a man asked about a-a missing girl and that she was his daughter. He told us that she lived near- nearby and offered an amount to us if we found her and returned her to- to him. I followed you guys because i heard she's with you guys the most." She stammered, eyes filling with fresh tears as the fear finally began to settle and she realised just what she was getting involved with. "I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" She cried.

Taehyung frowned, pulling the pistol away from her back, "that's it?" He asked, loosening his tight grip on the girl. "Tch, that man really is despicable." Yoongi snarled. "We aren't going to hurt you, Mina." Namjoon held down his pistols in compassion, "The man you're talking about doesn't have good intentions with the girl your trying to 'help'. His motive is quite frankly the opposite." He pointed out, before sighing, "but you've unfortunately involved yourself too deep into this, so you're not off the hook yet." He added.

Jimin coughed in, "what about this guy?" He asked, glancing at the uneasy male who didn't even look away from the girl for a second to which Jimin noticed. "Is he really your brother?" Jin questioned Mina, to which the girl denied, "h-he's my soulmate." She said, noticing the man's uneasy look, to which she shook her head.

Jimin noticed Hoseok nod at him and so the blonde let go of the girl's soulmate. Instantly, the male ran straight to Mina and engulfed her into his embrace as Taehyung let go of her too.

"Mina." Yoongi called out, catching her attention, "what else do you know?" He asked, eyes squinting with suspicion. "The man that offered us money said that you guys are her kidnappers—"

"How did you find us?" Jimin cut in, making his way to stand beside Yoongi. Mina frowned, "first I'd like to point out that it wasn't anything stalker-ish!" She panicked before inhaling once; "That man told us to wait in our car a bit ahead of that building and me and my boyfriend kind of dozed off waiting but then a few moments ago, we heard gunshots so we readied our car in case we see you guys and we did, so we followed you but then we were kinda out of fuel so when you finally slowed down, we caught up—" she rambled but Namjoon cut in, "that's enough info, thanks. What's the guy's name?" He asked.

"I'm... Ian." The male stuttered out, still uneasy with the tall men around him— 'that blonde and mint haired dude don't scare me too much tho' he thought as he eyed the two men. 'Only cuz I'm taller'. Ian watched as Jimin seemed to pout at something Yoongi told him, who simply patted his shoulder with a teasing grin.

"Get in the van, you're coming with us." Namjoon spoke firmly, waiting till the couple got in before getting in the vehicle himself.

~ meanwhile ~

"OH MIRACLE~..." You and the idol group all sang aloud in the SUV, your own little concert inside the vehicle as JB drove. "HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIDE!" Bambam screamed, "Aish! That's not singing, that's screaming! and its not even the same song!" Jinyoung yelled, covering his poor ears as the younger sat beside him, literally screaming into his ears. Others join into a fit of laughter.

"Guys, isn't that Bangtan's Van?" Youngjae interjected, eyeing an SUV that drove back into the main road, "oh yeah it is! Why'd they stop at the side?" Jackson questioned from the back. You noticed Namjoon appear behind the pulled-down window, signalling something you can't really make out, "is that sign language?" You asked, "not exactly, but he's just telling us to take the lead and they'll follow behind." Mark explained. "I guess they got lost or smth, oh well, let's continue singing!" Bambam beamed.

Yeah this book is gonna stretch real long hahaha..hah..ha.. I hope y'all don't mind sosjsksos 🥺🥺

(I wanted to add some comedy in this chapter at the end but definitely failed so-)

If u have any questions about the story so far, please feel free to ask! I'll make sure to keep my answers spoiler-free :)

Omfg 😭💞💞

Love you guys AHH 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💞💜❣️💞💞❤️💜💕

~ bon—

.... You know what?

~ Ada ;)

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