Chapter 54

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"Something looks off in the back of their SUV.." you mumbled to yourself, noticing how oddly congested the back row seemed.

"No kidding, it looks like someone is sitting on the others lap." Mark responded, "what if it's Namjoon sitting on someone's lap?" He laughed, earning laughter from the others and you.

"... there's someone else in the van." Youngjae inputted, "you think so?" Bambam questioned, taking a glance or two himself. "There was another car at the side road, all tires newly punctured. So no, I don't think so, I know so." Youngjae stated. "I'm pretty sure I saw a girl in the SUV, too." He added. "I think she's the one sitting on someone's la— ow!" He continued but Jackson pinched the youngest forearm with a pointed look; looking at him then eyeing you beside him, then back to Youngjae again. The younger cringed, "oh, uh Y/N, don't worry, haha. This time was just an assumption!" He smiled awkwardly.

"Ah, yeah, no problem." You began to feel uneasy, thinking of your boys with another girl for some reason made you feel possessive. It could just be the soul bond, or it is you feeling that way.  Jackson noticed the slight frown rising onto your features, "Eh, I wouldn't think much of it. Bangtan is pretty reserved.  Back when they didn't have an inked name, they'd still keep to themselves from touchy fans at their building because they were determined." He smiled before pausing, "Uh, what I mean is that- The - The guys have a lot of fans- you know because they're super famous YouTube-idols and all, so girls would of course, love them and want to be—" your frown heightened, "No! No, not like that! Like - like even though they have a full on idol-level fan base, with girls galore, they still really like you!" Jackson stumbled on his words. Though, you didn't feel any better hearing that, you still nodded.

"You're so bad at this." Jinyoung sighed, "Y/N, he was trying to imply that you shouldn't worry about it. You're their precious soulmate. Well, that's what they said; they really love you." You were taken aback from Jinyoungs words. Sure, he was a savage, you definitely know that. But the fact that he took your unspoken feelings about the girl with bangtan to thought and put some sort of assurance for you was something you didn't think you would experience.

"So I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You're clearly their first priority." He gifted you a small smile, to which you returned, "right." You nodded, however there was still a little bit of doubt in you.


"Aish, finally! Out of that seat, I don't remember it taking so long to reach this place." Yugeom exclaimed, stretching his tight muscles after hopping off the vehicle. The other followed his actions and exited as well. Your eyes trained on a black van still moving to catch up to your SUV van, waiting for your guys to reach and park behind it and come out. Just as the second vehicle parked itself behind the one you came from, Bangtan hopped out of the Van one by one, and you instantly noticed a feminine figure leave along with them.

Oh, and another man.

You're brows furrowed at the sight and you made your way towards your boys, "who's she?" You whispered to Jimin, who happened to be the closest. "Ah, Mina is—"

"Y/N!!" Jungkook exclaimed and engulfed you into his embrace, catching you off guard, "woah there, kookie," you chuckled, patting his back to release you once you had returned the warm hug. The makne reluctantly let go, "Got7 didn't go anything right?" He asked, "especially Bambam?" He specified.

"Yah! I heard you!" The said male exclaimed as he stormed towards his friend, "FYI, I do not go around playing with girls! Sure, Y/N is a cutie - a hotass even, but that doesn't mean I would do something to her," he defended with a pout to further emphasise his hurt feelings. Taehyung gasped, "now we know what you think of her! Hah, too bad for you; she's my soulmate." Taehyung let out a sly smirk, before yelping at a 'bonk' he was hit with on the back of his head, "Our soulmate, mister." Jin huffed. "Hope you missed me, sweetheart," Jin instantly lit up at the sight of you, pulling you into a soft hug too. "It hasn't even been that long, silly." You giggled, returning the embrace nonetheless.

As the two of you shared the hug, your eyes caught the sight of the girl— uh, Mina was her name, you believe, since Jimin casually slipped her name at you pointing at her. She seemed highly alert however, which made you skeptical of her presence. 'Something doesn't settle right with her, here...' you thought, before you shook off the feeling, 'it's probably just my subconscious jealousy... she got to sit with my boys so that could simply be it.' You concluded before pulling away form the hug Jin brought you in before gifting him a smile, to which he returned.

"How long will it take you all to get inside?" Jinyoung yelled over their conversing voices, successfully catching everyone's attention, "the sun will gladly cook you alive if you stay out longer with it staying proudly overhead. Get in, we need to have a discussion, then you can - by all means, burn yourselves alive." he stated before heading in after his members.
(A/N: idk if u noticed but I sort of juggled around with Jinyoung's characteristics cuz I saw a video saying he's the savage of the grp... so some changes needed to be done -.-;
...yes I'm still trying to get to know them IM A SLOW POKE I GET IT)

BTS shared a chorus of chuckles at the Got7 member, a hint of guilt lingering in their tone. You smiled empathetically at the boys; they did just announce their arrival last minute to the group. In addition to that, they had to also take up tasks to keep you safe along with the boys. And in the process of doing so, their base was bombed and intruded on by Dom-K.


You were lounging in the house's living space with Mina and Ian sitting across from you on the couch. You were strongly skeptical of the two but didn't show it to keep them from figuring out your suspicions. They just seemed... off. Their muscles were slightly tensed and their eyes continued to roam around everywhere with wide eyes, but at you.

The idol group and your soulmate's were having a discussion in a meeting room the enormous house had and you didn't even know where it was. Every turn in the living space led to some hallway or open space with more couches and sofas. But the silence in the living space was starting to become awkward and uncomfortable and yet, the new duo didn't seem like they were going to take the initiative to break it. So you did.

"Uh... so," you began, noticing how your voice startled them from the initial silence. "Y-yes?" Mina blurted, having a slightly discreet nudge from the male beside her. "Yeah, um we haven't... you know, introduced ourselves to one another yet—" you tried not to be awkward but your tone and exaggerated hand motions only worsened the awkwardness- well in your opinion.

"Ah! Right, er- I'm Mina, and this is my soulmate, Ian." The female introduced, having the male nod with a strained smile. "I'm..." you paused.

'Will it be okay to reveal my name just yet? The boys seemed to have done that...' you thought.

"..Y/N - my name is Y/N," you smiled, "how did you end up joining us?" You questioned, your smile faltering as you noticed the slight glint in the two's eyes. "We thought you were being kidnapped by those seven men in the SUV and we followed them... they thought we were working for someone, but we aren't. I thought helping you out is the most rational choice of action, so me and Ian did just that. Turns out they're protecting you from someone else," she briefed with a raised brow. Your eyes slightly widened at her straightforwardness, "is that so? Well you must've seemed like a threat to them, considering you were behind their tail," You reasoned, leaning back onto your single couch with crossed arms, "I wouldn't be surprised if they held you under the direction of gun." You stated frankly.

Ian frowned visibly, opening his mouth to speak before being interrupted by 14 boys making their presence known in the room.

"If it doesn't go according to plan, then we have the backups." JB spoke. The boys all paused at the double door entrance, feeling an underlying tension in this room particularly. Namjoon furrowed his brows, "I hope we didn't interrupt something important," he asked, tone less questioning than stating.

"No, no, the three of us were simply getting to know one another." Mina smiled. It made you uneasy and it really seemed like this Mina girl and her so called 'soulmate' were hiding something beneath that friendly act.

You kept yourself highly alert and on guard, until you were sure.

'I don't like this one bit.'


Mina is such a common name lmao

Y'all bets be washing those hands for 20 second in running water w/ soap, drinking plenty of water and continuing to keep distance with strangers. STAY SAFE OR IM COMIN' FOR U

I've been working on another little something... it's a bit early at the moment but I couldn't help myself and now I've already began 👀👀 let's see if this something decides to make an appearance later on ~ 😉

Love you 🥺🥺❣️❣️💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💜💜💜

~ Ada

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