Chapter 55

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'I don't like this one bit.'

You noticed the concerned look from Jimin from the corner of your eyes. Why wouldn't he be looking at you that way? Your face held a definite frown, your brows creasing together with tension, and your shoulders were visibly tense as well. You sighed, 'of course he noticed..'.

You stood up from your seat and excused yourself, "Uh, Jimin, could you come with me for a sec'?" You asked, earning more sets of worried looks, "o-oh, of course." He stammered, following you to a random hallway you entered. You stopped and turned around to face the blonde once you thought no one would hear you. Jimin's concern fully surfaced onto his features when you finally showed your uneasiness. "Jimin-..." you started but cut yourself off, and squinted your eyes.

Someone followed you two.

"Y/N? What is it?" Jimin asked, tilting his head slightly in question. However, he noticed your eyes were trained on something behind him, so he proceeded to direct his gaze onto what was distracting you but surprisingly, you stopped him before he could. "R-right, uh," you stuttered, 'shit, think fast,' you cursed under your breath. "I-it's kind of embarrassing... but uh," you began, cringing at your made up excuse, "this house is so big, can you lead me to where the... r-restroom is?" Your voice died down. Jimin seemed frozen for a second before he burst out into giggles, "that's it? You got me worried there, Y/N!" He beamed. "Of course. Come on, it's the other way." He smiled sweetly. You nodded, letting out a sheepish smile, before dropping it to a frown as there was no one hiding behind the wall as before, anymore.


As you took your exit out of the fancy restroom which admittedly surprised you, your eyes set to the living space with determination. As you hurried your way to where everyone was lounging at, you paused in your tracks at an unfamiliar voice down a barely lit hallway.

"I really thought she caught us!" A man yelled discreetly, seemingly trying his best to not yell at whoever he was talking to. You frowned, 'Ian?' You haven't properly heard of his voice so you assumed it was him, considering you weren't familiar with it. "If you keep being wary of her, then of course she will suspect something! Aish, how dumb can you be, huh?" Female voice.

(A/N: ew 😔✌️)

Yup, it's definitely that new duo. You rushed back to the living room, making sure your expression remained calm and at ease. You silently entered the living room and settled yourself next to Taehyung - at the closest couch from the entrance. The said man wrapped his arm around your shoulders into a side hug, making you lean your head on his chest in return.

"You okay?" He asked softly, rubbing your shoulder soothingly, "yeah," you sighed as you closed your eyes to think over the current events along with the two new people.

Unbeknownst to you, Taehyung shared a concerned look to his brothers, who mirrored his expression. The closing of a door made you open your eyes to see Mina and Ian enter with 'sweet' smiles. You frowned as you directed your eyes to Mina's wrists, noticing the name inked on the right hand.

'Lee Taeno'

Your eyes flew wide and you let out a gasp, not minding the startled male beside you as your eyes glared at the name, 'my ex-best friend...' you thought. "Y/N?" Your eyes snapped at the voice swiftly, "woah, hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung eased cautiously, noticing your eyes softening as soon as you realised you were still glaring. "Taehyung," you whispered, having him nod to urge you to continue, "There's something wrong about those two." You frowned, standing up and pulling him along with you.

"Come on, the washroom is this way!" You yelled, side eyeing the duo who seemed to stare right back at you in alert. As soon as the two of you exited, you turned back to the open door and shut it closed, locking it from your end, "Y/N! What are you—" Taehyung whisper-yelled, only to be cut off by you, "it's so they don't follow us!" You explained.

You took Taehyung back to the same hallway you took Jimin before and this time made sure of your surroundings.

No one.

You sighed, "Taehyung I don't think Mina and Ian are good news for us. You guys think they're soulmates, right?" You asked, "yeah? Y/N you're—"

"No, please just listen," you pleaded, making the blunette shut his mouth, before nodding. "I saw Mina's wrist. Ian isn't her soulmate, It's Lee Taeno!" You revealed. Taehyung frowned. "If what you're saying is true then we'll have to inform the others too." He started, "but it could also be that Ian was this Lee Taeno-person." He added. "Taehyung, Lee Taeno was—"

"Let's not jump to conclusions here, Y/N. maybe Ian changed his name for a reason?" Taehyung tilted his head with a raised brow. "But that's not it! I swear when they weren't in the living room, I caught them talking to each other about avoiding suspicions—" Taehyung sighed, "you were eavesdropping?" He asked, making you frown with a nod, "Tae, do you not believe me..?" You asked back, making the man shoot his eyes wide, "sweets, don't think like that. It's just that this seems a bit much," he reasoned before letting out a small smile, "Either way, they're unarmed. We're fourteen men and a feisty woman on one side, against a defenceless couple." He smiled and proceeded to ruffle your hair slightly, "come on, let's head back to the others." He grabbed your hand and interlocked them. You nodded slightly, still uneasy, to which he took notice.

"Aigoo, don't make that face! Relax babe. You've got Bangtan to protect you. We won't let anything happen to you. And if it helps, you're here to protect us too." He squeezed your hand to emphasise his sincerity, to which you finally let out a smile, "right."


Taehyung's assuring words had successfully driven your mind away from the new duo. However, you still made sure to stay alert no matter what.

"Hey, Hoseok oppa" Mina spoke, approaching the said man at the kitchen who mindlessly went to grab a glass of water.

JAIISSKAHWISOS- sorry I cringed

Hoseok looked up from filling up his glass and turned to see the source, "yeah? Oh hey, Mina. Need something?" He asked politely, gesturing at his glass of water. The female smiled, "If you don't mind," she answered, keeping up the same smile. "Sure thing. Give me a sec'." Hobi shrugged and grabbed another glass to fill up, before handing it to her. "You're so sweet, thank you." She grinned, making sure to brush her hands with his while taking the glass.

Throughout that whole interaction, not once did you blink and your jaw was clenched, 'tch.' You looked away as soon as it was over. "Y/N-ieeee!" Hoseok called out to you, making you look to his direction once again, "yes, hobi?" You called back, smiling slightly as his smile grew and reached his eyes, "water?" He asked.

Your eyes had a little glint as it swiftly moved to Mina then back to him and your smile widened, "now that you mention it, I think I'll have a glass." Standing up from the couch you were lazing on, you made your way to him, "here," he handed you his glass, making you chuckle, "It's yours, you drink it. I'll grab one for myself. Thank— yah!" You refused but the man simply ruffed your hair to mess it up. "Take it or I'll make you." He let out another smile, only this time his aura felt darker. Which pretty much screamed "I don't take 'No' for a fucking answer"

(A/N: yall... I think my art style is getting worse lmfao this doesn't look like Hoseok at aLL)

However you remained unfazed, "you can't, if I keep my mo—" you instantly choked on water at its intrusion.

This guy just forced water into my mouth!

Hoseok smirked, "you were saying?" He teased, giggling right after you smacked his chest lightly, "d-do you want me t-to die?!" You coughed out, "Nooo, that's out of line!" He gasped, pulling you into his arms, "sorry~ you said you wanted a glass, and I - Oh, so kindly offered you mine, only to be rejected. Someone had to payyy." He voiced in a sing-song manner, swinging the two of you side-to-side. You hugged the red head back, "jeez, I can't even stay mad." You grumbled, a hint of a smile on your face.

"Of course you can't, I'm your hobi. I won't allow you to." He smirked, ruffling your hair again, "Hoseok!" You whined, earning a heartfelt laugh.


You were currently helping Jaebeom at the kitchen since he mindlessly decided to cook up some light meals for the others, and so you volunteered to help him. Now, everyone went to lounge at the second floor living space while the two of you helped clean up.

"You know," JB began, earning your attention, "This new Mina girl and Ian guy seem really fishy." He looked at you, noticing your eyes widen slightly, "You really think so?" You asked, "yes. Ian is not even the girl's soulmate. I don't get how your soulmates let that slide. Or how those two even slid past their suspicions." He sighed.

"I've been thinking the same thing since they arrived. I caught those two secretly talking at a hallway about avoiding suspicions. I even told Taehyung about it," you mumbled, drying the wet dishes. JB raised a brow and paused his hands, "Oh? What did he say?" He asked, turning to face you more properly.

Your eyes saddened, "I know he doesn't believe me. I'm not really mad about it, I just don't want them getting hurt." You sighed.

"Those guys may be a full on gang, but sometimes they can get too used to innocent looking people that their skills to identify between liars and honest people, lower down. I think that's what's happening now; You and the boys have encountered Sungjin who clearly stood out and gave off a bad vibe, despite his acting," he stated, before looking down at his hands, "He managed to fool a ruthless gang like Dom-K with money. But Bangtan went over his act and called him out for his doings." You frowned, "but Mina—".

"I'm getting there," he smiled lightly and looked at you, "I'm not sure if this makes sense but, I've noticed that Mina has this talent of 'double-role acting'. They managed to see through her first act: which so happened to be her acting as if she lost her way to her "cousin's" house with her said 'brother'." He began, noticing you nod in understanding, "Her second act- which I believe is the one she's easily pulling off at the moment is definitely acting as a clueless local who simply wanted to take part in 'saving a girl from being kidnapped' with her soulmate. And it's definitely passed through Bangtan's suspicions. However, I want you to be assured that my members are on high alert around them. They feel something off too," he finished.

You let a small smile plaster onto your face, "that's really assuring. I thought I was on my own when it came to being skeptical about that duo. But I'm still not quite sure..." you sighed, looking at JB, "I want the boy's to know about them too. In this short period of time, they've become frighteningly friendly with Mina for sure, and definitely giving Ian a chance to become cozy around them too, if not the same as her. They're already loosening up and I'm afraid that those two would take absolute advantage of their kind nature," you finished off.

"They won't." Jaebeom placed his hand on your shoulders in comfort, "We'll make sure of that." He smiled determinedly, receiving a brighter smile from you. You nodded before fully displaying your smile.

"We will."

Ya YEET- yeah sorry that was weird of me lol. Anyways, how is everyone? I hope you're taking care of yourself and your family members. I'm slacking off big time Oof. Because I'm currently writing this during a day just before my assessment week begins.
...I'm fine :,)

Oh and PS.. I read every single one of your comments in my chapters y'all ;)

I. Love. YOUUUUUUUUUUU 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(I noticed how I keep gradually increasing the number of heart I give y'all 👀)

~ Ada

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