Chapter 56

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"No..." you cried, stumbling over your feet as you passed by a number of dead bodies; blood pooling all around them and the once, white walls. "How did this happen?" You mumbled, tears continuing to cascade down your cold cheeks, your hands trembling as they hovered over a familiar body in front of you. "Why?" You cried, "Everything was just fine a moment ago, when did this happen?" You choked.

"Joonie... p-please say something," your voice died down at the sight of his motionless body, his stomach bleeding out. He made no sign of life. Your eyes traveled to Jungkook, "Kookie! Please, anyone!" You yelled, "guys..." you sobbed. You were engulfed in silence, very well aware of receiving absolutely no response.

"You could've just stayed silent." A sinister voice spoke up, making you whip you head to the source. As soon as you saw the source, you snarled with fury and hate, "you." You growled. Mina smirked, "It's Mina to you. Be glad they're dead, now you wouldn't have to depend on them all the time." She grinned.

"Isn't that what you wanted? Complete independence?" She took a step closer, "stay away! Don't get any closer or I'll rip you apart!" You yelled, pulling Namjoon's body closer to you, "you did this didn't you?" Your voice quivered, making the female raise a brow amusedly. "So what if I did? I got plenty of cash out of it." She continued to smile, making your blood boil.

"Now that's what I like to hear," a man smirked, walking and slinging an arm over Mina's shoulders. Your eyes widened, "F-Father.." you whispered, backing away and holding onto one of your soulmate's body close to you. Sungjin grinned and took playful steps closer to you with his gun, "take a look around you, Y/N. It's the last time you'll ever see them," he chuckled darkly, "Don't be shy— (a/N: PUT SOME MORE) — take a final look." He smirked, lifting his pistol to the air and firing bullets towards the sky, making you flinch.

You looked around and your heart dropped - All of them were slowly vanishing before you, "NO! No! What are you doing to them?!" You cried, "isn't it obvious? They're leaving you with me!" He enthusiasts.

"Y-Y/N.." You heard Jimin's voice, making you gasp, "Jimin? Jimin! Oh my god—" you crawled your way closer to him with Namjoon still under your arms, "n-no... it's okay, i-it's okay." He shook his head, lifting his hand in a stopping motion to which you reluctantly obeyed, "Y/N... l-listen carefully," his tone turned dead-serious, "I need you to- to run..,"

"No, Jimin, n-no, I ca- I can't do that!" You cried, horrified.

"get a-away from here, don't- don't look back and keep running. Escape," his eyes turned glossy and his lips began to tremble, "I love y—"




"NO!!" You woke up with a jolt, gasping and sobbing into your bed sheets to muffle your cries.

'It was just a dream, it was just a dream,' you repeated in your mind and shut your eyes tightly closed, you were shaking with fear, and let out another scream at an abrupt opening of the door.

"Y/N, Y/N! It's just me, it's okay," Namjoon rushed in right after shutting the door closed behind him and came to pull you into a hug right after he settled himself beside your trembling form. "Shhh, it's okay, you're okay. Nothing's happened.." he softly mumbled into your ear, rubbing comforting circles on your back, while rocking the both of you back and forwards. You grabbed onto Joon's shirt desperately and hugged him tightly. "Nightmare?" He asked softly, sliding his fingers through your hair to sooth you. You nodded, still trying to secure your grip on him, making him worried.

"Baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, it's okay," he let out, making sure his voice remained gentle and calm. You were still crying hysterically, shaking your head.

The two of you heard your room's door opening, and a number of footsteps could be heard approaching you. "I heard screaming," you heard Hoseok voice out in concern, "what happened?" Taehyung asked.

Namjoon sighed, "she had a nightmare. She's shaking uncontrollably," he frowned, before turning back to you and continuing to assure you.

"I'll go fetch her a glass of water." Jin announced and rushed out of the room. Yoongi made his way to settle behind you and rub your back, "it was just a dream, Y/N." Yoongi spoke with a raspy voice, clearly stating that he woke up and rushed to your room - well they all had a morning voice, but you were pretty sure it was still late into the night with the pitch black behind the curtains.

Yoongi frowned, observing how you clutched onto Namjoon's shirt as if he would disappear right then and there. How you were making sure your arms were secured around his waist. 'I think I know what kind of nightmare she had..' he thought, bringing his other hand and pulling you away from the leader by the shoulders, "no, no, no!" You repeated over, burying your face into Namjoon's chest. "It's alright," Namjoon said, hugging you back before placing a small kiss on your head. The leader bit the inside of his cheeks from smiling since you refused to let go of him - and if anything, he didn't mind. But you were still terribly afraid so it didn't seem right to plaster a smile yet.

You were afraid that he could still disappear, even after knowing that what you previously saw was all your imagination. A nightmare. However, this nightmare in particular had made you realise just how easily any of them could slip away from your grasp. So you held onto him tightly.

Yoongi huffed, 'I want to hug her too..' he thought absently, but still complied and let you hug the leader. Instead, he decided to simply give you comfort from the back, not minding that he had to bring Namjoon into the hug in the process too. "Uh.." Namjoon let out, slightly placing his own arm around the pale man.

Yoongi let out a soft chuckled, 'such an awkward guy.'

"Awww, now isn't that just adorable?" Jin chimed in, placing the glass of water he fetched, onto the bedside table. "Can I join?" Jungkook shyly asked, hesitancy laced into his soft tone as you were still, in fact crying, but much softly this time.

Jungkook waited with hopeful eyes, roaming it between RM and Suga.

"Just get in," Yoongi rolled his eyes with a soft smile, opening one arm so Jungkook can hug you as well. The mint haired man was making sure you get all affection that you needed. If it meant from everyone of them, then so be it. He'll make sure of it.

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he practically pounced into the space, thoughtlessly hugging his two brothers as well. "Y/N, We're right here for you." He whispered. Yoongi knew you needed a particular sentence to assure you and so he spoke up, "hey, I believe I have an idea about your nightmare," he began, noticing you tense ever so slightly before pulling away to look at him. Yoongi chose to remain composed and place a gentle smile towards you.

Your tear-stained face wasn't supposed to effect him so immensely, but it did. And he had to stop himself from literally pinching your lil' red nose and coo. Your eyes were extra sparkly, and there was barely any light in the room - the only light source coming from the small gap at the door from the corridor, which some what baffled him. 'Is it even possible to go more soft for this girl?' He thought absently and gently pulled you towards him, sighing in relief as you didn't push him away this time. You snuggled your face into his chest, finally steadying your breathing with a final sigh. The pale man motioned for his brothers to give them some alone time, and so they left the room with a silent nod.

He wished the two of you were alone under different circumstances, but for now he needed to make sure you were completely okay. Reaching one hand out to grab the glass of water Jin brought, he put some space between the two of you before gesturing towards the glass, "come on, drink some water. Your throat must be dry." He softly said, smiling when you nodded and took a sip. "I have a vague idea about your dream, and I won't push you to tell me. But know that all of us love you. Okay? I love you." He muttered, noticing how your expression lifted ever so slightly, "I love you, too." Your eyes were glossy, but the tears didn't shed this time. The way he said those three words so confidently and sincerely, had your heart fluttering all over again like a high school girl getting a 'hi' from her crush. You made yourself comfortable in his arms once again, and hugged him.

Yoongi let out a chuckle heartily, "What's your heart beating so fast for?" He smiled, ruffling your hair slightly before letting out more chuckles as you burried your face further into his chest with red cheeks.

There was just one more person you needed to see.

And Yoongi knew that. So he fought with his urge to keep you to himself and cuddle you instead of pulling you away from the hug, but pulled away nonetheless, "Who do you need to see?" He asked softly, tucking a stand of your hair behind your ears gently. You felt a little guilty, knowing full well that Yoongi would like to stay but he was so understanding, you promised yourself to repay him anyhow.
(A/N: 👀👀)

"Can... can I see Jimin?" You asked, voice dying down at the end. Yoongi gifted you another smile of assurance and nodded, "I'll go call him. I'm sure he wants to see you just as badly as you do," his smile widened into a teasing grin. Suga moved to slip out of the bed and leave, but you grabbed his wrist just before he got out of your reach. He turned to look back at you with a questioning look, "what is it?" He asked, leaning his upper body down to level his face with yours. You bit your lip nervously before looking him directly in the eyes and gave him a peck on the lips.

He blinked once. Twice. Thrice, before bringing one hand up to cover his flustered face, "y-yah, I wasn't prepared!" He let out as his ears turned pink. You smiled and cooed at his flustered state.

"I'll just- I'll go get Jimin," he stammered before giving you a gummy smile and disappearing behind the door.


Knock knock.

"It's open," you called out, tensing slightly as you know it was Jimin behind that door. At the thought of him, you couldn't help but think of what you was in your nightmare

"I love y—" Bang!——-

"Y/N?" Jimin called out softly, poking his head in from the door, before making his way in. You snapped out of your thoughts and nearly let out another sob at the sight of him, "J-Jimin," you let out not more than a whisper.

Jimin rushed over to you instantly, pulling you into his arms, "shh, shh I think you've let enough tears out for the night," he smiled softly, rubbing his palms on your back to sooth you. "I won't force you to tell me about your nightmare, but know that I'm all ears." He said, pulling away slightly to look at your face that began to shed tears once again. "You were all dead." You whispered, not missing how the blonde male tensed slightly.

"You were the last one alive, and- and you told me to runaway. M-my father had a gun and he-" you sniffed, pausing and looking down at your hands as you tried not to bawl your eyes out again, "he - he shot you before you could even say your l-last words," you managed to choke out, before lifting your head to look at Jimin.

You gasped, noticing how Jimin's eyes were glossy and how his lips trembled slightly, "Jimin..." you let out through your frozen state, before moving your hands to cup his cheeks, "why are you crying?" You asked with concern. Jimin let out a chuckle as one tear left his eyes, "would it surprise you if I said I've had a similar nightmare as yours, just a few days ago?" He asked, voice cracking at the end.

"All of my brothers were motionless on the ground, while your father held you behind a gun and I couldn't even move." He sniffed, "he didn't even let you say 'I love you' to me." He finally broke and this time, you were the one to pull him into a hug, while you cried along with him. "Jimin, no matter what, of course I love you. I will always love you," you cried into his shirt.

"I love you too, Y/N."


Aight idk, I felt like having something angsty, with a mixture of fluff and shit like that. I also wanted some more 'I love you's shared between Y/N and the boys, and I haven't done the same with the remaining boys... so look forward to that 😂😂💕

So, Jimin technically just shared the same dream with you, 👀👀

I love you! 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜❣️❣️❣️💞💞

~ Ada

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