Chapter 66

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^^^ a little reference gif I made at the top to sHOW what they did.. (with the circling and all..) and where they're aBOUT to head.

"Run, run, run!" Jinyoung exclaimed. The helicopter seemed to have sped up in speed and was approaching way too quickly. If none of the group reached the opposite room soon, the roof would fall over and crush them.

The opposite room that everyone is running after was strong and it's ceilings withheld enough power to hold up while the second floor's walls and ceilings fall over it, holding it up. The remaining space in the huge house was bound to collapse.

Everyone could hear the attack helicopter's wings move through the air as it hovered over the mansion, waiting to find the perfect time to set off and bomb up the building. You kept your pace fast and patient as Jungkook and Hoseok helped Namjoon run as quick as possible while his foot was injured. The others had moved slightly further as they rushed across a wide hallway.


"Shit, shit, shit!" Taehyung cursed, everyone simultaneously began to fasten their pace.

There was only one problem with the plan: Timing. It needed a bit of extra time to play off. However, with the sudden arrival of the attack helicopter, Namjoon doubted its success.


"Everyone duck!" Namjoon yelled, launching himself beside the wall on his left while bringing Jungkook and Hoseok along with him at the same time. The others quickly followed suit, grabbing onto each other and pushing themselves beside the wall and crouching down.

It supported the roof over them. Standing in the middle could only mean that it would collapse at any moment and the walls beside it would still have a little bit of support from the concrete holding them up, above them.
(A/N: PHYSICS BITCH- I think lol)

You flinched and inhaled deeply when a part of the ceiling fell down and broke apart on the ground from the impact. "Keep moving! It's just ahead!" Jackson shouted, continuing to stick to the wall and sneaking forward before slipping past a door quickly and pulling it open for the others to rush in. "Come on!" He ushered, eyebrows creasing together in concern as another blast rang through the long hall.


Just as all the Got7 members, Namjoon along with the makne line, and Jin slipped past, the ceiling above the room collapsed, urging you, Hoseok and yoongi to move away quickly with wide eyes. The boys inside the room all let out exclaims and yells of shock and concern, as the open door was crushed under the pile of large concrete pieces blocking you, Yoongi and Hoseok from the others.

"Shit! We can't stand here." Hoseok cursed, eyes scanning through and about, and the - now roofless hallway.

"Hoseok, can you here me? Y/N? Yoongi? Hello?!" Jin's voice reached through the door, banging and more questions following right after as the two of you answered in assurance, "We're fine, but we'll have to move fast. The ceiling has collapsed and we can't stay in view," Hoseok informed, earning another set of protests.

"No! No, you two will not leave! Just push the concrete out of the doorway and come inside!" Jin sternly ordered. "We're sticking together no matter what," Namjoon added.

Hoseok pursed his lips before sighing and nodding, "You're right." He agreed. He stepped forward and grabbed onto the heavy concrete piece and pushed with all his might, Yoongi quickly following along to help the male. Just as you were about to help as well, another crack caught your attention. You looked up and gasped, "Guys! Get out of the way now!" You yelled, grabbing onto their wrists and pulling the two males away from the large piece of concrete before another pile fell over it, adding more weight and completely blocking off the way in and out.

"What was that? Yoongi hyung? Y/N? Hoseok hyung?" Taehyung's voice rang out, more muffled than before. You and Hoseok stood momentarily frozen, the male more shocked as he realised that he could've been crushed. Yoongi quickly snapped out of his shock and grabbed onto your wrist and Hobi's before rushing ahead in the hallway. "We really can't stay here," he grunted. Following along the pale man, you and Hoseok were led to a particular section of the mansion that was yet to be bombed. "Hyung this place could blow up any moment!" Hoseok let out reluctantly.

"Trust me on this. I found an exit from back where we initially came from," he began, "What?! Then why-" you interjected however Yoongi was quick to assure, "I know, but believe me. Any of us going out from there right now would be an instant death. We need to lead the helicopter all the way back here and when it does, we need to sneak our way back and get the others out of that room. The exit is just at the end of the hallway." He explained. You and Hoseok nodded simultaneously.


"Damnit!" Namjoon barked, hands banging at the shut off entrance in front of him. His breathing heavy from trying to push the large and heavy piles of concrete pieces keeping everyone inside and trapped. "Namjoon come on, get away from there," Jin sighed, hands placing over the younger male's shoulder to urge him away.

"No! They're out there with that helicopter somewhere bombing the building as we speak! I need to get out of here, we can't just sit around here in this damn room while Y/N, Hoseok and Yoongi hyung are out there!" He yelled. Jin huffed in frustration, "You're overthinking this whole thing. Remember that you're not the only one confined in a room. We're here too. So don't think for a second that you're in this on your own. You're not alone." He retorted firmly.

"Now get the fuck away from the damn exit before I call everyone here and tell them to drag you all way to the other end of the room and make you sit." He warned. A moment of silence later, Namjoon nodded defeatedly, stepping away from the stubborn piles of concrete with a venomous glare before looking away all together. "Good, now go sit beside Jimin and Jungkook." He ushered.

As Namjoon nodded and headed towards the two said males, Jin sighed dejectedly as he examined the other's expressions; Panic, tense, frustrated - you name it. Although it was assuring to know that no one was alone, he was still worried. Especially about how much time there is left before this room collapses. However, he knew they would all get out of this. They just need to find a way to get out.
and fast.


"What about all the other agents? Surely they can't just bomb up this building without making sure everyone else is out?" You inquired, noticing the two males pause before Yoongi shook his head, "I hate to say this, but I've once worked along side those bastards. With my own experiences I can guarantee you that they could care less for any loss in their numbers." He sighed, eyes dazed and unfocused as some of the old memories shoot straight to the front of his mind before he fixed his eyes onto you and Hoseok, "but despite that, I can't say that I regret it." He admitted. Hoseok's eyes gleamed knowingly at this before he nodded, "That's okay." He replied shortly with an assuring smile.

You weren't sure what he meant by that but nodded anyways. Because at the end of the day, it was all in the past. Those events built on his personality and progressed along to who he is today - he's passed what has happened and now he lets fate continue to play before him, bring him along to the future waiting for him.

Y/N this place is getting bombed, stop getting so wisdom-y now.


At Hoseok's call, you and Yoongi set your gaze at him as the red head held onto a long and slim pipe, "we can use this to push aside those piles." He suggested. You and Yoongi instantly agreed, but the sound of the helicopter was soon to grow louder as it approached and hovered over the area the three of you stood at. "Shit, we need to run, now!" Hoseok yelled, his free hand darting to capture yours, as you linked your other hand with Yoongi's.

Sure enough, loud explosions followed through and you watched in great horror as the first floor's ceiling came crashing down with another pile just over it - supposedly the pile of concrete from the second floor.

"Quick, help me out!" Hoseok requested, the pipe sliding through the little crack between the ground and the piles before he pushed down on the pipe with great effort. You and Yoongi quickly added your own strengths and noticed the heavy concrete pieces finally shift.

(A/N: fuck I hate this one so much hahahahaha 😭😭✌️hell to the nawww why am I showing this to y'all)


Everyone's gaze snapped towards the blocked exit as audible shuffling could be heard. Taehyung was quick to get up and rush to the entrance of the room with wide eyes, before he turned back to look at the other males, "What do we do?" He mouthed in concern. It could be anyone. The others quickly stood up as well, stance ready and alert, "Taehyung, move away from there!" Jimin hissed as the blue haired male got closer.

"Hoseok-ah push more!" Yoongi's muffled voice rang through the tiny gap from the doorframe. "I'm putting all of my strength into this, what do you mean?!"

Everyone visibly relaxed and Jin and Namjoon were quick to rush to stand beside Taehyung. "Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung questioned aloud, earning an assuring 'yes' both from Yoongi and Hoseok. "We're all here," you voiced soon after.

"Jungkook," Yoongi's voice strained, catching the makne's attention, "yes? What is it?" He asked hastily, "Can you try pushing off a piece from your side? The concrete is barely budging." He requested. The younger male was quick to agree as he places his palms firmly against the large pieces, before he lets out grunt as he pushed at the heavy concrete. Namjoon followed soon after, adding in his own strength to help the male.

"Yes! That's it! Keep pushing!" Hoseok encouraged.


Youngjae rushed forward as well, helping the two males with the large pile, as much as he could. Then finally, with much effort the concrete piece shifted forward, before dropping off of the pile under it, letting the other side of the entrance to come into view. "Yes!" Jin cheered.

You, Hoseok and Yoongi pushed on the pipe once more, finally getting the other piles of concrete to move away from blocking the room's entrance. Quickly disregarding the pipe, The three of you rushed to the the group, explaining the situation as much as you could in a hurry - from the helicopter just ahead of the hall (which isn't far at all) and the broken wall at the end of the hall that they initially came from.

"But we can't just... they'll spot us immediately if we all rush out," Namjoon doubted. Taehyung shook his head, "Hyung, it's the best course of action. Trust me on this," he responded quickly, "If we divide ourselves into smaller groups like I know you're planning, there's a higher chance for us to split up." He reasoned. You nodded along, "We'll all make it out of here. We just have to run." You added.

The leader sighed before displaying a determined smile, "Of course." He nodded. Mark stood just at the doorframe, peeking his out to see how close the helicopter is, before turning to announce its location, "It's getting closer and it's just a matter of seconds before its hovering above us!" He exclaimed, "Let's get out of here!" He stated. And with a take in of deep breaths, everyone took a run for it.

"Let's go!"


WE'RE ALMOST— shit I need go to the loo 😂😂🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


Your comments give me so much life y'all🥰🥰 I read EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Of them. THERE I SAID IT HAHAA can't wait to read more 😉🤪🤪

Question time!
1) If you were to have 20 minutes left to live, what would you do before you died?
-> I'd just sleep and let death take me lol (I'm going to hell anyways)
❣️Your Answer:

2) If BTS showed up at your house unannounced, what would you have done? aaaand, What would you be wearing? 😂😂
-> first I'd be on my ugly ass PJs and if I see them at my door, I'd freak out and rush to put on a damn bra at the very least before letting them in lmao
❣️Your Answer:

3) Those who eat Nutella, do you eat it plain or with bread? Those who don't eat Nutella, what are you doing? (Unless u have some sort of already or don't liek chocolate generally then it's fine lol)
-> PLAIN I LOVE NUTELLA- and speaking of which... I haven't had a spoon for over a month :,(
❣️Your Answer:

I love you guys! Don't forget that! So if you feel neglected of love or feel alone and like an outsider, I want you to remember that despite not knowing any of you personally, I'm there for you!
Many care for you and love you without your notice. BTS is there too 😉 stream Stay Gold and ofc Your eyes Tell 💕💕❣️❣️💜❤️💞💞🥰🥰


~ Ada, your tolerable author and friend huehue💕

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