Chapter 65

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The group let out a set of coughs at the amount of smoke invading their lungs, some groaning and grunting.

The explosion was set off from the door opening. Yugeom recalled the set of grenades set up outside every exit - noticed by his sharp eyes when he and his members were surveying the CCTV cameras - however cursing lowly for forgetting so suddenly and remembering a lot later.

"Is - Is everyone okay?" Jackson coughed out, attempting to stand before Jaebeom pulled him back down. "Don't." He warned. "The front walls are destroyed and if any of us get up, the snipers outside will see us and shoot. We need to stay low." He pointed.

You groaned, clutching at your head that made contact with the floor after you and everyone was flung away from the explosion. You flinched right after when you felt Bambam's hand come to grab yours and pull you towards him and the others while making sure to stay out of sight and lay low. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, helping you to Yoongi who reached over to pull you into his arms after you nodded assuringly.

The pale man brushed away some stray hair on your face, carefully examining you, "Are you hurt?" He asked before you shook your head, "No, I'm okay. Either way, we can worry about that later. Let's get out of here." You ushered, glancing at the others who positioned themselves on the floor so they could crawl away from the open view the snipers had from the front of the house so that you all could get a better place to hide and plan out the next step to an escape route without getting killed.


"We need to stop this!" Taeno's voice rang through his radio transceiver, a number of voices ringing back through the device as a set of questions and irritation towards his sudden change in thought, "I-I'm serious." He breathed, "That girl - the one we're after, she... She's not the Multifated." He gulped.

"Oi, kid. We know what we saw - We're gonna have a serious talk once we're done about your job. There was never a contract for you, stating that you can give out white lies. Get the Multifated and kill the rest that are accompanying her. That's it." The Head executive of the corporation barked through the transceiver. "No, no! What I meant to say was that - Uh, W-we're after the wrong girl! Ther- there's another girl here!" He interjected.

"Seriously kid. Cut it out. You listen to your orders and fulfil your tasks. And I'm not asking shit from you - you get that damn girl, or you're dead." The latter grunted. "We were so damn close! Dongsun is fucking dead, I'm in charge as his temporary replacement and if any of you screw up again, see yourself in the streets!" He yelled.

Taeno let out a defeated sigh, "Y-Yes sir." He replied.


"I'm asking again - is everyone okay?" Jackson voiced, eyes scanning through everyone before they let out a chorus of 'yes's.

Yugeom frowned, disgruntled, "I'm so sorry, I should've spoken sooner. Every exit holds a grenade which activates when the door shifts." He groaned.

"At least now we know," Jinyoung assured, before turning to Namjoon, "How's your foot?" He asked. Namjoon shrugged as he sat beside a wall, "Could be better," he admitted before shaking his head as he lifted himself off of the wall to stand, Jungkook rushing over to support his weight to favour his injured foot.

"Listen, I have an idea on where we can start our next course of action." He announced. "Now that's our Namjoon." Yoongi pointed smugly as his eyes stared teasingly at Mark.

"I can't believe I was so fucking blind." Mark faceplamed, few nodding along in agreement with soft chuckles, confusing the leader slightly 'What's that supposed to mean?', before he ultimately decided that he'll ask of it later on.

"Before I speak of it though, I'm sure most of you would refuse to go along with it, but trust me. It'll work." He began, "We'll let that helicopter arrive-" he shot a look towards Yugeom and Bambam who opened their mouths to protest before closing them for him to continue, "-and yes, I know it's only going to bring in more snipers. But surely that helicopter isn't just like the many others," he stated.

"So an attack helicopter?" Jackson raised a brow, "How do we get past that? The shooter on it has the higher ground." Mark furrowed his brows. Namjoon nodded, "correct."

"And because they're inside the attack helicopter... well, having known Dongsun in the past - they'll also carry a bag of grenades, if not more." He said. Jin gasped softly, "You're right. They'll blow off the rooftops and ceilings!" He added, noticing Yoongi perk up, "The walls could be destroyed too." He nodded.

"And so we have an open entrance to run and escape through, without having to set out another bomb from the exit through the doors," Jaebeom nodded, "Not bad."

"But what about the snipers outside right now?" Hoseok questioned.

Jackson patted the red head's shoulder, "I could take care of it" He volunteered before looking over at Youngjae who nodded, catching on, "We can take care of it." He added.

"What about this?"

Your voice piped in as you held onto a badge.. or an ID? You weren't sure but it was close to it. "Oh shit, how'd you get a hold of that?" Jimin gasped, taking it from your hands. "We can use this." He pointed.

"Who's is it?" Jungkook asked as Jimin examined it, "It's the... Head executive? The one leading all the other groups." He answered. "Perfect." Youngjae smirked, "That'll be very useful. Everyone has their geer on right?" He questioned, directing his gaze on the males who simultaneously nodded - except one.

Jungkook looked away with a nervous laugh, "about that..." he mumbled. Youngjae rolled his eyes, "Now I know you're not gonna go out there, considering your helmet was shoved away for the sake of your precious hyung." He teased, snickering slightly when the makne fumbled for words to deny that statement, a teensy bit of pink dusting his cheeks ever so slightly.

You nibbled at your lips before showing the men another device in your hands, "I also happen to pick this up... thought it would come to use," you mumbled.

"Y/N- that's a tracking device! How-" Jinyoung gaped, voice dying in his throat as he eyed the device in your hands, "Wait, can you pass that to me, please?" Bambam cut in, eyes gleaming widely. You nodded and handed the device to him. He smiled cheekily, "This device is tracking the location of the helicopter coming this way." He stated.

Namjoon smirked, "Now my plan doesn't seem too bad, does it?" He let out slyly. "Not one bit." Yoongi agreed.

"This way we can also move over to the area that is least expected to collapse from the bombs when the helicopter arrives." Youngjae smiled, "We can also avoid being right under the roof that would be destroyed and make it out without any fatal injuries," Jin added.

"But I really have to know," Jimin interjected, turning to look at you curiously, "How did you get a hold of these?" He asked, catching the attention of the other males who were also interested to know.

You smiled cheekily, "I just happen to spot them on the ground, next to those... piles of knocked out agents at the second floor," you stated, raising a brow towards the Got7 members, before continuing, "When we all were rushing past the remaining ones still standing, I snatched it off the ground beside one other agent.. or I think he was? The ID was peeking out of his pant pocket so I took it just in case, because nearly all of them seemed to have one," you explained, eyeing each male, "Turns out, it was the Head executive now, and that's it." You shrugged.

"Speaking of," Bambam let out, "The helicopter is coming from our east and is.. seven... minutes away..." he informed, looking up at everyone with wide eyes.
Jackson frowned, "That's not good. Youngjae and I can't possibly make it back before it arrives." He pointed.

"then we don't go for the snipers outside. For now, We'll move slightly closer to where they plan to set off the grenades." Yoongi ushered everyone out of the room, putting on his helmet after everyone. The boys all kept you and Jungkook in the middle - keeping you two from being in plain sight. Jungkook because he didn't have a helmet to hide his identity. Everyone sucked in a breath together as they passed by the front exit where walls are collapsed and keeping them clear in sight.

(A/N: proper bg in my insta ;))))

Just as they pass the open area, they all let out a breath before following BamBam as he led the group to a room nearby, where the team in the helicopter would most likely set off the explosions.

As you glanced through the gap between the little circle around you and Jungkook, you caught on the sight of the sun setting. It really has been a long and stress-filled day. You can only hope that the plan sets out accordingly, without any other mishaps and all of you make out of this together without any more injuries.



This chapter is shorter Oof but I promise u the next one would be longer... well if u like long chapters lol


I want to assure u guys that the chapters won't continue to be this intense and.. gang-gang like 😂😂  we need some fluffy moments in this book too! Of course of course 😤🤚

Be happy though, all of these scenarios with life threatening chapters is close to an end :>
Yeah u read that right siss im saying it myself - it'll all soon be over 😌😌💞💞

I luv luv luv uu 🥰🥰💞💞💞❤️❤️❣️❣️💜💜

~ Ada

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