Chapter 64

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Chapter hasn't been proof read today so I apologies in advance for any errors 😔

"Namjoon, can you come here for a sec'?" Mark's voice called out. The said male continued to fidget with a radio transceiver, seemingly unaware that he's being called after.

"Namjoon?" Mark called putting again, earning a confused look from Jinyoung and Jaebeom as they waited for the leader to respond to their call. He still didn't respond however, provoking the elder to approach him instead. Striding forward, the elder placed his hand on the younger's shoulder to catch his attention, which only earned a startled Yelp from the latter. "W-what?" He asked, jolting away from Mark quickly.

Mark frowned, "What going on? I've been calling for you." He replied in concern. "Oh. Well, what is it?" He questioned instead. "I'll tell you if you tell me what's wrong with you." Mark retorted. "You're being awfully absent at this point of time. That isn't like you." He pointed, "and I mean, at all." He added.

The male simple sighed, "I'm..." he trailed, making the elder raise his brow expectantly, "Just.. stressed. Really... stressed. Yeah." He answered unsurely. Mark rolled his eyes, "That won't cut it. Everyone is stressed, but we're all still highly alert and attentive. You, out of everyone in this room is the most attentive, what changed?" He questioned.

"Aish, nothings wrong okay? So annoying!" The latter yelled. Mark scowled, "The least you can do is take off that stupid helmet! And where's the respect?" He stated as he leaned forward and grabbed at the head geer and pulled it off.

Everyone looked towards their direction and Yoongi along with Jin furrowed their brows, a chorus of loud gasps being shared. From their resting position, Yoongi quickly got up and cautiously approached 'Namjoon'. Mark backing away just as much in alert.

"You're not Namjoon." Yoongi snarled darkly, quickly pulling out his blades in defence.


- Namjoon's POV -

This is selfish and stupid.

So much so, that the male in front of me could've been mistaken as a spoilt teenager pulling lengths to get what he wants with force because he heard someone say 'no' to him for the first time in his entire damn life.

"Are you listening to me?"

The male questioned. I simply stayed silent, refusing to utter word to avoid spurting information he might find useful. After all, he managed to score a job under the corporation.

"I guess you are," he cackled, "Judging with the look on your face, you heard every little detail." He pointed. I scoffed, "Do you even know who the Multifated is?" I questioned. That's the first thing I really want to know. "Does it really matter?" The male cackled again, "I don't care who she is. But now that you've decided to speak, by all means, tell me who she is." He spoke amusedly.


"Ever had a best friend before when you were around 16? A girl maybe?" I questioned, watching his face carefully to see if he caught on as to whom I'm talking about. "Stop beating around the bush, I'll shove another bullet on your foot and you wouldn't be able to walk even if you tried." He threatened. He's asking for it then.

"Y/N. She's the Multifated, ring a bell?"

I held onto my stoic expression as I watched Lee Taeno's eyes gleam with realisation before he scoffed in disbelief, "You're kidding me. Y/N? As in Y/N L/N?" He asked and I shrugged, "Isn't she your ex-bestfriend?" I'm asking questions now.

"She- wait, how the hell do you know?" He snarled. I sighed. He's pretty dumb, but I guess I can't help it. "Do you even know the full myth about the Multifated?"

"Answer my question bastard."

Now I'm the bastard, nice. He's getting on my nerves now, I'm much elder than him. "You can fuck yourself." I cussed. It won't take long until the agent with them is revealed—


Ah, there it is. Jungkook shouldn't be yelling though, I realised. I watched as Taeno's face dawned with dark emotions. However, conflicting emotions seemed to take over more and now I'm wondering what is going on in his head. As my hand continued to put pressure on my bleeding foot, I was startled when the younger male pulled me off of the floor and hold me under the direction of a gun.

"You're making a terrible mistake doing this." I stated.


Jungkook was quick to barge through the second floor's double doors at the complete end of hall, the remaining 12 men following behind with hard expressions along with you. The makne was fuming with fury. When Yoongi made the agent under disguise (Namjoon's voice-alike lol) spill all there is about Namjoon's absence and how it happened, his anger took complete control over his body and he flung forward to punch the consciousness out of the male. His anger was still strong and quite literally visible from his scowling expression.

Apparently, just after Hoseok moved infront of the dimpled man before, the agent that sneaked behind Namjoon had quickly hit his pressure point at his neck, making him fall limp but not without a fight. Namjoon managed to stomp on the agent's foot to get him to release him but the agent made him loose his consciousness wuickly, while the agent took his place and followed behind Hoseok, pretending to be the leader. Hoseok was washed over in guilt for not being attentive, but everyone was quick to assure him.

Jungkook kicked open the double doors, only to halt in a millisecond as he witnessed his hyung held under the threat of a pistol against the side of his head. His eyes quickly examined the situation and he only grew more enraged when he saw his hyung's right foot injured with a bullet wound.

"Mother fucker!" He growled.

(A/N: aight read up, Jungkook is Namjoon's #1 fanboy in this story too so he's going bonkers over the fact that his role model was hurt 🥺🥰)

Without a second to spare, despite the gun aimed at Namjoon's head, Jungkook threw himself forward with great speed and directed the loaded gun towards the ceiling.


The bullet was shot to the ceiling, piercing it through the thick concrete, which was only seconds away from shooting Namjoon if it's direction wasn't forced to aim upwards. With the given chance, the leader quickly pulled away from Taeno's grip.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" Jungkook yelled, smashing the gun out of Taeno's hands as soon as it fired a bullet and clutching at his collar with a tight grip. His eyes screamed 'kill'.


(A/N: ...I know I took a haitus like... 2 weeks ago and all, b-but I still feel bad for keeping y'all waiting and made a surprise animation... 👉👈🥺🥺 it isn't exactly great but.. I tRIED 😭💕 pls except my effort 🥺🥺💜)

He glared furiously at the masked male, bringing his other hand and clutching his neck threateningly.
(A/N: *inner demon out* choke me bitch— shit- uh... sorry 😂😂✋)

"Jungkook.." Taehyung gaped, quite frankly shocked at the amount of anger the makne held.


"Um guys, the remaining corporate team is heading this way.." Bambam warned, his voice strained as he and the Got7 member fought back to the current group of agents attacking them. The team had swarmed in as soon as Yoongi managed to get words out of the Namjoon's 'voice-alike' mouth and dodged past them with urgency when you pointed out that Jungkook had fled over to the second floor.

Hoseok frowned, eyes not leaving Jungkook as he hadn't stopped yet, "Jungkook, come on." He called out.

Jungkook inhaled sharply, grabbing at Taeno's helmet and ripping it off, earning a gasp from you side.

"T-Taeno?!" You gaped.

The makne snarled, "That's your name, huh? You chose to mess with the wrong fucking group you little piece of shit." He spat, squeezing his hand slightly more around the younger agent's neck, giving him a thinner gap to suck in oxygen through his throat. However, despite the aggressive actions of Jungkook, Taeno's wide eyes were solely trained on you, shock written all over his face.

"That's him?" Yoongi scoffed.

"Fuck- guys, the helicopter is on its way!" Mark informed while he helped his members fight off the growing number of agents as they fled up the stairs and towards them. "Then we don't have much time before they blow this place up." Jimin stated worriedly.

"Jungkook come on," Hoseok sighed as he placed a hand on the younger's shoulder. Jungkook paused for a moment, "Let me teach him a lesson, hyung." He gritted, nose flaring as he attempted to keep his cool. "We don't have much time left." Hoseok shook his head.

"Come on, get up Jungkook." Namjoon ushered, making the makne huff and push the younger male away. "You stay right there." He ordered Taeno, who at this point was struggling to breathe from the tight hold Jungkook had around his neck.

"Y/N," Jin softly called after, placing a hand at your lower back to push you to move forward. You snapped out of your daze and turned away from Taeno, nodding, "r-right. Let's go." You replied. Jungkook and Taehyung held onto either side of Namjoon to help him move along with them as his leg was badly wounded.

All of you rushed out of the door along with Got7, slipping past the remaining group of Agents in the building as some were knocked out on the ground. Rushing down the stairs however, Yugeom recalled something. His eyes widened as he noticed Hoseok pull open the from door in a swift motion just as Yugeom launched forward to close it once again as he yelled;

"Wait! Don't open the front door—"




I feel like I'm getting closer to a writers block but I don't want that to happen, especially because I don't want you, my lovely readers to have to wait again just because my brain has decided it can't think. I'll try my best to keep up with the schedule, and don't worry! I'm not taking this book and it's updates as a duty, or some sort of routine. I genuinely enjoy writing this!

I love you guys a lot! 🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💜💜❤️❤️❣️❣️💞💞🥺🥺

~ Ada

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