Chapter 63

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For y'all lovelies who don't know what a radio transceiver is, in a more.. simple and known term, it's a 'Walkie Talkie' 😂😂 (trust me, I didn't know before either, but a Walkie Talkie didn't seem to suit the situation so 🤠🤠✌️)

"Go, go, go!"

The frantic voice from Hoseok ringed through the empty hall as Bangtan rushed down a flight of stairs. He did a double check and scanned through the hallway, making sure that all of the agents present on the second floor were taken care of.

"Hoseok, hurry," Namjoon's voice whisper-yelled at the red head, pausing at the middle of the stairs as he glanced downstairs cautiously.

"Subjects seen upstairs, all agents in hall two head to the second floor!"

"Shit." Hoseok cursed, looking at Namjoon who stiffened slightly and grabbed a hold of the red head's wrist and pulled him back to the second floor, taking a sharp turn into an empty room before shutting it behind him. "Come on. We need to hide, anyone of them could enter this room at any moment!" The taller male said with a hushed tone.

Hoseok nodded and scanned the room before perking up when his eyes landed on a closet, "it's not much but we can hide in there! If we get caught, we can just knock them out cold." He suggested and the leader nodded before the two of them rushed into the closet. Hoseok settler himself to one corner and gestured the dimples man to come in, "hurry up!"

"I think I'll find another hiding spot..." Namjoon said. The red head simple rolled his eyes and pulled the taller male in before closing the door behind them.


"This is weird." Hoseok mumbled lowly, "shut up, and stay still." Namjoon responded with a shake of his head. You see, as Hoseok mentioned; it isn't much so the closet was pretty small for two people, let alone two fully grown men. They're practically leaning on each other at this point but they're in denial.

(A/N: anyone wanting some Namsoek moments? Yes? No? Well too fucking bad 😌💅 u wont see much rn but like- huehuehue)


"See anyone?" An agent asked. Through the small gap of the closet door, the two males could make out where and what the 3 agents at the door were doing. The one leading them shook their head—
(A/N: yall it can't just be me - the words "make out" was instantly picked up by my brain about those two lmao)
"No one, I'll inform the others that this room is clear."

And soon enough, the agent spoke into his radio transceiver about the room being "clear".

"Hoseok, stop breathing on me..." Namjoon whispered, "If I do that, you're technically telling me to stop breathing overall and suffocate for your sake." Hoseok shot back. The dimpled man rolled his eyes, "then at least stop moving!" He pointed. (A/N: they're both obviously whispering y'all don't worry lol)
"Oh dang, this is like those cliche in-the-closet anime scenes where the girl unintentionally rubs her ass on the guy's d—"

"Oh, for goodness sake, Hoseok keep quiet!"


"Come on, hurry." Jackson ushered as he rushed down the hall and into the another hall beside the stairs. The other got7 members quickly followed behind along with you and Taehyung.

"The second door! Go to the second door on the left!" Taehyung pointed. The others nodded and quickly swung the door open—

"Don't. move." Yoongi's voice harshly whispered. Jackson, who stood right infront of the man, quickly raised his hands up in surrender, "Hyung, put the knife down, its us." Jackson quickly revealed, quickly taking of his helmet to prove his statement before letting out a sigh in relief when the knife was moved away from his neck.

"What the hell? Why are you all still in here? I thought you left!" Jin gasped, appearing behind the mint haired male, as everyone rushed in and closed the door right after.

"Can't. The whole place is surrounded. I have a radio transceiver, I can hear all of the agents and what their next move is." Mark stated before gulping.

"What? What is it?"

"They're sending a helicopter and two other snipers this way. Worst comes worst, we'll have to take a run out of this house before they blow this place up." He said. "What?!" Jaebeom exclaimed, "when did you hear that?!" He asked.

"Just before we left the first hall." Mark admitted. "Apparently, finding us has taken longer than necessary and the team doesn't want to 'waste' anymore time looking for us. I guess they figured out that we've been sneaking around." He sighed.

"Uh guys... I hate to be the one to ask this but..." Jimin trailed, "Where are Namjoon and Hoseok hyung?" He asked. Your eyes bulged, "They weren't with you?!"

The others nodded, "No, I'm pretty sure they were! We were all rushing downstairs from the second floor," Jin defended.

Taehyung gulped, worry building up within him, "did I make the right decision...?" He mumbled to himself.


"Come on, I'm not letting you trail behind me. You're moving ahead of me this time." Namjoon stated, having the other male roll his eyes, "I'm not a kid. But fine." He sighed.

The two of them sneaked out of the closet- well, they rushed out of it actually, but no one said that. Once they were sure that they were in the clear, they approached the door leading out to the hallway and surveyed the area of any onlookers before heading out. Silently yet swiftly, the two rushed down the stairs and made it into the hallway beside the staircase. As the group had initially planned, the two also made their way to the same room the others had most probably entered.

Swinging the door open, Hoseok jolted backwards when a pistol was placed against his Adam's apple. Gulping, the red head twisted his head to look at Namjoon who was in a ready stance. 'Is this the right door?' Was the question lingering in his mind.

"Speak." Jinyoung's voice grunted sharply.

"Jinyoung, its Hoseok. Namjoon's with me, see?" He moved out of the way, gesturing for Namjoon to step forward, "Yeah.., Jinyoung, it's us." He said. Hoseok immediately took of his geer helmet, and the Male holding the pistol sighed before nodding. "Phew. Get in, quick." He ushered.

"Oh, thank god!" You sighed in relief, being pulled into Hoseok's embrace as soon as his eyes landed on you. Reciprocating the hug, "Where did you go? Why weren't you with the others?" You questioned. "I was checking for any agent on the second floor to see if any one of them who were conscious, saw us. I guess I waited too long and Joon, apparently waited for me." He began, "Then three other groups of agent from this floor came towards our direction and we had to hide, so we did on the second floor." He explained. You nodded.

"Don't separate from one other now, okay?" You said, "of course." Hoseok chuckled, before pulling away and slipping on his head geer once again.

"Hyung?" Jungkook's voice caught your attention. Averting you're gaze from Hobi, you looked over at the makne to see him talking to Namjoon. "What?" He asked. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you? You're limping." He pointed and your brows furrowed. Making your way to the two of them you bent down to take a look at his leg for any injuries.

"I-I'm fine. Uh.., just tripped a little while heading down the stairs, it's no big deal." He tried to assure. You looked at him quizzically, "Are you sure you're fine? You don't sound like it." You pointed. His voice seemed disgruntled for sure.

"Take a breather, let me help you with that helmet—" you offered.

"No, no, no. That won't be necessary." He cut in swiftly, pushing your extended hand away quickly, making you frown. 

Okay then...

Jungkook raised a brow at Namjoon, "Hyung, if you're worried that we'd make a fuss over an injury on you then it's only natural, but we won't push you. You know that." He softly spoke, "Let me know if you need anything." He smiled slightly when the elder simply nodded before he glancing at you a bit. You smiled at him some, silently conveying that you two will talk about it soon, just not now. He nodded, understanding your gaze before he ushered you to come with him, towards Jimin and Jin.

"Well?" Jin asked, frowning when Jungkook shrugged, "He says he's fine." He mumbled. "Why is he being like that?" Jimin grumbled, gazing at Namjoon who settled himself to lean at a wall closest to him. "He's probably very stressed, I dunno." Jungkook sighed.

"There are a lot of them in the building. We haven't even taken down half of the agents here." Jin pointed, "but something about his posture doesn't sit right."

"His voice sounded more pitchier, I thought he could take off that helmet but he refused." You stated, worriedly gazing at him. "You think he's hiding something?" Jimin inquired. "At this point of time? You know Namjoon would never." Jin denied, having you and Jungkook agree along. Jimin shrugged, "..."



"There are no subjects on the second floor, I repeat, no subjects on the second floor."

I chuckled as my radio transceiver cut, "copy that." I responded. I knew that beforehand, now if I continue to find their whereabouts in this building before like this, I can finally achieve the role of a higher status in this corporation. It would be so easy now, if I just revealed it all.
My gaze instantly set on two males beside the set of stairs leading to the first floor.

But maybe capturing one of these dumb fucks is better...,

"Come on, I'm not letting you trail behind me. You're moving ahead of me this time." One of the two males at the door stated, "I'm not a kid. But fine." The other replied shortly.

...Yeah, it definitely is.

Following them will be easy, I just have to complete step number one, first.


Btw no, Ateez ain't in dis book, so let's pretend that isn't the lovely leader, Kim Hongjoong of hala hala smiling in the dark 😂😂✌️

Oh and let's ALSO pretend that the unknown is wearing dem agent clothes kssjsjdfkd pls 😂😭🥺✨👉👈

I love youuuuuu 🥺🥺💕💕💕❤️💘❣️❣️💕❣️💜💜💜❤️❤️💕💕💞💞💘

~ Ada

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