Chapter 62

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"Jin hyung," Namjoon whispered, tilting his head towards the door they were currently standing in front of. Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi kept their blades ready. Namjoon held onto his pistol just in case.

Jin nodded before grabbing onto the door handles. The boys all leaned their backs flushed against the wall beside the door, Hoseok a few feet away from the door with his own gun, watching out for other agents, in case they get caught.

The door flew open with minimal noise and the agents behind those doors were left momentarily shocked at the sudden movement, giving the boys enough time to knock them out. Yoongi huffed, "They're armed." He spoke softly, "Guns won't do anything, we need to go for their necks." He pointed at one of the limp agents. Namjoon raised a brow, before quickly instructing his members to come in and shut the door behind them.

"Quick, take their armour and geer up. We'll need to blend in as much as possible." He informed earning a set of nods before everyone took an agent for themselves, putting on their gear as quick as possible. Hoseok cursed, "Namjoon, Jungkook the group on the other end saw the door closing. Hide," he said.

"There was movement over there!" Someone exclaimed behind the closer door.

The members simultaneously let out a curse under their breaths, fastening any last armour in a rush before they got caught. Namjoon and Jungkook quickly dragged the knocked out bodies to the side of the room and covering the pile with a dusty table cloth that was laying on a round table present in the room.

All of them pulled on their helmets as soon as the other group of agents barged in. A moment of silence was passed between the two groups.

"Did you find them?" Hoseok spoke through the helmet, keeping his voice low to avoid any sort of recognition of his voice. The other group shook their heads, a chorus of sighs being exchanged, "No, it's nothing. Keep high alert, though. They could be anywhere." The other anonymous agent instructed with a grunt.

"Wait.." One other agent piped in, head moving subtly to look at all of the undercover members. "Wasn't everyone assigned to be put into groups of five?" The second agent pondered, "I only see four." He pointed.

One of the five jumped as a hand was brought out of nowhere and wrapped around his neck, giving the undercover members enough time to strike in as the others got distracted.

Soft sounds of shuffling and tiny grunts had come out, Namjoon and Jungkook let out a relieved sigh as the plan was going in accordance. The two quickly pulled on some armour for themselves while Yoongi and Jimin brought the second batch of knocked out agents to the side of the room.

"They're only knocked out. They could wake up later at any moment, right?" Jimin inquired. "That's why we need to take away all of their weapons." Yoongi retorted, unarming every one of them of any weapon and storing the bullets of their guns with him. "Tie them up with this?" Hoseok suggested, holding onto another dusty cloth of a round table.


"Hyung, stop being such a snail and stopping so suddenly! I keep bumping into your flat ass." BamBam huffed quietly.

"Shut up and look." Youngjae responded, shifting to one side of the vet so the younger male could peep through another vet opening that was situated over a highly alerted group of agents. They were all murmuring towards one another.

"Listen up, this room is just two rooms away from JB, Y/N and V." Mark pointed. "We can take their place. But we need to knock them out first." Jinyoung suggested, earning nods from his brothers. He pulled out a tool and immediately unscrewed the opening of the vent and detached the trapdoor as quietly as he could.


Everyone sucked in a breath, one of the members had accidentally hit his elbow to the wall beside him. Fortunately, they weren't caught. "Sorry, sorry." Jackson apologised for the noise as his members shot him a pointed look.

Everyone let out a breath when none of the agents heard the sound. "Youngjae," Mark whispered, allowing the said man to move forward and slide through the vent hole. He's a spy after all. The vent was situated a few feet behind the agents, who stood facing the door. Then Jinyoung followed next, slipping past the opening without emitting a sound and landing on his toes, behind the oblivious agents, too concentrated to hear a slight grunt from the latter.

Mark peeked his head through the opening, however stayed inside as he pointed a sharp dart, directed right at the neck of the agent closest to the door. Jackson unconsciously winced, picturing the pointy needle sinking into the neck and injecting a good amount of propofol into the target's neck.

Youngjae held out a thumbs up and instantly, the dart flew through from the vent and right through, and into the skin of the targeted agent's neck earning a loud groan of agony, before he instantly collapsed to the ground. The remaining four agents instantly spun on their heel with high alert and the two spies flung themselves to the armed men and hit the pressure point of their necks swiftly and silently.

BamBam, Mark, Jackson and Yugeom instantly slipped out of the vent and began to arm themselves off of the agent's geer quickly.

Yugeom who held his phone securely in his arm checked at the linked CCTV footage of the camera to find if any other group of agents nearby heard anything before letting out a sigh and rushing to the door.

He nodded to the eldest member and Mark pressed a button on his smart watch.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

JB flung the door open instantly at his ringing smart watch, motioning for you and Taehyung to follow behind him closely. You were a bundle of nerves and already began thinking of stupid mishappenings such as:
'what if I trip and make a sound?'
'What if I suddenly have to sneeze??'
'What if I suddenly choked on nothing and start coughing???'
'What if an agent poofed out of nowhere and I scream so every agent in this entire building comes this way?'
'What if—

"Y/N, come on," Taehyung whispered as his grip around your shoulders tightened as he felt you slow down ever so slightly, snapping you out of your thoughts. You shook your head, scoffing silently to yourself, 'or what if I just suddenly just doze off to dreamland in the middle of running?' You mocked yourself.

You're quick to notice Yugeom and his hand violently gesturing for you trio to rush in faster before someone sees you and you all instantly speed up, making sure to stay on our toes to avoid sound. With a final turn to the left, the door shuts behind you and you all let out a sigh in relief.

I should really start working out.

Jaebeom lets out a soft groan once he settled himself beside a wall, clutching at his abdomen with a sour look, instantly having Youngjae rush to his aid, "hyung, sit down." He softly said and helped the elder settle down on the floor. The medic sighed sadly, "You really shouldn't be moving at all. But with the current situation at hand, please just hold on a little longer until we clear up an exit." He requested. Jaebeom let out a huff, "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on staying still anytime soon. Not until we get Y/N, Bangtan and us out of this mess." He assured.

"Jaebeom..." you mumbled sadly, before placing a small smile his way, "Thank you. Really. I owe you greatly." The male shook his head dismissively before Yugeom spoke up, "The next group is just beside this room. The five of you-" he gestured towards Mark, Jinyoung, Bambam, Jackson and Youngjae, "-will rush to them and alert them that you saw Y/N running at the other end of the hall." He instructed. "Every group has one agent that is carrying a radio transceiver," Mark pointed, holding onto the said device, "They will most definitely inform the other group about Y/N's probable location.

You suddenly felt your gut churn uneasily, feeling something off with their next course of action.


Heads spinning to the source, you and the got7 members looked at Taehyung, surprised by his refusal, "My friends will be on the other side. I just know it," he pointed, "None of the agents know that Y/N is on this floor either so we can simply lead them all to the second floor, instead." He suggested. Yugeom nibbled at his lip with his teeth in consideration before ultimately nodding, "Alright." He agreed. A wave of relief washed over you subconsciously and you instantly realised that it was your soul bond with the other boys that was speaking. Taehyung must've felt something similar as you too.

"Wait, hold on," he suddenly shot up, eyes furrowed. "What? What is it?" Jackson asked. "I see the others. Yoongi and Namjoon hyungs are running through a hall on the second floor with three agents after them." He pointed as he watched the CCTV camera.

You instantly perked up at their name and grew worried. Yugeom suddenly let out a smile, "They've got the same strategy as ours. Both of them have some agent's geer on and those other three agents aren't attacking them like they should." He said.

"Come on, let's move on." Mark instructed, "I'll speak to the agents on the other room while you guys stay behind me. I'll tell them to head upsta—"

"No, no!" Yugeom shook his head, "The second floor can't be an option anymore. They're all still upstairs." He reasoned.

Taehyung spoke up, "trust me on this, lead them all to the second floor. By that time, I'm sure they'd all be on the same floor as us." He assured, "He's right." You joined, "I have a gut feeling." You mumbled in the end.

The others shared a look at each other in uncertainty, however Jaebeom spoke up, "The soul bond should always be trusted. I get it, so we should choose to lure them upstairs either way." He agreed.

Everyone nodded then, so they set off the plan.

"Let's go,"


How are u guys? :,> I missed y'all
A lot of strategy work I must say so my self lol. But will the whole plan continue to work in accordance or fail some time later at a point? Who knows~

•What did you think of this chapter? 🤔
-It's definitely not on the 'usual chapter' list for me. 😬
Your answer:

• Is there another, more successful plan than stealth mode? 👀👀Let me know!
-With an entire company - a large one at that - is surrounding a huge building, and so many groups of 5 agents waiting behind majority of the doors, I think taking all of them down one by one without being noticed is the way to go 🤷‍♀️
Your answer:

• Do you think the boys have a soul bond with each other? Excluding the MC.😳😳
- We'll find out I guess ;)
Your answer:

Ps: ...uhh please don't leave me hanging oof 🥺🥺😭✊🙌

Lots of Luvs! 🥺🥺💕💕💕💕❣️❣️💞💞❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️💜💜💜💜

~ Ada

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