Chapter 61

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AM I THE ONLY HYPED ONE HERE? Oh and I may or may nOt have gotten carried away with  the story.... 👉👈

Y'all just had to OVER motivate the hell out of me by making my book reach over 200 THOUSAND reads smh.. but LIEK THANK YOU OMG 🥺🥺💕💕 I'm so bipolar rn lmao
It's ur fault 🥺👉👈

Loud thuds and grunts filled in the room The BTS members were in (except Taehyung). Dongsun laughed maniacally as he recieved a harsh punch from Jungkook, "Good one! But that's not enough," he grinned, swinging his own fist towards the younger male with great force. Yoongi quickly swooped in and slashed his blade against Dongsun's tight fists earning another laugh, "You made me bleed! That's not nice," he remarked before dropping his bright expression, "You want to bring blades into this? You should've told me! I have some of my own, too, you know." He smirked, pulling out his other hand from his side and swinging a pocket knife towards the mint haired man who barely dodged the sharp tool as it sliced his left cheek, earning a hiss from the pale man.

"Dongsun, stop right there!" Namjoon snarled, holding up his pistol at the said man's direction, momentarily causing the chaotic room to halt at his thunderous voice. The new male raised his hands up to convey his surrender with a crazy smile, "Now we can use guns? Come on, you're all big cheaters. Pulling out weapons after every minute without telling me!" He whined playfully, "though I'm admittedly pleased to find that your fighting skills have improved." He grinned, "this makes it a lot more fun, no?".

Namjoon rolled his eyes and simply shot the male's shoulder twice, silencing the room at an instant as Dongsun fell to the ground, leaning his upper body beside the wall behind him, "that was simple enough..," he grunted, the sickening smile still plastered on his face.


Another bullet to his other shoulder. Dongsun laughed, "okay, make me bleed out. That's cool, too." He said.


Another bullet to his arm.
"Namjoon.." Jin frowned. "I'm not going to let this psycho live. Things will just turn more complicated and his dumb smile is pissing me off." He growled.

Dongsun stared at the leader with dark eyes, "kill me already, then. What are you waiting for?" He asked, blood soon being coughed out. Namjoon raised a brow at the male, "First," he started, walking over and smashing his shoe to his shoulder, earning a groan of agony, "Who else did you bring with you?" Dongsun scoffed, "And what? You'll fight off the entire corporation?" He spat. The boys' eyes flew wide, "you brought the whole damn team with you? Do you not know what shit they would do with her?!" Namjoon barked, pressing his shoe deeper into the bullet wound, earning another grunt, "Damn straight, You know the damn myth yourself, - the Multifated can take away everyone else's soulmate if she stays." He coughed out, growing irritated as the silver-haired male didn't shoot the life out of him yet, "any minute now," he grunted, "come on, just shoot me. It's quite simple." He scowled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before swinging his foot right into the man's face:

(A/N: I'm telling y'all.. Stan Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan 😌🙌 if yoongi had to cosplay a character from this anime, It's def Levi 🤩)

"you'll endure the pain longer if you keep beating around the bush. You'll die anyways. Now answer the fucking question." He spat. Dongsun scoffed, "'YoU'LL diE aNyWAysS' , I could say the same to you too, gloss." He said, "what? You expect to use those stupid blades the entire time to defeat all of them? Yeah right, all of them have their own guns, they're all trained agents and combat fighters. Sure, just swing that sharp flat little stick of yours around, you'll totally won't have a hundred bullets up your ass." He deadpanned, "there, now shoot me already. This Rapmonster isn't really helping my shoulders."

"That's the point," Namjoon sighed bemusedly, before being pushed back by one of his members and lifting a brow as Hoseok stepped forward and smashed his knee onto the man's face, before grabbing his hair and pulling it so he could look right in his eyes, "You're going to tell us exactly where every one of your damn agents are, right now." He growled.

(A/N: I wrote all this before thinking of this scene in AOT and Omfg it fits pERFECTLY OOPP)


A pitchy scream caught the attention of the 6 Got7 members, Taehyung's and yours. "JB-ssi!" The same voice exclaimed outside the double doors.

Youngjae's eyes shot wide and he rushed towards the door along with Jinyoung. Soon after, the two males returned with a limping Jaebeom who spurred groans every time he moved. "Hyung," Bambam gasped, rushing to the elder as he was settled to the ground carefully while Youngjae examined his condition.

Jaebeom groaned before extending his hand, "Y-Yuju.., Call her." He grunted towards Mark who's eyes grew wide, "right now?"

"Yes!" He groaned, "hurry!" He coughed. You looked between the group members with worry and confusion along with Taehyung. Jackson quickly fetched out his phone and handed it to Mark who dialled a number.

"H-hello?" A strained voice called out from the other side as the call was out in speaker. JB, sat up, straightening his posture a little, "Yuju, I-it's me." He replied, eyes stinging slightly as he heard her strained voice, "Pain k-killers. Have a pain killer. I-I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He cried softly.

His soulmate. He's talking to his soulmate.

It suddenly clicked in your head and you felt yourself tearing up for them.

"Jae, w-whats happening? Why are you hurting so- so much?" Yuju asked frantically, voice quivering as some shuffling was heard in the background. "I'm so s-sorry," Jaebeom repeated, "I'll explain everything later, okay? Stay strong for me." He sniffed, wiping away a single tear from his cheek. The other line went silent before Yuju replied, "I'm here for you. Stay strong too, okay?" She said, "I just swallowed two pain killer pills, it'll start numbing the pain soon. Call me anytime, Jae," she softly added. JB nodded as his bottom lip quivered, "Love you." He whispered, and cut the call. A moment of slience passed before the wounded male let out a long sigh as he stood up with a grunt.


"I-I'm fine. Let's just hurry before things take a turn for the worst. We need to get Y/N out of here as soon as possible." He explained, wincing every so often. "Jaebeom—" you tried to retort but he shook his head, "Y/N, the whole agency is surrounding this house as we speak. A small glimpse of any of us, and they would start firing." He stated. Taehyung pulled you closer to him by the waist to share some form of security to you that he was right beside you.

(A/N: yall pls bare with me 😂😂😭😭 Ive got a lot going on atm so the drawing is awfully rushed 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I promise u this isn't going to be like this all the time!)

"JB hyung, wait." Jackson cut in, stopping the elder before he went out of the room they all were in. "We can't just go out. You said so too - we're surrounded. Any other door could have someone waiting to strike. We need to think things through." He reasoned.

"Wait..." Yugeum spoke for the first time after the break in. "I can try and hack into our security cameras to get an idea as to where the agents are. Just give me a couple of minutes." He perked up and pulled out his phone. BamBam beamed, "Right! We can start from there." He nodded, rushing to one of the cabinets in the room, "I've stored an extra backup laptop here somewhere.." he let out, shuffling through the rooms cabinets and drawers in a rush. "Aha!" pulled out an untouched computer, plucked with various wires. Yugeum huffed, before pulling out a portable wire from the back pocket of his jeans and joined his brother before connecting his phone to the computer, the two working together from there.

You nibbled on your bottom lip out of sheer nerves, wondering about your boys on the second floor. You only hoped they can figure things out from there. Taehyung placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze and offering you a soft smile.

"They'll be fine." He assured.


"This is so dumb." Dongsun coughed out, gasping for air as his lungs began to burn and his breathing turned shallow. "You're out numbered. There's no damn way, you can beat them all." He grunted.

Yoongi scoffed, eyes narrowing at the enemy with amusement, "where did the stupid jokes go? Your dumb smile too? Had enough?" He cocked a brow. Jungkook never let up his scowl at the man on the ground, finally taking a step towards him, "I wish you knew how disgusting and insignificant you are. For everything you've done." He spat, bending down to look at the bleeding man face-to-face.

Dongsun let out a dry laugh before spitting his blood on the makne's foot with glaring eyes, "I don't care about your stupid wish, Kid." He snarled. Jungkook's face turned furious as he stood back up and swung his foot back and pushing it forward to kick the male right in the left eye, earning a loud groan of agony.

Hoseok strode forward and loomed over Dongsun with so much hatred, it had his brothers blink to double check if they were seeing right, "I'd say thank you for cooperating, but you know what? Fuck you." He gritted, pulling out his own pistol before shooting him right through his forehead without a second thought.

The boys were momentarily frozen. That's the first time Hoseok has ever killed someone.

Jin frowned slightly at the younger's action, however opted to let it pass. He hated that man too. With a past history with that man, he knew one day his life would have to be put to an end, before he continued to do more of his nasty missions that involved undeserving deaths of others.

Namjoon let out sigh before calling for everyone's attention, "alright, listen up everyone. The whole corporation has divided themselves into smaller groups. Every single exit holds at least five agents holding two guns each. They have three back up blades in their pockets, and sub-divided groups of agents will soon barge in from the front door in about thirty minutes or so." He briefed.

"So, Here's the plan."


"The plan is that we start off with taking down this group right here." Mark pointed towards the screen displayed on the computer. "We need to take all of them down stealthily. Try to make minimal noises so the other group over here—" he pointed to another CCTV screen, "—Remains there and doesn't suspect our presence coming closer." The others nodded without any objections.

"But," he pointed out, "We all should be well aware that two guns isn't the only weapon that they're holding. If I'm not wrong, they're all wearing armour to keep from being shot. The best possible choice of action is to go for the their calfs and.. their necks." He stated.

You gulped at that, unconsciously bringing your hand to cover your neck while Taehyung rubbed your back assuringly in understanding.

"JB hyung. I want you to stay with Y/N." Youngjae piped in firmly.

Jaebeom frowned, "What? No, I need to—"

"I'm not asking. Taehyung, you too; stay with Y/N until we give you the signal." He pointed, having Taehyung nod without question. Jaebeom thought of it for a second before ultimately nodding defeatedly. "Alright."

"I've got the vent open," Jinyoung announced, letting out a small grunt as he climbed in after dropping the screw driver and pins to the ground. The rest followed behind, beginning with their stealth plan.

BamBam gave off a nod at you, JB and V, which you all returned, readying yourselves at the door to make a run for it when the signal is given.


This is so serious omg lololol
But it's cuLL.. for me at least lmao—
BRUHHHH I DIDNT KNOW ID GET SO CARRIED AWAY THO like this new book I'm working on really clicked my writing mode and I couldn't stop typing out the story and the fluff is ENDLESS- oop u didn't read that from me ;)

I will be going on a short hiatus. At least for an entire week and a half, if not more. I just finished my physics final exams. I really want to score well on all of my subjects so please wait for the next update for a while!!
The next update might come out.. on the 1st or 2nd of next month 😭😭 not anytime during the remaining days of this month. I hope you understand 😔😔💕💕 I'm really sorry, but at least I won't be gone for an ENTIRE month or anything 🥺🥺👉👈

Luv y'all 🥺🥺💕💕💕❣️💞💞💞💜❣️💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️

~ Ada

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