Chapter 60

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I've posted more on my Instagram @/ bon_watt with another little "behind the scenes" thingy lol

"Look, I may have studied about soulmates before, but that doesn't mean I have all the answers relating to a Multifated," Namjoon sighed, "Further more, All the information relating to a Multifated have been purely confirmed out of those Sedimentary Rocks that those explorers found by mistake." He added.

Yoongi sighed, "I know, I know, it's just that.." he trailed.

"Something unusual happened." Namjoon inquired, smiling when Yoongi looked at him in intrigue, "yeah. How did you know?" He asked. "I assumed," the dimpled man simply put, "Before this, Hoseok barged into my room saying that he could see what was happening in Y/N's room from her eyes. But he was in his room the entire time." He stated.

"Then not even 10 minutes ago, Jungkook came to me saying that he can hear Y/N's thoughts." He raised a brow, "What about you?" He asked, noticing the pale man fidget with his fingers before he straightened his posture and looked at Namjoon, "I felt her emotions," He began, "but only for approximately, 5 seconds. First I felt anger, then the next thing I know is that I'm feeling... remorse?" He questioned in the end. "I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I can guarantee that those weren't my emotions. It's just a gut feeling, but I'm pretty sure it came from Y/N." he stated.

Namjoon frowned, "well, We can agree that those emotions were definitely Y/N's. After all, everything that happens either physically or mentally between us, always revolves around the Multifated." He pointed, "Did it just start or did you feel another emotion that wasn't yours, before?" He questioned.

Yoongi nodded, "When we were all in Y/N's room. As soon as Mina came, I felt alert and cautious. Maybe even I little spiteful towards her." He mumbled, "you think Y/N knows something that we don't?" Namjoon asked, earning an uncertain nod from the latter.

"Which is why I believe we should discuss some things." JB spoke up, moving aside from the door frame to reveal you behind, along with a confused Jin, Taehyung and Jimin, a blank faced Hoseok, and a resentful-looking Jungkook.

You stepped forward with fidgety hands, "I have something to say."


"I can't believe it." Jimin vocalised first, as the room stood silent after you had explained everything about your suspicions. You gulped as the boys stared at you blankly - except Hoseok and Jungkook.

Jimin frowned, "You were planning on telling me this before, weren't you?" He asked, recalling you asking for him to follow you to an empty hall, away from the living room. You nodded, "but-"

"But you changed your mind and made another excuse so that you wouldn't tell me. Why?" He questioned with a soft tone. "B-because I noticed that someone followed us. I believe it was Ian. He was the one who said that he thought I caught him." You remained composed and truthfully answered. "If he found out about my suspicions, I had a gut feeling that it wouldn't end well. We might not even be here right now." You whispered in the end.

Namjoon nodded, "I'm glad."

You looked up at him with bulging eyes, "What? You are?"

He smiled softly, "You heard me. I'm glad," he repeated, "You smartly dodged their suspicions about knowing and finally shared your thoughts about them without them finding out." He explained. "I'm sorry too," he sheepishly let out, "I should've noticed this little detail but instead I simply ignored it and believed them without thinking." He admitted.

Knock knock.

The room fell deafeningly silent. Jaebeom sighed and pulled away from leaning beside the wall and took the initiative to open the door since he was the closest. Taehyung gasped, "Wait! Don't—"

Instantaneously, The male grunted in agony, alerting everyone in the room with wide eyes.

You gasped, "Jaebeom!" You exclaimed and made a move to rush to him as he fell to the floor with a clear stab at his abdomen, blood quickly dripping and staining his shirt as he groaned and managed to stutter out one word, "f-fuck,". You took one step forward but Yoongi quickly pulled you behind him with a ready stance, as his eyes narrowed with a set glare, hands fisting tightly as the person behind the stab didn't step in to reveal themselves.

You were put into a state of shock as the Idol struggled to keep his consciousness as his hand shakily grabbed onto the jacket he wore so he could wrap it around the wound to put pressure, by himself.

"All you bastards had to do was hand her over. But no. Instead? You want to suffer and take a step towards the edge where death awaits you, rather than keeping yourselves and your 'dear' friends safe and sound, without having to be bothered again," a deep voice cut through the silence, "By far the stupidest decision ever. You know that?" He continued, followed by subtle footsteps.

The male smirked as he made his appearance, wearing a long coat with a bucket hat, along with a mask worn and ready just below his chin, "Hello," he greeted brightly, "The name's Dongsun. I believe you have the Multifated, so I kindly ask you to hand her over to me without a fight." He smiled.

You watched in horror as his eyes snapped towards Namjoon, who stood the closest to the male. The dimpled man growled harshly, "What the fuck are you doing here?" He scowled. Dongsun's smile widened, "Rapmon? It is you! I didn't see you there, how have you been?" He laughed.

"Answer the damn question." Namjoon snarled, hands pocketing for his hand gun, "oh I wouldn't do that, man. I'd hate to be the one to cut off your hands, you know?" Dongsun's voice darkened, the same smile plastered on his face.

He's messed up.

"Now the girl." He demanded.

"Like hell, we'd do that!" Yoongi barked, stepping back to keep you close to his side, "oh, aren't you that short dude with those blades? It's a shame you're not on my side, you're pretty handy." He remarked, "Hm, you're oddly familiar, you know that?" He pointed, stepping forward. "Back the fuck up, Dongsun. I'm not asking." Jin calmly let out.

(A/N: you better back the fuck up before I smack you the fuck up ;)) long time no see y'all 😔✌️)

"Jin! You're here too? Oh, I see; did you and Rapmon stick together? How cute!" He grinned, "wait, who else stuck with these two? Oh my god, wait." He paused, eyes growing wide mockingly, "hold up, you're gloss aren't you, shorty?" He laughed.

"Oh, this is too good! Old pals sticking together! What a day this is!" He let out with an amused applaud before he immediately turned creepily blank, "You three should already know that I'm much better than all of you combined. How about you save the blood spill—" he paused, glancing at JB, then smiling sheepishly.

"My bad, any more blood spill and simply hand over the girl? I promise it's for research purposes only!" He chirped cheerily in the end, "Then later on, if you really want to see her, I can help you," he chuckled darkly, pointing upwards, "You can meet her up there."

With that lone remark, all hell broke loose. Jungkook being the first to charge at the maniacal man with a rage-full growl, while Taehyung took your hand and pulled you passed the man while he fought off the makne. "Come on, Y/N. we need to get you to Got7." He breathed, "b-but Jaebeom—"

"Nothings going to happen to him, he'll be fine." The blue haired man cut in.

Taehyung however came to an abrupt halt making you look past his looming figure to see the duo. Mina looked at the two of you with wide eyes, "I-I never meant for this to- t-to happen," she choked out, "We were just desperate for the money..." Ian added.

Taehyung scowled coldly, "Get out of the fucking way." He said, "Get the hell away from us!" He yelled, charging forward as the two frightened figures remained on their spot, glued to the ground out of sheer fear. "Taehyung!" You exclaimed, "We don't have time for this," you said as you grabbed his wrist, still glaring furiously at the two.

"They're not worth our time." You whispered.

The aggravated soulmate looked between you and the duo before taking a deep breath, "you're right. Let's get out of here." He said, after composing himself.

Grabbing onto your hand securely, the two of you resumed your run past the, still paralysed duo and fled down the stairs as fast as humanly possible. "Wh-what about the others?" You asked breathily, "They're going to take care of that damn psycho and join us a bit later. We need to find the others first." He explained, dragging you to a hall you hadn't gone to as of yet. The two of you passed by various doors that led to sorts of rooms until Taehyung suddenly took a left turn and threw open a double door, later earning a gasp from the both of you.

"Oh my god!" You cried, rushing over to the tied up group of Idols who at least held a few cuts and bruises across their forms, looking exhausted and shaken. "What the hell happened?!" Taehyung asked, slipping out a pocket knife to slice off the thick ropes.

"Break in-" Mark tried to explain, cutting himself off as he let out a fit of coughs, "We're surrounded. A full group of agents and snipers have completely blocked out any form of escape. No one heard them come in," Jackson explained, grunting slightly as the last rope on his wrist were ripped off. "Before we could even fight off, a shady bucket hat dude swooped in and slashed all of us so fast. Without the time to even comprehend things, we were thrown in here - tied up."

"I think Mina and her fake soulmate spread the word to them about discovering that Y/N's a Multifated." Mark breathed out, standing up with wobbly legs as he adjusted and examined his injuries as well as others.

"They're all after Y/N."


Oooooooopppppppp 👀👀👀

That's it. That's the A/N of the day. Enjoy and be patient my children 😂😂✌️

Ps: I'm sorry for the late update 😭😭 (final exams going on, I hope u understand 🥺🥺)

You know I love y'all 💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️🥰

~ Ada

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