Chapter 59

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"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Hoseok asked.

You took a deep breath and nodded before taking a small glance at a scoffing Jungkook, then headed out of the room. This time you closed the door.

Hoseok held out a hand for you to take, to which you complied. He led you down a hall you haven't explored yet.

I guess this is where the boys' rooms are.

The second floor of this mansion consisted entirely of bedrooms upon bedrooms with just another living room further down the hall and to the right which held a one-sided window to look outside.

You didn't even notice the red head stop in his tracks and bumped into his back and snapped out of your thought, mumbling out a sheepish 'sorry'. Hoseok sighed, spinning his body to completely face you, "Uh..," he began. "This is really out of the blue and all and I'm pretty sure what I'm going to say is going to really shock you because you wouldn't have expected it at all and—" he rambled but you cut in, "Hobi relax, there's no rush right now. What is it?" You softly let out.

Hobi took in a breath, "I saw everything, and I heard everything," he started, noticing how you grew confused, "what do you mean be 'everything'?" You asked, "Y/N, I mean it literally! Like I saw and heard your conversation between Jungkook from your eyes!" He whisper-yelled.

You huffed, "That doesn't make any sense, Hobi.." you flatly put. "Exactly! I don't get it either. I was in my room and I unconsciously thought what was going on with you and Jungkook and suddenly I found myself in your room talking.. well, half-yelling at him," he explained, "only that I was seeing everything from your perspective." He added. You furrowed your brows, "you mean to say that you were seeing things from my eyes? Like literally see the world from my eyes?" You asked.

And then you gasped, "s-so you know everything?" You stammered, earning a hesitant nod from the latter. "But don't worry, I understand your reason." He simply put, laughing as you looked at him in surprise, "hey, stop looking at me like that. I learnt my lesson, okay? I need to think from your point of view as well and so I... well, I literally did. It's understandable now." He smiled.

(A/N: yeah this is some what ironic considering Hobi didn't even think to see from your perspective before and now he's suddenly capable I'd literally seeing things from your perspective lol)

"Okay, but that doesn't explain how you can suddenly do that." You pointed, raising a brow as Hoseok let out a nervous chuckle, "well, I did run straight to Namjoon about this and he even told me about it maybe being some other benefit of being the bonded of a Multifated... I still didn't get it." He admitted with a sheepish smile. You shook your head with a small laugh, "You didn't ask him to rephrase what he said? Aw, did Hobi think it would bother the leader to explain the whole thing again? You didn't want to trouble joonie?" You cooed, snickering as the male glared at you playfully, "stop babying me, I'm a daddy." He stated confidently.

"Sure thing, foo'~" you giggled, but you quietened down as soon as the Jung Hoseok spoke, "Do I have to prove my statement right here, right now, darling?" Hoseok asked devilishly, creeping closer as he wrapped his arms around your shoulder to keep yourself from backing away.

"Please, get a room." Jinyoung piped up, sipping his late morning coffee as he cozily sat on the living room couch with his phone.

You and Hoseok instantly pulled apart from each other with flushed faces, "Jinyoung! Haha, didn't see you there," you over exaggerated your laugh, getting a nudge from the man beside you to stop being so overdramatic.

"Let's just say I heard something along the lines of a 'benefit between the bonded and the Multifated'." He simply put, already knowing that it was the next question he would have to answer. You raised a brow, "you're not going to ask what it is?" You blurted, making Hoseok eye you pointedly, 'Why would you ask that?' He mouthed.

Jinyoung mirrored your expression, "Do I need to know?" He asked back, chuckling as Hoseok furiously shook his head, "It was a good talk, but I'm just going to take this little potato now, enjoy your tea- or coffee, man!" Hoseok rambled and dragged you to a more secluded room—

"IM A POTATO NOW?" You exclaimed, gaping at the red head as he nodded, "a cute one, don't worry." He grinned. Shaking your head, you took a look at the room and realised, "this is your room?" You asked, earning a nod, "yep." In return. "So what were you doing actually? Just lying down here and randomly thinking about what me and Jungkook were doing?" You asked in amusement, noticing the male blush. "Yah, don't get any dirty ideas in that head of yours, it was purely out of curiosity." He defended.

"Hm, sure." You giggled.

The slamming of the room's door abruptly startled the two of you, and you spun around to see Jungkook. Frowning you turned away and settled yourself at the foot of the bed. "Jungkook? What are you doi—" Hoseok breathes, clutching the fabric of his shirt, where his heart was located, but JK interjected.

"Y/N can we please talk?" Jungkook cut in, eyes wide and pleading as he set his gaze on you.

He knew that you were upset with him, and hated it way too much. He can't stay like this for another second and needs to solve things between the two of you before he explodes.

"Why would I do that?" You questioned. Sure you were acting petty over the makne being a little mad at you for not telling him and his brothers about things sooner, but you had a valid reason for it. So you thought he had no reason for feeling angry and should face the consequences for being selfish about it. Jungkook sighed, "Y/N please. I'm really sorry, I just-... it's just that-"

"You were mad at me only because I didn't tell you sooner. I told you why too, and yet, I should feel bad about trying to make sure of things before letting you know?" You cut in. "I did point out that I would've told you. But not so soon because I was- and am still not sure about Mina and her apparent Soulmate, Ian - who's fucking name isn't inked on her damn wrist!" You raised your voice in the end, "but despite pointing it out, you get mad at me because keeping that little info' to myself is being selfish and not considerate about you and the boys. I also said that I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want to cause unnecessary panic and worry over it," you added before standing up and looking at Jungkook in the eyes, "did I, or did I not?" You asked.

(A/N: yall my eyes hurt from looking at the white font on black background Oof this dark mode update isn't my thAng ;-;)

The brunette shrunk on his spot as his heart felt heavy, "I said I'm sorry," he mumbled and looked down at his feet like a scolded child who didn't behave well.

You scoffed, "and so all is magically forgiven? Jungkook even before I told you about my suspicions, I asked you to please hear me out first. I asked you to listen. I was going to tell you my reasons too, but you got mad instead. I know you didn't like the fact that I kept it from you and the boys, but did my reason seriously not justify my decision?" You questioned. Jungkook shook his head slowly, "it did... but Y/N," he looked up at you with a frown.

"why don't you see things from our perspective too?" He asked. "Or at least my perspective?" He added, furrowing his brows.

"I'm not hypocritical Jungkook, of course I did. That's why I kept it to myself for the time being. If I told any of you, you would've probably—"

"'Probably' is an assumption. And the way you viewed it was of the possible outcome out of revealing it. You thought that we'd start getting worried and panic over those defenceless newcomers. Who wouldn't? You were thinking of the future. Not of now. Maybe we would've been understanding, and maybe we would've actually asked questions before even doing anything. But no, you thought that we'd go ballistic and another chaos would begin. That we would speed of to another damn location because for some reason we wouldn't be able to fight back. Is that it? You think we're not strong enough and we would be cowardly?" This time he scowled, "Yes I got fucking mad. But not because of you. I got mad at myself. Because I didn't notice their odd behaviour before. Because I didn't even think to look passed another one of their role play act. Because I wasn't the one to see that Mina's soulmate isn't Ian." He continued.

By now you were standing in front of the taller male dumbfounded, "Jungko—"

"No, it's fine. I guess we have to work more to prove that we're stronger, smarter, and more wise than you think. That we won't simply leave this house because some couple have ill-intentions. I thought you'd at least be aware that whatever decisions we make and have made so far, are purely to protect you from danger." He finished off before turning back around and leaving the room.

You stayed on your spot and replayed through what Jungkook said. "..."

"You know," Hoseok began, startling you before you looked at him leaning beside the wall opposite to the bed, "I do understand where you're coming from. But Jungkook isn't wrong either. Whatever we have done so far has been to only protect you, Y/N." he said, "and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a little upset about it too. When you excused yourself with Jimin yesterday, I thought there was a problem. But he came back with a smile saying you just needed help to go the restroom. I knew it was lie," he pointed. Lifting off of the wall, Hoseok made his way to stand in front of you, "Then after returning, your shoulders were tense and you looked troubled. Then out of nowhere, I see you take Taehyung with you and you just say that the 'washroom is this way!'. Then there is click and you've locked everyone else inside."

"Then later on, don't think I didn't notice how you eyed Mina. You were glaring at her as soon as you laid eyes on her. I tried to ease your mind and offered you water and it surely worked, but not for long. I unintentionally heard you talk with JB hyung
about both Mina and Ian trying to avoid suspicions and I thought, 'why are you telling him and not any of us?'" He sighed, noticing your bottom lip tremble from untold emotions, "I thought you were distancing yourself from us, Y/N. I really did." He pulled you in to his arms as you let out a sniff, "I-I'm sorry-" you choked out.

'You really did it this time, Y/N.' you thought and let tears pour out of your eyes, "It's okay. Jungkook will come around sooner or later. He just needs some time alone. Don't worry." Hoseok whispered as he rocked the two of you side to side as you hugged.

"I know you'll make it up to him."

This chapter is so freaking weird and is definitely not the best chapter at all. It's mainly just paragraph-long dialogues every time and not much action is being done. I'm really sorry for that.... lol. Ok, really I am!

But anyways, now I'm just thinking what's going to happen next because my unorganised ass doesn't think of plots and simply writes what happens next right on the spot YeET 🤠🤠✌️

✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿Black Lives Matter✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽

Dont stay silent.
Please sign petitions and/or donate.
Don't ignore them!
Start from home, speak up for black people and convince and fight for their rights. It makes a lot of difference and this long term pandemic of Racism will never become better unless you speak up.

If any of you plan to join protests, please be careful! Put on safety geers and avoid any contact with tear gas! Especially those with Asthma.

It really is absolutely horrible, honestly. All of this violence just over the color of skin! Having rights snatched from you just like that, being looked down on for simply breathing... it better fucking stop.



Love you guys! 🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️💞💞💞💞✨✨✨💜💜💕

~ Ada

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