Chapter 70

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"When the hell did you-"

"SHhHHh she's sleeping stupid,"

"I'm nOt bliNd, she's cuddled upto me, so I know that!"

"Then stOP being so loud!"

You became conscious from your sleep but kept your eyes closed because it was too bright. So when Namjoon's voice suddenly rang in the room after Hoseok's not so quiet responses, you decided to listen in.

"You're just telling me to shut up - be straightforward, you coward."

"Wh- Coward—"

"Yes, now leave us alone,"

"The hell Hoseok, this is my and Y/N's room, not yours,"

"Well it's mine for the time being, so go back to Yoongi hyung!"

"You're seriously loud, you'll wake her up, idiot."

"That's sO not true! She's sleep—.... hi Y/N."

You had opened your eyes by now. When Hoseok glanced at you to prove his point, his voice trailed at seeing you awake. "Yes, hello." You replied.

"I told you." Namjoon snickered as Hoseok stared at him pointedly, before turning back to you. "Did you sleep well? Are you still feeling sore?" He asked, hand shifting to run through your hair soothingly. You hummed in response before answering, "Yeah. Well, I'm not as ..sore as before so I'm better," you shyly let out. "That's good. That's good." Hoseok nodded, "Do you need anything? Water? Help to the bathroom? Do you—"

"Hobi," you cut him off, "I'm okay." You chuckled.

"This is cute and all, but please don't forget that I'm here too." Namjoon piped in with a raised brow.

"Forget..." you repeated and furrowed your brows, suddenly feeling as if you've forgotten something. Hoseok looked at you questioningly, "What is it?" He asked.

You sat up and wondered, "I think I'm forgetting something. I don't know what it is yet, but it feels like it's really important," you mumbled. Namjoon began to ponder as well before he perked up, "Ah, I wanted to talk to you about something, Y/N," he brought up, catching your attention so you pushed aside your thoughts for the moment.

Hoseok's eyes gleamed knowingly at that, "Right now?" He grumbled making Namjoon nod, "Yeah." He shrugged before looking at you. "It's about your Job. The one at the restaurant." He pointed out and you straightened, more awake, "What about it?"

"Well, I think—"

Knock knock!

"Hoseok hyung!" Jungkook's voice rang out from behind the room's door. "Jungkookie?" He mumbled before sliding off of the bed and heading towards the door, swinging it open to reveal the bunny boy. "What brings you here?" He asked. The makne entered the room and perked up, "I was looking for Namjoon hyung, but Yoongi hyung told me that he's here—" he paused as he noticed Namjoon, "Ah, hyung!" He smiled, scrambling ahead to sit beside the elder male. "Jin hyung said that he needed to discuss something with you - something about Seou—"

"aH, yeah okay I'll go," Namjoon quickly cut in, a warning glare towards the makne who instantly realised and gave a sheepish smile in return.

"Oh? Where'd Y/N go?" Namjoon furrowed his brows questioningly, "The bathroom." Hoseok replied. Namjoon nodded before standing up, "We're going to Jin hyung, then," he announced and glanced at Jungkook, who remained at his spot innocently.

"Never mind, I guess it's just me..." he shrugged.


"Seriously, all I asked Jungkook was to call Namjoon here." Jin sighed impatiently as he grumpily placed himself at the foot of the bed, beside Taehyung. "Should I go call them?" He offered, getting a shake of the head from the eldest in response, "No, it's fine." He declined.

Knock knock!

"Took him long enough," Jin grumbled, "It's open," he called out, followed by a click. - indicating that the door had been shut closed. "Hyung?" Namjoon voiced, "Yeah, Joon." Jin stood up. "Sorry, Jungkook didn't tell me you were in Yoongi hyung's room." He said while Taehyung huffed, "It's my room too!" He stated. Namjoon rolled his eyes playfully, "Not the point."

Jin groaned, "Namjoon listen," he called for the dimpled man's attention.

"The flight is in 3 days. We can't delay telling her now!" He sighed heavily, as Namjoon pursed his lips, "We need to bring up about her job first, hyung. And tomorrow Mark hyung and Jackson will be going to the corporation." He stated, "They'll be alone for it and I can't let that happen." He frowned. Jin frowned as well, "I get that what they're about to do is risky. Hell, They should've stopped involving themselves in these situation years ago." He admitted, "And yeah, I won't deny the fact that We were the ones to involve them into this mess—"

"Hyung that's not helping." Yoongi piped in from his side of the bed, as he glanced away from his phone with a cocked brow. Namjoon groaned, "That's the thing! We could handle the corporation and they can return to doing their own work, but they're not going back! The least we can— the least I could do is help." He explained.

"Joon," Yoongi piped in, catching the younger's attention, "I'll come along if you really want to help." He said, noticing the male's face brighten up slightly, however Jin only frowned more, "Yah, you can't just—"

"Hyung," Taehyung butted in as the eldest glanced at him. He shook his head dismissively at him, "It won't take long." He stated and Jin sighed begrudgingly, expression twisting into one of irritation mixed with amusement as his three brothers smiled in triumph, "Fine! Fine." He surrendered before turning to Namjoon and Yoongi with a pointed stare, "But, you better come back by tomorrow morning." He ordered, earning nods.

Taehyung simply snickered, "I'm quite sure it won't take that long at all." He admitted, laughing to himself as the three elder males looked at him questioningly. "Nothing, nothing." He shrugged off.

- Later on that night -

"Joon," Yoongi spoke up, throwing a mask to the younger male as he looked towards him. "Mask.". Namjoon nodded, putting it on and pulling over his hoody along with Yoongi as the two headed to the ground floor and out of the Hotel's main entrance. As the two walked through the glass doors, not only did they tense up, but they also paused in their tracks on high alert.

It wasn't obvious to everyone but Yoongi and Namjoon had instantly pin pointed a number of shady men standing at a good distance away and hidden from the public who might find them skeptical. Each one of them wore a mask and pulled a hoody over them to hide their identity.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, gaze glancing at Namjoon who was already clenching his jaw. "You think they're after Y/N..?" He whispered loud enough for only Yoongi to hear, who shrugged. "Let's not attract any of their attention towards us." He mumbled.


"Where did Namjoon go? Hoseok too." You questioned as you walked out of the washroom slowly, eyes roaming about the room quizzically, before they landed on Jungkook. You paused right outside the door to the washroom and looked at him silently. He looked back at you similarly, only more fidgety on his spot at the foot of the bed. "Ah, they went to Yoongi hyung and Taehyung's room..." he let out before displaying a weak smile and gesturing for you to take a seat beside him, "I think it's about time we talk, Y/N." he stated.

You nodded and silently sat yourself beside him, whilst keeping a good distant between the two of you. Jungkook sighed, slightly pained at the distance.

"It was wrong of me to yell at you despite not hearing you out completely," he began. "It was a really jerky move of me to simply assume that you didn't trust us when really, you were trying to protect us too. Not just the other way around - and for that I... I'm really sorry, Y/N." he sighed dejectedly, head ducked downwards to keep himself from look at you face-to-face. "I'm sure you didn't tell any of us before because of something and I'm sorry for not realising that sooner." Facing up, he looked at you in the eye, "I remember you telling me that you spoke to Taehyung about your suspicions too," he pointed out, "You said that he didn't believe you," you pursed your lips, "Jungkook—"

"No, no. I know... he didn't say that but it seemed that way and... and I guess, it makes sense that you would want to find more evidence before telling us." He nodded at his words.

You sighed, "That's some of it, yeah." You nodded, "But I also wasn't too sure myself. At first I thought it was just jealousy making me look at her in that light but the more i looked, the clearer it seemed that something wasn't right with them." You admitted, "Of course, I'm no detective so I could've been entirely wrong." Looking away, you stared at the floor, "But seriously though," you let out before looking back at him again, "How do you just let in strangers to the house?" You questioned and Jungkook chuckled uneasily, "Well for starters, yes that was a sucky decision. No denying there," he admitted, cringing a little, "but before we let them in, they hadn't had a single clue about what they involved themselves with. When we forced them to tell us about their motives, the only thing they were after was money. Sungjin..." he paused and glanced at you, to which you shrugged and nodded for him to continue. You smiled ever so slightly at him for being thoughtful about bringing up about your father.

"Well, he— he actually placed an amount of money to convince them to help him. All they knew was that if you were brought back to him, they'll earn.. what - Millions?" He assumed. "Even after this whole ordeal and escape, Jin and Namjoon hyung managed to track their whereabouts just after we arrived here 2 days ago." He pointed out and you raised a brow.

"I didn't know that." You retorted, "yeah, I know." He smiled, "Jin hyung— especially Yoongi hyung wanted you to relax and let loose after.. that day." He explained and you nodded, before scooting closer "Jungkookie," you said and Jungkook straightened slightly at the movement, looking at you with wide curious eyes.

"I hope you know that I don't think you and the boys are cowardly and irrational." You brought up, "In fact, it's the complete opposite. I thought that if I told you and the boys about my suspicions, it would increase the stress level you all were already feeling. You guys were already working so hard to look for My fa— ehm.., uh, Sungjin." You mumbled, soon smiling at Jungkook as he placed his hand on top of your in a gentle comfort to continue, "and.. I'm sorry too. For jumping to conclusions simply because of one event that had previously taken place. I'll be more open about my thoughts - although I thought I was quite open before, I guess it wasn't enough so I'll work my way there." You said, "I hope you do the same too," you glanced at him.

Jungkook smiled, "Of course I will. I guess I could speak for—"

"No, shhh," you cut him off, "The guys will have to say that to me themselves." You raised a brow as he opened his mouth to speak before ultimately nodding understandingly. "Well..." he trailed and you nodded for him to continue, "Now that we've cleared things up," he bashfully spoke, "Can we cuddle?" He asked hopefully and you laughed with a nod, "Definitely!".

Instantly, Jungkook pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you and scooting behind till his back made contact with the headboard, before snuggling into the sheets. You chuckled as you hugged him back, cuddling close before bringing one hand out or pull the sheets over the two of you.

"I'm gonna talk to Taehyung after this." Jungkook blurted out after a moment and you snorted, "Why?"

"To knock some sense into him." He retorted, you smacked his chest lightly, "He does have sense, but he forgot to use it before." You snickered, making Jungkook laugh as well, "I'm telling him that."

You laughed.

"So..." he piped in cheekily, making you squint your eyes at him suspiciously, "so..?" You urged.

"About your jealousy—"




try adding some salt to it, maybe it'll taste better 😔✊

BTW, Is it just me or are y'all also wondering what's about to happen to Yoongi and Namjoon?? 😳😳😳 Will they really be coming back by the next day, in the morning? 👀👀 I sure hope so Oof

Question time!
1) What side of the bed do you usually sleep in?
—> The right 😌✌️
❣️Your Answer:

2) If you were to get the chance to hug a BTS member, who would it be? 👀👀
—> JIMINNNNN he just seems like the most affectionate and cuddly 🥺🥺👉👈
❣️Your Answer:

3) Favourite book? Fictional/Non-Fictional - you name it ☺️ (Wattpad books count just sayin lmao)
—> My current favourite right now -and well, has been for a while is 'Its a little complex' 🥰🥰 It's amazing and very sweet. Although I'll admit, many readers including myself crave thirsty ass shit in that story💀💀
❣️Your Answer:


I hate all of my art assignmentssssss aaaaahhhhhh I'm fine T-T

Really love you 🥺🥰❣️💕❤️💜✨❤️💜💕❣️🥰

~ Ada

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