Chapter 71

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Above is just a like a reference picture of how the bedrooms are.. well- in this case, IS. More specifically how Tae's and Yoongi's room is. You can modify its decor and color however you like tho!! Like if u want the room to be of grey colorscheme then gO fOr iT!1!1!

"Who the fuck even are you?!" Yoongi growled out. He was struggling against 3 giant men holding him down and was extremely pissed. Namjoon only sighed heavily as 4 other men held him down beside Yoongi.

(A/N: let's imagine he's actually fuming but he's being held down lol thnks 😂😂 and maybe imagine smiling joonie is actually a pissed Namjoon)

The two males were an inch away from completely dodging those men without having any of them to take a glance their way. At a near turn on the street, two other men instantly grabbed onto them and pulled them back to the other 7 men standing a good few meters away from the hotel - immediately rushing to help their teammates with dealing with Yoongi and Namjoon without an exchange with words.

"What the fuck. This can be reported as a serious assault you dumbass bastards. You and your shit fuck hold me fucking down a second longer—"

"Hyung shut up." Namjoon hissed, "I will tackle you too, Joon. Just you fucking wait." Yoongi snarled, before snapping his attention back at the men looking over him and Namjoon, "For fuck's sake, speak now or I'll torture your annoying asstwats when I fucking get out of this bloody—"

"We're following orders, sir." One man spoke up, "We will not allow you to leave the hotel, nor let you walk any further than you already have." He elaborated, "The fuck?! Who in the bloody hell do you think you are to just fucking—"

Namjoon groaned out loud, "Who's orders are these?" He questioned flatly, side eyeing Yoongi who was just about ready to burn down the entire planet.

"Mr. Park's orders, sir." The other man beside the first one answered. Namjoon scowled, "Name." He demanded, catching one of those men glance at his teammates.

"Park Jinyoung's orders, sir." He answered.

"Oh my fucking god." Yoongi groaned out, "Let me go." He growled.

"Sir we can't nor will we—"

"Let me go,"

"Sir I said—"

"Let me go."


"Let. Me. Go."


"Let me fucking go before I chop off your dicks and shove a damn knife up your ass. Don't test me."

The man sighed and let go of Yoongi hesitantly, who instantly got up and shoved the three men away from him and pulled Namjoon up beside him. Dusting off his clothes he glared darkly at the 9 men in front of him, "Lay a finger on me again, I'll rip your fucking heads off." He warned.

"Hyung calm down." Namjoon huffed, before turning to the men in front of him, "Proof." He demanded and one man instantly pulled out his cellphone to show his contacts and messages exchanged between the said idol and him.

"He ordered us to make sure you don't leave the hotel. Now that we're face-to-face, he told us to tell you that he will not accept any help from any one of you no matter what." The first man explained before gesturing towards the hotel behind them, "It would be greatly appreciated if the two of you head back inside and leave Mr.Park and his members to deal with the situation at hand." He suggested.

Yoongi only scoffed, "Couldn't have spoken 10 minutes before, instead of restraining us to the damn ground?" He spat, before turning to Namjoon and grabbing his wrist and dragging the two of them through the standing men and towards the hotel.

"Wait— hyung, What about—"

"I am not in the mood to argue right now Namjoon, so shut it. You want to get ganged up against those shitheads and lay on the ground all night then don't bother me." He grunted, letting go of Namjoon who reluctantly followed the elder male back to their floor with a sigh.


"What in the world are you two doing?" You questioned as you and Jungkook entered Yoongi and Taehyung's room to find Taehyung laughing his ass off as he recorded Hoseok switching his pants and shirt to look like he's doing a 'hand-stand'. Jin was in the room too, simply scrolling through his phone while snickering occasionally as he glanced at his brothers goofing around.

Jungkook soon enough joined his hyungs, while you looked around the room some more to notice that Yoongi wasn't here. It was his room (with Taehyung) after all.

"Jin," you called for him and he hummed, looking away from his phone to look at you. "Where's yo—"


Everyone flinched/jumped on their spots at the loud bang that the hotel room's door emitted after making a harsh contact with the wall beside it. Sure enough, Yoongi stormed in angrily with Namjoon trailing behind more calmly - seemingly aware of the reason behind the pale man's aggression.

You let out a yelp when Yoongi instantly sped towards you and lifted you off of your feet, making your wrap your legs around his torso instinctively.

(A/N: terrible TERRIBLE perspective of the background because of the uneven lining but let's pls ignore that 😭😭👉👈)

He led the two of you to his single bed, further away from the door and settled at the head board of the bed, making you straddle him before burying his head into the crook of your neck with a heavy sigh.

You paused for a moment before glancing at the others with a look of confusion and concern. Majority shrugging as a response to show that they didn't have a clue while Namjoon shook his head.

You turned back to Yoongi who was snuzzling into your chest this time (not the boobs, chiLL), and brought up a hand to stroke his head gently, "What's wrong?" You softly asked. He only shook his head, indicating that he wasn't in the mood to say. At least not yet. Letting him cool of, you wrapped your arms around him to sooth him from whatever was bothering him or making him upset, before gazing at Namjoon, then at the others.

Almost everyone was in here. You wondered what Jimin was doing alone in his room.

"Why's everyone here, and why didn't anyone call me?" Speaking of, his voice filled the room as he entered the room with questioning eyes. "Also, why is the door open? Oh-" he cut himself off when he saw you and Yoongi at the bed before he looked between the others for some answers.

"Uhhh," He dragged out before choking out a laugh at Hoseok. Remember, he still has his clothes swapped so he wasn't exactly suiting the dampened mood.

You felt Yoongi pull away with a softer sigh and looked back at him to see him all calm and any ounce of fume he was radiating had vanished, "I'm okay now." He announced and with those lone words, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok began to goof off again - only this time Jimin joined in with the laughter.


"You've got to be kidding me." You deadpanned.

After a little more goofing, Jin asked the makne and hobi to go somewhere else and they complied. Immediately the makne line and Hoseok had rushed to Jimin and Jungkook's shared room to goof around. The rest of the hyung line took this as an opportunity to bring up the topic about your job. Namjoon was already slightly stressed at your reluctance towards their request.

"Just... just drop it? Surely you know it isn't that simple to just quit my job, right?" You asked.

"Y/N, of course we know. That's why we were having such a hard time bringing it up in the first place," Jin replied. "But.. I- I don't understand..." you stammered, "This is so sudden. And I only get - what? 2 days to decide? Yes I admit, I haven't worked in that restaurant for so long but during the short time I've worked, I managed to gain a friend." You explained. "What about her? Eunji and I just clicked and to suddenly quit.. it's like letting go of a very good friend like her. Who know's how she would feel!" You frowned, "If I suddenly come up to her and tell her that I'm quitting, she would think I don't care about our new friendship."

Namjoon sighed, "She was sort of the reason we went through all that..." he mumbled softly to himself and you heard it clearly. Anger began to grow within you, "Do not blame Eunji for what had happened!" You fumed. Namjoon widened his eyes at your burst of anger, "Dom-K only came after me because of Sungjin. If it was her instead of me at the restaurant, that gang would've still be roaming freely in this city. Heck, how could she have even known about them being there in the first place?" You continued, and Namjoon raised his hands up to motion for your to relax, "Y/N, wait, I'm not blaming your friend for what has happened!" He rushed out, "Really? Because that's exactly what it sounds like!" You shot back instantly.

"Hey," Yoongi cut in quickly, "No one is blaming your friend. Namjoon is stressed as fuck and can't think rationally right now, so-" he turned to the leader, "-Go cool off." He ordered and Namjoon stammered out in protest, immediately being cut off by a nudge from Jin.

You watched as the two males conveyed their words through the eye contact and Namjoon defiantly left the room leaving you, Yoongi and Jin inside.

Yoongi cleared just throat and began to speak, "Y/N," he started and you hummed back, a small frown still displayed on your face, "The reason we want- no, need you to quit your job is not because of the incident that took place." He paused, as you stared at him bluntly before he huffed, "Okay, partially." He admitted, "but it's mainly because we've planned a flight to leave Daegu and go to Seoul." He revealed and you gasped at him.

"Wait- Seoul? Flight? In 2 days?" You asked in utter shock, "You decide to tell me now?!" You exclaimed.

Jin rushed in, "Okay- okay, Yoongi may have just dropped a bomb there a bit too carelessly but let me initiate an explanation." He offered before pursing his lips at your shell shocked expression.

"Seoul is the most secure city out of the rest here - I already have ourselves a house to settle in and moving there gives us a greater percentage of safety." He began before sighing, "This place... has numerous amounts of threat to your life, sweetheart. We can't bear that any longer and it's time you come to terms with it as well. There are way too many people right now who know about the existence of a Multifated. Look where that took us?" He questioned rhetorically, "Yes, you have a friend here, and to leave her so suddenly isn't fair for her. But you need to think of your own safety as well, Y/N. You have enough time to think for others but what about yourself?" He frowned.

You looked down at your fidgeting hands in thought. Before huffing with a nod, "Alright fine." You agreed, albeit still a little upset. It isn't just for your safety after all. The boys are under threat too.

Yoongi scooted closer to you and placed his hand on your shoulder, making you look at him in response, "The thought isn't as ideal and may not appeal to you but at least you'll have her number to keep in touch." He said and you furrowed your brows.

Not even a moment later, you gasped, "Her number! Oh my god!" You exclaimed out - not in realisation of relief or appeasement, rather, it dawned on you that you currently didn't carry a phone. The one you had was smashed to the ground a long while back.

"I don't have a phone!" You screeched out and the two males in the room took a few seconds to process the words you rushed out and Jin raised a brow, "Oh," he let out.

"I'll buy you a new one. It wouldn't take long to get if I just—"

"How?" You cut in, "The nearest electronics store is about 2 hours away from this Hotel! It's nearly midnight right now - the store is most probably closed," you let out, "Then if we leave early in the morning, within two hours of driving, I'll get a phone and have to set up a SIM card with my personal details put into the phone, then another two hours spent coming back— that leaves us 1 day and a half to prepare for the flight!" You groaned, "Not to mention traffic along the way, which only means more time would fly by!" You added.

"You leave the time to me sweetheart," Jin retorted with a sly smile, "We won't have to set a foot out of this Hotel. Believe me, I'll take care of that. What you need fret about is travelling clothes, shoes, accessories and your necessities." He reminded and you grumbled to yourself before leaning back and flopping on the bed sheet laying underneath you.

"I'm not even gonna attempt to question your ways with things and getting them with the snap of your fingers." You said and Yoongi laughed along with Jin.

"I think I'm cooled off now, so can I come in?"

Namjoon's voice rang into the room and the three of you laughed, "Sure you can," Jin grinned, "But there's no need for a strategic persuation," he pointed and Namjoon furrowed his brows, "What? Why not?" He asked as he settled beside the eldest male.

"Y/N's already been convinced." Yoongi let out, leaning back  into the bed sheet beside you and pulling you to him silently for cuddles.

"Oh." Namjoon simply let out.


THERE ITS DONE! What'd you think about this chapter? 😂😂 I think I made Yoongi a bit of a curse blurting beast and he would probably be a lot more cool headed about it but eh. I like it when he has a bad mouth 😗✌️

Man, writing each chapter is becoming more and more hard because they're taking dAYS upon days to complete. 🤧🤧 when I first started this book - believe it or not, I had over 10 chapters prepared in advance. Now I'm down to two chapters written in advance with occasional re-reading to fix typos 🙄🙄

Question Time! Would you rather special
1) Would you rather kill 20 dogs or 10 puppies?
—> ok well- I brought this upon myself lmfao and I am nOt going to provide a reason but imma just say 20 dogs...👉👈
❣️Your Answer:

2) Would you rather drown or suffocate?
—> y'all oK- I dONT know why I'm asking such darkass questions about deAth but anyways- I'd rather drown lol
❣️Your Answer:

3) Would you rather have candies or chocolates?
—> ChOcolAte bAby!!1!11!1!!
❣️Your Answer:

Fuck I really want a cuddle buddy uuuudhdhdsdmskfns 😭💕

Take all of my love bitches 🥰🥰💕❣️💜❤️💕🥺❣️💕


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