Chapter 77

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So ik I've told y'all this before but I'm just putting this in since it's been a while since I've revealed it...;

❤️I'm working on a new book at the same time I work on this one :D ❤️
It's been revealed with the title-👉'SURVIVORS'.👈
It is also a BTS X READER so all the ARMY that struggle to decide between the boys would hopefully enjoy it when it is released in the future haha

Of course, It must be pointed that I'm not to be credited for this glorious cover. My sister made it for me 😁🥰😁 preciousjoong IMMA ASK FOR MORE LATER

And if u haven't noticed (even though it's kinda hard to overlook..) I've covered up how many chapters I've worked on lol. It's above 5 is all u need to know ✨✨

That's all for now :)


~2 hours before the flight to Seoul~

You were pleasantly surprised to find that Got7 were also boarding the same flight as yours. Just as everyone had began piling their luggage at the reception, the idol group had made their presence known when entering the hotel lobby with their own luggage already loaded into their vehicles. Some crew members had accompanied them as well. You supposed it was because they were finally getting back to their idol schedules and that their company was in Seoul as well, so it was understandable. Not to mention 10 security guards keeping an eye out to protect their identity, but it was hardly discreet.

Bangtan had pulled them into hugs and exchanged words with smiles.

Oh, and it totally wasn't strange for about 6 SUVs waiting outside the hotel's main entrance. The guards had voluntarily helped with loading them in the trunks. You were glad that you wore a hoody and sweatpants; it was a chilly night.

"Y/N, come on," Yoongi called out to you as he approached and as a response, you nodded as everyone began to slip into their respective SUVs. "Is everyone here?" Jinyoung asked aloud, earning a chorus of 'yes's to assure him. Namjoon mentally took a head count of everyone and nodded to himself before giving Jinyoung a thumbs up.

"Sweatheart, come on..." you turned your head towards Jaebeom's voice and noticed a pouty female standing beside him. "Jae, please? I really want to..." the female trailed as her eyes met yours. You tensed at that and immediately looked away with flushed cheeks. 'I swear I wasn't being nosy.' You thought and let out an unsettled cough before hurrying back to stand beside Yoongi. However, you were startled when a soft hand grabbed onto your wrist. Instinctively, you looked back to see the same woman smiling at you, "You're Y/N, right?" She asked. You nodded, returning the smile, although a little confused. "I am. And you're...?" You questioned. "Oh! I'm Yuju! It's so nice to meet you!" She retorted.

Your eyes widened in realisation, "Oh! Hello, Yuju-ssi!" You greeted. "Please drop the formalities. I don't look that old, do I?" She teased with a sly grin. In a Panick, you shook your head furiously, "Of course not! I-I was just-"

"Haha! I'm just playing with you!" She waved off.

"Yuju! You can't just run off! I thought you went into the van. You're gonna give me a heart attack one day," JB let out as he approached the two of you. Juju pouted once more before turning to you, "Y/N! You wouldn't mind sitting with me for this ride, would you?" The female asked, "Can we sit together? Just for the time we reach the airport. You can sit with your soulmates in the flight," she requested. "Y-you know?" You asked, worried.

Yuju smiled, nodding in understanding, "I do. But please don't worry. I don't plan on telling anyone. Many know as it is, and I don't want to add more to the number. People are prone to find out but that doesn't have to be anytime soon. We can work this through and I'm sure you'll fancy some girl time?" She grinned. A little more assured, you nodded, "Yeah, that seems lovely." You chuckled.


~ Unknown POV ~

"What do you mean you couldn't book it?!" I yelled through the phone.

"Those boys had kept everything vague and avoided speaking of the exact time it takes off. Their booking was done privately and there was a definite NDA that was signed from leaking any information and has been secured from being revealed by any stranger. Only a limited number of workers in the airport have an idea of their arrival. To be specific, 5 workers. The entire class on that flight had been reserved, Park-ssi." The caller from the other side replied with a monotonous voice, seemingly used to the yelling that they receive.

"But I'd improvised and booked the next flight to Seoul, which so happens to take off after theirs. The driver will drop you off on the first terminal at the airport." They brought up. I will myself to cool down the slightest and urged the caller to continue.

"It takes off half an hour after theirs. Your flight takes off at 11:30pm so once you arrive, you'll be provided with the vehicle they take to move wherever they settle. I can arrange my team to wait for their arrival in Seoul if preferable?" They suggested. I hummed, "They better. This plan shouldn't ruin mine, you understand? I've made your job much easier. One of the boys have a tracker. If despite that benefit, you manage to lose their whereabouts, you better believe the money your company may earn will be mine. You'll face bankruptcy and rest assured, this deal will turn against you, and benefit me." I threatened.

"Stay on your end of the deal, Park-ssi. You'll have to find my location in order to pull something like that. I want the Multifated and you want the bondeds. The only reason I have even agreed to help you, is for my own benefit. You want my help, then I suggest you contribute as much as my team is for that lone girl. Although your tracker will help immensely, it doesn't guarantee our success to capture them." The caller replied.

Park groaned in frustration, "Yeah, yeah. You'll get that bitch all for yourself. I have my plan thought from the moment I had made this world-changing discovery. I've thought through every possible flaw in it and have prepared solutions for each and it's a guaranteed success. You on the other hand have yet to provide me even a hint of succeeding and bringing me those boys. From what has occurred as of yet, all the help and clues about their whereabouts has been provided from my end alone. If you don't start reciprocating that assistance and inform me with their next course of action when they arrive, consider the deal off." I barked.

"Ahem." The caller cleared their throat. Of course, because everything I said is the truth. Tch.

"Believe me, I am indeed thankful for your help. The deal wouldn't need to be put down, you can mark my words. My team has just arrived at the airport and are scattered all around the area at Seoul. We'll be having an eye on all of them the moment they step out of that plane, Park-ssi. They're all blending into the place." The caller replied with that same monotonous voice.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation, "But that doesn't bring the fucking boys to me now, does it? What you've been doing thus far, has been nothing but stalking. I want you to have already figured out on how to separate that girl and the boys so she can be yours to deal with and the boys for me." I stated firmly. With passionate eyes, I share my thoughts on my part of the plan, and possibly and hopefully get the girl for myself, as well. I could get them to change their minds and work alongside me!

"They have special abilities I need to investigate and unfold for the benefit of my institute. Yours as well. I need to discover and explore their minds - experiment and unravel its mysteries and how to obtain those powers! The possibility of advancing a large gap of years into the future with simply those mythical characters that have come to life.. i-it's going to earn trillions!" I laugh at the thought.

"I have spectacular ideas on the girl as well... my equipment would be best suited for that girl and most definitely for the boys as well. It could earn you and all of your team an equal amount of wealth like no other. Isn't the Multifated a combination of all those powers? I could help you unravel her's as well. All for your own benifit." I begin to persuade. The line on the other side fell silent and I began to wonder if I spoke too much.

However, those doubts were quickly dismissed.

"...Then I suppose we could work that out. Originally, the deal was to separate our paths once we've achieved and grasped our targets, but I'm sure we could improvise and possibly help alongside you with that plan?" The caller questioned. I smiled with amusement.

"Why, of course." I agree. "Either way, we can work on those details once I land in Seoul. Although your timings need work and brushing up, we can begin this new plan of mine, after I finish with a certain task. I expect everything to be ready at the airport."

"It will."

~ End of POV ~

You shivered as a chill ran up your spine. Beside you, Yoongi was standing as the security and the rest of the boys went to grab their own luggages. You and Yoongi had already found yours.

At your shudder, the pale man turned to you, "Are you cold? Is your hoody too thin? I could lend you one of my jackets. Hold on." He rummaged through his small suitcase after opening it and pulled out another hoody, giving you no time to reply. It was black as well and you wondered what difference would it make from your black ones.

"What's the difference with yours?" You questioned. Yoongi grinned toothily, "Nothing much. Except it belongs to me, so it should warm your heart since I'm lending it to you." He slipped in a wink and you let out a laugh. "What's happened to you?" You asked as you accepted the hoody. Yoongi shrugged, "What do you mean? I'm just trying to keep you out of the cold." He answered simply.

You nodded with an amused smile, "Uh huh," you let out, "I suppose the extra layer will help. I was perfectly fine a moment ago, though." You mumbled in the end. "Either way, I'm guessing you're acting this way to provoke some sort of outcome while we board the flight." You pointed out.

"Alright fine. Just sit with me in the flight... please?" He sighed defeatedly, a red hue dusting his pale cheeks. You laughed again, "All you had to do was ask, you dummy! What makes you think I would say 'no' to that?" You questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe you feel like sitting with anyone but me, or-"

You gasped, "Oh gosh, have I been making you feel unwanted? Do you feel neglected? Yoongi," you cupped his cheeks, "You shouldn't ever have to feel that way. You should know by now that.. I love all of you equally. My love is not limited. You, along with the rest of the boys share a special place in my heart. Now," you squished his cheeks, which had you giggling at the sight, "Don't complain about me suddenly becoming a leech. Because I'm definitely staying glued to you for the rest of this evening." You warned before linking your arm with his.

(A/N: I really want to sprinkle some lovey dovey moments and cheesy stuff but I have no clue how I can make it work - Did u just sEE how fast that ended? ;-;)

"Ah, I doubt I will." Yoongi chuckled. Smiling, you gave his arm a small squeeze.

"Alright gentlemen- and... two ladies, if you follow me, I can lead you straight to the plane you need to board." A staff working in the airport announced. Catching everyone's attention, you and Yoongi followed behind everyone else as they were led straight towards where the planes were situated.

You were quite surprised when you realised that you weren't entering the air conditioned building and instead, were led straight towards the aircraft stands, near the ramp. You turned to seek some answers from Yoongi beside you, who simply gave you a smug smirk.

"What about the check in? And- and the—" you began to question as discreetly as you could, but audible enough to be heard.

Yoongi cut in, waving your questions off, "Don't worry, princess. I would've gone more in depth about this, but you never asked how exactly were we going to board the flight. It's kind of late too, don't you think?" He grinned cheekily and you scoffed with a smile, "We have enough time on the plane for an explanation, young man. You're going to tell me everything." You stated.


"First class?" You breathed out with wide eyes. "We're sitting in first class?" You asked again. Yoongi nodded, "Even though the flight is short, we shouldn't pass up the comfort of luxury," he slid in another wink before guiding you to your seat. "Oh yeah, sugar daddy, just book the entire first class, why don't you?" You joked but were halfway horrified at the expression from the latter.

"Taken care of, princess - It's all ours. And-" he smirked deviously, "Be careful of what you say with that mouth of yours." He warned as he slid into the seat beside yours.

"Jesus's holy potatoes, you guys are bonkers." You let out before grinning cheekily, "And what could you possibly pull off with everyone here?" You questioned. Your smile fell when you noticed the pale man's eyes darken as he turned to you.

"Don't tempt me, Y/N."

"Yep. Okay. Roger that."


OoOoOh!!1!1!1!! More Unknown POV in the hoUsEe

At least we got a name we can call them lol

Hopefully the other book I'm working on sparks some interest to y'all lol


Question Time!
1) What do you think the upcoming book 'SURVIVORS' is about? 👀👀
—> I'll tell you what - besides the obvious, it should be pointed out that the title is only played AFTER a certain occurrence regarding surviving! So before you begin guessing the 'main' plot behind that title, beware that the term 'survivors' is a given label to the person(s) 😉😉

2) What is your type of romance? Should there be a certain setting, for example?
—> ILL TeLl U WHaT - Anyone can pull of a romantic scenario with the right words. Be it the middle of a war, the fighting soldier's mind can be filled with his lover - his only will to fight and survive; "I'm doing this all for her. I must return to her, my home."
Many more absurd scenes too! A froggin FUNERAL 💀❤️ anyways- my type is a lot of affection, skinship and simply being in each other's presence 🥰💕

3) Thoughts on the Unknown POV? 👀👀
—> let me not tell you what- this person... has a lot more up their sleeves and are A LOT more closer to the boys and Y/N than really revealed ☺️☺️✨

I hope these 'Q and A's that I put at the end of my chapters are fun to answer lol- if there's anything that u guys want to know about ME, like me, ADA, then do ask! I'd love to know what you guys are curious about lol

Lots and lots and lots of love!💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰😘😘

~ Ada

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