Chapter 78

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~ After the flight ~

You stretch your arms out and let out a grunt before turning to a sleeping Yoongi. How he had managed to sleep through the landing is beyond your understanding so instead, you decided to wake him without question.

"Yoongi, wakey wakey," you softly let out and tapped his shoulder. He didn't budge. Rolling your eyes, you unbuckled your seat and scooted closer to him. "Suga~ we've landed," you crooned lightly, running a hand through his fluffy hair to keep him from feeling grumpy. Yoongi's eyes soon fluttered and trailed to look at you. You smiled, "Wake up, it's time to leave." You urged, and cupped his cheek.

(A/N: it's been a while since you've seen my drawings, huh? :> also I'm sorry lmao this doesn't look like Yoongi- ;-;)

He grumbled a little and nodded. "Okay. I'm up." He announced before letting out a yawn.

With a chuckle, you straightened any crumpled parts of your hoody and redid your hair into a low ponytail before pulling out your small luggage from underneath your seat. Looking back at the pale man, he was already pulling out his own, as well.

"What time is it?" Yoongi mumbled out. Hearing his question, you answered, "It hit midnight two minutes ago.", Nodding at the time, he held his hand out and reached for yours as everyone silently left their seats to leave the flight.

Just before you left the plane, down the stairs, you felt another chill run up your spine.

Hoody, you had one job

You began to question whether this feeling really was the cause of the cool night. You had two black hoodies on though, so it couldn't have been because of the cold.

"Something bothering you, Y/N?" You turned to look over your shoulders to meet Jaebeom's eyes. A little startled at being face-to-face with one of your idols once again, you composed yourself for a moment before replying, "Just... a little cold, but nothing I can't tolerate." You answered.

"Did you feel odd, by any chance?" He asked and your eyes doubled in size at his correct guess. With furrowed brows, you nodded, "How...?" You trailed out. Yoongi was beside you as well, staying by your side as he held your hand, and had stripped away from looking into his phone and gazed between you and Jaebeom with a look of alert.

"I think we've been followed." JB sighed. Your frown only turned more prominent, "Is that what those feelings mean?" You questioned and let out a worried sigh as the elder male nodded. You turned to Yoongi with plead full eyes, which had him instantly nodding as you silently asked him to stay with Jaebeom for the mean time to become more familiar with the situation.

He silently conveyed to you that he would prefer to know the details later on as well, "With everyone else," he added before leaving a kiss on your cheek and stepping down the stairs, leading out of the plane and towards the others waiting at the end.

Jaebeom placed a hand on your shoulder to assure you and you pursed your lips with a nod. You needed to figure out how to read these unusual feelings and how Jaebeom has so much experience with such events.

"I get these feelings when Yuju is somehow threatened and/or being stalked. When we're not together, our connection enhances and our soul bond tells me if she's doing okay. It's the same with any other pair of soulmates but yours must be so much stronger." He explained before giving you an empathetic smile. After a moment of silence passed, you noticed JB grow slightly nervous as he opened his mouth to speak.

"...Do you know that platonic soulmates exist?" He asked. You shook your head, however intrigued with the subject brought. "Well, I have a platonic bond with all of my members." He revealed, "So in a way, I can also feel when there's something wrong when it comes to them." He added before gesturing for you to enter a SUV Van in front of you two.

Slipping in, you asked one question, "The boys are also very close. Does that mean that they're also each other's platonic soulmates?" You asked and Jaebeom shrugged, "Possibly. I mean - I think so, considering the time Taehyung had a gut feeling once about our next course of action... similarly as you." He pointed. You 'ah'ed at that, "Right. That reminds me... how's your wound?" You asked carefully. Jaebeom smiled at you, "I'm completely healed. Sticking glued to my girlfriend has its perks." He slid in a wink, making you laugh.

'Platonic soulmates...' you thought mindlessly.

"Say, how did you find out about.. Platonic soulmates? You surprised me a little when you brought it up." You questioned. Jaebeom let out a chuckle, "Funny story actually. I first bonded with Mark hyung. He once accidentally cut his palm with a box cutter but I wasn't there with him to know that." He began, "I was in my room, minding my own business but I felt a throbbing pain in my right palm and soon after, I notice Jinyoung pass by my room with a first aid kit with Yugeom. When I went to check on what was wrong, boom - Mark hyung was bleeding from his right palm." Ending the story, Jaebeom suddenly shuddered. You cocked a brow at that and not long after, you shivered.

You turned your body slightly and looked at the back window of the SUV to see if there was something suspicious. Jaebeom was doing the same, and the tension began to rise.

"You felt that too, didn't you?" He asked. "I did." You retorted.

"There." He suddenly pointed out and you followed his pointer finger, which was directed towards a black car driving side-by-side with the other SUV van behind yours and instantaneously frowned. "I had an idea, but I wasn't sure about that car following us. As soon as we began moving, so did this car. Now, it's still within our sight so I can only be more sure that it's the one with the stalker."

"Could it be a saesang?" You asked. After all, Got7 was a famous Idol group so the chances of the stalker being Got7's saesang is very plausible. "Maybe. Then at the very least, my members would've figured it out as well, but that doesn't seem to be the case." Jae stated thoughtfully.

🎵They call me artist—🎵


You jumped at the sound of your phone ringing before gazing at the caller. Taehyung.

You shared a look with Jaebeom, who in turn simply shrugged. Answering the call, "Hello?" You began. "Y/N, are you okay?" Taehyung asked first, which made you raise a brow. "Uh, yes. Yes, I am. Why? What's wrong?" You questioned. You heard Taehyung let out a breath of relief before diving into answering your question, "I got chills. Something's wrong, and I'm not the only one who felt it. Jungkookie, Jiminie and the hyungs all said that, too."

"Also," he added, "Why in the world are you not with us?" He asked. You internally groaned at that, "I'm sure Yoongi will answer that question for you." You simply put, before receiving a whine of protest, "He's being a stubborn Snow White - male version - plus, Grump-oldie right now, and is sleeping past our questions like the ignorant hyung he is, and not only that! He also threatened all of us if we woke him up! Except now that he's awake, he's heard everything that I've said about him and I'm dead meat, not because I woke him up, but because I'm..." he trailed before answering, "What he just said right now; a bitch. Anyway, I'll see you in two pieces, and if you don't answer to me then, we're going to be communicating in another language altogether! Bye, I love youAH HYUNG IM SORR— BEEP."

"What the hell." You let out before glancing at an amused idol. "I'm gonna guess that 'other language' is se—"

"Oh my god, okay, that's not true! He could mean in English! Or- he probably secretly learnt a new language, like - like..." you paused before untilmately changing the topic, "So! On a serious note, I think he just confirmed your assumption. That car is definitely not your saesang, but most likely involving bangtan." You stated. "And you." JB added.

You sighed. Of course it was true, but the thought of a stalker waiting for you from the beginning and following after you so anonymously scared you more than you'd like to admit, even to yourself. Who else could have possibly kept an eye on you and the boys for the longest time, and for what reason?

The stress from everything that has happened solely because of your existence as a Multifated and for the boys to be the Bondeds was still building up and you were sure all these bottled up emotions would reach the top of the bottle and eventually shatter.

At your silence Jaebeom's eyes softened in sympathy, "I can't say I know what you're going through. I would be lying to your face if I did. The closest I could ever be, would be with this idol life of mine with my entire day being on camera for the whole world to see." He admitted. You turned to face the singer beside you, "None of you deserve to go through all this. So I want you to know that I've had my company arrange a highly secured penthouse. Me and my members will be at the one right beside yours so we're simply a door away from yours." He informed.

(A/N: with Got7 leaving JYP Ent. Let's just assume that the entirety of the story since their first appearance in this book was AFTER they left the company :,) I hope it's not too confusing lovelies)

You were once again very touched by the idol's thoughtfulness. You thanked him and expressed your genuine gratitude towards his care for not only you, but your soulmates as well. He had no reason to help any further, considering that Jin had already arranged a home for you and the boys.

That thought had you pause for a moment.

"But Jaebeom.., I'm not sure if renting out a penthouse for us is necessary." You began, making the male respond with a look of confusion. "Uh, Jin had already arranged us a place to stay for the long-term." You explained.

JB let out an 'ah' of understanding, "Yes, of course. That will be your final location, actually. Namjoon was surprisingly ahead of time and had taken precautions first-hand before we even arranged the flight to here. Although it's closer than the penthouse, he figured that clearing up any sort of stalking and potential danger and keep it away from the real safe house would be much more convenient from when you guys settle completely." Jaebeom briefed.

My dear lord, that man is getting more hot as time passes.


"It's pretty clever, huh?" Jaebeom chuckled. Nodding, you took a glance at the stalking car behind you. However, you were surprised to find that car was nowhere to be seen.


You looked back towards the male to see him checking his phone, before he let out a smile. "We shouldn't need to worry about that car behind us anymore." He announced, gesturing towards his phone, "Mark hyung has dealt with them and informed our security. Not sure how they pulled it off though." He let out a nervous laugh.

You breathed out in relief, "Oh, for a moment there, I thought that car had maybe already figured out where we're going and went on ahead." You admitted.

"Oh, and the penthouse is on the highest floor of the building - 78th floor." Jae pointed out. You nodded, unable to form a proper response to that and realised that the car was taking a turn into the tall building to your right.

Not long after, it came to a stop and Jaebeom had opened the door before lending you a hand to get out as well. Taking it, you marvelled at its enormous structure and modernist style. The front entrance was wide open but guarded with armed security who greeted you and Jaebeom with a 'welcome'.

Your soulmates were a few minutes behind and in the meantime, you observed the lobby. Large, golden chandeliers hung at the high ceiling, brightening the place from the reflective and clear crystals attached to the chandeliers. The floor was made of marble and the walls were painted an off-white color mixed with a hint of gold, beautiful designs also printed over it with a slightly darker shade.

The smell of the lobby was fresh and polished. The long couches situated there were a dark brown, contrasting to the bright golden-like overall of the room. Glass tables at the front of the couches holding small, but long vases with a healthy green plant holding a delicate and pretty, white flower.

The receptionist were dressed neatly in uniform with a perfectly maintained hair tied in a bun and their vibrant red lipstick complimented their bright smiles. Or you assumed it was just an act because you could never hold up a smile too long before your cheeks cramped from holding up a front.

"Wahh," at the sound of Jimin's loud approval of the large hotel, you turned towards him immediately. Rushing slightly to join your soulmates as they entered the building, Taehyung had already pounced onto you, whining.

"Y/N!~ Yoongi hyung is being mean!" He let out, making you laugh, "You big baby, I'm younger than you, what do you expect me to do? Go over to yoongles and say 'stop being a meanie'?" You questioned. "Yes!" He instantly replied.

"He's mushy and a giant softy with you, I thought you'd know that by now!" He pushed further before urging you in between the pale man and him. "Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung called out.

You shot an unamused look at the taller male behind you, "Yah-"

"Y/N has something to say to you!" The blue haired male cut in. Yoongi glanced at Taehyung with amusement before fixing his gaze at you. Crossing his arms over his chest, he displayed a smirk that said 'Go on,' at your deadpanned expression.

Taehyung nudged you, "Come on," he whined as you gave no sign of speaking up. You Let out a sigh before grinning at Yoongi, "Good job!" You laughed when Taehyung let go of you with a look of betrayal while Yoongi laughed along with you.

"For what?" Yoongi asked as he stepped closer to slide his arm around your waist. "For not being easy on him," you giggled before looking at the younger male with a teasing smile, "Taehyungie will toughen up with your blunt responses~" you crooned teasingly.

Apparently, the said male didn't take your words lightly, considering his act of betrayal immediately dropped and his eyes took a darker shade. You felt Yoongi pat you in the head, "Well, I'm sure I won't need to work on that any longer, sweatheart." He said before walking away with a knowing look. Not before he wished you luck.

Luck for what?


You turned back to the blue-haired male. You sucked in a breath instantaneously as he was right infront of you with a dark smirk, "You've been getting quite adamant on treating me like a baby. Do you realise what you're trying to provoke me to do?" He asked with an awfully husky voice. You were maybe a little startled at his changed demeanour - wasn't he just whining about getting a scolding from Yoongi? Where did that Taehyung go?

"I can't help it," you mumbled, diverting your gaze from the taller male's; "You act cute and whiny at times that I feel the need to act and be the older one and take care of you." You huffed out. Taehyung giggled at that, "Well, that's good to know," he smiled cheekily.

You were feeling a bit put-off with the sudden switching in the smiling boy's demeanour.

"Are you on your man-period?" Your mouth spoke up before your mind could register what slipped out of your thoughts. Taehyung grinned broadly, a light laugh leaving his lips, "What the heck?" He laughed.

A little embarrassed for speaking out loud, you brushed that feeling off and instead focused on admiring Taehyung's bright expression and happy mood. Oh well, at least that got you his boxy smile. Calming down, Taehyung softened his gaze at your staring and pulled you close to him and into a loose hug, "I know we'll have our own rooms to sleep in, but I was wondering if I could sleep with you this once?" He asked, almost shyly.

You let a giggle slip out, giving Taehyung a squeeze around his waist, where your arms loosely circled and responded with a definite 'yes', ignore the slightly more inappropriate meaning behind that sentence.


Startled at the new voice, you pulled away slightly to see a flustered Jungkook rushing towards you and Taehyung in a panic.

(A/N: pls I tried making it like JK 😭😭)

Confused at his red face, you were about to ask if the bunny boy was okay. However, he beat you to it, "What were you thinking just now?! Don't go thinking stuff like that!! Especially when we're still out in the open!" Jungkook ranted, clearly and utterly flustered about something.

Taehyung frowned in curiosity, "Thinking what?" He questioned. Jungkook, embarrassed to voice out the reason behind his current state, simple chose to point at you. You became more confused and pointed at yourself to confirm that he was, indeed subjecting you. Nodding, Jungkook strode closer to you and whispered, "Sleeping with hyung? Are you kidding me?" He stated.

"Hey! Tell me, too! Kookie!" Tae whined out, dragging the 'ie' to get the younger male to share whatever gossip he had shared with you.

You gasped, "W-were you just intruding into my mind?" Embarrassed that your thoughts entered Jungkook's mind, you figured he'd already put the dots together when seeing you and Taehyung sticking close to one another. "It wasn't on purpose, and either way, your face gives it away." He pointed.

Already over the dirty thought that crossed his mind, he displayed a tease-full smirk, cocking a brow at your wide-eyed face. "I wonder what hyung will think," he spoke aloud. Taehyung being a bit offended at having been ignored a moment ago, grew more curious about Jungkook's words.

"I'm right here. I can answer that if you tell me," he pointed out.

Jungkook smirk widened, "One word: Sleeping." He hinted before skipping away to bother Jin. You gasped, "Jungkook! You can't just reveal it whenever you like!" You yelled out at him with red cheeks.

Taehyung paused and thought over that word before peeking up, "Sleeping, huh? Were you thinking of many ways to cuddle?" He asked innocently and your mouth parted from the pure innocence of it. Wasn't he somewhat dirty minded himself?

Oop- scratch that, he's definitely dirty minded. That smirk says it all.

You rolled your eyes, "You know very well about the double meaning behind that word and knowing how your mind can conjure up dirty things, you dare act innocent?" You scoffed, a playful glare directed his way. Taehyung chuckled, "If I hadn't expressed any emotion, you would've believed my act." He pointed out.

Then he smirked deviously, "But... I'm totally down for it if you are," he said and you froze, mind racing with scenarios of the potential of this very night becoming unbelievably intimate.

"YAHHHHH, Y/N WHAT THE FUCK!" Jungkook screamed, his face red all the way down to his neck.

"Oh shit-"


Welp :]

Not sure how many of y'all remember but I like to draw some scenes in My book too lmao.. jkjk I've been recieving so much love from you guys about my illustrations

During my hiatus I managed to gain new readers too and they also seemed to love my art haha *BLUSH* ahem, anyway

Question time!
1) is there a particular scene you guys wished I drew for the book that I haven't? 👀👀✨
—> so becuase I'm a lazy bish, I've been neglecting my digital artwork a lot. There were few scenes in my previous chapters that I've made rough sketches for hehe.... but I never got to complete it them. ☺️👊Believe it or not, I drew the one on this chapter in 40 minutes when they usually take about 2 hours to finish 😀💅 I'm kinda impressed by myself lol

2) What are ur thoughts on me making some behind the scene artwork for this book?
—> To explain this, I mean like this book is like a movie work, and I create some behind the scene illustrations where in- I'll just put this here

See what I mean? This one was when jimin shielded y/n from an explosion Dom-K did on the second floor and got a stab wound as a result, but fell unconscious... except he isn't really dead cuz it's an act in the 'movie'
I've posted another one in my Instagram lol feel free to recommend a scene u want the behind the scenes for ig lmao the watermark @/bon_watt is my insta :)

3) Why did Jungkook yell? Lmao 😂😂
—> I'm not saying anything here cuz I already know lmao 😘💕

See you next chapter guys! 🥺💕💕💕💜❤️💜❤️🥰🥰

~ Ada

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