Chapter 79

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Let's pretend that penthouse is in Seoul lmao^^

Also Taetae soft hours coming ahead in this chapter... actually chapter is pretty much Taehyung lmfaooo so get your cuddle pillow in case hehe :>

As it turns out, you two ended up cuddling for the most part. After finally settling into the penthouse the boys and Got7 had chosen to rest, you were blown away by the luxury it provided readily.

You couldn't stress enough just how beautiful the view was from the floor you stood at. The perfect view of the city lights lit up the city and the bedrooms were large and held their own bathrooms too.

The bed - oh god, the bed was so, so fluffy, soft and comfortable. After changing into pyjamas to call it a night for dreamland, Taehyung had already entered the room you occupied and made himself home on the bed with a content sigh. Waiting for you to finish your nightly routine after a while, you were greeted with the sight of Taehyung posing on the bed; laying across the bed with a hand plopping his head up,  the other holding his hips and his legs crossed, he wiggled his brows suggestively-

"I want you to draw me like one of your French girls, Jack~" he grinned before laughing as you snorted at his antics. "Sorry to disappoint Rose, but I'm not Jack, and your Jack is no more." You retorted, earning a gasp from the male, "Hey! That was harsh," he pointed.

"I didn't feel like sugar-coating my words." You giggled.

"Whatever. Come here, now. I want to cuddle!" He motioned for you to crawl in with him, his arms wide open and welcoming for you to jump in. "You're lucky I want cuddles, too." You said as you hopped onto your bed and situated yourself into his warm embrace that he wrapped you in immediately on first contact. "Ahh, I've been wanting this for a long time," he sighed out contently as he snuggled more closer. You following right after.

"Mmh, I can see why," you mumbled, wrapping one arm around his waist while the other remained tucked in between you and him. Taehyung shifted and pulled you halfway over him, one of his hands resting on your back while the other supported your head as a pillow. "I would've just barged into your room if I knew I'd be cuddling you to sleep." Taehyung pouted. You laughed lightly, giving the curve of his neck a peck since your face was levelled with his neck.

This made you realise that you were technically laying on top of him, without a bra - come on, who would even think of sleeping with a bra? But this one night seemed to need it considering how your and his chests were pressed flat against one another's. You would've gotten up to put one on immediately but his arms were wrapped around your waist into a firm hug. You were admittedly a bit embarrassed but one look at Taehyung's face was enough to calm you and provided plenty of entertainment; he seemed to purr in bliss at the feeling of you pressed against him and only tightened his grip around you to eliminate any possible gaps you could have in between each other.

"Yah," you chuckled at his actions, "Aren't you enjoying this more than you should?" You questioned, "I'm taking in everything now, leave me be." He grumbled.

"The 'everything' is me, I can't exactly 'leave you be' now, can I?" You retorted rhetorically. "The only reason you're bothering with this is because you don't have a bra on." Taehyung shot in casually. You blushed, "A-and you're okay with that," you mumbled, in a questioning tone.

"Oh, I'm more than okay." Taehyung cheekily grinned, wiggling his eyebrows for the fun of it. You scoffed out a laugh and gave his chest a hit, "Okay! Sleep time." You ended and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, receiving a pleased hum from the latter.


Once the sun began to seep light through the thin gaps between the curtains of your room, Taehyung had began to squirm awake slowly, pulling himself closer to the warmth beside him with a light groan.

Then suddenly, his eyes shot open in realisation; you were finally the first thing he could see when opening his eyes and it made him warm all over. You were still deep under the ocean of sleep so he was sure you wouldn't be waking up any time soon. The clock sitting against the wall across from you and him informed him that it wasn't that late into the day either - 7:15am. Too early for his liking.

'Why the hell am I awake at this hour?' He scrunched his face at the time. He could simply get the day started by getting ready and freshening up, but the warm ball of beauty beside him urged him to stay. Plus, your hand had wrapped itself firmly around his torso so he surrendered without a fight.

More cuddling for me anyway

He took this opportunity to admire your resting figure, not having been able to really take in your soft and unique features all the times before due to you shying away from his stare. Chuckling at those thoughts, he tucked some of your stray hair covering your face behind your ear, watching with a fond smile as you scrunched your nose for a second before relaxing once again.

His smile grew at your reaction and he decided to slide his index finger over the bridge of your nose to the tip with the most feathery touch he could muster, receiving the same outcome from you, a huff of breath leaving your lips at the feeling.

How cute.

He scooted closer to you and carefully brought you back against his chest, his shoulder being a pillow for your head. You let out the smallest of groan at the movement but didn't budge out much from your sleep. Choosing instead to snuggle closer to the warmth the new position brought you.

Taehyung was loving this way too much. His heart was swelling in ecstasy and his smile was wide and bright. He couldn't help but give your waist a light squeeze with the hand that rested there. He hoped for this moment to last and come along many more times in the near future.

Soon. Everything will be fine soon.

He placed a tender kiss to your head before shifting himself to level his face with yours. Placing another kiss to your cheek, he trailed it over to the bridge of your nose, then the tip, your other cheek, and not even stopping after you began to squirm slightly at the feeling. He began placing butterfly kisses all over your face, finally urging you to a conscious state of mind where you began to slowly realise what these feelings were.

His lips trailed to your jaw then to the curve of your neck, which finally pushed you to flutter your eyes open. You were now in a half-asleep state, not yet being able register exactly what was going on.

Taehyung shifted from under you and placed your head back down onto the cushioning pillows and supported himself to hover above you.

"Taehyung..?" You mumbled out softly, not hearing the rhythmic pattern of his heartbeat anymore. He only hummed as a response, not once stopping to wash you with pecks and kisses. Your mind began to clear and the current moment began to make more sense when you gasped at the feeling of Taehyung placing a chaste kiss just above your collarbone, a particularly sweet spot for you.

His warm breath sent delightful shivers down to your toes, making you shudder. You moved your hand from beside your figure and brushed it through his faded-blue locks. Taehyung pulled away and smiled at you, "Good morning," he said before placing a soft kiss to your lips.

"G-good morning," you replied with a raspy voice and flushed cheeks, "What are you doing?" You asked softly. He chuckled, "Showering you with kisses, of course." He put simply, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

You let out a breathy laugh, "While I was sleeping?" You questioned, making him nod, "Even better." He shrugged before giving way from his arms' support.

"Oof—" you groaned as he laid flat against you, not caring that all of his body weight was on you. "It's only 7:30...." you grumbled, "I know," he said.

"Why are you up so early?" You managed to groan out, shifting beneath him so that the both of you could be comfortable. Brushing your fingers through his hair, you smiled at his expression displaying pure bliss, having completely overlooking your question. You softly chuckled, grazing your nails slightly over his scalp and earning a pleased groan of appreciation, "Oh, don't stop, please." He all, but turned to mush right before your eyes.

You giggled, "You like that, babe?" You questioned instead, receiving an elongated hum. He looked just like a puppy then; the pouty lips and closed eyes made him look adorable. To add to it, his fluffy bed head made him look so, so soft and comfy, you felt yourself shift slightly so that he laid between your legs and his head rested at the crook of your neck.

He placed lazy kisses to your neck as a response to the delightful feeling you gave him. You hummed at that, using your other hand to slide over his shoulder blades. You noticed how his breathing slowed down and his body turned limp slowly under your touch and let out a 'tsk'.

"Aye-" you spoke up, a teasing tone lacing your voice as you stopped giving his head the special massage, making him whine childishly. You held back a laugh, "You wake me up and expect me to let you sleep on?" You asked with a raised brow. "Aish, no one's stopping your from sleeping again! Keep scratching my head and don't stop." He whined more.

You pulled your hand away altogether. He frowned, looking up to meet your eyes, "Y/N-"

"That's not a very nice way to ask, pup. I don't know if I should give you more." You crossed your arms to show that you weren't giving him head scratches anytime soon. Taehyung's lips parted and his eyes grew wider, making them look more round and innocent, a pout displayed to show he wasn't happy. "Please?" He asked. You shook your head without a second thought, making him look like a kicked puppy.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," he immediately turned desperate for your touch, "Can you please continue to scratch my head? We can fall asleep together, again!" He suggested hopefully. You giggled, "That's more like it." The moment those words left your mouth, he gasped delightfully, grabbing your hand and placing it over his head and snuggling into your neck, all the while wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hmm, that was a lot faster of a surrender than I thought." You mumbled, giving his scalp the massage it previously provided enlightening another groan of pleasure from the male. "This is heaven. I would beg for heaven for hours if I have to." He mumbled out in a slur.

You smiled, "You're acting very much like a sub, do you know that?" You pointed out, a grin growing onto your features at the knowledge that you were in control. "Mm," he simply hummed, "Only for you." He whispered.

You sucked in a breath, feeling more empowered than before, "How sweet of you." You replied back sultrily, using your other hand to encircle your arms over his shoulders and giving it a squeeze.

Deep breaths. He's sleepy, so calm your assss...

Your eyes drooped slightly a moment after. A soft sigh left your lips, the smile not leaving your lips, "You're very lucky I'm still tired enough to give in to sleep." You chuckled breathily, shifting so that you wouldn't hurt your neck and sleep comfily. Taehyung had already drifted back to sleep.


Knock knock!

You vaguely heard the knocks against your bedroom door, choosing to instead bury yourself further into the comfort of the sheets and closer to Taehyung, who didn't budge a centimetre at the sound.

"Y/N? Oh-" the distant voice sounded surprised, cutting themselves off. In your sleepy state of mind, you could feel the bed sheets dip from a weight. They must've taken a seat beside you.

You felt their hands brush your hair away from your face and finally tried to wake yourself up and fluttered your eyes open. Groggily, you squinted your eyes to focus on who's hand was caressing your head. "Hey," he said softly.


Jimin chuckled at your state, "You seemed to have slept well, dear." He pointed, then trailed his eyes beside you knowingly, "Very well."

You rubbed your eyes open to push away the sleep out of your system and stretched your limbs- except you couldn't really.

Taehyung was koala-ing you firmly, still somewhat halfway on top of you with his head snuggled into the curve of your neck. He seemed very comfortable.

"I was gonna sneak into the bed to cuddle you but he seemed to have beat me to it. When did he come in?" Jimin asked curiously. You huffed out a breath, "Mmh, he slept with me all night, actually." You stated, earning a soft gasp from the awake male, "Why wasn't I invited, too?" He pouted, scooting himself closer before laying down beside you - opposite to Taehyung.

"Well, he asked me at the lobby. And while I was changing in the bathroom, he already made himself comfortable on my bed." You pointed, shifting the arm closer to Jimin to pet his head. "Hm, I'll let it slide, then." He mumbled.

You chuckled, mindful of the sleeping human-puppy halfway on top of you, "Are you the only one awake?" You questioned. "Nope. Jin hyung is lazing at the living space. Yoongi hyung is with him." He pointed out and wrapped an arm over your waist.

"Oi, don't go to sleep now. I think it's about time we get the day started." You stated, glancing at the clock hanging at the wall opposite to you, reading 10:50am.

"I'm not," he whined, "Let's just stay like this for a bit longer." He mumbled out.

Suddenly, you felt short kisses being placed repeatedly over your neck, "Good morning..." Taehyung softly mumbled out, being the culprit behind the pecks. He moved a little, finally slipping off of you and laying beside you. Lifting up his head, he pouted, "Oh. Jimin." He said.

"Good morning to you too, you ass." Jimin retorted slyly, "I should've known you would hog her to yourself all night." He raised a brow. Taehyung let out a chuckle, before snuggling back into your neck.

"Yah! You're doing it again!" Jimin pouted, pulling himself closer and shoving his own head into your neck.

You sighed, accepting your current fate on your bed and brought your hand to circle around Jimin's shoulders and gave him a pat.

"I have every right to!" Taehyung replied back, pulling on your waist so you laid even the slightest closer to him. "Stop! I have just as much right to take her for myself right now, too!" Jimin growled, pulling on your waist as well.

My ass has no say in this does it

"You know this is great and all—" you tried but the two bickering males had overlooked your attempt to put a stop to their useless banter.

The door to your room then opened and in came the voice of Namjoon, who let out a set of 'tsk's at the sight. "I figured this would happen." He sighed, not at all surprised.

Approaching the bed, he pulled down the bed sheets and let out another bemused sigh. You three were a tangled mess and you the two 95 liners were practically serving as human heaters to you. Jimin let out a shiver along with Taehyung but you remained unmoving - not that you had any space to do so.

"Out of bed now, you two. You're pretty much frying my baby alive with your body heat." Namjoon pointed and pulled the boys away from you, who only let out grumbles under their breath. You felt your cheeks flush at the nickname Namjoon called you but didn't question it.

He chuckled, "Now that we've got a more proper brake, nothing's stopping anyone in this house." He whispered to you, helping you sit up. You perked up at that, "What do you mean?" You questioned in confusion.

"You'll see for yourself, babe." He urged you out of bed and exited the room with the two pouty boys.

Huh. This'll be interesting.


No questions today because I wanted to discuss a Lil' smth....

My ass has been getting all sorts of ideas. You already know about my work in progress regarding the 'SURVIVORS' BTS X READER book...

And at one point I thought: hm.. what if I made one revolving around only one of the members? Oh! How about Taehyung? For a start, only. I'll just think of anything and write something Taehyung x reader and....... hahahaahahahaha omg hold up—

And then boom


Yeah, I kind of have a very vivid idea about a Taehyung FF.... and he isn't human. So 🤠✨

Also first time seeing my VERY MUCH 🎨Colored🎨 drawing hUH? I don't really remember ever drawing one with color but there's that. It took me.... 3 hours 😩👊

I can't really think of anything to ask y'all so ask me! Or the characters pshhh~~


Questions for:

Kim Namjoon:

Kim Seokjin:

Min Yoongi:

Jung Hoseok:

Park Jimin:

Kim Taehyung:

Jeon Jungkook:

Ada (Author):


Yeah so im getting more used to my regular schedule lol. A little bit of delay is still certain since I gotta write up at least 1 to 3 chapters ahead of the current one to keep up a pace. We'll be getting more into the final plot of this book soon :) 💕

See you next chapter!!! Again!!!😂🥰😘❤️💜❤️💜💕💕


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