Chapter 8

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"Hey, joon?" Hoseok called out. "Yes?" He replied, turning his head from his book and giving his full attention to his Hyung. "Did you get Y/N's name when you touched her shoulder?" He asked out of pure curiosity. "Ah.., well," he scratched the back of his neck, " Yeah, actually. When I touched her shoulder, my shoulder started feeling all tingly and bubbly, y'know? In a sensational way. But I was curious so I went to check if I was just feeling things but then..." he trailed off.

"It turned out that feeling was you turning into her second soulmate." Hoseok finished, receiving a shy nod from Namjoon. He sighed and sat beside him, "I wanna know what it's like to be fated to be with someone too.." he whined, "you're lucky y'know? Y/N's pretty cute." He chuckled. Namjoon smiled contently, "very cute." He admitted.

You had already bid the boys good bye and set off to go into your apartment to sleep after the tense and shocking events, leaving the boys to also, cool off themselves.

Jin decided to take a relaxing shower to clear his mind but he remembered something...

An oddly sensational feeling he felt on his right shoulder. He liked it a lot. It felt nice to him, made him feel tingly and bubbly up inside and where his shoulder was. After he finished and wrapped a towel around his torso, he proceeded to his reflection and noticed a very tiny glimpse of black at his shoulder. "Hm?" He Hummed curiously, turning to his left to examine his shoulder.

A gasp left his lips. He thought of one thing after looking at his shoulder.. he ran to the living room, still soaked and with only a towel. "GUYS!" He yelled for everyone to assemble at the living room.

Namjoon half choked on air after looking at his Hyung, "Hyung you too! Clothes- WAIT! Is it-?" Namjoon suddenly shot up but stopped mid sentence when Jin nodded seriously.

"I have Y/N's name inked on my right shoulder." He stated, trying to be calm but failed as his voice slightly quivered at the mention of your name.

"WHAAAATTTTT?!" Taehyung yelled as he rushed towards Jin at a fast pace, grabbing hold of his shoulder- "I said right shoulder tae.." Jin huffed. "Right!" He repeated and examined the right shoulder this time, a gasp leaving his lips, "does that mean Y/N has it too?" He asked. "Most likely, the same happened with Namjoon Hyung so.." Jimin trailed off, answering Taehyung question.


Knock knock

You heard soft knocks at your door and grumbled, switching positions to face the other side.

Knock knock

Louder knocks soon followed and you groaned. Slowly sitting up straight, you checked the time in your phone. "Who the hell dares wake me up at fucking mid night?" You groaned in annoyance and left to go open your door grumpily.

Knock knock KNOCK

"Coming! Don't break my freaking door, geez!" You yelled, followed by few chuckles. Sighing, you fixed up your messy hair a little, covering your upper half with a silk blanket to avoid the cold.

Opening the door, to your surprise, you found the bangtan boys including yoongi at your door step, "guys? What's up?" You asked, eyeing all seven of them.

"Um.., can we take this inside?" Namjoon nervously asked. You started to worry if something was wrong and quickly nodded and let the boys in, "is... is something wrong?" You hesitantly asked. "Not necessarily wrong, but-" Jimin assured but got cut of by Yoongi; "can we see your shoulder?" He cut straight to the point.

Frowning, you asked, "why? Did it change or something?" You asked as you self-consciously let your blanket fall, leaving your shoulders bare with only a strap of fabric of your night suit that you wore for the night. You glanced at your left shoulder to see if anything happened but nothing changed. Turning to look at the boys, you gulped as all of them approached you with blank and some with serious faces.

"W-what's wrong?" You unconsciously take a few steps back. Fear creeping up into you as you broke eye contact. None of them spoke and this scared you more. Still taking subtle steps towards you.

"G-guys you're scaring me, please say something?" You pleaded, gulping as words stuck at your throat, stopping you from speaking out anymore.

You quickly picked up your blanket and wrapped it around you in a poor attempt to shield your body. You finally spoke, "STOP!" You yelled, snapping them back from where ever they went.

"Huh?" Taehyung blinked, followed by the others who too, came back to their senses. Jin looked at you and realised your frightened state and slowly made his way towards you. Your eyes snapped towards him and backed away again, hitting the hard wall behind you. 'How cliché...' You thought.

"Hey, Hey.. we're really sorry for scaring you like that.. didn't know what came over us," he tried to assure. "Can I see your shoulder please?" He pleaded in a gentle tone that calmed you down a bit. Nodding hesitantly, you only pulled the blanket down halfway, keeping it firmly under your grasp.

You looked up at him confused; why was he looking at your right shoulder instead of left? "I-uh, Namjoon's name is on my left shoulder Jin..." you mumbled. "I know. I don't know how you'll take this info but... I'm your soulmate now, too." He slowly spoke, making sure you registered what he just told you. You shrieked, "WHAT?!" Snapping your head to your right shoulder and there it was. A freshly inked mark. Kim Seokjin. "B-but I- h-how? When??" Your questions escaped your mouth quickly.

Yoongi sighed and came to your side, patting your head comfortingly. This caught you off guard as you slightly jump at the contact but let it be. He sympathised you, understanding how hard it was for you to believe the current events. "Wh-What do we do..? What do I do..??" Your voice trembled, your form slightly shaking.

Yoongi pulled you in for a warm hug, surprising his own brothers at the affectionate move. Rubbing soothing circles on your back till you were steady. You slowly relaxed into his embrace, letting out a content sigh and hugged him back, saviouring the warmth and suddenly realising the cold that existed in the room.

"Wow Hyung~" one of the boys cooed teasingly, receiving a small glare from the man. "Shut up, you're not getting hugs from me." Yoongi grumbled, making you giggle slightly as his voice led some vibration out of his chest. He let a small smile plaster onto his face and slowly pulled away, patting your head one last time.

He sighed, "Y/N.. I know you're worried but I think we need to confirm whether the rest are your soulmates too, or not." He announced.

"The best way to find out is..." he trailed off but continued, "is.. probably by touching you."

You looked at him, processing his words and let out another shriek,



Hey hey hey~ I really hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it :)

What will You do? Refuse or let them touch you?
Yoongi seems to have warmed up to you too~~ wooowww (Lmao I'm acting as if I didn't write all this)

Love y'all lots!!

~ bonnehh_

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