Chapter 9

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"Please understand Y/N, I know this sounds crazy and uncomfortable but it will only last seconds." Yoongi tried to convince, you looked up at him in disbelief, "how are you so sure it will turn up?" You doubted.

"Hyung, I'm not touching Y/N if she isn't comfortable.." Jungkook stated, concluding that this wasn't part of their plan until Yoongi announced.

"Yoongi? What makes you think touching her will just magically make their names appear?" Jin asked, also not liking the idea. "Do you guys seriously not get it?" Yoongi asked, frustrated.

"Namjoon, you haven't laid a hand on Y/N until that one incident and then her name appeared on the same shoulder you touched her right?" Namjoon's eyes widen in realisation, "y-Yeah.." he said.

Yoongi turned to Jin, "Jin, Y/N's name only appeared after you touched her for the first time too, right? You too, didn't touch her anytime before the incident." Jin nodded, starting to understand his way of thinking on the idea.

You stood their and watched as Yoongi slowly led the boys to agree.

To touch you.

You gulped.
"O-okay Wait, there is still time!" You piped in, desperate to delay this idea. "It's mid night for god's sake! I'm not letting you touch me.. not until I'm comfortable and ready." You stated, earning few 'buts' but you cut them off, "I stand by my statement. Maybe let me prepare? There is still tomorrow." You reasoned. Sighing, Yoongi nodded, too tired to argue and understanding your decision. "Then we meet at our house, after breakfast. I'm off to sleep." He grumbled and headed off. The others followed suit with a mix of 'good nights' and 'sweet dreams'.

You smiled and thanked them for giving you time, bidding good night and finally going to sleep for the rest of the night.



You heard distant yet loud noises while you slept. Groaning, you flipped to face away from the annoying sounds.

"TAEHYUNG-AH THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!" you heard another yell.

You grumbled and lazily sat up, eyes half open.

You took a deep breath, "WHO IN THE NAME OF SLEEP DARES TO SCREAM THIS FUCKING EARLY IN THE MORNING?!" You yelled, making sure you're loud and threatening enough to be heard.


"WOAH Y/N! YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOONGI HYUNG" You heard jimin yell from the other side.

"SHUT UP, I DONT GIVE A SHIT, AND LET ME SLEEP!" You yelled the final time, flopping back into your comfy bed.

"OKAY!" You heard Taehyung yell back. You stood up and cursed under your breath as you were wide awake now. Taking a morning bath and changing into your favourite and comfortable outfit, you left your washroom, ready for the day- "HOLY MOTHER OF ALL GOOD THINGS!" You yelled in one breath, clutching your heart as it nearly jumped out of your chest from the scare. "Sorry, hehe," grinned a sheepish Namjoon.

"What are you- no screw that.. how did you get in?" You asked in suspicion. This make him snicker as he replied, "you shouldn't follow movies and other cliché stories, I found your spare key hidden under your welcome rug."

You let out a small 'oh', not knowing how to respond. "How'd you know I follow them- I mean I don't but I was too lazy to find a better spot- but still." You asked. "I guess being soulmates has its perks." He shrugged, making you suddenly recall about the events that took place yesterday. He's also your soulmate.

"Right..." you trailed, "why'd you come in anyway?" You continued to ask, avoiding the soulmates part, "I thought you'd be awake, making breakfast but wanted to quickly invite you to eat with me and the guys after figuring that you just woke up. Jin has made bacon eggs for all of us, including you so i volunteered to fetch you.. uh, but you never answered my knocks and I maybe panicked and just... um..." he stopped, blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "You just...?" You repeated. "Ok ok I may have torn your rug apart- UN-intentionally may I add, and came in and here we are now." He finished quickly, "pleasedontbemaditsinmynatureforsomereason-" He rambled on But you cut him off, "it's fine joonie but.. now that you mentioned that tearing things is your nature.. you didn't.. break anything did you?" You asked, hoping he didn't already break one of your newest furniture. "Fortunately, no." He said, seemingly proud.


"You didn't have to prepare breakfast for me, Jin." You said, earning a small chuckle from the boy, "Hey, I wanted to, plus think of it as a way of saying that I'm glad you're my soulmate." He beamed. You blushed a bright pink but soon doubted his words, "you're... glad?" You questioned, suddenly making you more self-conscious. He hummed a 'yes' with a bright smile, "but I thought-" you got cut off by Yoongi; "stop doubting yourself, Y/N." He frowned. This made you more surprised, "you don't like me though?" You stated in a 'duh' tone,

"Who says?" He instantly replied back, looking at you in the eyes. You're a blushing mess now, you looked anywhere but at Yoongi, fanning your face with your hands as a way to try and cool you cheeks from burning up. (A/N: FIREEE- ok I'll stop)

You heard a few chuckles and looked up to see that Hoseok and Yoongi were smiling at you ever so softly, making you feel tingly.

You took deep breaths and decided to ask him, "when did you stop hating me..?" You fidgeted, waiting to hear his answer. "Hmm, definitely when you confessed," He casually said. Your eyes widen at that, "YOU WERE AWAKE-?!", "Oh and I never hated you to begin with, I just..." he cut you off making you pout at how he ignored your question but you understood and just nodded. It was one of the same reasons you had to dislike soulmates. (A/N: in case you forgot, it's cuz she thought she'd have to become dependant)

He gifted you with a small smile, "I'm now fine with a soulmate too, by the way. As long as it's someone like you. And I'm happy it is you.".

You blush at his sweet words. "Wow.. I.. i don't know what to say, I'm flattered-" you stuttered but he quickly interjected, "I mean it.". At this point, the six other boys stared intently at the two of you, but you still decide to reply. "Thank you.., and I'm glad to have you as... uh, one of my soulmates too." You lightly giggled.

"AWWWWW." Taehyung cooed, "man, Y/N, if I turn out to be your soulmate, I'd be glad too!" He exclaimed, coming over and hugging you. You tensed up, 'did Taehyung just- Why is my back-', "Yah yah yaH yAH YAH!" Taehyung quickly let go and started to extend his hand towards the middle of his back, running around in circles in a poor attempt to touch it. "I FEEL TINGLYYY" he exclaimed.



Oh my my my, tingles are everywhere~~
I'm sure you know where this will lead ;)

~ bonnehh_

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