Chapter 84

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I'm sorry for the late update ;-;

Jimin was confused and a mess. He recalled how he was simply joking around with Jungkook and a sudden wave of darkness engulfed his vision, pulling him into his mind and disconnecting him completely from his physique.

He remembered being surrounded by utter darkness. His only source assuring him that he didn't go blind, was the faint light within his vision when watching his steps as he moved. Solid concrete underneath him, grounding him.

He jumped on his spot and nearly fell over on his feet when a booming voice penetrated his ears painfully. It shook him to the core, in all honestly. It was so loud and so mystical, he was left uneasy as he stood.

Breathing was put to a hold when the voice came again. It sounded so close, yet so, very far and he didn't know why his breathing sounded so loud. It made him think that whoever that was, would hear him simply from his breath.

Then all these sentences intruded his mind and his eyes watered painfully. It was almost as if those words were being shot into his head, forcing him to keep it and hold onto it. He yelped in shock as the same voice became ever so louder, making his ears ring and bring him a sense of fear and alertness. He hated it there and ran to the opposite direction from where the source supposedly resounded.

Anywhere but near that. It was dangerous and it's words frightened him more. 'Take her?' Take you? Hell no! Whoever it was, would have no chance for it. He would make sure of it. But he realised that the voice was speaking to someone else.

He figured so when he noticed a spotlight sticking out of the darkness like a sore thumb. There stood a person's silhouette, facing away from him and he felt shivers run up his spine. Their hands moved as they spoke and one still figure could be seen just barely, over the person's shoulders.

Then the awfully loud voice penetrated him again, and causing his head a pounding headache at the back of his head for having his hearing senses so brutally abused.

Then everything shook. He didn't know what was happening then, and he began falling. His mouth fell open in an attempt to scream but this wasn't his doing - he realised near the end. It was you. You were there with him all this time and his breath was taken out of his lungs in a hitch, leaving him gasping for air as he was pulled back up with immense force. Pulled back up into reality.


"Where is she?" He asked with a weak voice, not seeing your figure from where he sat. Namjoon's gaze softened, "She's with Yoongi," he answered before sighing, "Jimin, first drink some water." The elder urged, holding onto a glass readily filled with water for him.

Jimin nodded and chugged the glass down, not liking how dry his throat was. He must've been wailing out loud if his throat felt like the desert.

Yuju strolled downstairs and smiled at the men huddled in the living room. "I'm going to make some hot chocolate. Does anyone else here want a drink? Water? Or coffee?" She asked softly. The men's gazes shifted to the girl, some asking for a glass of water and the rest mumbling bashfully for the hot chocolate.

Jaebeom scurried to follow his soulmate into the kitchen, knowing how to make her hot chocolate himself.

Jimin shifted on his seat and planted his feat on the ground firmly, before standing up. Jin 'tsk'ed at this but helped steady the younger, "Where are you off to? You need to rest." He pointed.

Jimin shook his head, "I want to be with Y/N. I know what she went through. I have to be there for her." He persisted as he made his way up the stairs. A reluctant Jin by his tail, "Okay... Should I ask the others to give you some time alone with her?" He asked. If this helped Jimin then who was he stop him? Though it didn't sit right with the eldest that Jimin was already moving around.

Once the door swung open to Yoongi's room. Your head peered over Taehyung's shoulder. The latter displaying a bright smile at seeing Jimin awake.

"Jiminie!" He cried out happily and rushed to engulf his platonic soulmate into his arms, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. "Hey," Jimin smiled, patting Taehyung's back softly.

Taehyung pulled away and gave Jimin a light hit to his shoulder, "Drop to the ground like that again and I'll make sure you wake up only to hit you unconscious myself. Never do that again!" He scowled.

Jimin scrunched his face, "Yah, I just woke up and you decide it's better to threaten me than comfort me?" He pouted playfully.

The group present in the room let out chuckles of their own and slid out of the room to give them privacy. Yoongi left as well, not before giving your head a kiss and a gentle pat to Jimin's blonde head.

Jin stood at the frame of the door blankly, "Welp, I guess my job is done here. Come downstairs once you guys are done- actually, call my name and I'll come fetch you two. Minimal movement. You're going to rest but not too much that you fall asleep - god knows you've had enough of that for the day... Anyway, Taehyung, come with me." Jin ushered the blue haired boy who nodded. Just as he slid past the door, the two males gifted their own assuring smiles to you and Jimin before closing it to give you two some time alone.

Jimin smiled back before turning back to you. You smiled at him, "Hey, how are you doing?" You asked, patting the space beside you as an offer to sit.

Jimin made himself comfortable on the bed and pulled you into his arms, "I'm doing okay. My throat could have been better- I guess I cried like a baby." He chuckled, resting his chin on your shoulders and you hugged him back, "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." You mumbled into his chest, where his hand guided your head to rest.

Jimin shook his head, "No, I'm glad I did, actually. You weren't alone in it so I know what you felt and saw." His voice trailed at the end.

You pulled away and look into Jimin's eyes silently. Jimin sighed, "We need to tell the others what we heard." He pointed. You nodded, "That voice was distorted. I couldn't catch a word it said but my mind seemed to know." You sucked in a breath and looked down at your fidgeting hands, "I think that voice knows about you guys being BTS." Your worried gaze trailed back up to meet his.

Jimin's eyes held a knowing, yet sorrowful look, "I know. I heard everything clearly." He revealed, "I think I might've even said some of its words out loud, too." He mumbled as one of his hand coming up to touch his throat and he grimaced.

You pursed your lips, "So this is your ability - sharing my dreams?" You asked softly. Jimin shrugged, "It seems like it. I haven't dreamt of anything since... that one time." He pointed, recalling the time he was shook awake by Namjoon in his room. Shook awake from a mortifying nightmare. Then only to be led into your room to comfort you for having an all too identical nightmare of your own.

You nodded, "I've had dreamless nights." Your brows furrowed, mind trailing into a similar topic, "Who's ability is yet to come out?" You questioned. Jimin perked up, "ah," he let out and pondered over it.

Yoongi was able to feel your emotions. Jungkook can read your thoughts. Taehyung can somewhat read the upcoming situation with vague, but crucial information brought to them. Jimin shares your dreams and Hoseok can see the world in your perspective.

That leaves Namjoon and Jin.


Jin fidgeted with his fingers laying on his lap. Something has been bugging him for a while. Since before the attack at Got7's base in Daegu. He's been pushing it aside and kept it at the very back of his mind to focus on the present time, but now that he's gotten some time at the moment to himself, it shot straight to the front with persistence. He couldn't ignore it and his distress wasn't overlooked by one.

"Is something wrong, Jin-ssi?" Yuju's voice brought him out of his wandering thoughts, a glass of water placed in front of him. Clearing his throat, Jin forced out a laugh, "Ah, haha, No, no! I'm just trying to, um.. process everything... still. Yeah." He nodded at his words, before grabbing the glass and lifting it. "Thank you." He said, gesturing towards the glass of water she brought him. Yuju smiled and nodded, before glancing back at the kitchen, "Were you preparing lunch before the incident?" She questioned and Jin perked up, "Oh. Yes, i was." He admitted.

Yuju chuckled, "Smart of you to switch of the stove before joining the chaos." She said and Jin scoffed out a breath, "Oh dear, that would've gone far worse." He shook his head. A glint flashed within her pupils, "I hope you don't bottle everything up. Remember - communication is important, so talk to the others when you're ready." She pointed out and Jin sputtered, "But I- I never said anything about that?" Jin stammered out. Was he easy to read? Oh god, he hoped not.

Yuju shook her head, "I've seen that look all too many times, Jin-ssi. The others haven't noticed yet, but I have. You're keeping something from them." She sighed, keeping an appropriate distance between him and herself as she sat beside him on the couch.

Jin frowned, having trouble overlooking her words regarding his 'look'. Noticing the troubled look adorned the male's face, Yuju huffed, "In case it went past your head, I'm Jaebeom's Soulmate. Therefore, I'm (unfortunately) very familiar with such things such as this; when it comes to keeping secrets. He's still an idol despite certain circumstances." She pointed out. "We found each other way before he debuted. Everything was going great, just how it did for all other soulpairs," her voice trailed before she sent Jin a sad smile.

"He never told me that he had auditioned to become an idol. Not even after he debuted. I wasn't completely clueless - I had my suspicions and eventually, all these secrets he kept from me drived me to force it out of him. I was getting fed up of having been kept in the dark about his other life. Then I really lost it when his face popped up on my TV screen. I dialled his number and lashed out on him. He kept such a huge part of him from me? I was hurt, and deeply so. He came back to my house the next day with a gift bag and flowers." She sighed at the memory. Jin listened on.

"I never took them and he never came in because I slammed the door in his face. That day, I search up everything about his group and him. All of this was happening under my nose and despite our connection as soulmates, he hid it from me. Maybe he didn't 'hide' it but he never brought it up. He hadn't left my door since I closed it on him and eventually, I gave in and opened the door because of his persistence and constant banging on the door. He was crying like a baby, begging for me to let him explain himself. I was still angry and told him I didn't want to hear it. This went on for two whole weeks, Jin-ssi." Yuju looked at the said man.

Jin frowned, "But there's lack of communication from you too, then. You didn't tell him how it effect you and he didn't get to explain himself." He pointed, raising a brow as Yuju smiled, "Exactly."

"Within that time, my elder sister- yes, I have an elder sister," she swiftly added with a chuckle as Jin cocked a brow, "She had somehow sneaked into my phone and dialled his number. The one who answered was Jinyoung and the both of them worked together to bring me and Jae together so we can face each other again. Apparently, he couldn't concentrate at all while rehearsing and practising for the next comeback, which worried his members. Jinyoung took the opportunity to help Jaebeom and get us to make up. Finally, the plan was set and she told me she wanted to bring me somewhere. I was skeptical but agreed in the end, and I was brought to his company." Yuju chuckled. "When I realised this, I pulled off a huge tantrum but she pushed me in further and I saw his group mates in front of me and was shoved into a conference room that already had him inside. He was just as shocked as me. They locked us in and said "You two are not leaving this room until your problems are resolved!" And left us to fix things up." She pursed her lips.

"Then he jumped to explain himself while I shifted to sit the furthest I can from him to convey my annoyance and dismay at being stuck with him. All I could think of was 'soulmates would never do this - Lie and hide such a big thing from their other half. But he did. So I have every right to behave this way' but that thought was shot to the mud when words spilled out of his mouth. The company had told him to keep himself from telling me about his building career out of an assumption that majority of the staff and managers made in account of my possible and most "probable" reaction. He told me that he tried his best to change their mind, and told them that I wouldn't reveal our soulbond to the world because I would understand. And of course I did. But the company held a strong resolve so he was forced to hide it from me." She sighed once more.

"Had I known this days- months prior, there wouldn't have been conflict this great in the first place, but I had to admit my wrong doings as well; I was angry because I had to find out on my own instead of having him tell this huge secret himself. My mouth just spoke before my mind could make sense of it; I was just that upset with it. I told him my mind had trailed to another path about 'us' because he hid so much. We both began to realise that we needed to keep an open mind and hear each other out before anything else. I needed to speak up, too. If something's bothering me, then I voice it out- That's the key to moving further and growing closer. It's how Jaebeom and I have since completely developed our relationship. We've grown from those experiences and learnt from it to not repeat it. Learning from our mistakes is one thing, but if it's repetitive then where's the growth, right?" Yuju paused.

"Point is, the longer you hold back these untold words, Jin-ssi, the more destructive the outcome. I'm saying this purely out of the many experiences I've had on that factor. Whether it's to avoid burdening your loved ones with the information you hold or not, it's better to face it together, than alone. It's easier to share that load on your shoulder and continue on your path than hold it all yourself and be crushed with its weight." She ended it there before scratching her head with a dumbfounded look on her face, "Man, I just went on a rampage. Sucks getting so old. But I am getting wiser, I guess." She grumbled before placing a lighthearted smile towards a speechless Jin.

Yuju laughed, "Yeah, I'm kind of surprised of myself too. Anyway, I better get the others their drinks." She excused herself and scurried off to bring the said drinks upstairs.

Jin looked back down at his hands after Yuju left and took her words into great consideration.

It was difficult for him. To bring it up and share it with the others. The only one who has a clue about his current thoughts is Yoongi. Even he didn't get to have the full details about Jin's troubled mind but what he gained at the very least, was enough to bring a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Jin had trouble speaking at that time. They were driving towards the hotel near the Airport at Daegu and everyone else was asleep but the two eldest duo. He was conflict and greatly distressed about it. It made Yoongi all the more anxious, too.


"Yoongi-ah," Jin called out softly, making the said male hum, "Am I the only one who... who's starting to change?" He asked. Yoongi furrowed his brows, a little uneasy with the sudden gloomy tone the elder used. "What do you mean?" He asked, head turning to look at the male better, making him shrink ever so slightly, "I'm... I-I don't know I just..." he let out a huff, "I think," he paused, "I think I'm beginning to feel...un-uneasy." he stammered as he glanced nervously at the younger male before shaking his head, sleep completely vanishing as he quickly cut in, as Yoongi looked a lot more attentive to him, "N-never mind. Don't worry about it."

Yoongi's eyes had grew wide ever so slightly at his hyung, 'is he...hiding something from us? he's keeping something to himself, isn't he?' he wondered to himself. 'I have to ask him. If it's bothering him this much... it's bound to be bad, right?' He thought.

Jin nibbled at his lips, already knowing Yoongi will urge him to speak, and so he did, "Something's... going to happen. It's unnerving and it involves..." He trailed, knowing Yoongi can dot together what his next words were. Yoongi's blood ran cold at that.

'No way. I won't let anything happen. Nothing will happen to Y/N.'

( —> Chapter 68 in <italics>,
—> Untold words in <bold+italics> )


Not only did Jin hold back from revealing his recent discovery about his ability as the bonded, but he held back from telling a foretold future that he got a contrastingly vague yet, vivid glimpse of.

Because Jin had gained the ability of prophecy.


Hahahahaahahahahaahahahahaha now we just have Namjoon left (^∀^)

Also I have zero experience when it comes to relationship and giving full-on advise to someone let alone take one myself because I Never ask for some and find no reason to do so which probably is the reason that I find no reason to ask for it and I'm rambling my bad

Yeah so Idk where all of that came from but I sound really wise and it works with the building plot driving towards the final and biggest conflict yet, so woopy! 😇

The first part - in case anyone is confused - is a briefing for Jimin's experience with Y/N's dream (*cough* nightmare *cough* or vision *coUGH*)

But MANNNNnn Jin has seen the future!!!

Question time! (been a while :,))
1) What could have Jin seen that's bothered him to the point he hasn't brought it up for so long?
—> this question has answers and if I answer it.. there goes spoilers so YOU tell ME 🥴✨
❣️Your Answer:

2) The last one is Namjoon... What could his ability be? ✨✨
—> Believe it or not, I hadn't had a clue about what sort of ability he could have to benefit this story's plot but I figured it out heeheeee 😭🤌✨ His is actually pretty- who am I kidding? It's VERY useful and since he's the Kim Namjoon, he'll be able to clear up anything and of course be the one to protect others... wtf am I saying lol aNYWAY- what could possibly his ability?? 👀👀
❣️Your Answer:


I miss Song Mingi so much Oof 😭😭😭😭✊✊

See you next chapter hehe 🥰🥰💕💕💕✨✨😘💝💘💗💗💖

~ Ada, who's totally not shoving unhealthy goodies into her mouth 🥴✨

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