Chapter 83

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I can't— your poor hearts 😂😭 here's an early update lovelies. I know how cliffhangers can leave you in anticipation 💕

(I didn't think it would bother u guys so much oops 🤠✨)


"Y/N, baby, it's time to wake up." Yoongi rasped out softly, brushing away some stray strands out of your face.

He smiled softly at your stressless features, wishing it would hold this much serenity all the time. "Y/N? Come on, Jin hyung made lunch." Yoongi propped his upper body up slightly to look down at you.

He huffed, sliding a thumb across your cheeks, and leaving his hand there to hold your face, "Y/N," he crooned. He frowned, "Y/N?" He shook your head gently with the hand placed there.

"Sweetheart?" He called out slightly louder.


Yoongi jumped slightly at the sudden shout coming from downstairs and furrowed his brows. A mix of noise followed soon after, including the yells from his other brothers.

He looked back down at you still sleeping. 'Surely you're not that deep of a sleeper, right?' He wondered. Hoping it's the case rather than his running thoughts and uneasy mind. Why was he feeling uneasy?

"Hey, Y/N..." he called out for you again, pulling his hands away from you altogether before shaking your shoulders. You didn't budge the slightest. He began to feel mild panic settle within his guts.

Why weren't you waking up?

Running footsteps put a stop to his panicky mind and he looked up to see a distorted Jungkook at the frame of his bedroom door, panting as if he'd been running for a stretch of time.

"Jim-Jimin hyung collapsed." He all but wheezed out. Yoongi's frown became more prominent, "What? How? Why??" He jumped out of the bed, but paused and looked back at you. You're still sleeping.

Jungkook shook his head, "I-I don't know! We were joking around- we- he, uh-" he began fumbling with his words. Yoongi rushed to the makne in alert, "Hey, okay, deep breaths." He instructed calmly - or well, as calmly as he could. He just woke up, for God's sake.

Jungkook followed his instructions wordlessly and released a final breath, "Sorry, I-I can't... think s-straight," he stammered more, confusing the elder, "You said you and Jimin were simply joking around," Yoongi decided to speak for him, picking out words Jungkook had managed to spill out. The latter nodded, "Then he collapsed?" He asked some more.

Jungkook nodded once again, trying to gather his thoughts. But they were jumbled up into a mess that even he was growing worried for himself. He swallowed, "Jin- uh. Jin hyung, he- uh, said... said that... um..., Jin hyung said- agh! I can't— I can't think straight!" He groaned, clutching at his head to somehow stop his running mind.

Another set of footsteps rushed to Yoongi and Jungkook. Taehyung's eyes were wide, "He's- he's saying things! It's like he's speaking, but not at the same time! I don't know what's happening!" He all but yelled.

At this point, the whole house was in a panicked frenzy. It wasn't long before a doorbell brought all the boys' attention (except Jimin ofc).

Hoseok was the one to pull it open, revealing a concerned group of 7 other men. They must've heard the commotion and jumped in to help. After seeing Hoseok's stress filled expression, the urge to help grew more. Hoseok left no time to explain and simply pulled the closest male in to show the situation itself.

"Jimin-ah! Snap out of it! What are you saying? This isn't a funny joke!" Namjoon's voice resonated. The boys had collectively and wordlessly agreed to prop the limp boy onto the couch.

"Oh my god, I can't bare this." Jungkook whimpered. It was admittedly a terrifying sight to see; Jimin, who was clearly unconscious after falling onto the tiled floor, had tears running to the side of his face as he laid on his back.

His mouth was left ajar ever so slightly and his voice every so often spoke a few words to create sentences. But since he spoke in such a murmuring tone, it was hard to identify what those words were.

However, the most they could figure out were the two phrases leaving his lips;
'Don't mess this up.' And 'No distractions.' The sound leaving his mouth was almost unfamiliar, which added to their fright. As if someone else had taken over his body and spoke. He was beginning to seem as if he would break out into a crying fit. But that was near impossible to comprehend considering he was undoubtedly unconscious.

Jungkook backed away from the scene with wide open eyes and quivering lips. He soon nearly jumped out of his skin when Yoongi placed a hand on one of his shoulders in a hasty manner and utterly concerned eyes.

Namjoon looked up from trying to wake up the blonde boy and widened his own eyes at the panic seemingly radiating off of the pale man.

"Y/N, she- she won't wake up." He breathily blurted out.

Mark's eyes hardened and he ushered the panicking male to lead him to you. Jin, Jungkook, Jaebeom and Yugeom followed right after them.

Yuju stood at the entrance, still. She nearly stumbled over her stationary legs at the sheer chaos emanating off of this penthouse. Noticing Yugeom being the last one running up the stairs, she quickly ran after that group, all the while giving a timid glance towards a tear-stained Jimin laying limply on the couch.


Jimin's breathing was laboured audibly and Namjoon grew apprehensive at his state. He was unconscious. Why was this happening to him? What caused this in the first place?

Taehyung bit down on his lip to suppress the urge to whimper out of fear for Jimin. Jimin was crying in his unconscious state, at this point. Sobs fell out of his lips and tears soaked the one pillow propping his head up.

Youngjae looked towards the kitchen and rushed in to rummage for a small glass and filled it with tap water before rushing back to sit beside Namjoon, who kneeled in front of the couch, on the floor to examine Jimin. Youngjae dipped the tip of his fingers into the water and sprinkled it over Jimin's face. A start to try and stir him awake.

Hoseok jumped up and rushed to grab a cloth. Any cloth at this point. Once finding it, he rushed back and plopped himself in front of Jimin's head and wiped his face dry. "What's wrong with him? He was just playing around with kook- then- then he collapsed!" Hoseok spurred out helplessly.

Youngjae shook his head, eyes holding sorrow as he held no explanation for Jimin's state. "He has nothing out of the ordinary. Other than the rapid beating of his heart - possibly the result of whatever stupor causing him to show so much emotion, he isn't holding any sort of injury that could lead him to unconsciousness in the first place." He explained before sighing, "Jimin must've been pulled into some sort of trance. I really don't know—-"

"-kill you if you say anything." Jimin's voice hoarsely resounded, startling the bunch surrounding him. Jackson frowned in worry and confusion, "What is he saying?" He mumbled, his eyes holding shock and wariness at his tone.

Taehyung's eyes flew wide at the large ounce of venom his tone held. Mixed in with his current, and visible emotion, it was a contrasting mix of fear and rage. He snapped out of his thoughts and noticed how Jimin tried to shrink into himself, "please...h-help." He whimpered out before returning to his, almost silent cries.

That voice sounded much higher in pitch than normal...

Namjoon grimaced visibly, "This is hard to watch." He weakly let out and diverted his gaze elsewhere to calm himself. Deep breaths following after.

Yugeom noticed the bipolarity presented within Jimin and glanced towards the staircase in a silent question to himself.

"Y/N isn't waking up, was it?" He asked, careful to keep his voice soft. Namjoon was growing anxious at Jimin's state and it was making him jumpy with every little movement Jimin managed to make within his unconscious mind. Hoseok took note of this as well, and decided to answer in a similar tone of voice, "Yes... it's daunting to know that right after finding Jiminie in this state." He blew out a shaky breath.

Jinyoung raised a brow, figuring out the slight connection Youngjae seemed to make.

Then a rushing of footsteps diverted their attention at Jungkook who stumbled down weakly from the stairs, trying his hardest not to trip over and fall, his face smeared with falling tears, "I- I can't— my mind- it won't-" he sucked in a breath, "My mind won't - won't slow down. I-I'm having a.. a hard time- hard... t—" he whimpered, trying his best to formulate a coherent sentence, as more tears blurred his vision, "—Time gathering my- my," another deep breath, "My thoughts." He finally let out a sob.

It was clear how much it was effecting the makne and Bambam rushed to comfort him with Hoseok, the latter already by his side and rubbing soothing circles to Jungkook's back. "I- I don't know- I can't— what- what's wrong with- with me?" Jungkook wept.


"Y/N, come on, wake up!"

Yoongi brushed a hand through his hair, stress eating him inside out at your lack of response. Shaking you, yelling for you to wake up, sprinkling water- None of it gave a hint of a result.

Jin cradled your limp form, checking your temperature, checking your pulse and even pressing his ears to your heart to make sure that you were there.

Not any hint of a fever, you're healthy and alive. The rising and falling of your chest a great reliever to the situation. To anyone, you just seemed to be slumbering away. This, everyone in the room had jointly agreed to.

Yuju was no expert to their roles as such mythical beings. You and the boys seemed just like any other soulmates she's seen. Poly-relationships had only just began to be a common sight within a group number of four or five. She's been watching the news. She knows that their secret was slowly unwinding from its little box and the public had began to divide themselves into two teams. One siding with them, and the other against them.

She was surprised, honestly. To put it bluntly, she expect very little numbers to side with them. The world was cruel, after all. Still, even though a large sum ended up siding with them, the public against their very existence still held a large gap over the other.

"She's moving." Jin gasped out, urging Yoongi to slide to your other side to see, to calm himself. "Oh my god," he breathed out, and tilted his head back right after, feeling his head spinning in circles at the intruding feeling of a growing migraine.

Your lips were twitched into a frown. Mark immediately noticed this after Jin's deflating figure pointed this out. He came closer and pressed his own hand over your forehead. Mark shook his head, feeling your head from your temple to your scalp, "It might just be the result of a bad dream, to be honest. There's no pounding feeling against her head. She doesn't seem to have any headaches." He briefed, pulling his hand away.

Jaebeom was deep in thought as the situation took place before him, "Do any of you know a possible reason behind this?" He asked, positive that you'll wake up soon. None of the bondeds gave off a shudder. That's an immediate give away that nothing bad was taking place. "No..." Jin sighed heavily, "It just.. happened." He stated but paused when his mind drifted between your situation and Jimin's.

"Jimin is awake!" A yell resounded from downstairs.

Heads snapped towards its direction and Jin gently placed you back onto the bed and slid of, "I'll be right back. This might be related to each other." Jin reasoned as he slipped passed the hurdled bodies in the bedroom.

Yoongi quickly pulled you into his own arms, watching you carefully. So far, that was the only indication for you to be close to waking up. But now that you've settled back into a blank expression, rid of any emotion, his hopes dimmed slightly. Why now?

Jaebeom pursed his lips, "I'll be with Jin." He excused himself and left as well.

Yuju took a step closer, halting in her approach when Yoongi's head snapped up to look at her. He heaved out a sigh and shifted slightly to give her room on the bed. She thanked him and took a seat at the edge of the bed and peered over at you.

Her eyes softened. It was as if you were taking a harmless nap in Yoongi's arms right now. But the frown painted on your lips fought against that thought. It was almost as if you had completely disconnected from your body and your soul was somewhere else, alive and breathing but in distress - as you physically portrayed.

"She'll wake up soon. I'm sure." She spoke softly, supplying the scared male in front of her a small smile of support. Yoongi attempted to smile back, but only managed one holding pain within his eyes making his smile seem more like a grimace.

He groaned, shutting his eyes closed. His migraine really hadn't thought of a better timing to show up. He was feeling an unusual amount of panic and the most prominent feeling of them all was fear. His eyes opened ever so slightly, a lone thought plaguing his mind; were these your emotions?

Yugeom poked his head in from the door, and slid in once the other acknowledged his presence. At first sight, he noticed Yoongi's pain stricken face and settled himself beside him. He noticed his hold around you tighten, your body heat playing as a relieving support for his distress at the moment.

Yugeom placed a hand on the pale man's shoulder, earning his attention, "It's okay. Lay her down on the bed, she isn't going anywhere." He spoke softly, noting how the male looked back at you and instantly loosened his grip, some more mild panic flashing through his dilated eyes for fear of causing you pain under his tight grip.

"She's fine. She's fine. You seem to be in pain. Let me help you for now. I'm sure you feel like shit," he joked, lightening the mood and Yoongi rolled his eyes, "No kidding. I'm just about ready to rip my head off." He gritted.

Mark also settled beside Yoongi, placing his palm to the back of his head and frowned, "Do you have a migraine?" He questioned, receiving a nod. Yugeom heaved out a breath, "Okay." Finally, the boy could be of some use.


"Why isn't he responding?" Taehyung asked, almost afraid to voice his question. Namjoon's jaw clenched, "I don't know!" He barked. Jin placed a hand on his shoulders, "Hey, hey. Take a deep breath." He instructed and Namjoon complied wordlessly.

It was true that Jimin had woken up. But not quite literally - this, they figured out when noticing how disconnected he seemed to reality. Jaebeom had helped Jin shift him to an upright position so he sat up, the couch holding him up and supporting his back.

His eyes were blank. The tears still fell and he still let sobs leave his lips. He didn't stare at anything in particular and barely blinked. His fists were balled up and his teeth were gritted.

Jin took in every detail and thought back to your state and frowned, "Is this Y/N?" He asked aloud and everyone froze.

"What?" Jungkook breathed out.

Jin straightened, "I just... I had a thought; Y/N seemed to be trapped in her mind. Jiminie collapsed just before Yoongi brought it to our notice." He shared his thoughts before taking in a deep breath, "I think Jimin and Y/N are sharing a dream." He stated.

A silence fell in the room, the only noise being provided from Jimin.

Jaebeom's eyes flew wide, "You might be right, Jin hyung." He agreed. Namjoon frowned visibly, "But how is that..." He trailed before his own eyes shot wide, "No, wait, you're right." He straightened.

Taehyung, who still tried to process this statement, held a dumbfounded look. Hoseok and Jungkook mirrored his expression.

Namjoon jumped to explain why it was so plausible, "Back at Got7's base, Y/N had a nightmare, remember?" He brought up. The others nodded, "A moment before that, Jimin was having a nightmare." He revealed and the three clueless boys' eyes sparked in realisation. "I know this because I was the one who comforted him." He mumbled.

( Chapter 56, near the end )

"So... Y/N is- she's experiencing th-this?" Jungkook's frown stretched further. Namjoon nodded, "Jimin must be showing her emotions." He pointed. "She's hurting?" Taehyung questioned, worry flooding his guts even more than before. Having to witness Jimin going through pain is hard enough. His soulmate too, to top it off? It was eating him alive.

Jaebeom shook his head, "I don't know... she's sound asleep, she wouldn't be 'hurting'..." he paused, "Wait.. actually," he piped in, a frown in display, "She might be." He stated. Jin turned to the male with furrowed brows. JB sighed, "Just before I left the bedroom, Yoongi seemed to gain a slight headache." He pointed towards the staircase.

Hoseok raised a brow, "Doesn't he feel Y/N's emotions?" He inquired and Jin nodded, "He does. At first look, he was showing so much panic with his movement. Maybe even fear." He added in. Namjoon agreed, "Didn't you see him when he came down? He was practically radiating panic." He stated. "But a headache?" Jin pointed out with a frown. Namjoon pursed his lips, "Maybe his ability includes feeling emotions...and isn't a headache - or migraine, for that matter - technically part of the emotional sense?" He inquired.

Jackson nodded, "I know chronic migraine typically forms because of one's emotional state." He inputed.

Taehyung bit at his lip, trying to find a way to wake you. He fell victim to his thoughts and droned out all noise surrounding him. If you wake up... maybe that's how jimin will wake up, too. He glanced around the room thoughtfully before his gaze finally fell on Jungkook and let out the biggest gasp. This brought everyone's attention to him.

"Jungkook!" He called out for the younger male, who sported wide eyes at having been put under the spotlight while holding a tinge of confusion. "You can read Y/N's thoughts right?" He asked for confirmation. Jungkook nodded, then gasped, "That's why- thats- oh my god," he groaned. Taehyung nodded, "That's it! Your ability has been spiking up today. You're probably still connected to her mind. Her mind must be conjuring up all sorts of thoughts, purely out of panic and fear - no wonder!" He exclaimed.

Namjoon processed this and stood up, "Are you capable of voicing your own thoughts to her? The same way you can hear hers?" He asked desperately. Jungkook darted his gaze between the two males but nodded nonetheless. He wanted to help out so desperately. But he couldn't think straight since this occurrence, he'd already began to beat himself about it and his frustration was displayed through sorrowful and desperate tears.

"Yes - yes, I-I can." He breathed out, finally finding something to put his mind into focus. 'Y/N. Y/N. Y/N.' He willed his mind to fill to the brim with thoughts of you and with a purposeful need to contact you, enter your mind, and communicate with you.

Hoseok pulled away his hands from comforting the makne, not wanting to distract him as he watched Jungkook's eyes shut closed, his face stoned into a look of determination.


Jungkook urged himself to succumb into his own mind. He felt himself disconnect with his own body and opened his eyes. Black. That's all he could see. Inky black - a blank sight.

'Please wake up, Y/N' He thought, feeling his thoughts disappear within his own and knew right then, that it had reached you. He gasped, an intruding wave of running thoughts plagued his mind; confusion. His heart throbbed achingly. Did you not recognise him? But he soon felt your thoughts wander to a topic he couldn't put a finger on.

No, no. You have to focus on his words! 'Y/N! It's me, Jungkook. Please you have to wake up!' He called for you desperately. He clutched at his head, feeling his mind race with a waterfall of words tumbling down. His mouth twitched into a relieved smile. You recognise him. Of course you do. How could you have not?

His body tensed, he felt your mind panic. What was going on? You were being shook? Yoongi must be a mess of emotions. You began to panic. Why were you panicking? He was right there. You just needed to connect back so he could properly talk to you. Urge you out of your own trap within your mind.

'Not yet. I can't go!'

His smile fell and his brows furrowed. You weren't exactly talking to him. Partially, if anything. Why not? Jungkook's frown only deepened when he felt one of your thoughts scream that you took back your words. What did you say?

Oh. No, he can't let this happen. You wanted to stay in for longer. You wanted to leave before, why not now?

'I was getting answers! My boys-
this involves my boys—

What? What did you hear? Where were you? His breath hitched as your thoughts shot through his own mind, a package filled with more confusion, asking of the source for a voice. Wondering, and wondering where you heard it from.

Jungkook realised he could read your thoughts more easily. You must be getting closer to consciousness. That's good. That's great!

You didn't want to leave, and that left Jungkook wondering to himself just why. Clearly, from all that he has seen, you were in pain and you were scared beyond belief. Why would you want to spend any second longer over there?

Yes, listen to the other voice. It is indeed all in your head, bun. Come back to reality. You're safer there. Jungkook choked back a scream. He felt terrified. What was happening? He couldn't reach you. Oh no, you were falling deeper into your mind. No. You can't. He won't let it happen. You felt muted, unable to speak. He realised that you couldn't scream in fear. Instead you had to hold it all in because nothing came out. He grimaced visibly, that's awful.

He urged his mind to think hard, hard for you to come back. To wake up. He stretched his hand out to the direction he felt your mind drift and took a firm grip.

'Come back to us! Please wake up!'

You won't have to experience such a thing. You'll be cradled, loved and cared. Just let yourself float back into consciousness. Don't fall deeper into your mind. He let out a breath he didn't know he held and he felt himself pull back to reality.

You're waking up! He did it!


Jungkook's eyes flew open and the first thing he did was rush upstairs. The others cried out for him in confusion.


You gasped, eyes shooting open and your body jerked up from your resting position. A number of gasps followed soon after you woke and your head spun around to see Yoongi holding your head to him with wide, worried eyes gazing back at you.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" He breathed out and pulled you into his trembling arms. You were still processing what had happened to you. You felt Jungkook's thoughts intrude into yours, urging you back. Yoongi must've been the one to shake you awake - you concluded as you didn't see the makne in the room.

Then, right after, the makne flew past the bodies and hugged you from behind, a breathy laugh leaving his lips, "You're awake!" He smiled, utterly relieved. You nodded wordlessly, glancing at the others gathered in the room; Yuju, Yugeom, Mark, Youngjae and Taehyung.

Taehyung. He had your shoulders under his grip and you realised that it was his desperate call that pulled you back into reality. He was the one shaking you so furiously, unwilling to give up and determined to wake you. You realised then that the shaking was Taehyung's doing and the soothing voice you heard within your mind was Yoongi verbalising for you to wake up. Packed in with Jungkook's effective mentally inclined calls, was all you needed to bring yourself back.

"Jimin is awake! He really is awake!" A loud call resounded from the first floor and you stiffened, "What-" your voice was hoarse. You cleared your throat and tried again, "What happened to Jimin?" You asked, eyes wandering about between the bodies present within the room.

Taehyung had gathered you onto his lap, rocking the two of you back and forth as he held you to his chest. The male glanced towards Jungkook, urging the younger to explain the situation, knowing fully well that his thoughts were solely his at the moment.

Jungkook's lips straightened into a line, then spoke, "He... fainted after you didn't wake up. We believe that he must've been experiencing the same dream you were, except... you barely responded and seemed locked in your mind. Jimin, on the other hand, even though he was unconscious, he seemed to express what you were feeling and couldn't on your own." He summarised and let out a breath. His head isn't racing like before.

You frowned, "Then that means..." you pulled away from Taehyung, who perked up instantaneously the moment you moved.

You felt terrible. Jimin had to go through that? Were you and him linked within one body? If so, it would explain why your body moved on its own account. You needed to see him. You were a mess before, so when Jungkook said that he portrayed your emotions when you physically couldn't, he must've been a wreck.

Yoongi pulled you out of your thoughts and gazed at you softly, "He'll be fine. You need to take a break from what had occurred no more than a minute ago." He urged, stopping you from jumping out of the bed and dashing downstairs to comfort Jimin. He could feel guilt eating within his guts and immediately linked it to you. You felt guilt for causing Jimin a roller coaster of emotions even though you clearly had no knowledge over it. Heck, you got locked into your mind so suddenly. You had no control over it.

"He's going to be resting and so are you." Yoongi pointed with a soft voice, though, still holding a stern tone.

"But I think we should avoid any sort of sleep at the moment. That one thing has caused more than you guys needed." Yuju joked, gazing at you warmly, "Do you like hot chocolate?" She asked. You nodded wordlessly and she stood up, clasping her hands together.

"Alrighty! I'll go make you one. Oh, what about you guys?" She turned to the three boys surrounding you. Jungkook's eyes sparkled and he bashfully asked for hot chocolate as well. Yoongi opted for his trusty energy drink: coffee, while Taehyung set his mind simply for a glass of water. Yuju happily complied and rushed out.

For now, they relax. Then, once everything's been settled and handled, it will be time to grasp the situation and talk through it to figure out what had just occurred.


and it's been just one day, that hasn't even gone past halfway- like if y'all really look into it, it's just passed lunch time. Lmaoooo the other half of the day is still yet to go

I really do suck with adjusting time within a chapter 😂😭
One time a chapter consists of a time scale within 2 days THEN there's one other chapter with half of the day in a 4k+ chapter WTH 💀💀

just one lol

Question time!
1) We have a certain few with an ability we've yet to know... who are they and what could their ability possibly be? 👀👀✨
—> so let me just help out with the most obvious abilities of some of the boys 🤡😘: Jungkook with mind reading(thoughts), Hoseok with perpective view, Yoongi with emotions.. to a certain extent, Taehyung with.. idk what to call it 🤠 gut feeling?? Vibe check (lmao irdk) then the.. ✨others✨
❣️Your Answer:

2) What should we name Taehyung's ability? 😭😭
—> 😭😭 it's not at all related to future predictions even though it's awfully similar 🙃 it's more closely foretelling to what's going to happen - hence leaving enough time for everyone else to address the information he gains randomly. Or is it random? 👀👀 NEWAY- Pls help give his ability a name ;-;
❣️Your Answer:


See you next week 🥰😘💕💕

~ Ada

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