Chapter 82

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"They're asleep?!" Jin whined out.

"But it's barely even 1 in the afternoon, they slept the whole night for a good ten hours! Ten!" He added with a groan. "How much sleep does one need?" He huffed some more.

Namjoon rolled his eyes from his spot on the couch "Crying is emotionally draining. At least, the one we had was. I would think you would take a nap, too. Suppressing your emotions is even more exhausting. Especially when you're holding back from crying." He opinionated. Jin scrunched his nose, "I think I've had plenty of sleep last night. I'd rather stay awake right now," Jin grumbled.

Namjoon shrugged, "Suit yourself." Then he recalled something, "Oh, by the way, The makne trio went to take a nap, too." He stated casually and Jin let out more groans.

"Where?" Is all Jin asked with a defeated sigh.

"In Hobi's room. He's sleeping, too." Namjoon grinned knowingly, turning to the eldest to see his reaction. Jin took in deep breaths, "They're just babies. I'll let them all sleep for no more than an hour." He finalised with a firm nod, then turned to an amused dimpled man.

Jin frowned, "What." He crossed his arms.

Namjoon simply cooed, "Nothing. It's just that your parental instincts are surfacing. It's cute how you take on a nurturing role for us." He shrugged again. Jin's ears took on a red color, "Whatever. It's just so they don't mess up their sleeping routine at night and stay up till three and become victims to the devil during its hour." Jin rambled and shot up from his seat and made his way to the kitchen, "of course, I'm cute." Jin then added from there, earning a chuckle from Namjoon who nodded, "Love the confidence, hyung." He smiled.

"What about you?" Jin then asked, fetching a glass of water for himself, before glancing at Namjoon who sported a look of confusion. "Why aren't you going to sleep, too?" He elaborated.

Namjoon paused, "Ironically, despite shedding plenty of tears for a day, I'm wide awake. Honestly, I feel more freshened and at ease, than anything." He admitted. Then he sported a fond smile towards Jin, "and I think it's about time you get taken care of."

Jin frowned in confusion, "What?" He asked, dumbfounded. Namjoon stood up from his spot on the couch and made his way into the kitchen—

"Aye- no, out of this kitchen." Jin swiftly motioned for him to leave but was ignored completely as the former simply rolled his eyes and took more steps in before standing right in front of the elder, who held an offended look for being ignored. Namjoon placed a hand to his shoulders and pulled him out of the kitchen before leading him towards the stairs.

"Wait, I'm not-"

"Shut up and let me take care of you, for once." Namjoon interjected. Jin gaped at the man behind him as he pushed him further up the stairs, "Yah, I'm more than capable of moving by myself."

Namjoon huffed, "Hyung!" He groaned, "Stop complaining about everything I do and let me take care of you!"

"Why are you acting like this? Oh, I get it. What did you break?"

"I didn't break anything! I'm just being caring for you!"

"Hmm, sus."

"No, it's not!"

"You're right. It's very sus."

Namjoon let go of Jin's shoulders in annoyance, receiving an appeased laugh from the elder, "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." He put up his hands in surrender. Namjoon only shook his head and placed his hand back at Jin's shoulders before continuing to lead the eldest to his own room.

"I'm really not tired, Joon." Jin tried but Namjoon shook his head again, "Then just lay down and play on your phone, or something. I'll get you a snack later." He said as he let go of the male, watching as Jin settled into his bed.

Jin smiled fondly at the dimpled man, "Thank you." He said, watching as Namjoon scratched the back of his neck bashfully, "I've been seeing this for a very long time now; you've always been the one to care for us and haven't given yourself much care in return. So... I'm taking care of you today." He explained softly, "Y-you're welcome." Namjoon mumbled and scurried out of the room, unable to look at Jin's soft eyes giving him undivided attention.

Chuckling, the eldest made himself comfortable at the head of the bed.

"My good looks are finally effecting him. Six more of those blindasses to go." Jin typed down into his phone's notes containing their names in a list, and proceeded to put a tick emoji beside Namjoon's name.

"I can only rely on Y/N when it comes to my handsomeness." He sighed dramatically to himself. Not even a moment after he set his phone aside, just as his head landed on his pillow, he went out like a light.


'I regret ever having the objective to unblind these dramatic and suddenly unblind twats.' Jin thought with a red face.

"What the hell is up with you all?" He covered his face.

"Ah, hyung! Don't cover your handsome face! You look super cool right now, and that says a lot when you just woke up." Taehyung grabbed Jin's hands and pulled it away to uncover his said, handsome face.

"Hell yeah! Kim Seokjin is worldwide handsome, true to his title!" Hoseok cheered out upon the sight of Jin's face being clear to see.

"Hyung, wake up. I've got you food- woah, what's going on here?" Namjoon's voice chimed in, in surprise after noticing the makne line and Hoseok all gathered in Jin's room.

Namjoon sighed, "Why are you guys bothering him, now?" He asked, clearly unimpressed. Jimin gasped, offended, "We aren't bothering him! We're smothering him with compliments and our platonic love!" He defended. Jungkook nodding along with a pout, "You said so yourself; we're going to take care of hyung!" He pointed.

Namjoon's eye twitched, noticing Jin's red face, "Well, then you're overwhelming him, right now. He clearly just woke up, give him some time to breathe." He deadpanned. "And I said that Jin hyung needs all the rest he needs for today so don't cause any trouble and keep him light on his feet once he is awake! You woke him up!" He pointed out.

Jungkook scrunched his nose, "Is the food only for Jin hyung?" He asked curiously. Namjoon paused before glancing down at his hands holding some light snacks, "Yeah. They're all for him." He specified in the end, noticing the hungry looks the younger ones suddenly displayed on their faces and pulled the food closer to him protectively.

Jin hollered, "No! It's all mine! Get lost!" He childishly yelled, before stretching his arms towards the food in Namjoon's hand who wordlessly made himself comfortable at the edge of the bed and handed the snacks over to Jin.

"I can get used to this." Jin smiled, clearly pleased.

Hoseok laughed, understanding his situation. Jungkook frowned, "You can't." He pointed out.

Jimin nodded immediately, agreeing with Jungkook, "I agree." Followed by Taehyung, "I think so, too."

Namjoon frowned, "Hey now, that's—"

"You can't stop caring for me!" Jimin hollered, catching the eldest off guard, "Why would I-"

"Jiminie's right! If you get used to this, then who'll take care of us like you do?" Taehyung joined, cutting of the eldest. Hoseok rolled his eyes, "You three- seriously." He chuckled, "We'll all take care of each other." He emphasised his words, instantly ending the upcoming whining party they would've induced.

"I thought we did that before, too." Namjoon said, confused. Jin gave him a pointed look, and Namjoon shook his head, "Except you, hyung. You don't give yourself time to relax. You have no say in this," he dismissed and watched Jin's splutter in protest. "No, I'm not sorry. The others agree with me." Namjoon added, leaving Jin no time to reply.

"Well, are the rest two still sleeping?" Jin asked instead, making Taehyung nod.

"I was gonna sneak back into Y/N's room but she wasn't there. Turns out she's with a sleeping beast, so I fled." The blueberry boy shrugged. Jimin perked up, "That's one thing I want to ask - how come he doesn't blow up when she's waking him up?" He pouted, "It's discrimination, clearly!" Jungkook inputed immediately.

Jin let out a snicker, "It's because you guys don't know how to wake someone up without being annoying pigs. Yelling 'wake up' or shaking him aggressively till he responds is not a pleasant way to start the day. And you know how much Yoongi treasures sleeping." Jin pointed. Taehyung pouted, "I don't shake him aggressively..." he mumbled.

Jin smirked, "I didn't exactly call your name out on that, Taehyung." He grinned widely as Taehyung froze, "Wait- no, but you were clearly talking about me and those two!" He stammered.

Namjoon stood up from the bed, "Well, I guess I'll go and wake them up. It's been nearly two hours." He murmured at the end and Jin gasped audibly, "I'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR TWO HOURS?!" He cried out.

Hoseok bit his lip from breaking out into a laugh, "We all have, to be honest. Y/N and Yoongi a bit longer, but that's obvious." He stated.

Jin groaned and pulled off the bed sheets covering him and stood up. "Where are you going?" Namjoon asked as the eldest huffed, "I think I've rested plenty. I need to cook us our lunch." He ruffled his hair into place as he headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. "At three in the afternoon?" Hoseok raised a brow while Jungkook shrugged, "Time is an illusion."

Namjoon stood still at his spot beside the bed, then shrugged, "Okay then. I'll see you guys at the living room." He left the room.

The makne line, all sported a pout and directed their eyes towards Hoseok, who stilled under their gaze before letting out a nervous laugh, "Ha ha, I'm gonna just... Nope!" He dodged the flailing arms of a whiny Taehyung before leaving the room in a rush.

The makne line or shared a bored look amongst each other, "We don't even have our video games." Jungkook groaned. After getting all the sleep their body required, all they wanted to do was spend all of their built up energy that was beginning to become hard to contain inside.

"Under different circumstances, I would've said that we should all head out to the mall or something but we can't. At least, not yet." Jimin sighed before ushering the younger two to follow him out of the room and towards the living room.


Namjoon pursed his lips; he did not think this through (for once) and stood stiffly at the open door leading into Yoongi's room, where he could clearly see you being held close to the latter. He sighed and dragged his feet inside before situating himself at the foot of the bed.

"Last time I woke them up, I got hit by hyung and Y/N gave me a boner." He deadpanned, talking to himself and thinking of different ways he could go about waking up you two from your precious sleep.

His gaze fell onto you - buried into the crook of Yoongi's neck.

Might as well get this over with.

He moved towards your side of the bed and sat himself at the edge before hovering his hand over your figure, "Why is this nerve wracking." He whined softly to himself.

"Fuck off, Joon."

Namjoon jumped in surprise at the deep, raspy voice of a half-awake Yoongi peering over your body to look at the taller male. "Jeez, hyung." He blew out a breath and held his fast-beating heart.

He turned back to Yoongi pulling you impossibly closer to his body and raised a questioning brow towards the younger, "Oh, uh it's been two hours... please wake up." He pleaded with a soft voice, being very careful with the volume of his voice and pausing the moment his voice became too loud as Yoongi's gaze sharpened threateningly.

"I swear I'm not here to- right, sorry, I'll whisper." Namjoon put his arms up defensively immediately when Yoongi narrowed his eyes when his voice raised ever so slightly. You're still sleeping and Yoongi will yeet him if he woke you up.

Nodding for him to continue, Namjoon grinned awkwardly, "Jin hyung's making lunch. Wake her up, too." He motioned towards your sleeping figure before dashing out of the room in a hurry to get out of Yoongi's view to avoid the glare he sported.

"Never again. What the hell was I thinking?" Namjoon shook his head and gave his head a light hit for being oblivious to the other boys' lack of protest or fight to wake them up. All he was thinking was getting to you and possibly experience an unusually clingy side of you that he's noticed you do when you're still sleepy. The only time you become merciless to their pain is when you get irritated for being woken up with noise or by being shook awake.

He sighed defeatedly and plopped back on the couch.

"Look who's alive!" Jin announced from the kitchen, earning a scowl from the subjected man.

"Whatever." Namjoon sulked.


You were in a land of paradise. Clearly. Although you began to stir slightly from your sleep, there was absolutely no doubt in the complete and utter comfort you were currently experiencing.


A distant voice called out. Was it for you? That, you had no clue about and could care less to find out. You were in ecstasy, and it was beyond your understanding just why you felt so serene and comfortable. You felt like your were being held so delicately. It felt so, so nice.

"Y/N, baby-"

The sound faded out of your mind, but you were sure that this time, it was you being called. You heard your name. At least that's what you think? You're not sure. But what was calling you? And why did it become so far away? It sounded soothing. You wanted to get closer. It was calling for you—



A completely distorted voice resounded loudly in your mind and you jumped in surprise. The once foggy and somewhat blank mind of yours suddenly began to build a setting.

Were you dreaming, now?

You looked around and then looked down, seeing your foot placed firmly over a solid ground. You weren't floating in the blank-y darkness anymore - it wasn't of any bother to your hazy and sleeping mind. You were simply slumbering dreamlessly.

It didn't seem so anymore. Whatever voice that was calling for you was nothing more than a mild, but utterly muffled out sound at the very back of your mind.

What's going on?

You felt yourself drift deeper into your mind. What were you looking for? Why are you looking in the first place? Your legs were moving, a steady jog keeping you at a stationary pace but you didn't move, you couldn't move. You were running on your spot.

"Ḑ̶̜̻̺̦͇̀́̈̄́̈̉o̸̡̰̝̺̩͔̰̗͖͍̜̅n̷͔͍̹͖̗͕̺̙̦̹̗̮̩̽͛̅̃͠ṯ̷̨̜͓̯̽̀̀͂̐̓́̀̋͠ ̴̨̢̟̝͕̺̮͚̝̩̗̳̜̆̎͜͝ͅm̸̛̹͍̘̬͙͈̞͇͓͍̭͍̍̈́́̆̿̕̕͜è̵͇̰̲̺͚̙͖̭̫̓̽̈́͛́͑̓͛̌͐͐͜s̴̛̩̬̼̙̻̺̝͕͈̼̺̻̍̇̎̅͘š̴̨̺͚͖̰͉̗͚̝̯͈̬̔͘͜͜͝ͅ ̷̡̡̛̮̘̯̗̜͖͙̲͉̟͙̊̊͌͂́̃̀̈́̾͝ͅt̴͕̜̦͙͇̰̱̀͛̈́̇̂̈́̾͌̽̏̅̒͋h̶̛̲̩́́͐̏̒͠i̸̡̢̛̺̼̻̘̲̯̤͍̦̔͗̿͐̀́̀̅̌͐̕ͅś̶̹͚̬͚̗̠̣̝́̈́ ̶̯̓͐̍̅̒͗͒͆̋͐͒̃̕͜u̸̱̐͐͋̎̊͋͒̎̅̃́̀͂́p̸̨̨̢̩͍̼̣̮̳̟͎̥̄̋̊͆͑͂͋̄͛͘͝.̵̢̧̢̮͔͇̻̻̯̎͜"

The voice startled you once more. What is it talking about? Why is it so, obnoxiously loud? Your ears rang eerily after the voice stopped. You tried to listen, you really did. But nothing seemed to make sense.

"N̶̬͙͚̋̊́͂̋̒̚̚o̶̪͎̯̰̱͛̋̆͐̿̒̍̃̄ ̷̤̠̪͓̞̜̃͋̈́̿͊̏͜d̶̡̨̢͓̜̟̠͖͉́̍̈́͐̈́̚͠ḯ̵̢̛̳̪͚͙̼̼̳͌̽̅̄͝s̵͖͍̩̋̔̐̉̄̋͛͛t̸̨̜̓͒͗̊̃̄̔̕͝ȑ̷̢̼͓̩̝̞̟͙̺̗͍͖̰ã̶̫͕̱̠͙̱͉̤̬̠̺͐̓ͅç̷̧̘̺̰̝̠̯̃̈̄͛̌̚͜ẗ̵̳̺̣̯̬̙̣͎͍̯̗́̀̈́͛̾̓̀i̸̠͉̤̹͆͑̏̒͑̑̎̓̄̑̊̑̚̚͝ͅo̸̙̾̏̊̃̈̄̉̀́̏̅͘̕͝ņ̸̙̜̳̪̠̲̻̅s̴̢̧̢̧̲̳̘̙̮̤̙͓̅̀̈́̆͜͜.̶̢͍̙̬̻̩͆͒͋̄̓̈́͝"

What? Why couldn't you tell what was being said? What is it saying? You opened your mouth, but nothing came out.

Stupid dream, stupid mind, stupid everything! You wanted the peaceful quiet back. You wanted to hear that soothing sound again. Or was it a voice? You couldn't remember.

Why isn't anything making sense? You were growing scared. Everything feels ominous and mystery driven. Why is everything so fragmented?

"I̸̢̡̨̧̡̧̳̻̺̳̬̩̻̥̠̱͇͖̺͉͕̬͖͍̯̝̫̰̫̞̥̯͕͒̾͆͌̀́̅̉͐͜ ̵̡̢̨̨̢̧̡̡͍͉̠̙̺̥̻̻̖̮̣̼̤͈̥͚̩̭̮̺̼̱̝̱͇͍͛̋̅͒͊̃̔̉̃̌̕͜ẅ̶̢͕͚̜̺̺̤̰̥͓͕͙̟́̾̇͑́͘͜ͅì̴̡̺͎͙͉̙̣͍̱͍̥̼̥̯̺̳̦̺̙̟̥̠̳̹̫̯̉̈̇͛̉̏̎̿ͅl̴̢̡̢̛͇̪̞̠̥͙̞̯̦̼̲͎͔̗̖̼̯͕͖͎͍̻̹̀̿͛͋̉ͅl̴̢͇̩̱̞͍̲͛ ̸̛̬̖̹̺̫̗̞͔͇̲̳͙͙̼͚̠͙͕͚͙̙͙͚̭̅͐̈́͐͗͐͗͐͛͑́̑̀̽͂̽̽̀͒́͊̉̄̌̑͗͗̚͘̚͝͝ḱ̷̡̢̧̡̢̧̛͍͍̥̰͓̘͙̗̮̼͕͕͎̮̮͕̮͔̝̜̫̰̰̞͈̭͙̠̻̮̠̟̦̼̩͓̳̘̭͉̤͓̖͂̇͗͛͐̏̎̐̓́̈́̽̑͆̌̋̌̈́̓̎͊̈́̃̄̿͐͒͐̂͂̄̃̆̂̈́̀̓͆̏̏̕͘̕̕͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅl̶̢̰̖̟͎͕̫̺̼̩͉̲͊̽́̑̆̓͗̔͐̓͆̃̑̂̌̆͆́̇̏̉̆̈́̚͜l̴̩͔͍̩̜̩̳̬̳͎̼̘̲͇̺͖͕̭͐̔͐̄͋̍͐͒͌̈́͂̍̚͘͜͝ͅͅͅ ̶̮̥̠̓̏͐̀̎͆̏̃͑̇͆̾́̌̆̇̐̕͘y̷̧̠̫͔̻͍̬̝̗͉͙̞͎̥̤͈̹̖̩̮̯̝̻͆͛͑̈́͑̉̒͜͝͠ǫ̷̙̜̩̼̖̗̻̩̗̟̣̞̒̍̾̈́̀̈́͐̈̐̊̂̓̈̉͘͝u̶̢̨̮̳̱̲͎̜̙̫̱̣̟̎̀̆̆̋͛͒̀͆̄̾̈͘̕ ̷̛̛̮̣͚̮͊̉͛̑̈̿̌̄͒̏̈́̃͑̒͛͑͐͆̕̕̚i̶͈̫͚͋́̅̐̋͐͘͝͝f̴̧̧̡̘̮͎̮̬̺̗̪̠̥͔̖̮̻̟͚͚̫̯̼̼͈̗̮̫̮͖͐̓̓͒̈́̀̃̍̌̐̆͐́͑̌͑̂̌̓̄̂̕̕͘̕͜͝͝͝ͅ ̵̛̠͖̗͇͙̼̭̫̘̺̭͙̬͑̈́͗͂̔̂̑͘͠͝ͅy̴̡̰̩̮̙̘̽̇͗̎̌̓͒̑̃̓̇̑̐̆̈́̓͗̀͠ǫ̵̢̧̧̡̢̣̲̦͔̗̝̯̫̻̝̺̺̻̹͎̱̘̮̝͕̭̱͚͚͉͈̰͉̟̮́̃͗́̅͐͊́̓́̓́̒́̓͛̈́́̊̋̔̿̚͘̚͠͝u̷̢̹̓̅̆̒͐̇̓̒͝ ̶̬͂̔̈́̓͒̆̈̑̀̾͐̈́̅͌̌̎̎̀͝s̵̛̘̝͚̬̳͓̬̱̟̻̬̦͕͍̰̙͓̣̏̾̌͛̎̿͗͂̉͒̔̃̽̐̾͆̍͂̍͊̂̈́̽̌̀͋̅̈͒͛͘̚̚͘͠ä̶̧͈̗̣̫̦̘̤͉̱̫̟͖͖̻̐͊̍͒̃͒̈̇̉̈̆̆̊͒͂̀͊̊̓̊͒̂͛͗̀̽̀̆̀̽̔̋͗́̕͝ͅŷ̴̡̨̡̛̫̦̜̼̝̘̥̺̠͖̥͈̥̯̹̱͙̻͙͉̌̉̓͑̃͑̋̀͋̀̑̈́̇͗̈́͊́̐̒͊̋̆̇͂́̔̾̒̀̒̈́͐̕̕͝͝͠.̷̡̢̢̡̗̦͈̗͍̰̤͇̘̞̯̟̗̤̺̹͚͚͓̫̤͖̫̣̠̤̍̔̌̈̍͐̈͂͋̃̇̄̕ͅ.̷̡̨̛͓͓͕̝͎̼͈̯̣͈̺̥̭͔͙̯̙̥̤̲̖͔͉̞͌̉̂̊̂̅̓̂̏̏͒̾̆̄͒̃̂̎̃͜.̵̢̛̫͈̥͓̗̼̬̘̣̤̗͕̦͖͈̱̖̗̔̆̔̓̇͆́̂̆̕͝"

Huh? What's happening? The booming voice is fading.

"Í̵̼͙̱̻̼̖̰͂́͛̇̍̆̾̈̓̈̀͆͆͊͊͌̎͘̕͝ Í̵̼͙̱̻̼̖̰͂́͛̇̍̆̾̈̓̈̀͆͆͊͊͌̎͘̕͝ ̵̢̢̨̢̡̨̪̲̜̪̲̟̹̪̘͕͕̲̟̣͓͙̠̣̫̦̪̖̫̦͚̻̩͖̪̫̥̺͈̝͈͈̠͎̜̭̙̲̗͖̱̹͇̝̥͈̙͙̜̞̩̝̟͔̦̆̂̊͂̇̂̇̉̔̈͊̇͒̕͘͜͜͜͠W̸̧̧̡̛̛̛̛̛̗͓͖͎̺͓̮̰͚̻̹͚͓͖̹̖̪̉̑̉͌̽̊̒̓͛̈́͐̍̔͐̅̾̀̔́̑̐͌̎̉̌͐̈͆̎̉̽̐̉̃̔̃̉̈́͊̎̃̋̈́̉̈́͊͘̚͝͝ͅÏ̷̡̡̝͓̰̬͕̳̰̦͓͇͍͕̤͔̱̮̜̆̒̒͂̊͑̈͐͑̈́̿̀̉̌̈́̓͛̉̆͛̇͌̚͜͝͝͠Ḽ̸̨̢̨͚̟͚̲̘̪͍̙̬̻͕͚̳̺̫̿́̔͛̽̏͆̉̆̉̏̓̌̎̇͋̃̿̏̍̿̎̍͊͆̑̈́̈́̈́́̐̑̚̕͘͜͝L̴̢̡̛͔͕̟̯͍͔̯̐͋̽̀̓͛͛̊̾̃̒̔͛̄́̃̓̏͒̊̎̋͛̀͂͆̿͂̃̔̚͘͝͝ ̴̧̨̨̨̢̳̭͇̣̥͓͖̟̹̭͚͇̱̺̜̗̣̬̟̯͎̝̝̻̺̣͈̯͕͉͙͉̬̜̠͚̮̬̮̬̭̖͎̲͕̰͔̬̞͎̗̲͓̤̤͋̂̽̍̇̓̓̓̇͌̂̂̈́̇̋̎͂́̈͊̓̔̄̊̅͛͊̾̄̈́͛͌͘̕̕̕͘͜͠͝͠͝͝Ț̸̛̛̪͉̻̗͌̈́̀̄̎̀̀͒̀͋͗̅̇̈́̄́̎̀̇̓̂̀̃͗͂͘̕̚͘͝͝͠͝͝A̶̢̢̨̡̨̨̡̛̦̤̭͔͖͍̹̩̻̼̠͙̼̯̗͇̮̬̝̳̱̖͓͇͎͙͚̫͎̱̞͇̬͔̬̝̼͔̣̠͙̺̱̝̞͇̲̘̞̣͚̻͇̤̪͇̲̻͚͖̲̙͇̜̠͊͂̑̈̀͐̾̄͑͆͆̇̿̅̊̀̔͌͛̈́́̈́̉̉͊̔̉̉̀̒̽́͆̐̂͊̽̀̇̉̄̈́̆̾̀̓̍͑̊͛͗̄͐̂͆̓̕̚̚͜͜͜͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅK̴̨̨̧̨̡̡̡̰̮̮͓͖̙̙̖͔͍̟͚̻̩̪̟̲͚̘̜̙͚͓̼̪͎̹̥͖͇̯̩̹͔͈̟͕̘̱̗͍̳̞͇͓̯̖̼̮̩̱̱̖͍̭̣̘̣̼͐̅́̿̃́͑̽̈̀̌̋͊͌̇̇̒̄͗̓̆͊̆̎̀̈́͋̒̍̽̏͂̇̉̋̚͝͝͝ͅͅĘ̵̢̧̛͔̻͕̘̪̮̮̰̣̜̤̜̟̪̯͖̣̜̭̰̞̩͓̙̹̥̯͓̯͕͙͇̳̻͕̦̠͖̟͖̲̟͙̞̬̺̮̦̼͌̅͌́̄̀̅́̔͑̀̌̃̊̿̀̈́̎͐̂̊́̀̾̉͛̂̂͌̔͒͋̎̈̉͐̈́̂̔̀̈̕͘͜͜͝͠͝͝ ̵̢̧̧̢̨̧̨̢̛͕͖̭̻̠̺̦͉̹̯̺̜̼͕͕͎̘̮̥̤̲̞̮̭̞̞̭͖͙͚̠̯͓͙̞̺̗̠̠̯̲͕̼̯̦̱̻̹̘̯̬̼̼͔̼͉̜̱͖̹͚̣̼́̅͑̉̈́͆͐͆̀̿͘T̶̨̨̧̡̢̨̢̪͉͍̜̖̬͉͓͉̜̺͕̥͖̰͙̞͚̮̮̞̞̹̫̻̗̫̥͎̰̗̹̟̗̱͔̦̯̝̺͙̫̠̮̤͖̺̲̘̹͈̮͈͋͜ͅͅḨ̷̧͇̪͓͚͙͓̖̱̫͇̲̻͙̳̳̥̤̙͇̝̥̰̹̮̖̯̠̠̪̜̬̀̽̆͜Ę̶̨̧̨̛̹̣̠̯̱̹͖̻͓̱̙̹̙͚̻̖̜̮͈̝́́́̍͌̒͆̓̆͊̇̇̓̌͐̅͐͆̆̍̄̎͊̀̓̈́̂̂̃̎̃͑͊̑̊̐͘͝M̶̧̛̟͎̙̩̘̩̗̫͕̀̎̔̅̒̆̽͋͆̃͊̒̾̆̂͒͂̊̌̀͑̋̏̒͆̌̑͋̓̈́́̉́̏̋̿̈͗̍̒͑̃̈̉͆͗͛̇̒̕͘̕͝͠͠

You tried to scream out of fear to tell this voice to stop when it yelled, but nothing came out. Your mouth was held ajar, your throat was vibrating with your cry for help. Why couldn't you hear yourself? What is this? This is scaring you to the core. It's not a dream. You were clearly awake. You had to be. How else could you possibly figure that out? Were you lucid dreaming? No... A nightmare? Why were you seeing a nightmare? It's freaking you out. You felt terribly uncomfortable.

̸̢̨̨̛͕̝͉̤̯̗̝̗̠͓͈̞̣̪͓̯̯̝͔̺͈̃̐̔̊͋́̃̑͑̐̒̈́̉͋̑͆͛͌̿̔̅̇̔̆͛̓͒͗͐͆̈́̂̂̓̌̍̀̎̽̽̔̀͘̚͘̚͝͝͝͝Į̸̢̧̡̢̧̡̢̡̧̧̛̛̱͎̹̱̫̤̩̦̜̝̙̗̯̞̙̲͕̭̹̞̻̩̳̟͕̱̻̳̠̬̹͙̬̳̣͓̪̞͔͕̺̞͉̖͈̤̯͙̥̖̩͙͚̪̞͖̲̝̘̺͇̜͍̤̭͖̫̻̣̘̀͗̈́͌̅̈́̅̾̍̊̑̀́̇̐̌͋̎̏́͒͑̇̑͌̌́̾͊̈́̑̍́̇̀̎̋̅͂̊͊̿̀͑̍̓́̈͐͐͑͊͒̓̓̎̀͛̇̄̎̓̈́̿̄̄̈́̊̆͌͊̋̇̐̑̐̐̕̚̕̚͘̚͘͜͜͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅ ̶̨̡̢̧̧̛̛̠͇̼̣̩̯̞̬̯̣͖̳̼̮͓͇̬̪̪̭̥͓̪̺̼̤̻̰̖̙̰̩̖͉̤͉̳̣̟̝̞̗̪͈̺͙͈̀̊͂̏̍͆̓͂̾͆́̎̇͌͒̂̊̑͒̄̈͒̈́̈́͂͗̈̏̇̉̿̑͑́̌͋̂͌͊̈́͐̐́͛͛̿̈̇̀̅̿͆͑̿̈̐̈́̎̄̀̃̄͋́́͘̚̕̕͝͠͝͝ͅͅW̶̡̧̧̧̛̛̛̛̼̩̮̥͙̠̝͍̥̱͔̘̗̞͎̳̺̺̭̩͎̤̱̳̫͖̟̱͈̺̫̜̬̼̐̍̌̏́̄̃̈́͐́͗͂̆̊̽̎̒͐̅̓́̆́́̔̓̈́̃̃̇̈́̒͊́́̇̏̈̿̅͌̃͗̽̂̾̔͗̑͒͐̎̿̓͑̿̔̊̿͂̽̑̔̊̽̓̄̊̒̿̌͛̈́́̾͂̄̇̐̃̽͗̆͐̔̑̀̽̄̅́̎̚̚͘͘̚̕̕͘̚͘͝͠͠͠͝͝͝ͅI̵̢̲͔̬̖̘̙̠͈͈̬̓̇́̅̃̓̈́̄͐̃͑̌̂̈L̴̨̨̼͉̝͇̝̲̯̼̻̱̖̃̾͑̎͛̑̀̅̇̊̍̽͒̓͌̌̽͌͌̈́̄̓͛̉͋͌̐̐͑̃͋̈́͐͒͗͒̓͘̚̕̕͘͜͜͠͝͠͝͠Ḻ̷̡̢̡̨̢̛̺̹̼̥͔͖̩͙̙͍̘̖͎̭̼̗͇̬̮͓͇̝̩͉̙̳͈̥̬̜̠͊͐̈́̇͑̾̓̎͗̒̉͜͝͠ͅͅ ̷̡̡̡̡̧̡̨̛̛̛͈̦͚͈̫͕̗̠̭͈̪͓͍̤̙̝͍̲̻͕̭͖̖̝͉͇͇̳̣̙̳̺̣̟̭͎͓̺̟͍̞͚̘͔͕̦̮͎̦̪͖͚̥̭̭̦̩̥̞͚̞̪̰̭̠̟͔̙̫̮̱̤͙̺̯̪̰̝̯̫̫̙͉̦̼̫͚̺̂̉͋̑̀̀̂͐̍͐̈̆̉̑̽̅̿̆̈́̈́̅̔͋̄̈́͆̋͗̄̌̈͒͋͛̈́͂̂̐̊̈́̒͑̊̽̔̓͗̇̒͊̅͗̆̌̇̓͐͛̽̚͘̚̕̕̚͘͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͠ͅT̷̡̧̧̢̨̢̡̧̨̛̘̠̗͙̫̯̗͓͕͎͕̟͖̻͔̼̱̘̮̙̼̼̪̱̦̥̻̻͙͈̗̬̜͓͙̪͚̮̬̭̝͈̼̣̞̼̻̺̺̯͚̘̞̠͇̳̜͕̯̞̟͚̜̱̉̈́̌̾̿̽̑̋̉͂̊̋̇̽̎̾̇̿̊̊̈́́́͌̓͂̅̉̈̚͘̚̚͜͜͜͝͠͝ͅÁ̵̢̡̨̡̛̛̝͇͍̫̟̭̼̙̞͈̫̪͇̜̖̼͓͖̝͈̙̦͉̼͖̩͕̙̮̪̭̘͇̣̭̳͉̗̮̲͓̙̀̓͆́̂̑̅̔͂́̓̌̓͑̒̒̉̆́̓̏̿̇́͋͋͋̐́̂̾̈́̓̏̂̆͒̍̑̽̀̋̀͗́͗́͗͑̈́̈̽̂̓̄̅̄̍͐̍̑̓̌̅́̍̾̽̓͗̋̃̀̐̑̾̒̈́́̊̏̈̈̾͑̓̽̚̚̕͘̕̕̕̚͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅK̴̨̧̢̦̟͓͔̹̳̙̜̻͍̲̳̬͙̰̙̮̰̖͔͙̫̼̠̝͎͍̰̠̗̟̱̗̥͛̑̐́͆́̇͐̓͊͋̈́̄̀͊̉͊̊̇͌̂͗̀͌̇̋͆̾͒̒͘̕͘͜͜͝͠͝Ę̴̧̧̢̛̘͚̪̻̩͓̼̙̗̘̼͚̩̱͖̬̳̗̻͚̭̣̝̘̩͓̦̰̹̭̗̫̝̼͔̯̻͇͙̝͍̫̾͋̌̇͜ͅͅ ̸̢̨̛̛̺̬̠̹͖̤̳̯͇̹͍͍͉̻̘̠͔̫̻̝̫̹̬͚͕̹̖̲̼̠͉̻̱͔̣̤̻̟̪̲̖̪͖͙͎̬̭̘̗̯͍͕̭̥̬͊̃̉̏̈̓͆̏̈́̇̃̓͊̒̌͗̈̌̎̋̈̈́̈́̈̄̇̌̓̎̌̄̈̇͊̀̋͒̄̈́̒̀̽͂͗͒̏͊́̋̑͐̀̾̓͒͑͗̓̽̒̎̀̔́̽͐̆͒̈́̈́́͛͂̿̏͋͐̌̈̀̿̋͋͊̐̿̓̆́̒̋̀͋̊͋͗̊̽͘̕̚͘̚͘̕͘͘͜͜͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅH̵̛̟͖͇̻̠̤͉̝̭̠̮̣̙̼̻̖̘͂̋̆̈̊̒̃̊́̍͗͒̕͠ͅE̵̢̧̧̢̢̨̨̨̧̨̛͚̖͈̠͕͖̳̫̳̙̤̟̜̰͉̦̩̣̼͈͇͓̞̻̮̲̟͕̤̦̹̮̦̟̘̝̱̝̩͔̗̗͖̦̞̘͚̝̜̝̦̤̯͎̺͙̗̦̝̱̫͖̞̤̳̮̝͓͖̖̪͔̟̳͎͙̰̫̩͉̠̠̮͕̥̗̝͇̮̬͇̫̪͓̣̰͕̠̣̣̖͓͂̀̇̽̆̈́̏̎̽̿̈́͐̓̇͗͆̈́́̐͆̆͛̍̏͛̇͐̈̑̀̅͋͘͘͘͘̚͝ͅͅͅR̶̢̢̧̨̡̡̡̢̧̡̨̧̡̨̛͕̹̥͖̱͉̙̫͙̮̪̠̪͍͔͇͎͓̘̠͔͉̦͓͙͚̲̗̜̮̦̟͕͉̗̯̯͉̫̩̼̼̦͇̞͙̞̞̳͔̖̯̬̞̥̟̻̼̺̗̞̰͍̙͍̝̯̮̠̳̘̫͖̩̖̫̯͓̦̟͓̘̝̼͕̭͈̼͗͋̊̀̀͌̍̉͂͌̅̐̂͂͐͋̐́̂̂̀̅̃̔̿͋͐́̿̈́͋͑̎̑̇̑̋̒̐̾̐̄͆͆͐̔̓͐́̐̌̐̈́͐̈͛̎͊͒͂͛̑̈́̎͂͛͑̓̎͐̌͌̀̇̊͋́̒͒̅́̀̕͘̕̚̕̚͜͜͜͠͠͠͝ͅͅ"


No, stop. This is getting worse. The voice is getting increasingly louder. Your ears will bleed at this point. You have to get out.

How do you get out? Is there an exit? You spun your head around, searching, and searching, and searching. You felt out of breath. Why were you out of breath?

Oh. You're running away from the voice. You're moving. Where are you going? is there an exit your body was leading you towards? You felt urgency build up within you. What's the hurry? Why is everything so strange? What was the voice talking about? Was it about you? 'Her' you finally heard your own voice within your head. Her? Who's her? Was that you? Are you in danger?

No, no. You couldn't be. Absolutely not. You can't. You need time. You only just began to relax. Why now?

"T̴̨̨̯͚̟͇͖͚͎̙͕̭̖̮̤̩̫͔̩̦̾̌̀͛͂͜ḩ̶̡͍̟̖͈͇͐̈́͋͆̄̍̔ê̸̡̫̬͗̐̎́͆̏̌̄̈́͐̔̀̉͐̒̊̍͌̆͛̾̓̑̕̚̕͜͝y̷̧̮̲͔̥̥͉̫̭̠̳̫̟̿͊̎̏͐̉̐̋͊̍̚͘͜͝͝ ̷̧̡̨̧̹͙̱̭͕̬͎͉͍͉̯̞͍͉̣̝̩͎̗̖̓́̎̀͊͒̔̓̈́̈́̈́͒̈́͑́́̇̐͐̓͐̈͘͜͝͠c̸͎͍̬̦̞̈́͌̓̋̽̓̕͠͝ą̶͖͇͈͇͓̗̺̙̫̤͉̝̣̮̤̓̉̇̓̈́͐̃̈́̑̂͂͑̈́̒̂̽̿̇̏̍̊̋̏́̅͂̕̚͜n̶̨̡̨̡̧̛̺̬̠̖̩̞̭̯̣͙̠̭͓̜̻̠̮͇̯̣͈̈́̆̽̽̐̇̉̒̓͊̇̽̉͜͠͝͝'̶̧̨̛̖̻͕̯̥̖͚̖̈́̉̃̈́̈́̅͒̕ṫ̴̛̺͔͉̦̠̦̺͚̙̩͖͍̦͉͔̝̮̱̺̔́̅̅͐̓͆̚͝ ̸̛̛̳̉̈́̑͊͆͛͂̂̆̅̓̀̋̀̔̆͂̂͌͒̋͐͘̕͝h̴̛̘̦̝̞̼͓͖͔̘̱̥̥̾̿̍̒̽̋̄̍̉̋̐́͜i̸̥͙̣̗̓͗̈́̇̽̓̒͂̈́͐̽̊́̈̽̍̊̄̚̕̚͝͝d̵̦͉͈͈͒́̐̔̍̆̐̅̊̑̂̇̔̊̍̒̍́̿̚̕̚͝͝é̷̛̯͇͖͔̱̪̲̱͎̙̪̆̚ ̸͎͙̭͎̗̥̫̣̽̍̈́͝f̶̧̡̢̨̫̙̭̯͎̱͇̻̹̞͚̞͓͎̥͗̑̏͜͜͜ͅỡ̴̡͕̤̟̞̭̥͎̻̂͊̊͒̇̑̿͒͗̋̋̈́̾̈̈̾͗̑̕͘͝r̴̢̢̡̧̛̥͎͇̱̲̪̩͍̖̱͇̬͕̬͚͇̫̪̺̜̉̇́͑̂͋̔̏̒̊͆͂͑̆͌̓́̆̿̅̕̕͜͠ͅ ̷̥̿̿͋̃̈́̐͘͝͝͠l̵̡̧̖͙̥̗͇̹̥͚̪̮͔̬̫̩̭̦͇̬͙̜̺̐͌̆̍̈̏͆̕ͅo̵͙̝̹̝̹̗̐͛͌̚͠ń̸̢̞̹͓͚̜̳̣͎͚̅͊̓̀̑̀̏̒̉̃͗̇̔̾̈́́͊̂̐͐͋̋̓͜͠ḡ̵̢͎̩̘̗̥͓͈̘̰͉͖̜̞̿͋̍̀̋̀͝͠͠."

You held your head in despair. 'Go away! Stop screaming! Stop it all!' You shut your eyes closed. You couldn't see anything, anyway.

"I̷̧̡̢̡̙͙̼̙͙̯͙̜͉̗̯͔͖̮̲̱̹̤̩̖͖̘̦͘͠ͅ ̷͙̝̱͒̓̀̀̋́̀̓̋̍k̸̛̞̩̂̏́͑̇̊̒̐̊͗͛̀̈́͌̎̈̈̀́̕͝n̶̢̧̢̧̠̰͉̫͇̙̬͙̪͇̯̮̟͙̲̰͆́̈́̆̄͗̈̈́̋̓̿̕ͅo̷̮̮͎͔̰̱̰͌̅̎̂̂̌̈́̄̀̕͠ẅ̶̨̧̢̢̛͍̼͎͖͓͈̝͚͓̮̥̖́̕ ̶̳̼͙͙̖̝̻͙̣͕̤̓̒͛̃̏̄̉̽̂̉͋́͘͜w̶̢̨̧͔̼̭̲̬͈̜͓̬̣̟͙͖̫̰̱̱̲̖̎̏̈́̀̿̾̅͒͊̂̓̇͐̇̍͊̉̚ḩ̷̢̡̢͍̘͉̝̪̲̩̩̺̯̼̪̱͎͓̪̠̤͇̭̀̓͑̍͂̅̾̃ǫ̶̢̧̮̞̜͚̫̳̺͙̪̗̗̯̬͎͍͚̳͉͓͖̬̯͉͎͖͋̌͗͌͑̕͝ ̴̢̛͓̠͓̼̦̼̣̤̬̭̰̟͇͔̤͚̲̝̪̯̻̙̻̣͕͛̃̇̄͑͌̓̅̈́̈́̉͘͝ͅͅṯ̴̟̄͒̍̆̇̒̎̆͒́͂͆̀̌̒͐̇̂̚͘͠͠͝ḥ̴̝̙̳̟̤̙̞̫͓̗̜̺̮̼̹̣̞̞̍͂̍e̸̗͕̲̭̭͍͖̺̤̝̠͇̙̲͖̣̭͈̩͙͈̱̱̫̻͊̇͊͗͑̆͛̍͗̆̈́͐͒͊̿̈́͛͝ͅŷ̷̨̛͈̙̞̳̼̲̹̭̳̇̈́͌̎̎̇͋͌͌͛̓̍̄̌̃̈́̕̕͜͠ ̶̫͕̟͙̣̪̭̮͈͔̘̖̉̄̋͗͑̽̑̀̌̓̀̈́͝͝ͅą̸̢̺̩̟͙̫̣̻̩̗̹̞͔̣͔̦̖͖̰̬̰̖̞̺͎͑̋̇̂̀̔̆̐̾͒̊̿͐̃͋̈̌́̐͑̿̾̾̅́̕̚͜͜r̶̢̨̡̻͔͇͉̝̳̺̮͙̬̹̜̘͙̦͖̠̎̿͛̉̏͂͗̓͂͌̃̑͗̔̕̚͜͠͝͠e̴͎̪͉̹͇͂̿̆̀͆́͗̃̈́͋̂̋̚̕.̴̛̬͎̟̜͉̲̺̣̓̃̓͑̔͐̍̋̇͊͜͝"

What is it saying? You were feeling utterly mortified. That must've indicated something. It can't be good. 'They...' you heard yourself. Did you repeat something it said? Why didn't you hear it first-hand? What's going on? Who is they? Why does everything feel so distant? A malicious noise intruded your mind. It vibrated and echoed throughout the expanse of this world. It continued to follow by in a patterned fashion; a voice, fading in and out and back in, in an explosive rythme.

Was that... laughing? Why is it laughing? It sounds so, very evil. It screamed evil. Why are you here? You don't like it here. You have to leave.
Why can't you leave?

̸̧̡̢̡̛̛͙̟̺͎̗̝̘͇̥̩̪̻̲̰͚̜̬͍͙̙̰̘̙̤̥̱̲͉͕͇͚̱͓͈̮̭̱̘̮̺̣̳̜͒̿̊̎̉͌̔̈́̆̓̄̽̽͑͆̿̇̓͂̐̌͌̐̑͋͊́̒͑̎͘̚̕̚͘͠ͅͅ. "

It's so loud. You cowered on your spot. You tried to wrap your arms around yourself. You can't feel anything. Just a burning warmth covering your body. But you can't see anything.


You jerked up, whimpering in fear. What was it now? Something's here. What is it? Do you really want to find out? You slowly turned from your spot and froze.

A spotlight. Someone. There's someone there. Who is that? Is it a girl? No.. a boy? Why couldn't you tell?

You stepped forward but you didn't shift from your spot. Why is this happening to you? You can't move. Why can't you move? You looked away from the spotlight. Was there something else here? No, nothing. Just a blank darkness. This is getting frustrating.


You jumped out of your skin and tore your eyes away from the inky darkness and back towards the lone spotlight. You could here them. But why are the words so jumbled up together? It's hard to tell what they're saying. Their back faced you. You could clearly see them move animatedly. They're talking. Who are they talking to? Is the other person in front of them? Why was your mind not working?

"T̴̨̫͐́̇̋͐̃͊̉͝a̷̡̢̞͎̜̜͍̮̜̜̥̯͑̓̎̾̃̿̋̂͛̑̈͠k̷̘̭̹͑̅͋ë̸͍̞̝́͠͝ ̸̧̫͈̗̖͙͙̭̍̈́̐̋͒̃̈́̕͜͝͠͝͝ͅͅh̸̨̨̖̳̺͇̍̿̄̔͑͐̚̚͜͠͝ͅi̶̡̛̳̰͉͉̮̭̾̾͆̏͜s̴̥͎͚̖̜͈̙̝͇͈̪̉̽̂̂̊ ̴̤̤̱̮̠̐͂͗̋̍̇̾̕͜p̴̡̝͔̺̠̲̻͎̼͎̐ͅl̸̯̜̔̈́͂̌̉̌̂̋̋͐͝a̶̡̞̹͕̩͇̼͉͚̗͛͐̽̀̚̕ͅͅc̵͈̙̺̭͇͑̑̿e̴̢̮̱̼̥̞͚̝̣̞̜̽̕͘͝ͅ.̷̛̠̉̒̋̊͊͋̒͆͘͘͠"

'Take his place?' Your eyes widened. You didn't understand a thing they said. But your mind repeated it's words. Take who's place? The questions kept piling up.

"Ţ̸̧̡̧̢̡̡̢̧̡̛̛̭̗̦̬̤̮̣̟̹̱̜̮̩͙̫̮͇͖̣̬͎̬͔̤̗̞͍̮̻̰͓̞͇͇̩͍̖̜͓͖̤̹͓͇̣̮̪̝̮̻̜̗̟̲͍͓̺͓̘̹͕̤̰̫̺̮̗̺͙̮̹͕̖͕̪̱̘̠̖̬̌͛̈́̃̋̓̿͒̎̾̀͒̌͋̽̀̉͒̂͛̋͋̒̉͂͗͊͂̀̂̀͋̌̑̀̓̈̈́̎̿̉͂͋͗̾̈́́͐̓̈́̓̽̽͊̀̐̌̾̒̾̔̀͒̓̈͑̀̎̄̈́̏̏͆̉̾͆̊̎̅̌͌̉͌̿͌̐͗͂̍͗̌̂̐̈́̏̇̽̋̋̇̏̑̔͑͋̑̀̆̔̓̂̏͗̇̚̕̚̕͘̚̕͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅḩ̴̨̡̡̧̨̨̡̨̨̧̡̧̛̛͚̤̮̘͎̼̟̭̠̝̣̱͉̮͖̱̺̝̞͇̫͖̙̣̳̣̜̫̲̳̝̮̠̺̘͍̙͍͈͖̤̣̜̻̘̗̱͕̹̙̺̮͇͈̜̺͎̮̖̫͚̭̖̰̫̼̫̙̼̜̺͍͓̹̠̤͉̼̯͔̘̣̗̻͔̩̦̬̗̟̘̺̞̰̬̟̥̫̮̣͈̱͎̲̗͔̖̟̪͙̻̺͈͓͈̼͂̓̇̏̄͛̈͑̓̓̓̇͌̂̋̂̅͋̀̄̆̍̔̃́̀̂̅͐̇̿̚͘̚̕̕͜͝͠͠͝͠ͅę̶̨̡̡̨̡̨̧̛̗̼̭͔̳̫̘̯̩̟̞͓͍̖͙̲̩̞̖̦̻͇̟͇̲͔͔̙̠̱̝͎̤̙̠̱̪̤͉̙͔̩̮̻͈͚̰̘͚̬̱̲͉̲͚̼̜̯̬̳͉̉̏̒̔̔̉̆̅̔̀̀͑̈́̾̀͌͊̎̓͛͌̃̋̎̐̒͊͆̉̉̓̅̓̋́̋̊̀͒͗̾̎̊̎̾̏̈͐̌̾̾̂̈́̌͐̉̑́̓̅̉̔̌̑͐̃̅͐͑̇́̿̌̄̓̉̏̿̈́͊̒͊́̔͛̍̏̓͂̂͗̃̀̈́͐͐́̾̊̈́̈́̍̏̓̿̑̕̕̕̕͘̕͘͘̕̚͘͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅ ̶̧̢̡̢̧̧̡̢̨̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̳͖̼̯͇̣̹̘͓̝͖̥̣̤̩͉̣͍̤̭͈̮̯̜̯̣̫̦͈͔̭̩̦̘̭̟̻͙̫̯̦͎̪̦̳̙̹̰̲͈̖̼̯͔͓̩̭̮͍̣̟͚͖̮̗̞̠̠͍̺̹͚̹̱͔̯̝̯͔̖̻̌̌̉̃̓̿̄͂̽̉͒̀̈́͐̈́̅͊̌̋̀̏́̇̐͌̏̓̋̂̈̒̋̊̂̓̍̾̃̈́̆͒̒̌̈̾͛̈́̀̍̌̅͗̑̽͋̇͐̒̊̃̀̾̿̎̄̓̉̃̅̓̂̔̐͊͋̀͐̀͒̑͛̒̈́̿̈͊͐̂̎̐̎͌̚̕͘̚͘̕͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͠ͅͅB̵̢̢̢̡̢̨̡̨̢̧̡̡̬̞̪̮̜̠͙̩̱̖̗͔̝͇͈͓̼̜̲̘̺͉̫͚̫͚̯̩͙̬̞͎̲̤͈͈͔͔̻̪̭̮̭̠̰̗̯̻̫̪̙̠̺̻͔̞̱͖̱̳͙̻̪̜͕͕̞͙̲̝̯̞̥͉̠̝͉̗̬̹͎̼͙̩̱̺̲̜̼͉̒̀̋͑̂̑̂͂͂̔̏̅̓͌͗͑̏̀̔̈̿̌̿̔̓̈̉́̈̓̑̆̃͐̂̀̓̎̏͑̈́̉̿̋͘̚̕̕̕͜͜͜͝͝͠͝ͅơ̴̡̧̨̡̡̢̡̧̢̨̨̛̛̦̰̱͍͉̥̠̖̣̱̭͇̲̼͔̻͖͍̭̬̰̻͚̫͕̥̱̪͇͎̹̭̳͇̥͚̝̻͎̺̪̝̞̥͖̺̲̳̺̟̪̱̲͖͔͓̙͎̼̭̖͎̣̰̬̲̣͉̜͍̖͎̪͓̞̠͓̼̗͇̙̻͕̔͋̇̑͐͋̑͛̒̏̔̉̄͂̊͊̔̏̋̎͗͗̉̎̔͒̉͒̉͌̂̀̾̅͊̏̋̉͗͂͐́̐̄͊͆̊͒̃̇́͋͊͐̊̈́̑̓̎͆͒͐͆̂̽̄̊̀͂́̍͛̓̽̄̄̉̀̾̀̎̑̃̅̓̍̿͛̒̏̇͗̈́́͋̆͑͊͒͋͑͂̐̑̀̔̂̇̀͗̑̄̽͂̐̐̔̏͆̀̐̑̆̔̓́̃͋̾̊̈́̅̓̂̌͛̽͒̽̐̚̕̚̚̚͘̕̕̚̚̕̚̚͜͜͜͝͠͠͝͠͝͝d̷̛̛̫͎͇̬̮̙̭͖̩̩͓̩͉̠̭̰̝̀̉̃̂̆͊̈̋̂̍̂̐̂̉̀̑̃̓̋̑̎͊̉͗́͛̓͋̊͛̍̀̅̐̆̌̒̈̅͑̆̽̐̂͆̂͗̐̌̒͑̄̓͋͒̿͑̾̿̇̿͋̈́̿͛̿̀͊̃̅͋̈́͒̑̐̎͘̚̕͜͝͝͝͝͝ę̵̨̡̨̨̧̢̨̨̡̨̻͍̼̟̼̲̭̜̼̹̜̱̟͇̖̺̮̝̣͙̘̘̣͇̻̮͇̼̤͙̮̣͉̙͚̮͖͓̖̦̞̲̲̪̬͓̙̭͈͇̠̥̟̬̜̻̖̹͉̪̳̪̺̞̖̻̹̺͚̩̬̳̪͇̠̺͕̞̬͓̯̭̰͙̫͍̹͇͔̱̦̅̈́̔̇̾͒̿͛̀̍̄̀̌̉̏̈͑̌̆̓͗̓̔͊̎̐̚̕͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅd̸̢̨͔̼̦̱̳̗̟͔̖͙̬͍͍̝͇̗̮̠̗̮̤̠̖̣͉̺̮͗͂̓̂̈́̏̾͑͠ͅs̴̨̨̧̢̛̗̞̲̭͇̭̗̱̹̬̞̗̲̰̝̳̖̤͕̦̺͈̹͙͖̯͎͈̝̜̻͉̱͚̬̹͑̆͂͐̃́́̀̒͋̑͋̍͂̉̂͋̃͐́̀̌͂̂͐͂́̈́͒̄̃̂̒͂̀̇̔̍̏̇̉̽̑̃̓̒͆̇̋̐̉̋̈́̓͊̒͋̈́͊̽̊̈̌̉̈̇̏͆̍̈́̋̍͆̆̔̉̐̆̏̀̾͛͐̽̈́̓͋́̌̍̎̑̄̒͒̎͘̚̚̕̕̕͜͝͠͠ ̶̨̨̧̨̳̺̹̦͎̬͍̹̪̜̼͔͕͙̥͓͚̝̯͙̦̫̰̣͕̳̻̜͕̻͔̥̗͖̲͈̤͚̥̝̰̳͚͔̟̘̳̘͔̬̮͇̯̖̯̬͙̯͕͔͖̪̥̳͔̯͎̩̖̐̈́̔͑̅̅̆͌̓̈̆̾͋̄́͊̃͊͗̅͛͗͊͊̎̇͐̍̓̔̎̌͆̽̒̌̑̍͂͊̇͛͑́̊͑͋̒̔̑͋̏͋̔̀͗͛̚̚̚̕̕̕̕̕͝͠͠͝ȧ̵̡̡̨̧̧̨̨̛̛̦͖̤͚̼͓̘̝̼̺͖̪̖͙̫̳̼̖̖͇͉͇̹̬̹̱̘̮͇̜͇̯̩̯͎̺͖͎͉̤͔͕̜̝̣̬͚̠͇̠̙̦̟̔̄͑̑̎̾̈́͗̐́̒̇͐̄̋͌̂́̿̏͆̿̃̇̿̆̏̐̾̽͂̒́͑͗͂̇͌͆͐͂̍͑̏̿̅̄̃̇̎̔̑̈̈́̈́̊̀̈́̿̓͆̾̑̊̌͊̏͛̇̆̐̓̈́͗͋̽͆͂̐̋͌́̂̋͌̎́͆͒̆̚͘̚̚̕͘̕̕͜͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝ṙ̸̡̧̢̡̨̨̢̡̨̡̧̢̛̛̛̺̝͖̦̱̲̱̫̰̰̣̭̞̞̜̘͍̰̳͎͚̤̦͎̱̦̱̦͙͇̩̟̩͔̥̬̻͓̠̳̭̙͔̻̳̭̟̭̤̹̞̬̖͔̘͚͖̤̹͕̲̺̫͉͖̬̞̬̩̘̠̹̣̼̩̗̣̣̖̝̘̖̤̤̠͍̫̯̠͈̮̝̳͓̗͖͎̭͎̰̥̤̠̈́̿̔̄̇̊͌̆̾̃̓̐̒͒͒̓̃̃̈́͋̇̉͋̐̓͂̑̉̈̎̓͆̉́̀͗͆͂̒͑͋́̿͗̄̾̓̎͋͐͊̅̔̈́̀̏̈́̑̈́̑͑̋͊̅̊̇̅̾̔͊̏̑̎̄̎̒̇̂͗̀̋̇̍̽̈́̃̔̀̀̑̍̀̾͌̓̀̓́̇͌͘̚͘͘͘̚̚͘̕̕̕͘͜͜͠͠͠͝ͅę̶̡̨̨̧̢̢̛̜͚̭̞͉̗̲̤̙̻̦̥̝̹̻̤̺͔͖̘͎̺̻͇͔̟̠̗͙̹̙͚̟̻̭̩̜͙̮̟̘̞̦̻͚͓͇̾̉͗́͒̓͆͂͛͐̋̊̉͆̾̿͌̇̀̊̾͛̍͒̉͊̈́̅̔̏̑́̊̑͒͒͌̍̀͒̽͆̾͂̄̔̊͑͋̒̆͆̍̃͋͆̈́̋̎̏͘̚̕͜͜͠͠ͅ ̸̡̡̧̢̢̨̧̨̨̨̛̺͖̳͓̠̥̱̟̹̣̼̪̲͔̳̠̻̬̼̥͕̲̦̼͚̭̝̱̹͔͖̻͈̦̠͙͖͚̤̱̬̞̳̹̻̰̫͇̥̥̪̰̬̼̥͇̼̖͙͓͓̥̹̣̬̼͋̔̒͛̿̈́̿̏͂̆͑̐̃̒͐̊͝͝B̵̧̡̨̡̧̫̝̘͕͖̩̻͉̠̭̩̥̮̰͓͎̤̘͖͍̭̗͙̱̥̼̜̜̺̻̬̲̜̖͓̫̜͔̗͍̜͇͎̜̤̯̘͓̰̲̗̱̱̳̗̳̭̬̫̲̲̥̻̟̲̭͈̥̲͙̋͂̀̒̌̉̐͘͠ͅͅT̵̢̧̨̧̨̡͔͕̳͙̲̪̞̮͔̭̟̱͕̦͖̼̥͍̠̜̪̱̲͖̞̳̗̘̘̗̺̮̻̟͉̯̻̩̩̻̣̭̼͓̱̣͇̯̰̱̹̻͚̫̻̬̍̎̑̾͂̾͐̅̋̂̐͊̊̔͊̀̈́͐̀̈̔̏͂͆̎͆̈͒̀̍̽̓̈̐̿̃̇̌́͒̈̋̑̓̆̓̅̕̚̚̚͘͜͜͝ͅͅS̷̢̡̢̨̧̧̢̢̹͖͇̙̫͇̺͓̠̳̙̙͈̟̳̲̖̫͖̘̩͎͍̻̺̤̲̹͍̘̝̦͍̫̠̲̺̭̼̠̬̦̤̟̙̯͔̳͚̳̯̯̮̥̬̲̘̤̖̹̼̬͈͙̱͋̆̋͂̏́͌̈́̇̋̓̍̓͌͂̐̈͗͋̐̽̏̐̄͑͛̏̉̾̓̆͗͋́̓̇͋̃̂̉̍̇̈́͘͘̕̕͝͝͝ͅͅ.̵̢̨̨̧̧̢̨̡̢̨̢̛̛̛̛̛̮̹͎͕̟̭͔̙̟͖͇̜͇̲̜̮̖̩͉͕̥͔̰̣͙̪̞̟̗̱̘̫̬̱̰͖̝̩̰͇͉̖̠̝͙̺͉̳̰̙̗̖̥̰̯̤̮͇̗͚̩̘̱̺͉͖̩̯̬̝͔̘͕̦̮̪̘̰̣̫̝̦̲̲̙͚͕͓̗͈͉͙̻̙̺̲̼̺̪̙͇͉̼̫̣̫̼͙͒͆́̑̓͗͂̎̅̊̽́̑͌̎̓̆̍̎̄̾͊̑̂̅̅̇͛̀͐͒̾̔̇͛̅̾̐̇͌̌̈́͊̐̂͊̏͊̀̿̉̊̉̀̓̎̐̏̋̓̓̏̃̐̍͆̽̈̽̈́́̎̾̐̀̌̒̀̈́̐̂̂͘͘̚͘͘̚͘̚͜͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅ"

'Bondeds. BTS.' You gasped - is that what they're saying? Your boys—

'Please wake up, Y/N'

You stumbled onto your knees, everything is shaking. A thundering cackle resonated following the shake. What is going on? You need answers! Why were your boys mentioned twice? Wait... You heard someone. You heard a voice. It was so clear, so very clear. Who was it? Who is—-

'Y/N! It's me, Jungkook.
Please you have to wake up!'

The place shook once again. This time more aggressively. Jungkook. Of course. How couldn't you tell? Another earthquaking shake had you place your hands firmly on the ground to hold your ground and keep yourself more steady. You realised that you were being shook. Shook? Were you being shook awake? No, no. Not yet. You take back your words. You must stay! You were getting answers! As terrifying as it was, and as painful as it was that your head was pounding, this involved your boys!

"R̴̢̧̢̨̨̢̢̧̨̨̧̢̠̭̜͔̝̲̞͍̲̖̣̙̟̯̰͉̮̖̞̳̲̯̻̠̥̟̹̭̜͓̖̪̘̰̜̬̻͇̼̯͕͙̳̝͇̮͍̳͉̤̠̞͍̩͈͔̱̠͉̞̩̼̺̰͚͓̮̬͙̫̤͔̼̯̺̫̝̥͕͙̝̬̦͖̭̤̼̜̲̦͈̱̝̰̞̳͖̤̞̲̠̭̭̘̤͆͗̔̍̄̾̄̒́̅̇́̔͑̀̍̚̕͘̚̚͜͜͜͜ͅͅͅ ̶̢̡̡̢̢̡̡̧̨̡̛̛̛͓̺̗̣͍̘̣̫͕̣̥̭͉͙̩͍̣̬̼͙̭̭̮͉̳͇̝͔̫̟̼̼͓͎̠̱̺̳͙̮̣̘̬͈͎̼͇̭̺͖̻̖̺͈̻̲̞̱̖͇̻̝̥̹̰̱̠̠̼̜͙̱͔̪͎̺̲͇͓̫̜͇̙͙̥̼̫̲̪̬̭̮̺̟̝͚̩̰̘͈̱͕̻̗͚̼̟̜̻͚͕̲͓̭̫̘̺̘͖̟̫͙̣̺͔́̐̄̌͌̎̄͂̀̾̿̑͆̏̏͂͂̂̀͑́͌̇͗̒͊̌̓̆̓͂́̌́͋̀̓͒̐̀̒͌̀̿͌͒́͂̀̍̈́̌̈́͛̎̐̒̽̀́͋̾̈́̌̎̈́̄͂͑̈́͑̓̀̆̈̐͌̈́͐̀̏̉́̏̃̒͘͘̕̕̕̕̚͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅ ̶̨̧̧̨̢̧̢̡̢̢̛͕͖̹̺̠̠̹̥̖͔̭͙͕̹̞͚̹̯͍͉̻̲̬̮͙̝̩̩̪̥̙̰̗͖̙͕̙͚̤̝͇̫̰̪͓̣̼̤̱̜̪̣̜̭̰̪̖͔̖̙̞̲̯̹͎̬̫̣̣͇̗͖͚͕͙͕̼͓͈̻̘̲̱͈̺̖͍͍̗̜͓̙̺̗̗̂̓̓̈́̈̅̀̔͛̂̅̀̋̓̂̈̓́̐̐͐͌̋̌͗́̉͆͂͐̈́́̿̓͑̊̾̓̃̌͐͊͐́̓͘͘͘͜͝͝ͅͅͅV̴̢̖̼̫͈̻̺͎̺̖͚͉̻̫͆͂̑́͆͋̚ͅ ̴̨̨̧̢̨̢̨̨̢̡̧̧̨̡̛̛̛͓̬͓̹͉͚̠̮͓͎̫͔̝̞̠͎̗̤̪͕̫̝̪͕̳̬̙̜͍͎͙̯͚̖̜̱̱̩̻̖̱̖̫̤̯̼͕̹͕̬̬̝̗̠͙͕̜̝̭̼̳̻̪̜̲̝̙̗̠̬̮̦̗̹̣̪̙̯̫̫̩̬̪͕̩̠̭̲̰͉̬͍̤̲̬̭̲͚̞͙̭͍̳͉̮̫̗̞̬̜̞̺̜̤̰͙͓̜́̑̿̈͊͌̾̋̓̑̀͑́̿̍͆̽̃̔̾͊̆̍̔̀̉͆̾́̀̔̅̆̾͆́̿͛͑̒̇͐̓̏̀̓̉͊̉͛̔̉́̽̈̌̿͗̂̎̇̏̐̽̀̔́̈́̏̽̔͛̒̂̈̀̍͐͐͂̋̏̿̾̒̏́̈̂́̍͐͆͆̊̄̒́̈̎̓̓͂́̈͒̀̍̈̔͊̊̏̌̆̆͗̈̿̈́̕͘̚̕̕͘̚̚̚̚͜͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅÈ̴̦̗̜̌͂̊̆͑́̐͒̈́̾͌̓̆̋̿̿̈́̓̾̂̅͊̑͑͗́̂̓̔́͐̓̎̈́̒́̀͗́͌̅͐͐̄̎̋͂͂͆̈̈̽̈́̀̀̔̔̈́͋̔͂̐̀̋̐̀̂̈́̓̇̚͘̕̚̚͘̚͝͝͝͝͠͠ ̵̨̨̧̡̡̢̡̧̧̛̛̛̛̪̹̳͖͈̱͙̙̤̺̪͙̹̝̼̮̺͈̟̯̯͇͉̦̲̰̪̩̦̱͍͖̱͈͓̣̬͖̻̗͔̜̳̥͎̣̼̳̭͉̙͙̬̯̞̞̰͍͔̻̟͇͔͕͖́͗̎͊̉̋̆̌͑͌̓̇́̂̒̅́́̽͋͒̓̀̆̾͋̑̿͛̂͋̃̐̾͛̽̀̉̓̐̅͋̔͗̈́̓̏̔̐̂̅̅͋͋͂͐̈́̓̍͑̈́́̈͊͆͑̀͌͋̀́̒͋̽̈͗̎̽̂̒̎̉͊͛͒͒̈̑̓̌̀̈͗͆̌͒͛͛̆͒̓͐̊̌̓̀̉̉̉̕͘͘͘̚̚̚̕̕͜͝͝͠͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅA̷̢̨̢̢̨̨̨̨̡̛̛̛̛͙̹̺̩̖͎̞̘̘͙͔̖̩̜̹̗̠̭͖̫̣̹̝̰̯͉̞̺̻̰͓̣̹͕̻͙̞̠̪̹̝͖̱̝̘̘̠͖̟̰̞̺̥͈͚̻̹͔̹͓̜̲̰͙͔̭̦̳͉̙̪͚̳̪̭̤̩̻̬͇̣͖̣̮̱͔̥̪̜̪͉̲̘͖̖̳̤͚̼̰̮̻̫͖͇̥̗̪̪͐͐́͑̏̓͂͛̆̓͌͐̑͛̾͋̿̀͋̅͐̓̓͊̄͌͆́̃͒̋̾͒͂͐̇̀̏̅̀̀̆̀̏̍̋̾͆̎̿̀͋͂̃̿̾́̊͆͗͊̓̆̑̉̿͊̽̋̏̎̽̄͌͊̈́̏̄̄̀̇̓̅̈̒̊̈́̉́̏̀͑̎̏́̓̽̔̈́͗̊́͆̔̏̌̃͋̌́̑̇̈́̔́̀̅̀̕̕͘̕̕̕̚͜͜͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅ ̵̨̨̧̢̛̛̱̼̞̻̫̹͈̤̟̯̻̤̯͎̹͍̱̻̹̬̟̭͍̬͗̐̈́͆̍͋͑̏͛̄̃͊͐̀͛͂̒̽̐̅͑̇͌̆̋̑̇̂̍̽̿͐͆̀̏͐̏͛̇̆̈́͂͋̀̎͛̇͐̓͋̿͛͂̃͆̈̂̿̓̈́̀͆̃̏́̎͐̑͊̃̓͊̅̓̅̈́̐̋̿͛̉̿̿̌̈́̋͆̋͌͐̀͊̐̏́͗̀̑̏͑͐̅̽̽̓͗̔͋͊̍̀̀̀̆͂̽̂̄̎́̄̀́̐̌͘͘͘̚̕͘̕̚̚̚̚͘͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅL̷̡̧̨̢̢̨̛̛͍͎̩̺̖͈̫̩̹̪̩̩̜͉̱̖̰͍̟͎͔̤͇͎͉͎̺͍͎̩͙̣̟̖͎͎̝̲̤̩͙̺̱̖͈̺͉̬̳͙̭͎͉̠̻̤̙̰͉̩̣̻̭̩̳̪̱͎͕̪͓̻̗̹̬̝͎̝͚̦̭̟̫̗̥̪͈̯̪̤̗̣̝̹̻̞̞̬̥͔̱̗̲͈͎͎̫͍̼̖̭̻̙͉̤̦͚̪͎̮̭͔̘̭̣̞̟̰͙̤̼̣͐̃͆̄̓͆̓̏̑͛͒̍͊̈͆̀̒̈́̄̎̅̄̊̇̄͂̉̈̃̌̓̎̈́͒͑̍̆̈́̾̈̎͆͛͂̃͂͆͗́̎̈̇̇̀̍͆̌̐́͆̈́̅̍̆̅̎̎͗̄̏͛͂̅̑̃̒̈́̄̅͛̈́̿̋̏̓̌̽̂̊́͆̓̎̇̈́́̄̎̀͆̏̿̃̌͐̓́͛̂̎̍͋͂̃̌͐̚̚̚͘͘̕͘͘̚̕͘͘̚̚͜͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅ"

The person's voice thundered loudly. Your eyes shut painfully. That was the loudest one yet. And it hurt your head a lot more than it should've. You felt your ears pop. No, wait. Mind, stupid mind, what did it say? What did it say?!



Your breath hitched. That sounded awfully familiar. Why can't you tell what it is? Wait, your mind spoke. What did it say? The other sound blocked it out. You felt yourself being pulled.

No! No! You can't go, now! You had to find out what all this meant!

"This is all in your head!"

You felt the ground beneath you disappear. Oh god, you were falling. Your breath was laboured, you couldn't breathe. You need to breath. Your stomach felt twisted. Your throat felt clogged, you couldn't scream. You felt like crying. You couldn't scream. You keep falling. When will this end?


'Come back to us!
Please, wake up!'

You jerked back up with extreme force. All the oxygen in your lungs fell out and your mouth fell open. A silent, muted scream fell out of your mouth. You couldn't hear anything anymore. Your emotions were going haywire.

"Į̴̨̡̨̧̣̪͔̩̲̻̪̞̺͓̝͔̙͈̬͕̭̖̤̺̥̫̹̺̠̭̘̣̪̼̱̹͕̭͓̳̙̣͎͎̻͖̞͇̘͇̦͕͖̜̈́̀̐̎̐͑̄͂̀͊́͆̇̓͆͛͛̂̽͐̒̽͂̌̕̚̚͜͜͠ͅͅͅͅ ̸̧̨̢̥̥̹̳̘͖̹͍͓̩̹̥̝̫͚͈͓͓̩̥̹͇̪̱͓͖̊͋͊̓͌͌̂͒͋̂͐́̍͆̀͌͒̍͒̀̃̂͌͋̎̔̀̽̍̅̔́͒̎̃̈̈́̏͌͆̈́̉̀̌̒̊̍̐̌̕̚̚̚̕̚͜͝͝͝͝ͅẀ̶̧̡̢̛̛̛̯̭̙̺̯̥͕̬͈̭̼̝̙̝̫̫̪̰̲̱̖͉̘̙̺̹̘̝͈̩̫̿́̋͑̉̄̈́̏̐̉̒̾̓̐̿͛̆̈́̈́̈́̍̂̀̃̓͋̑̓̍̅̐̀͑̏͑́̐̂̈́̒̾̍̀̐͒̈́̀̓͒̀̽̓͂̈́̂͐͆̔̐̎̂̽̏̋̋̀͘̕̚͘͘͠͝A̶̛͉̝̜̝̖̩̪̥̳̪͎̮̬͙̬͍̽̔̈̔́̇̎́́̏̽̉̐͋̄N̵̡̛̥̪̤̺̟̪̥̰͎̲̰̻̬̉̃́͌͌͑̈̔̓͒̿̑͑̿͊͑̔̂́̃̆̾̆͐͛̐̋̇̓͆͂͗̐̓̂͘͘͠͠T̶̡͙̠̬̹̙̝̭̳͓̘̳̙͚̬̪͎̥̪̱̩̹̟̭͙͎͉̾̒͜͝ ̵̨̢̛̛̘̲̳̺̼̱̠̲̱̳̠̘͍̹̗̳̤̬͎̳̼̺͚͕̦̬̱͖̲̞̗̺͙̹͂̈́͋͋̇̑̂̽̑̒͂̒̽̔͗́̀͑͑̈̌͊͌͘͝ͅT̴̡̧̡̢̢̰̰̙̣͇͙̫̫͙͓̟̝̤͉̫̘̣͈͉̳͈̦̫̩͓̞͓̬͎̰̱͎̣̹̫̬̖̪͙̩̣̭͇̯͍̱̬͉͚̱̣͇̗͉͍̟̯̫̆̌̒̂̽̃̊̆̒̿̂̓͊̾́͂͝ͅḨ̵̩͎̦̯͛̂͆͐̆̆̋̆̏̃̈́̌̍̓̆̀̈́͌̅̃̎̈́̃̽̑̈́̔͛̉͗̈́̈͑͆̈́͂̽̓̇͋̐̊͌͒̌̀̏͑́̈́̎̾̅̓̽͗̈́̈́̋́̚͠͠͝͝͝E̸̡̛̯̥͚̝͇̘̤͇̙͓̗̲̖̼͌̀̅́͋̏̀̍̓̏̈̑͗̄͐̀̌́̒̚͜͝͝͠ͅM̷̡̧̨̧̛̛̤̦̼̖͈̬̜͉̭̻̖̺͔̖͙̠͍͚̳͍̟̪̥͉̖̫̫͕̙̣͔̘̟͙̦̫̙͈̘̟̦͓̣̰̞̭͕͖̲̤̳̘̘͇̖̠͚̌̇̑̉̾͒̆͋̎̈́͊́̿̊̊̀́͌͛̃̉͆̀̿̆̂̒́̇̈̏̓̓̄̄̉̃̈̐͂̎̈́̔̽̋̓̍͊̍̌͌̈̃́̀́̂̀̏͐̆̀̾͘̚͠ ̷̧̛̛̛̣̯̩͎͔̥̥̟̙̙̜̙̰̘͉̤͗̆̈́̈́̃͂̇̇͊̽̈́̌͒́͑̿͆̈͆̾̿̒̈͐̾̏͗̀̓̽̈́̈́́̂̈́̿͑̄͒̓̀̀̑̽̆̓́̇̂͐̔̇̈̄̈́͛̒̾̒͒͊̇̂̀͆͊̈́̕͘͘͘̕͘͠͝͝͝͝Á̸̡̡̢̡̛̖̯̮̞̺̖̺̤͍̲̲͎̩̹̲̦͇̦̗̻̪͕̬̣͕̪̫̲̥̻͌̀̌͋̌́̌́͊͌̄̂̾̔̀͛͑̋̔̏̇̔͂̅̒̅͐̈́̓́̒͋̚͝͝͠͝ͅL̶̡̢̢̛̝̠̫̦̲͇̳͚̦̦̗͇̤̯̞͉͎̫͖̲͖̤̞̫͕̭̑̈̓̀̽̄̍̚͜͝L̶̛͕̘̖̞̯̲̭͉̜̳̮̟̯̫̬͚̺̝͙̝͈͙̭͚̪̜͕͚̪͕̙͈͂͆͑͂̍̂͊̍̅̈̾̅̑͗̀̄̌̾͗͑͆̓̌́̌̒̔̒͊̽͛̂̉́̈͊̊̓̌̿̓̌̒̑͗͐͒̐͌̈́̊͋̐͂̀͂̏͆̑͛̅̿̒̀̓͒̄̕͘̚͘̚͜͜͝͠!̵̨̧̧̢̧̭͖͖̻̤͍̺͍̹̬̣͉̯̩͎̲̤͈̪͍̻͓̫̦͉̲̲͚̘̘̺̞̦̒ͅ"

Your eyes clamped shut.


Oh boy. 😘

What a wonderful ending to a chapter teehee~

This chapter is PRETTYYY long than compared to my previous chapters lol. But then again, the recent chapter before this update is the longest one yet. Still will be for a while.

You know what that means? I'm far from a writers block and am writing chapter after chapter. Proud to say that I'm at least 6 chapters ahead of this one ;)) so all I can say Is I hope you look forward to it 🥰💕

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day or night or get a good night's sleep! 🥺💕💕✨

I love you guys so much! 💜💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️❤️🥰💕

~Ada ( *^3^*)/<333

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