Chapter 87

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A few days had passed after that one eventful day. Jungkook had managed to gain even better control over his ability and Taehyung was as determined as ever to spike his ability under his own command. You passed nights dreamlessly and so did Jimin. None of you exactly believe his ability was solely based off of your dreams only, though. To find out, only time will tell, really.

Jin on the other hand, was biting at his nails so frequently as thoughts bugged him left and right. Everyone had noticed his off-putting behaviour and on many occasions, he had dismissed their worries when they approached him about it. It was getting a bit more harder for some of the boys to ignore the happenings, though; as Namjoon seemed to quiet down much more than he usually does, which added onto the concern the rest held. You could practically feel their part of the bond oozing with nerves.

You had a certainty at the back of your mind that their reasons for being on edge were completely different to one another. Namjoon had begun to close off from speaking much a bit later after everyone noticed Jin's recklessness to stay still.

All of you - except for NamJin - had turned to Jungkook to see if he could get into their thoughts to figure it out sooner since they refused to bring it up, but the man immediately refused. "That's the last thing I'd do - invade their minds without them knowing." He held a deep frown in distaste, incredibly repellant towards the idea. Hoseok understood completely, "It's better if they tell us ourselves. Even if Jungkook looks for answers himself, we may interpret it wrongly and end up overlooking the main reason." He reasoned.

Yoongi was especially radiating frustration. It was mostly directed towards the eldest male, though Namjoon was doing the same. Yoongi knew he was holding back way too much. Although he understood why he hadn't spoken the next day after they talked about his untold words, it didn't sit right with him that he's holding it off for longer than really necessary.

He pushed it back a day further so everyone could process your and Jimin's words about your experience. But it's already been past a couple more days so having not opened up yet about his worries was frustrating him more than he liked to admit.

Everyone was lounging at the living room, having nothing better to do in their own rooms. Jin, who had took a seat on the couch just a moment ago, stood back up to fetch himself something to drink and everyone took notice of it. At this point, they didn't bother to question him. He has been keeping himself busy with anything he put mind to, which only pushed away time more and more as he continued to postponed it.

"For fuck's sake, SeokJin hyung." Yoongi scowled irritatedly, finally having had enough and followed behind the eldest to the kitchen. Everyone slowly turned silent at Yoongi's little outburst. Jin only responded with a scowl of his own, "Don't curse at me, Yoongi," he first said, making Yoongi angrier, "Oh! So now you care that I say "fuck", huh?" He retorted. Jin simply shook his head, "I'm not in the mood to deal with you, right now." He shrugged off, "I'm stressed as it is," he mumbled and turned away from Yoongi who fisted his hands.

"I told you not to bottle up your problems!" He pointed out accusingly, "You're doing the exact opposite. Can't you see you're making everyone concerned? Stop keeping it all to yourself and tell us what's bothering you before we force Jungkook to search through your thoughts ourselves!" He warned. Jungkook gulped quietly, shrinking closer to you as you sat beside him. You frowned at Yoongi and Jin.

Jin snapped.

"NO! You don't get it, and you won't anytime soon! And don't you fucking dare force Jungkook into something that bothers you." He growled out at the end, "I can't bring it up as much as I prefer to because it will hinder with our future! It's so fucking crucial that if we even act on it, I won't know what to fucking do! Everything will change and we- especially I, can't afford it right now. This is all to protect you guys but all you have to say to me are profanities!" He raged, "As if our situation isn't already worse enough with the damn world after our ass, you can't get it in your suddenly, dense head that if I could share what I know with you and the rest, I would've already but I just. Fucking. Can't!" He exclaimed.

Yoongi wide, angry eyes flared furiously at Jin, "If you knew any better, you would realise that holding back so much will only bring you closer to your breaking point. I'm saying this out of experience and by that point, you will have nothing else to do but spill out whatever you're bottling up. I just had my own breaking point not even that long ago, I thought you'd realise that you're just doing exactly what I did! You don't get it - If none of us know what is going on, how are we supposed to prepare for it when we clearly have the chance to? You said so yourself, it's about our future and if what you know is so crucial, then we have every damn right to know as well! Especially so, when it involves every one of us!" He shot back.

Jin snarled furiously at Yoongi, "Shut up! GOD! Did you not hear a single word I said to you?! I really just can't! If I tell even a hint of it, everything about it will change! If we act on what I say will happen then everything will change! We can't risk anything and especially since this involves our very lives, Yoongi!" He yelled.

Everyone was silent and Hoseok turned to Namjoon, who seemed to lose himself to his own thoughts. Hoseok then looked over at the makne line, hurdling close to you as you did with them. All of you sported sad, scared eyes and Hoseok was not about to tolerate anymore of the two eldest's argument.

"Stop it. Both of you." Hoseok interjected indignantly.

Yoongi and Jin snapped their heads sharply towards the male, who stepped in. Hoseok held his own scowl, "Have you forgotten that the kids are right here and can hear every word you spit out? Goodness, the last thing we need is a damn fight!" He gestured to the two eldest males. "Arguing over each other is not going to get you anywhere and if you think shouting at each other like you are right now is going to drain out your frustration, then you're wrong. It's only going to stress you out more and eventually you'll just snap mindlessly at the others with words you'll regret." He stated.

Then he turned to Jin only, "Hyung, I know you're stressing yourself out with whatever you know from who knows when and where, and we are giving you all the time you need to get your mind sorted out so you can talk it through. Push it back any further than you are now, you will be overthinking everything and by that time, it will be too late." He pointed. Jin just turned away from Hoseok's stare. "Go to your bedroom, the balcony or something and calm down. Even if you don't want to, you're going to tell us everything you know by the end of today." He demanded, watching as Jin stomped upstairs while mumbling curses under his breath.

Then Hoseok turned to Yoongi, "And you are staying away from Jungkook in the meantime and keep your rage in check. Go punch a wall and curse at the sky all you want but don't go around lashing out at others." He huffed. Yoongi snarled, pushing his hand up into the air, "Yeah! Fuck you, too!" He exclaimed and Hoseok's eyes narrowed, "I'm saying this for the better!" He shot, "Anger is plaguing your mind, hyung," he pointed, "It's best if you go cool off before talking to anyone else." He said and Yoongi gave one last glare at the 94 liner before storming upstairs before everyone heard the slamming of a door.

Hoseok still wasn't done and turned to Namjoon who remained silent for most of the day so far. "Namjoon," he called out and the makne line as well as you slowly followed the elder's gaze as it settled on the leader.

Namjoon was facing the floor and only raised his eyes to look at Hoseok as a silent way of asking him 'what?'. Hoseok frowned deeply, "Use your mouth and talk. Something's clearly bothering you and it won't be long before you go out on a raging rampage like those two before." Hoseok gestured towards the stairs.

Namjoon's brows furrowed, "I won't." He muttered. Hoseok put a hand to his hip, "You're clearly bothered about something. Either you know what's wrong with Jin hyung and won't tell us either, or—"

"I don't know anything regarding hyung." Namjoon cut in, looking at his hands on his lap. Hoseok sighed, already feeling done with the elder males' behaviours. Namjoon's behaviour is just making it harder. "Then what is it?" He asked in exasperation.

Namjoon pursed his lips, "I have no clue about my own ability. Everyone has gotten theirs - minus Jin hyung - and it worries me." He revealed softly.

Hoseok paused and his eyes softened, "Your ability?" He repeated, earning a dejected nod from the male on the couch. "What if.. I don't have any?" He asked softly.

Jimin's eyes saddened at this, "No...hyung, it may be taking time, but I'm sure you do. Everyone's ability so far has come into play randomly." He tried to sooth the distressed male. A sniffle followed after Jimin's words and everyone's eyes snapped to the source.


"Aw, Jungkookie-" Hoseok gasped in concern, settling to kneel in front of the makne who wiped vigorously at his eyes. "I'm sorry..." he hiccuped. You were holding him delicately in your arms as he pressed himself closer into your arms, hiding away his face that was stained with fresh tears. "What're you sorry for? You did nothing wrong," Hoseok frowned, patting the younger's knee for comfort.

"I refused to look into Jin hyung's mind and Yoongi hyung wouldn't be so angry if I agreed. It just felt wrong to look through his mind without him knowing so I couldn't do it." He cried. Taehyung jumped in, "And that's okay! Hyung shouldn't have threatened to force you. You don't have to do anything." He reassured. Namjoon watched sadly in silence. When Jungkook's eyes flickered over to him, he nodded - indicating that he agreed at what Taehyung said.

Jimin pursed his lips and stood up from his seat on the couch, catching everyone's eyes. "I'm going to talk to Yoongi hyung." He announced and Hoseok jumped to stop him, "Jimin—"

"I know. He's probably still angry but we need to settle things sooner than later," Jimin cut in quickly, halting Hoseok from stoping him. "I'll get him a glass of water. It'll be quick." He placed a small smile to everyone left in the living room and disappeared up the stairs.

Jungkook calmed down but decided to keep his head buried in the crook of your neck as you provided him as much comfort as you can.

You looked at Taehyung sitting on your other side, who silently scooted closer and spooned you from the back and placed his chin on your shoulder. He reached his arms out to pat Jungkook's head, letting out a sigh.

Your gaze then moved to Hoseok. He sat beside Namjoon, keeping him company and silently providing the male comfort and assurance. The two 94 liners exchanged a few words before the two stood up. Hoseok's eyes moved to you and he provided you a small smile, walking his way over to you and placing a short peck to your head. "We're going to Jin hyung, okay? We all know the last thing he needs is some time alone. Namjoon's coming with me to keep him some company and maybe urge him to share his worries with us." He explained and you replied with a small smile of your own.

You moved a hand out and slid it to the back of his neck, making him lean closer to you. You gifted him a chaste kiss to the lips then glanced over at Namjoon, calling him over. Namjoon froze for a moment before waddling his way closer to you while Hoseok moved away.

Namjoon leaned his upper body down to be in level with you and you gave him the same chaste kiss to his lips. You smiled a little more as he pulled away with red cheeks. "Go help Jin and keep him company. I'll be with these two, here." You gestured towards the two youngest males stuck glued to you.

Nodding, Hoseok grabbed onto Namjoon's hand and the two disappeared up the stairs. Leaving you, Jungkook and Taehyung alone at the living room.

The three of you didn't say anything, there wasn't anything needed to be said so you relished in each other's presence - it being a greater source of comfort.

Let's just hope everything gets settled today itself.


Fight fight fight fight 🤠🤠🤠✨✨✨

So I figured some of you must be wondering why some of my updates keep delaying randomly at times and another story is the reason 😗👉👈

I've been so into a certain type of ffs but all the ones I've read have been discontinued or the books on hold since the author is on hiatus 🥲🥲 I had enough and came up with my own😬👐

Ugly mf^^ 🥲🥲 it's very rough that's why 🤧🤧


^^Ps, that's temporary for the book cover lol- I'm not going to reveal anything about it yet since it's fairly new and I've yet to give it a permanent title for the story

You can probs figure out a thing or two with the temporary book cover lol
I'd love to know what you conclude this story is about 😂😂💕💕

See you next chapter!!! I can't certainly say it will be on time tho (,•3•,)
Bye-byeee!!~~ 🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕

~ Ada :)

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