Chapter 88

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"Yes, bun?" You asked softly, looking at Jungkook as he lifted his head off of your shoulder to look at you. "Am I really doing the right thing by refusing to use my ability on hyung?" He asked timidly. Taehyung looked over your shoulder to gaze softly at Jungkook, "Of course. There's nothing wrong with that." He answered for you.

The makne had been silent the entire time after the three of you remained in the living room, until now.

"Why do you worry so much about that? If this is about Yoongi hyung—" Taehyung began but Jungkook swiftly shook his head, stopping the elder, "No, no! Hyung was just angry. I know he wouldn't force me." He defended immediately. You brushed away the hair covering the younger male's eyes, "Then what is it?" You asked softly.

"It's just... when I first found out about my ability. It sounded amazing and it was a life-changing moment for me. I could just enter your mind and hear your untold thoughts. As childish as it sounds.., I felt like a hero with superpowers." He chuckled pityingly at himself. "But after losing control and realising that I was intruding your minds so suddenly and at the most random times, it didn't seem so amazing anymore." He frowned.

"I began to invade your privacy, I intruded into your minds without control and began hearing things I know you didn't want to share so openly, know I wasn't meant to hear them." He gulped back a lump in his throat, "In the end, I lost control of my own mind and it kept moving with thoughts left and right. I couldn't grasp it. I couldn't get a hold of myself and only managed to gain back control under pressuring circumstances." He continued on, "I didn't know how to block out my ability like I can now. Who knows - I could be listening to your thoughts right now and you wouldn't even know it. I'm just crossing lines left and right, without anyone knowing and it feels so... so wrong." Ending it there, Jungkook let out a long breath.

You sighed, "Oh, you..." you let out, pulling Jungkook back close to you, having him respond immediately as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your neck. Taehyung shifted from his spooning position behind you and made his way behind Jungkook to keep him in the middle of the two of you.

(A/N: wtf have I done to Tae lmao 😭😭✨ )

"You have a golden heart, kookie. It's filled with kindness. You sympathise and show empathy. We all know you would never cross any sort of boundary. Even if you did, you always have a reason for it and we'll hear you out on it." You spoke softly. He's putting everyone before himself and putting away his thoughts as if they don't matter as much as the others. "You mean so much to us." Taehyung chimed in slowly from behind Jungkook, "You have every right to refuse to anything that makes you uncomfortable." He added, patting the younger's head.


~ Jimin POV ~

I stood outside of Yoongi hyung's room and frankly, I was hesitant to enter. I know he left to keep to himself but honestly, that's the last thing he needs. He's going to consume himself with his own thoughts and who knows? He might be filling up a fresh new empty bottle with in-kept emotions and thoughts. Another break down from him would break me.

I took in a deep breath and brought my hand up to give a set of knocks to his door. If he doesn't answer then I'll just enter either way. I'm not going to let him be alone. Though I'll enter slowly. I don't need an object flying to my face.


Silence followed right after I knocked. I let out a sigh. I expected this outcome but it still pained me. What did he think he'd do in there by himself? Mop around with depressing music and expect his absence to solve the issues? Surely not.

"Hyung? Can I come in?" I asked loudly, hoping my voice reached through the wooden door to him.


I let out a breath and used my other hand to grab the handle of the door. "Yes. It's me, hyung." I replied and pushed open the door to see him sitting at the opposite end of the bed with his back faced to me.

"I never said you could come in." Yoongi grumbled.

I made my way over to him, "I came anyway." I replied with a shrug and plopped beside him, keeping a little bit of distance between the two of us so he can still have some space to himself.

"What do you want? If this is about what I said regarding Jungkook then I didn't mean it. Now that you know, please leave." He sighed softly, not giving me a glance. I deflated at that. "No. I already knew. I'm sure Jungkookie knows, too. I came to keep you company." I said. I placed a small smile to him when he took a glance my way, clouded eyes taking in my expression.


I frowned at that question. ""Why?"? What do you mean "why?"?" I asked with furrowed brows. Yoongi licked his lips and turned away to look back down at the floor. "Why keep me company?" He mumbled out but I caught his words and heaved out a breath. What a stupid question.

"Well, why not?" I simply let out and raised a brow when his head snapped to stare at me. My frown never left my face as his eyes took on a mean look. "I don't want your company. I don't want anyone's for that matter. Thanks for checking in but I'm good. Please, just leave." He blurted out.

"No." I bluntly refused. I'm not leaving him alone. He'll just have to tolerate my company because I'm staying put.

"Oh, for f- ... Jimin," he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I have nothing to say to you. Quit being bratty and leave my room." He gritted. My face smoothed and void of any expressions. Even if he's insistent to getting rid of me, even if it hurts that he won't relent and stop trying to push me away, I won't leave. He doesn't know it - won't know it with his careless words being spat out towards me that he needs someone by his side this very moment. I'll just have to keep myself from showing my hurts at his reluctance at having my presence with him.

"Call me anything all you want, but I won't be leaving your side even if you punch me unconscious." I shot at him firmly, putting his waterfall of words from stop spilling out of his mouth, claiming he doesn't want me with him.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at me, glaring with no filter hiding how much my persistence is irritating him. I'm sure he's holding back curses my way. And even if it is the case, I gift a small smile his way, and watch as his body slackens slightly.

"Why won't you just leave me alone? I'm perfectly fine on my own." He frowned deeply. I simply shrugged.

"I like you."

I watched his eyes bulge at my words and his face scrunched up into one displaying his fluster. "That- you- wh-what are you..-" he spluttered and I take a moment to think back at my words and his sudden reaction to it and widen my eyes.

"Hyung!" I gasp, "I—- N-No!! Not like—- Not that it's not possible-" I stammer and clamp a hand over my mouth, when I watch his figure freeze up at my fumbling words. I jump in to explain, "I mean- I meant it platonically! We- we share a bond as it is- I just... you know! I-I just care for you," my voice died down my throat and I let my hand move over my face and hit my forehead in distress and fluster.

Gee, I just made things awfully awkward with my words. Hyung didn't even bat an eye my way as I rambled and now, he blankly stared into my very soul. "No one sent you up to get me?" He asked with a low voice and I look back up at him with confusion and bewilderment.

Sent me up to get him? Is he serious?

"Really? You think I wouldn't come for you on my own account?" I frowned, "Hyung. I really do care about you. From the start, to this very moment and still going, I will always care for you. You don't need to be alone right now, clearly. I want you to lean on me and I won't push you to speak but..." I said.

"I'm here for you so I suggest you take advantage of that. Yell at me, scream your worries out but don't let your thoughts wander off into a dark pit and bottle up your feelings." I said so firmly. Yoongi's eyes softened immediately, "Jimin... you know I wouldn't deliberately yell at you - let alone scream." He let out a sigh.

"Yes, I know I'm being an idiot and shutting myself off from you and the others. Bad habits are hard to put down." He began, "I've known Jin hyung for who knows how long and seeing him hold back from telling us about whatever he knows was making me angry and frustrated. I was upset, too. He should be trusting all of us with what he knows and should already have confided to at least one of us to relieve himself from stressing himself out!" He continued on with a prominent frown and I willed myself to shift closer to him and get a bit comfortable. He needs to let all his worries out and I'm all ears.

~ End POV ~

Jin let out an exasperated sigh as he plopped himself at the second floor's balcony couch. He really did want to tell them. But the timing was just not right - but forget the timing!

He can't. Not anymore.

"Jin hyung,"

Jin jolted on his spot and spun his head to find Hoseok and Namjoon at the entrance. Pursing his lips, Jin let a nonchalant shrug towards them and turned back to look out at the view. Taking this moment, Hoseok sat himself beside the elder while Namjoon took his other side.

"Well? What is it?" Jin questioned expectantly, urging one of the two to speak.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon raised a brow, "We're just joining you out here." He stated. "Uh?" Jin let out unsurely, glancing between Namjoon and Hoseok, the latter chuckling, "You probably thought we came here to convince you to tell us about what's bothering you. Maybe even bring up about your argument with Yoongi," he listed out.

Hoseok smiled slightly, "You're out here for a breather. Us bombarding you with questions and getting you to tell us, will do the opposite of that." He pointed and Jin faltered in his seat, letting out a breath, "You're right about that." He mumbled. Then after followed a comfortable silence. The three men took the time to take in the view and breathe in the fresh air out in the balcony before Namjoon glanced timidly at Jin, before finally speaking up.

"did... did you find out about your... ability?" Namjoon asked softly. Jin spluttered at the sudden question, caught off guard.

"W-what makes you think that?" Jin stammered out immediately in response, making Hoseok cock a brow inquisitively. Namjoon shrugged, "I was just wondering," he mumbled. Namjoon looked at Jin in worry and placed a hand to his shoulder for silent comfort, "hyung?" He asked softly, urging the male to talk.

Jin pursed his lips at that and glanced towards Hoseok at his other side from the corner of his eyes before letting out a defeated sigh, "Yes." He answered softly, fumbling with his hands as Namjoon and Hoseok both straightened and sported wide eyes.

The two went back and forth with words of incredulity and shock before Jin stiffened at one certain question; "When did you get it?" When Namjoon noticed his peculiar reaction to that specific question, he stuck to it and waited eagerly for the eldest to answer.

Jin's mouth suddenly felt dry as he swallowed. Maybe all he needs to do is spill it out to one- or in this case, two of his brothers to open up about his concerns to everyone. Eventually everyone.

'It's now or never, Jin. Just say it before your mind stops you.' Jin told himself in his head.

He opened his mouth to say the words hanging at the tip of his tongue but they seemed stuck glued. He licked his lips and repeated by opening his mouth to speak.

'Come on! Why is it so hard to say it?' He gritted his teeth in frustration.

Hoseok observed the inner turmoil blending in his hyung's eyes and let out a soft breath through his nose, "Hyung, if you're really not ready—-"

"No! No! Please hear me out! I'm- I want to tell you! I really do!" Jin exclaimed desperately.

Namjoon frowned in worry, "Jin hyung, we've got time," he tried but Jin furiously shook his head.

'Just say it for fuck sake!' Jin cursed at himself and opened his mouth but nothing came out. He was ready! He really wanted to spill it out. Then 'Why can't I...?' Jin scowled at himself.

Namjoon's brows furrowed, and took a close scan at Jin's scowling face. He clearly wanted to tell them, then what's stopping him? The dimpled man grabbed onto Jin's fisted hand, loosening his hands so his nails didn't dig painfully into his palm. "You're hurting yourself." He said softly when Jin snapped his head at him with questioning eyes.

Jin's clenched jaw slackened and his eyes softened significantly. "Back in Daegu." He blurted out and gasped silently at himself. His words suddenly slipped out and he wondered why it was so hard for him to let them out before.

Hoseok make a sound of disbelief, "But that's a while ago!" He pointed with wide eyes. Jin nodded mutely, glancing down at his hand in Namjoon's with wondering eyes.

Namjoon noticed his stare and looked down as well before letting out a sound of realisation, "ah, sorry." He apologised before letting go.

Jin blinked and stared at his bare hands.

"What's your ability?" Namjoon asked with wide curious eyes.

Jin looked up and met Namjoon's eyes, "Prophecy." He blurted out again and clasped a hand over his mouth with wide eyes. He let his mouth free before speaking again, this time more sure of letting his worries out.

Hoseok's eyes bulged slightly, "You can see the future?!" He exclaimed in shock while Jin nodded. "Is that why you were so bothered? Because of your ability?" He asked again and Jin hesitated a moment before nodding once more.

Namjoon raised a brow, "Is that really it, though?" He asked knowingly as Jin pursed his lips. "Not at all." Jin admitted.

His looked up and directed his gaze in between Namjoon and Hoseok, "It's what I saw."



There's some subtle hints dropped in this chapter about a particular ability so search well my lovely and smart bitchass readers 🥰💕✨

I'm sorry for the delayed chapter ;-; like in the prev chapter, I mentioned being engrossed (somewhat) in another book I've been working on building and I just have so much I want to include in it 👉👈

ANYWAY- again, it's not certain that I'll be able to update on time, I hope you understand if there are many gaps in between a recent chapter and a new update with maybe.. idk - 2 weeks??? 3??? I'm not sure really 😬😬😬

See you sometime in the next chapter!! 🥲❤️
Love you guys sm 😘😘🥰🥰💕💕💕💕

~ Ada

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