Chapter 89

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I PROMISE IM WORKING ON THE COMING CHAPTERS!!!! I just need some time to think over the plot to not stretch the story out more than it already has ;-;
I'll officially state this now:
I'm putting this book on hiatus once again.
In the mean time of its break, expect a new story release soon enough

Chulmin: 26
Yunwoo: 24
Daniel: 24
Sanguel: 22
Gongchan: 20

Sungjin - 52 (Y/N's father)

~ With Got7 ~

"Come on, everyone! Gather around, we're gonna get on call soon."Jinyoung called out for everyone to gather at the living room. He had set up his computer in front of the couch that everyone occupied.

They were going to finally collect all the information regarding the joint companies and what their motives were. As long as the prisoners were cooperative and answer their questions, they'll be able to put them to a stop before they can lay a finger on a strand of hair.

Jackson tugged down on his plain shirt and situated himself at the very centre of the camera, claiming that he'll ask the questions.

"But what if they don't speak up?" Youngjae brought up, earning the others' attention. Jaebeom scratched at the nape of his neck, "Well, they'll just have to extend our call time. Mark and I had a word with the station's chief and police officers that are keeping guard around them." He stated. "After all, we were technically the ones who helped them capture the gang and the remaining corporate members - that were alive...," he clears his throat, "They owe us this much. If anything, our questions will also give the other officers answers for their own sakes." He shrugged.

"Oh yeah. All the police stations at Daegu - I believe - were after them. BTS were assigned to capture Dom-K on their behalf under BigHit, remember?" Yugeom piped in knowingly. "Oh, it's been a while, hasn't it? We had partnered with them once to help." Bambam murmured in the end.

"Why do all of us have to be here? There's only one of us that's going to be asking questions."

Everyone paused and turned to look at Yugeom, who shrunk timidly at the attention he suddenly received, "what?" He mumbled out. Mark pursed his lips, "Good question..." he retorted. Jackson nodded, "Very good question..." he agreed.

"More ears to listen with?" Bambam tried but Youngjae just gave him a judgmental look, "Are you saying that we won't listen well, individually?" He asked and Bambam lowered his head sheepishly, "I never said that..." he grumbled.

"Okay, everyone shut up. It's less than a minute before the call starts." Jinyoung shushed them, and just when he finished, the buzzing sound emanating from the computer set in front of them, began to ring.

(A/N: oKay so OBVIOUSLY nothing like this happens 🤡🤡 well idk if it does.. i didn't do any research— but since this is a fic... it is possible to get on a video call with the station holding said prisoner u wanna talk to... if ur not in the same place and a flight or whatever away- idk if they're given a time limit but if they don't during interrogations then lmao fuck- it's still a fic and my story so it does 👍)

Jinyoung went forward and joined the call. Immediately, the screen displayed the prisoners and the boys grimaced slightly.

"They look like shit," Jaebeom whispered to Mark, who return kicked at the male's shin discreetly. "Not the time, idiot." Mark gritted out only for the leader to hear, who held back a wince at the pain on his leg, "My bad, man. Also, ow." He whispered back before focusing on the screen.

(A/N: the names of Dom-K is on top for reference... I'll be putting it first thing next chapter as well 😗😗 when it's out that is 💀💀)

"Okay," Jackson clapped at his hands, "Let's make this simple and not prolong the call longer than necessary..." he began, noting how Sungjin seemed to be pissed beyond belief for seeing their face once more. He couldn't really blame him... they did put him to prison, after all. A life sentence to be more specific, but that's passed their concern, really.

"They sure have unique features..," Youngjae mumbled to himself as he noticed Sanguel's green eyes. Although he's glaring through the screen, it's not bothersome to the idol.

The Station's chief made an appearance on the screen and nodded towards the group to begin, indicating that they were prepared for anything if it were to go wrong.

- Two days before the present -

"The obvious question we have to ask is towards Sungjin." Namjoon pointed out immediately. The two groups had gathered at the living room, going through specific and straightforward questions to ask the prisoners so they answer exactly what they need to know. Jaebeom made sure you and Yuju kept each other company as they remained at Got7's penthouse while the boys were at BTS' penthouse.

"Which company he has contacted to aid him, for what purpose, and how he knows of their work. Clearly, that man knows more about illegal labour and corporates that are kept hidden in the dark. We can use this factor to convince our call time to extend as much as needed." He instructed.

"That's the basis of the plan. It's effective but the detectives working at the stations can also ask their own questions themselves to figure those out. How do we get them to let us be the one to ask the questions?" Jaebeom inquired.

"Sungjin knows that She's with us. I'm surprised her identity hasn't been leaked yet, too. That immediately indicates that he's not finished despite rotting in his place." Yoongi piped in, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke, "Whoever he's been in contact with, will help bail him out if they get ahold of her." He pointed, "Now that he has no way of getting to us or her, along with the some of the corporate's workers behind the plan, the partnered company will begin to take action. The CEOs must've made them swear to not give away anything about knowing about the Multifated.".

"So basically, we tell the *CIOs that he's been committing crimes left and right for his daughter because she's the Multifated?" Mark raised a brow.

(*Civilian Investigation Officers)

Jin furrowed his brows, "No wait, hold that thought, actually." He interjected, "For all we know, that man contacted the corporations for his own aid to get to her. Before she even met us, there was one soulmark on her wrist and that was it." He stated, "He must've had other motives to get to her. One that doesn't relate to a Multifated." Jin pointed out.

Jinyoung clicked his tongue, "What it was before is not important anymore. He took a whole one-eighty turn to get to her by getting illegal working businesses to capture all of you and her in a joined partnership. He's the first to have a single clue about her whereabouts. So that immediately puts him as an important candidate within the business he contacted." He explained and Namjoon's eyes widened at that.

"The agents." He brought up. "Secret agents." JB added knowingly. "They must've sent spies to keep tabs on her at the time.".

"Then what about Dom-K?" Hoseok voiced unsurely. Jackson clicked his fingers, "They're also put into the equation right after Sungjin!" He stated, "That man put all of his attention into capturing her and hired the gang's assistance, knowing about their line of work regarding brutal tortures and... murder," Jackson's voice trailed at the end when he let the word slip and gaped at everyone gathered at the living room when realisation struck everyone.

Taehyung's eyes darkened instantly, "That fucker." He snarled. "I don't get it - why was he so adamant to.. to take this so far?" Bambam frowned deeply.

Jackson cleared his throat, "Either way, when they set out their plan, of course Bangtan put it to a stop back then. The stalking must've been involved and they gathered points about Where she works, when she works, and when her shift ends to put it to action." He continued on.

"They noticed her soul markings on her shoulders during her shift at the restaurant," Namjoon pointed, "After interrogating them, they blatantly stated that when her shirt pressed flush against her skin, it's translucent enough to notice black ink on her light skin." He stated. "They must've mentioned it to Sungjin after they failed to get to her at that alleyway." Hoseok muttered lowly.

"The partnered companies must've set a high price or reward to the gang to put action against us at the base. After gathering information from Dom-K and Sungjin altogether, the companies must've had a change of plans and deliberately put them to do the task of getting you guys. Dead or alive? I don't think that mattered." Jinyoung pointed out. "So even after not expecting much from them alone, they had planned to raid the building in advance. The CEOs must've gotten impatient or desperate by then to do it so recklessly and so carelessly. Not even giving the agents' lives a second thought within their crime record for such a suicidal play. The workers barging into the base, had blindly taken part in their plan and walked right into a death trap. Snipers outside must've had a clue about what the agents inside had in store for them when the fighter helicopter made its appearance a moment later. It carried loads of explosives and grenades." Yugeom frowned.

"Why does it sound like they've done this before?" Jungkook grumbled. Everyone froze at that question.

"To a past Multimates?" Bambam asked more. Namjoon covered his mouth, not at all liking what being indicated at the moment. "The myth mentions that a Multifated is born along with Bondeds together after every 107 years." He pointed out.

Silence. That's what followed after this fact was mentioned and everyone glanced at one another uneasily. "Have they been doing this during the past?" Jin questioned in a whisper, "But nothing has been mentioned regarding a Multifated's existence before this. The myth is thousands of years old." Jaebeom reasoned.

"Unless they got to the Multimates before the world could." Yoongi gritted.

"God, this is so much more deeper and serious than we thought..." Jackson groaned, his face covered by his hands in despair.

"How did they find the other Multimates before? Sungjin took part in finding them for the companies this time." Youngjae asked. "Tracking years," Namjoon piped in and Jin frowned knowingly, "Dongsun." He nodded.

Yoongi's jaw fell, "That was what it was?!" He exclaimed in disgust.

Mark frowned in confusion, "I don't follow..." he chimed in hesitantly.

Hoseok perked up and spun his head to eye Namjoon, "You told me that you worked in a lab before you joined BigHit." He mumbled breathlessly.

Namjoon nodded regretfully, "Dongsun was there. Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung were there, too.".

Jin sighed dejectedly, "Honestly at that time, we had majored in Soul History and the likes of it. Namjoon was the first to join. Yoongi and I joined in on the job there some time later...


~ Namjoon POV ~

I took a round at the hospital and noted down the names of the newborn babies in the hospital. My co-worker had mentioned that this was to keep track of possible soulmate candidates.

Many soulmate around the world have at least a year gap in between one another. No one knows why the universe deems such a factor important to maintain majority of the time, but it's not like it'll give us our answer just because we ask for it.

I've been told to note down approximately 50 newborn babies and bring their names, date of birth and times to my co-worker's office so he can continue to examine and work from there. It's been routinised for me to visit and collect more candidates once every two weeks.

In between those days, I have other past candidates to note down when they come of age when their soulmarks appear on their wrists. It dampens my mood majority of the time because of the obvious lack of ink on either of my wrists but there's nothing I can do but come into terms with my fate... or lack thereof.

"Rapmon-ssi," I spun on my heel to look over at the source.

"Oh, Dongsun-ssi..." I bowed my head slightly and processed that he called me by my codename. I must've been called to do some tests...

Dongsun smiled slightly at me before gesturing for me to follow him as we left the facility to head back into my temporary workplace. I don't know either. He mentioned to me few days earlier that the business was planning to relocate to a more secluded area. It was sudden, but i brushed it off. What the CEO wants, the CEO gets.

"Blood samples are set up at the lab. As expected, the previous candidates' soulmate are of different age gaps. Majority anyways. The numbers of those without soulmarks have been increasing gradually. Their samples are to be discarded. I've divided them accordingly so throw them out when you are done." Dongsun instructed. "Oh," he paused and I halted behind the male as he stopped to turn to me, "New recruits have joined the team. Introduce them to their line of work. You'll be seeing each other a lot more often than you have me, since you joined." He joked and I nodded mutely.

Was that supposed to be funny? Should I be laughing..??

Dongsun's smile faltered and he awkwardly cleared his throat. "As always, by 6pm I want you to suit up and wait for me there by the fields at the back of the building. Bring the new recruits with you as well. Their gear will be by the lockers they are assigned." He continued on.

I furrowed my brows, "How many recruits are there?" I asked and Dosngun hummed, "Just two. They're both older than you, but you have more experience in this work so mind your words and make them comfortable. Address them appropriately and with their code names. They'll tell you what it is themselves." He stated. "I've always wondered; why don't you have a codename?" I blurted out and tensed, that's too personal of a question. I grimaced.

Dongsun laughed, "Couldn't think of one. I'd rather everyone calls me by my name. It's easier to remember that, that name belongs to me than some icky codename I might forget is mine." He snickered. Fair enough, I guess.


I waved at Dosngun's retreating figure before glancing at the two elder males before me. "Hello, I'm Rapmon, We'll be working together and I'll be here to guide you along the way with your tasks." I introduced and the taller one nodded stiffly, "I'm.. Jin, this one beside me is y- Uh...Gloss." Jin introduced while Gloss simply nodded along. His expression was void of any hint of emotion, making him seem more robotic than human, almost like he'll only speak when absolutely necessary. Whereas Jin seemed more timid and clearly off-put by this place. I don't blame him; it's plain and washed over with white and only holds essential things for respective rooms for separate tasks. Since science is mine, I have to do the awfully simple blood sample and transfer them to divisions accordingly.

Now that I'll have company, maybe I can let it slide for now. Maybe.

"We still have.. two hours before joining other workers at the field. For now, I'll just introduce you to the science lab, and our computer lab. There we gather blood samples of soulmate candidates to understand what the universe has been creating and planning. The computer lab is to conduct research... of course, but it also stores the information about the 'Multimates' Myth with reference photos of the sedimentary rocks." I explained as I led them to the science lab.

Surprisingly, I, in particular, have no restrictions when doing my in-depth research with the Myth and its resourceful pictures. I've managed to understand how the story came to be. The little drawings engraved into the rocks were a lot more detailed and informative than I thought. When I had mentioned some nearly-erased drawings on certain corners of the rocks to one of the managers, Dongsun let me do whatever I wanted regarding those pictures and the likes. Although that's all I was allowed; Multimates.

They told me to let them know about anything else that I find within those pictures, which quite honestly had me very suspicious about how much they craved it's details. It's only a Myth. Why go so far and beyond about some popular Myth?

Then that training at the field too...

"What happens by six?" Gloss asked. I turned to him, snapping out of my thoughts, "Oh, we train. Combat fighting, weaponry and whatnot. Many of the workers don't know the reason behind this routine but it's mandatory to follow for some project in the future." I explained the best I can.

Jin frowned, "Fighting? Are there enemies or something? I don't remember reading anything regarding that when I applied to work here... I thought this was only a Soulmate focused business," Jin grumbled.

Gloss groaned, "How long does it last?" He asked and I scratched the nape of my neck unsurely, "It ranges between three to five hours depending on what the training will be."

Gloss blew out a breath, already exasperated, "Great." He grumbled, an unenthusiastic 'whoop' leaving his lips as he fist the air lazily. I smiled, amused. I'm in for a ride for sure. I can already see a great bond forming between the three of us.


Time passed on that way and the field time approached. By that time, I had successfully acquainted the two new recruits with their work space and our field period was just the same. We warmed up for it's activities and trained to develop our reflexes and skills with weaponry. We built on our stamina and focus along with our teamwork.

I was surprised when Dongsun chose to team me up with Gloss and Jin for our practice on teamwork. "You're getting much better. Almost as good as any other expert here." He complimented.

As I grouped into their little bubble and the two gave me their own smiles to welcome me into it, I was pleasantly surprised for being accepted in so fast.

While the chief coach at the very front began to explain our task- or mission.. whatever you want to call it, I notice Dongsun slip back into the building. That sparked a curiosity in me when- just before the door closed behind him, another figure waited for him. A tangle of limbs being carried behind them. It made me frown in shock and confusion. Was that a body? Were they unconscious? Why were they being carried like that?

That doesn't seem right. Not at all.

"Rapmon?" Jin snapped me out of my trail of thoughts and I directed my gaze back to him and Gloss.

"Come on. We'll be up on that platform behind those trees. We're sniping." Gloss explained and I nodded, following behind them to head towards said platform. One last glance over my shoulder to see two scientists and a janitor rushing towards the door Dongsun slipped past. A red substance sticking out from beneath the door frame. I gasped out loud at the clear sign of danger the distant sight brought and goosebumps ran along my arms and back.

Something's terribly wrong. And I'm not going to let that slip my mind. I've been brushing off-putting things a lot and most of these strange, gut-wrenching feelings have been washing over me only when I worked here. This business has a set goal that's being hidden and I'm going to find out just what it is.

It's been for a very long time now, that all these vague answers from the managers, Dongsun and even other old co-workers that have been working for so long here have been avoiding mentioning things. And it's not anymore that I let them slide for the sake of a stupid rule about keeping personal things out of earshot. I will find my own answers myself.

If it is much more than it lets everyone seem, then...


~ Jin POV ~

A few weeks had passed since and I had gotten a hang of my tasks. Namjoon, Yoongi- er.. Gloss, Rapmon and I have grown closer since. This business held more secrecy than I expected. But Gloss and I needed the pay to move forward with our lives and live more comfortably. I managed to pick up a lot more medical skills during work. I've definitely taken notice of the immense importance this business gives when keeping any sort of personal information of a certain worker out of business grounds. Strictly. Almost like they expect some of them to leave at some point, but if they do, they shouldn't carry any attachments to share with anyone outside of work.

It was unnerving, to say the least. Gloss had especially impressed the managers and Chief coaches on field periods with his quick grasp with weaponry and aim. Especially when throwing knives.

...yeah this 'future' project seemed a bit daunting... who am I kidding? It was definitely dangerous if everyone was mandatorily trained to fight and handle guns. GUNS!

Holding one always made me cringe with disdain because what are we going to aim those death metals to? Or to whom?

Ugh, bleh! The very thought gave me shivers.

"Hyung focus. These samples aren't going to move on their own." Yoongi cut through my thoughts and I sighed. I've been doing this for too long. The red color is beginning to get painful for my eyes. Too much red. It's hard to not see it glaring back with the many filled tubes continuously filling my work space.

I look to the side to see the same tubes filling Namjoon's desk but were left unattended, which brought a frown to my face as his absence just now left me feeling uneasy. Why isn't he here, yet? It's been an awful lot of time since he excused himself to the restroom.

"What's taking Nam— ow!" I yelped when Yoongi jabbed my side and I gave him my best glare. For someone older than him, he didn't seem to care. But then again, he acts more mature than me during certain times... You never heard me say that—

...Who am I talking to? I'm going insane, I swear. It's the fault of all this RED hurting my eyes.

At my glare, Yoongi gave me a pointed look, "You mean Rapmon. Don't say his real name out loud. Someone might here you." He hissed warningly and my lips shaped into an 'o' in realisation. Right.

Although it was a strict rule to not share our personal information to other workers, the three of us grew awfully close, and what a shock really, when he revealed his name to us out of nowhere. He was immediately one of those people we clicked with beside Yoongi and I. It was refreshing. Both of us were shocked when we learnt that Namjoon didn't have a Soulmate either. Much like me - without a soulmark on my wrist.

The only one - that being Yoongi, had one and the name was printed into my mind, 'L/N Y/N' and to be honest, I was excited to meet her but soon felt indifferent to his soulmark and Y/N-ssi because of Yoongi's odd hatred towards the thought of having a soulmate.

I tried to change his mind once...

Never again.

That brat had a whole lot to spit when it came to soulmates and I was honestly appalled by how much he had to say to defend his reasons for hating it.


I still never understood, but let's not tell him that.

He'll go on another rant to make me see his point of view and that will take an hour. That man begins to rap like he's on a time limit and honestly, it's too many words within a second for me to comprehend.

I snapped out of my little memory hole at the blazing sound of an emergency alarm. A panicked feeling washed over my form as red light faded in and out throughout the building.

What the hell?

"What's going on?" Yoongi frowned, abandoning the blood samples and instinctively moving closer to me. "I don't know." I replied uneasily, eyes flickering back and forth between the alarms present within this room. "What about N-.. Rapmon? What if it's something really dangerous?" I questioned worriedly. He has been gone for way too long now and I wonder if he's hurt at all.

Thud thud Thud thud THUD THUD

Speak of the devil, Namjoon barged through the door leading into our workplace.

Yoongi and I immediately rushed to him. He gasped for air and looked up from his hunched-over form to us with wide, fearful eyes.

Oh Jesus's biscuits.

"Oh my, are you okay, Joon?" I gasped, noting how sweat dripped from his forehead, indicating how stressed and worked up he is. Yoongi asked his own questions filled with worry, placing a hand over Namjoon's shoulder to try and calm the man down.

I jolted on my spot along with Yoongi when Namjoon deliberately gripped at our wrists each into his hands and dragged us towards the fire exit. "We have to get out of here." He gritted.

Yoongi's brows furrowed and so did mine. What did...

"Are the alarms going off because of you?" I asked hesitantly. Namjoon visibly stiffened but didn't stop his pace as he brought us along with him, a frantic hurry in his steps. Yoongi's eyes narrowed at the younger, "What did you do?" He questioned, suspicion in his tone. I needed to know, as well.

Namjoon turned to look at us, "I saw something no other worker was meant to. It's horrifying and we're not safe here. Those trainings we do?! It's for a raid! For what or whom, I didn't get the chance to see it. Anyone who refuses to participate is fucking killed and those damn janitors and scientists clean up their dirt to hide the freaking murders. This company is sick. They're recruiting people like us simply for our knowledge for Soulmates and that damn Myth about MultiMates.

If we don't hurry and get out of here while we can without others noticing, it will be our death that follows after this alarm is sorted. I'll explain what I saw later and tell you what I know, but please! Let's get out of here." Namjoon pleads in the end and I nearly felt nausea building up my throat at the thought of having worked under such a threatening and murderous business without knowing. Cluelessly helping them with collecting blood samples of newly born soulmates for reasons I have no clue about.

I practiced combat fighting and stealth to raid? Weaponry to shoot and stab? To- to kill? I just might puke.

"Snap out of it! Whatever's going on in your head can be addressed later." Yoongi gritted at me and I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and ran alongside the two males. The ruckus within the building made our escape much easier than it should've been. The security were all running around like headless chickens, searching for someone, and I know that unfortunately, meant they were on a hunt for Namjoon.

'I'll put my newly developed skills to protect these two instead.' I thought firmly and ran out of the building and blended into the crowd of few people with Namjoon and Yoongi. We have to move away. We don't know if they'll come looking for us or not but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Whatever Namjoon saw had him resigning immediately and making a run out of the company. Whatever he told me and Yoongi was all we needed to follow behind him to leave that undercover hell work.

~ End POV ~


"All that time... they've been keeping tabs on those people to find out the next Multimates." Namjoon grimaced, "Anyone who every so often managed to find a hint of their motives were fooled to follow Dongsun into a secluded section within the building and without wasting a breath out of sight, they were killed." He added.

"Once some of the soulmates out there are of age, secret agents within that business are sent to find out which ones have a name and which ones don't. Eventually, chosen candidates are brought in and those who don't have any names on their wrists undergo... tests." He added more and everyone in present cringed visibly.

The last thing they need to know is what types of tests are conducted.


A little backstoryyyyyyyy yuhhhhh

Now we know how Dongsun, (the guy Hoseok shot in the head lol) knew about Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin!

And don't worry, we'll find out about what Jin saw with his prophecy very soon! It will be convenient, albeit a bit angsty considering it terrified him and knowing Yoongi's frustration regarding Jin having pushed back at tell-tale of what he knows, will probably make Yoongi even MORE angry after finding it out and not having been told of it sooner 😳😳😬😬

Now Namjoon! I don't think it will be necessary to describe, let alone tell what he saw behind the scene of a Soulmate-based business that is also off-putting majority of the time. Let's leave it to be.... unsettling and disturbing to any sane person in the world 😄✨i think whatever plot holes are within that flashback can be easily filled with our own imaginations about what goes on :)

If not, then... shit haha 😗😗👍

Fun fact: At the very beginning, I wasn't planning on releasing anything at all for everyone to read. I just had AU's running through my head after reading many amazing books here, and kept them in my drafts to read only for myself.

Eventually, I mustered up the courage to publish it without thinking too much into the storyline. This book was meant to remain SOLELY on Soulmates and for everyone (BTS and Fem protagonist) to eventually develop into a greatly intimate relationship.

But I began to watching dramas and decided that it needed spice. Hence, the result.. yep. This book was meant to be innocent and feely and all that shit but.. yeah, that didn't go completely as planned :,)

Putting this reminder here again:
I'm going to put this book back into Hiatus to get she a more defined plot following after this chapter.

In the meantime, expect a lil' reveal of the new book I couldn't help but begin working on. Fun fact: I reached 40 chapters on it 🙈🙈

Y'all after finding out about the Haitus:

I'm sorryyyyy 😭😭😭😭

~ Ada, who will love you for eternity 🥺🤧💕💕💕

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