Chapter 90

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No excuses to give, just school life, lack of motivation and my depleting liking factor for this book cuz it's cringy ASF 😭😭👍
Anyways, I did make a promise to finish this book and I'm keeping my fucking words 🤲✨

Made this chapter in the course of three whole months because I left so many plot wholes in this book it's ridiculous 💀💀
after I finish reading this cringe ride, I'll fill in the wholes for the upcoming updates when I can come up with them because Holy shit- first book or not, this is so bad 💔💔

The first half of this chapter is the old me, so some cringe will prove be there but I'm too lazy to restart

Chulmin: 26
Yunwoo: 24
Daniel: 24
Sanguel: 22
Gongchan: 20

Sungjin - 52 (Y/N's father)

Ps. Idk why I thought their(^^) ages mattered 😭😭


"Who do you work for?" Jackson questioned immediately, choosing to forgo introductions since that'll just stretch the time longer and unnecessarily so.

Chulmin scoffed, "As of now, baby face, it's a prisoner." He shot back, an amused flicker in his gaze as his eyes fell on Sungjin who sent the gang leader a dirty look. One of the interrogators present within the room at the station sent a warning look towards Chulmin, earning an eye roll from the latter.

Jackson already felt done with that gang leader, "Who do you work for, Sungjin?" He questioned. Sungjin's eyes moved from the gang leader to the screen before him. He shrugged his shoulders, "Technically I'm doing this for myself. So—"

"Who do you work for?" Jackson cut in sharply. Sungjin glared at the male for cutting him off but huffed out a breath, "I'm working... with someone." The male tried to word what he said carefully. Keyword; tried. The pause was an immediate giveaway and the old man realised this instantly when one of the detectives made an appearance behind him. A firm hand placed on his shoulders. Sungjin swallowed and his eyes roamed the room he sat in, a nervous demeanour taking over him.

Jinyoung immediately noted his behavioural change, assuming something was being pointed to him. A gun most likely - A warning to answer with words filled with complete truth and with utmost details that he possibly knows.

Sungjin breathed in through his nose, long and deep before averting his eyes back at the screen, his eyes glaring at the group on the other side with more heat. "A.. c-company." He gritted through.

Mark raised a brow immediately at the instant surrender to answer. The detectives must've done some background check on the prisoners to hold some weak attachments to them. That was immediately confirmed when an iPad made a slight appearance at the corner of the video screen. One of the detectives were holding it to face it towards the furious male. He's definitely showing something through the iPad and Sungjin was visibly unsettled and restless at the sight.

"I-I don't know the company's name." Sungjin heaved out a breath.

Jackson hummed, scribbling some words into a notebook in his arms. He looked back up at the screen to see the gang eyeing the eldest prisoner there, pointedly. "Is..." Jackson paused, pursing his lips when he realised he was about to ask an irrelevant question just then, before shaking his head.

He looked at his notebook, carefully analysing the order of questions he should be asking to obtain relevant answers.


"If they don't know the company's name, then ask how he found out about its business. Maybe some post note in some untouched alleyway or in an abandon house or building. A small paper note even." Namjoon proposed the suggestion, thinking through all sorts of information they need to find the corporation and how they could obtain them despite possible holes they may encounter through the call.

"What about its location? That would be an instant giveaway about their hideout and whatnot." Yugeom frowned in confusion.

Namjoon nodded, "Well, yes. But we're not only doing this for our own benefit, remember? The police station at Daegu know themselves that they don't have a clue of some of the big picture regarding the darker side of the town. Obviously, the company that caught Sungjin's interest had made sure to keep their location hidden from authorities and only available for those who seek out some external source to help them do their dirty work." He pointed out. Mark 'ah'ed at that, "By asking that question, we'll be able to trace our way to locate not only the company plotting our death, but other illegal trading happening out of the polices' radar. That way, we'll be favoured to ask more questions than they'll usually allow time for. A win-win." He nodded approvingly.

Namjoon smiled, "Exactly." he said.


Jackson noticed the question on his notebook stare back at him as if knowing it's its turn to be voiced. He looked back up at the screen and opened his mouth.

"How did you find out about this business, then? Did you stumble across some alleyway or someplace abandoned?" He asked.

Sungjin tilted his head back and thought through his wordings, clearly trying to measure how much weight to put into his answer. Almost as if trying to calculate the consequences he would suffer by saying what he knows. However, at his exasperated look, it was certain that he had begun to lose the will to hold it in. Maybe he's come to finally understand that his future would remain within the four walls that glared back at him, screaming that this is where he belonged, now. That nothing was going to be able to change that fate he brought upon himself.

"Behind this gang's "mansion", the abandoned building they lived in. Behind it, is one dead-end by a small alley. I was searching through my wallet... a coin fell out and rolled into it. I went to grab it back, but it went far in and the sun was just setting, too. When I stood back up after grabbing it, there was a small.. 'sticky note' looking paper stuck to the wall supporting some trash cans and junkyard of things. It had a number written on it saying to dial it for grand prices." Words fell out of his mouth like a waterfall and some sounds of shuffling through the video's audio indicated that some CIOs and maybe even the detectives began to furiously write down pieces of information they deemed useful to cleanse the area from illegality.

Sungjin sighed defeatedly, "Beside that note... was another small, torn paper saying that the number would favour their requests far more than any other, only if it involved some knowledge about Soulmates." Sungjin paused and directed his gaze at Jackson, then at the other group members with an increasingly pointed look.

This made the male asking the questions, slightly uneasy with the wide eyes directed at his very soul. Sungjin seemed to realise something very important and his lips twitched upward, almost sadistically.

"More specifically, the Multimates." He grinned wider. The room at the station holding the call suddenly froze gradually at the mention of the Myth.

"Of course, I knew something very specific about it so I saved the number into my contacts." His voice grew smug and his expression slowly turned to one of amusement. The gang visibly frowned in disbelief.

"You can't tell them, you piece of rat shit. That's our only limit, are you really trying to completely cut out any chance of us getting out of this shithole?!" Yunwoo growled out in anger. The detectives directed their sharp gazes at the gang member with alert. The others continued to note down information.

Sungjin scoffed, "As if in the end, you won't end up being back here? Don't get your hopes up for such a ridiculous dream of roaming free after getting out. You will be under their radar for the rest of your life even if they even so as let you out of these four walls, let alone step foot into the public restrooms when you're out. They'll watch you shit and piss by installing a damn camera into your skin and watch you for the rest of your life and find anyway to bring you back in, so shut your dumb fucking mouth and accept your shitty life in this building. Kill yourself in your own time, too. You'll be in hell even then." Sungjin spat back nonchalantly. Yunwoo gritted his teeth, pure rage held within the orbs of his pupils as he glared unfiltered at the old man who turned back to continue spilling juicy secrets of the darker side of Daegu.

Sungjin's devious and crazed grin returned as his gaze fixed onto Jackson, "You know why that company favoured me so much?" He tilted his head to the side in a playful manner.

Chansul pulled at his restrained hands from held in rage, "Yah!" He snarled darkly, "You may have accepted your stupid life in here but the rest haven't and won't so if you tell them, I'll make sure you live a paralysed fucking life. You won't walk, won't talk, and won't even lift a damn finger when I get to you! I'll make sure you die slower than any living thing on this damn planet and bring you pain unmatched to any known damn torture anyone can think of!" He shouted.

The gang leader pulled at his cuffed hands with unchecked rage and violence, his eyes never leaving Sungjin, who held an unsettled look towards the raging male. "If y'all want answers then I suggest you get this shit-face out of this damn room. Another word from him and I'm keeping my mouth shut. Kill me, do whatever, but don't expect anymore than I've given now." Sungjin scowled.

Jinyoung sighed, "Have you already forgotten?" He piped in, urging the old man to face him quizzically. At the idol's words, one of the detectives stepped forward, momentarily blocking a part of the video call with his back as he displayed something on the iPad he held.

"YAH," Sungjin's voice screamed in horror, "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!" He exclaimed in dispair and remorse.

"We will bring her in, that is if you don't answer the questions." The detective warned, his tone commanding and expectant as Sungjin's mouth fell open and closed like a fish's.

Jackson frowned, 'her?' He wondered.

Jinyoung glanced at Jackson beside him and nudged the male, taking the momentary pause of interrogation to answer the question he knows is going through his mind, "The mother." He whispered lowly, watching as Jackson's mouth fell open slightly in shock.

"No, you won't! That...- sh-she's abroad!" Sungjin spat. The detective sighed, exasperated.

"No, no! Wait!" Sungjin cut in, not at all liking the reaction he received, "I was favoured because my daughter is the Multifated, Okay? She ruined my bond with my soulmate so I wanted nothing to do with her and the idea of knowing a part of me and my soulmate was too much for me let go so I wanted to get rid of her! I want nothing to do with that woman! Keep her out of my fucking life! Kill that bitch! I don't give a shit, just don't get her over here." He ranted speedily.

The detectives all came to a halt and tried to take in the new pieces of information as fast as their processing brains could.

"So not only are you claiming that the Multifated is real.. but that she's your daughter?" The detective probed. Sungjin nodded furiously, "Yes! It's all true, I swear! Do not bring that bitch here, for fucks sake, I've spent a lifetime just trying to get as far and as unreachable as I can against her." He gritted.

The idol group flinched soon after that as they heard a loud slam of the door on the other side of the screen. The loud slam followed suit with fast paced footsteps of heels.

"Fuck you!" A woman yelled loudly, a strain in her voice as she said so, premusably from being held back as to not get too close to the criminals. "You're the one who changed! You fucking bastard! You sold me out for fucking money! I bet you even spurred lies to my baby! Where is she?!" She screamed, thrashing out of the camera's view.

Jaebeom gave Jinyoung a cautious glance, to which the latter returned it with wide blown eyes.


Another masculine voice tentatively chimed from out of the frame, presumably to the woman who continued to curse Sungjin out for all that he had done. At the endearment, something struck Sungjin like a bullet as his gaze fell darkly and menacingly at the newcomer.

"What? "Honey"?? Who the fuck are you to call her something like that?? Huh?? Who are you?!?!" He screamed, thrashing in his seat with unchecked rage.

Finally, the mother stepped into the frame, giving Got7 a first look of her from her behind as she faced the old man with a stance ready to lash out at any moment.

"You have no right to question my husband! You have no reason to care, and yet, look at you. The mere thought of knowing I've moved on from your foolish and unforgiving, sorry ass, you want to jump right back as if we have anything left with each other." She points sharply. Sungjin gaped at the mother in fury and disbelief, "We still have our bond!"

"WHAT BOND, HUH?! WHAT FUCKING BOND?!?!" She lashed out loudly, snarling in contempt, "That died the moment you decided to throw away everything for some measly amount of money that left you a struggling little wimp anyways? One that had you launching to the nearest fucking mafia gang just so you don't end up in the streets like you rightfully deserve it? Rot in hell, you fucker! You have a lot worse coming, I guarantee it!!" She huffed deeply, catching her breath as she let her raging emotions speak for her.

"Come here," The husband of the mother reached a hand forward and brought the woman into his arms.

Jackson sucked in a deep breath before heaving out a heavy sigh, fisting tightly at the notebook he held as he realised this investigation was going to last much longer than he anticipated.


~ Y/N's POV~

"Aigoo! You look so pretty!!" Yuju squealed in delight, clapping her hands quickly in her giddiness whilst I took in the sight of my freshly silver dyed hair.

"Wow.... I didn't know this color would look nice." You admitted, awed at the pretty colour. "I expected it look much worse..."

"Eyy.. Did you doubt my skills? Of course I can help pull off anything!" Yuju snickered, sass in her stance making me grin in amusement.

"Yahh... Bangtan boys are gonna go haywire seeing you like this. Another win is that no one suspects the Multifated to have silver hair! News speculations are drawing conclusions about your appearance, there's no way they'd guess it's you, now!" She giggled happily, clapping her hands in excitement whilst I made a sound of surprise, "You... you thought of it all, huh? But why silver?" I turned away from the dressing room mirror to look at her properly.

She shrugged simply, "I had a hunch you'd look great. I'm always right with my hunches... plus, it was one of the colours I already had with me. I'm an aspiring hair stylist on the road to decent fame. I have mannequins that have styled hair on display at my tailer shop and most of my clients have requested an entire hair makeover. I couldn't help myself! Plus, this layered hairstyle is totally your look." She gushed away, enlightening me with her work life just briefly and making me more at ease. It feels like we're getting closer.

There's one thing I'm awfully curious about though... her life seems so serene and reasonably eventful, I wonder just how she's managed to deal with this change. I'm certain it was an extreme shock when she was introduced to this side of the world.

"When I first met Beomie... We met at my shop as a schedule for his upcoming comeback. I've often forgotten his main life - this mafia and gangster side of places... it was a hidden life of his that had caused a strain in our bond because so much was hidden." She smiled at the memories, I presume of when they first met. I was at awe, a little too intrigued by her life as the soulmate of a kpop idol and an ex-antihero undercover mafia group that resurfaced because—

Aw man...

I pursed my lips when I realised that she and JB had already began to settle in with a bright life ahead, with Jaebeom leaving behind his pervious work but the events regarding mine and the boys led them to involve themselves once again.

"I know that face, sweetheart. Don't fault yourself for a bunch of bastards that have nothing better to do than to chase a building family of soulmates." Yuju smiled sadly at me, patting my head like I was her little sister. It made me realise I missed the feminine touch of another, one that's familial and comforting.

I smiled back weakly, "Thank you for helping us. For helping me through this whole messed up ordeal." I told her and she cooed and pulled me into a warm hug. I melted and hugged her back.

Would it be wrong to just stay under her wing and run away together? Just kidding, I love the boys. She's a close second, it's impressive. JB lucked out for real.

"I see the two of you already get along like Nutella and bread."

Speak of the devil, Yuju and I pulled away to see a find smile dancing on Jaebeom's face.

"Don't compare our relationship to Nutella and bread. Come on, you're better than that." Yuju huffed jokingly and the man rolled his eyes in good nature before giving his darling a chaste kiss to the head, "Yeah I know. That's my bad." He chuckled and then turned to me.

"You look great, Y/N. Did you two plan this with an intention of killing? You know Bangtan wouldn't let you out of their sight for who knows how long. They're like hungry wolves, I worry for you now that I think about it." He snorted.

He didn't sound very worried....

I laughed nervously at his hidden warning and wondered if I had to truly guard up before showing my new look to the boys. Surely they wouldn't go as far as to act like... hungry wolves..??


I should've taken Jaebeom's words to heart. I really should've.

Maybe then I wouldn't be immobile within the tight hold of three muscular arms belonging to my lovely younger three of the seven. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to be hogged like a favourite teddy bear within the group, with JB's words I presumed a lot worst but it was still a close metaphor to hungry wolves. Hungry for contact instead of food - I mean.

Only because the hyung line were surrounding the three maknes that kept me within their grasp as a protective barrier from the world. Even from Yuju who was scoffing at the ridiculous sight.

I found it dumbfounding as well.

"It's just a hair colour...." I mumbled and Jimin glared at me as if what I said offended him.

"It's the very reason we're gonna have to fend off lingering creepy gazes and fight off guys that will hit on you." He told me.

I glared back at him, "Who exactly will do that? Everyone has soulmates, I doubt they'll jump around looking for someone open." I countered back at him challengingly and it was Jungkook that answered, "You have no idea! I've seen way more willing people than you think, Y/N. And that also includes passers by we'll see while shopping." He told me.

I paused.

"Wait- what? We're gonna go out??" I perked up, completely disregarding my situation and turned to look at the older four of my soulmates with sparkling eyes.

Jin looked like his upfront was crumbling and he broke into a fond smile, much like Yoongi who couldn't help but chuckle at my expectant, awaiting gaze.

"I think it would do us good to leave these four walls. I'm starting to feel restless even though this place is spacious." Namjoon told me, his own smile breaking through and I grinned widely.

"Yes!! Please, I need to go out!" I hollered happily.

"But!" Jin interjected, cutting my happy buzzing short as I payed him attention, a knowing gaze on Hoseok's face as well.

"But we'll have to cover up well. There's a shopping centre and an open market so there's going to be a crowd of people. I found out there's some big sale happening today so people are going bonkers for it." Jin stated.

"So we need to stay close and blend in. We can have fun but still stay careful and don't stray away from each other." Hoseok instructed.

"Then why don't you go tomorrow?" Yuju asked, raising a brow.

"Tomorrow one of the chiefs from Daegu will come to talk with us. Sungjin revealed a little extra detail we didn't think through and the day after will hold another little conference to stray out of the radar. Hopefully." Namjoon enlightened us.

"What did he reveal?" Yuju asked for me and I nodded along. Yoongi sighed, "He basically gave up on himself by accepting a life in prison and busted us out by saying that his daughter is the Multifated." He grumbled.

My blood ran cold, "What? Then is it even safe to go out at all?" I frowned prominently and felt Taehyung squeeze around me, feeling restless by my distress.

"Only to the police, though. Right?" Yuju asked to clarify, a frown also plastering on her lips.

"We can't trust anyone!" I refuted, "My whole existence revolves around the belief that I steal other's soulmates. If I get revealed to the whole world and they spot me in the crowd, I'm not the only one shaking hands with the grim reaper!" I stated, expressing my full rejection despite previously growing excited.

Yes, I'm getting restless indoors. Yes, I want to venture outside and have fun, but at the cost of me and the guys being in danger? I don't want to risk it.

A soft kiss to my head made me turn to look at Taehyung, "That won't happen, I swear it. The chief of the department is going to make sure none of what was revealed goes out. It's default protocol for them because even they can't trust just anyone. Everyone has their view about things and that can't be controlled. All of the investigators and policemen present during the call were trusted men, the whole interrogation was a secret to the rest of the department." He revealed.

That information eased my erratic heart a little, but I still felt reluctant being out in the public.

Jin exhaled softly. Bending down and placing one hand to my knee in consolation, he gave me a gentle smile, "It's okay. We don't have to go. It was merely a suggestion, we could make do with the terrace; Will that make you feel better?" He compromised.

"The terrace? We can access it? Well, why didn't anyone tell me before?!" Yuju exclaimed in disbelief, snatching all of the attention to her. "None of you thought of telling us girls? Being stuck with men indoors for too long is doing no good to us. Y/N is my only girl here, how can you do this to me? To us? I need something more than a balcony and I'm just now finding out we can go to the terrace? Unbelievable! Jaebeom you're getting it now!" She rambled on, earning a gaping soulmate and some sheepish looks whilst a smaller half of the group began to laugh to themselves by her dramatics.

I broke into a grin at her antics and felt the terrace idea more appealing after finding out what I know.

"The terrace sounds great," I voiced out. This urged the others to commence the plan, having felt the same about being cooped up indoors for too long.

"BigHit is getting us our food. Jungkookie, please do me a favour and answer the door when you see Sejin hyung." Jin started off, standing up whilst bringing me to get up as well, leaving Taehyung to whine whilst Jungkook perked up.

"Sejin hyung? I thought he was still abroad!" He smiled excitedly.

I sent a look of confusion around when the name of some man from BigHit brought forward a feeling of comfortable familiarity not only for my seven mates, but also for the members of Got7. Yuju merely displayed a look of recognition, knowing of this man's existence but not as familiar as the men.

"Who's that?" I asked softly, feeling odd for being the only one in this room that doesn't have a clue about who this Sejin guy is.

"Oh my god, you don't know?" Jackson gasped dramatically, giving the guys a look of mock disbelief. When I shook my head, denying it, he scooped me away for a chit-chat, much to Jin and Taehyung's dismay.

I could still here them whining when I made it to open balcony that Jackson led me to.

"So who is he?" I probed curiously.

"Oh, just the mentor and assistant of bangtan who basically helped bring them all together, no biggie. He's kind of like their first Uncle. Their group's father figure is the founder of BigHit, but yeah; Sejin is their close non-blooded family." He enlightened me, throwing a vomit of words that I found shocking to hear because I hardly know anyone else besides Got7 and a couple 2-3 other staff members of Bodyguards that share some sort of relation or bond with the guys.

"Why didn't they tell me?" I wondered with a frown, a little bummed for only just finding this out.

Jackson chuckled heartily, "Darling, don't take it badly. It's just the issue with timing and... oh. Well, I suppose that you lot did have some time to relax. I can't defend that one." He mumbled sheepishly at the end, "But! On the other hand, the topic must've never come up, and you probably didn't ask either, so.." he reasoned and I nodded. Fair enough.

"I sure hope there's no bitching about me going on here!~" Jimin's voice chimed cutely, contrasting with his vulgar words whilst he sauntered his way over like a model on a run way.

Jackson snorted while I grinned in amusement, letting the blonde wrap an arm over my shoulder and pull me to his side.

"Not just you, the whole bulletproof group." I replied cheekily and yelped when he poked me at my waist, jolting me.


"Hello to you too, my love." Jimin snickered, using his endearment and making my cheeks flush.

"Welp, that's my cue to leave!" Jackson clapped his hands together and marched away, clearly not wanting to be a third wheeler for me and jimin.

"Ah, good to know that he knows I want my alone time with Mrs. Park." Jimin giggled and turned to hug me from behind. "What? Mrs. Park??" I parroted, my voice pitching high with my fluster.

He hummed, "Mm, sounds pretty nice, right?"

Before I can reply, the two of us hear Jin hollering for us to come back inside. I didn't get the chance to question Jimin's implications before he skipped away as if he didn't refer to me as a wedded partner of his.

Flustered and giddy at the mere thought of marrying him, I chose to judiciously ignore the erratic beat of my heart and scurried after Jimin's retreating form to reach the others.

~ Unknown POV ~

I watch intently at the one of my screens on my offline desk, growing tired of seeing little to no movement in the bedroom.

"Please don't let anything happen to him..."

I sighed irritably at the constant sound of crying and cribbing at the opposite end of my large office space. One section of the room divided by a clear glass slab, separating my work place with the machine supporting a nuisance of a guy's life.

I didn't mind the constant whirring of the machine, but before this girl kept coming back here to be with her "beloved" it's grown annoying and is getting on my nerves. Crying won't get him back now will it?

"Will you leave?" I scoffed, resting my head on the palm of my hand, watching with half the mind of getting my surgeon to cut off her voice box. Get her mute.

She immediately held back on her tears and choked back her cries, finally caring enough to be less of a both and giving me a peace of mind.

"I-I'm sorry..." she muttered pathetically. So easily swayed by such an annoying emotion.

A sudden movement on my screen redirected my attention. A wicked grin twisting my lips upwards as one of them came into view.

"Is the terrace gonna be cold?"

Good to know the audio works. I watched amusedly as he scurried around the room, in search of something, then finally grabbing a hold of a couple of warm clothes.

Terrace, huh? A sweet little night on the top of the building with your little infatuation?

"I already got some, let's get going, hyung!"

I chuckled at the scene on my screen, feeling bittersweet with how much these people already mean to me.

If only you didn't fight against my men, (bloody bastards can't even fight off 14 guys...) I would've had you and your seven little playthings with me right now. Look at what you've done; I've grown attached.


My smile fell as my eyes trailed away from the screen and onto the boring sight of the girl again.

"Did I not tell you to fucking leave? Kyungmi, another fuck up and you're practically begging for that machine to turn off." I lost my temper a little there. My second monitor flinging off my desk out of anger, the feeling hardly satisfying as I watched her flinch and whimper like a child.

"Please! Please... No, no I'm sorry, I'll- I'll leave! I-I just wanted to spend some time with him! I'll be commencing our- my mission soon- s-so..."

"I don't fucking care! Just leave and get on with it, will you? Fuck off already!"

"Y-yes sir! I'm sorry!" Kyungmi my yelped out, fearful as my impatience got the best of me and made me temperamental. I watched with a glare stuck on my face as she scurried away, having no intentions of bothering me anymore unless she wants to be a soulless bitch for the rest of her life.

Once she finally left my sight, I heaved out a groan in exasperation, plopping back onto my seat before looking back at my screen. The room left empty once again, I felt my blood boil at the lack of any presence within the still room.



And done for this chapter!

I don't have a next chapter ready, but I'm working on it right as I publish this.

Whoever that has stuck around, waiting for who knows how long for this damn book... I promise you'll get a complete book 😭😭🫶

It may take another who knows how long but you WILL get that ending !! I've finally gotten baseline of a climax for this book, and hopefully some plot holes will be covered 🥹✨

See you soon! ❤️❤️💕💕

~ Ada

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