Bitter Enemies

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September 17 2019

Alex, Lacey and Summer were at a Cafe since they arrived to New Orleans where Smackdown Live would be taking place. Alex brought for Summer A Chocolate Milkshake as It was gift to her.

Summer: I didn't know The Warbringer gifts people.

Alex: Be happy I spent my money just to buy you a Milkshake. Kids these days

Lacey: *Chuckles* She only ask why did you gifted her a Milkshake?

Alex: Because I feel like. I mean I let Orion and Pierre pay for my food.

Lacey: I see. Then again Thanks for the meal Ambrose

Alex: No Problem and Thanks for The assist By the way.

Lacey: You're Welcome Ambrose

Summer: Mom, Why did you help Alex anyways?

Lacey: Because Alex's Era is better then Paige's Era and if Michael wins then Smackdown Live will be boring again

Summer: I guess so but You keep Staring at him

Alex: Uhhh What now?

Lacey: *Blushes* Oh it's nothing Alex

Alex: Your Face is Red as a Tomato

Lacey: Its actually nothing Alex

Alex: Alright then and by the way Wanna Accompany me in the ring tonight?

Lacey: *Smiles* I would love to Alex

Alex: Thanks Lacey

Alex left as Lacey was staring at Alex leaving. Summer was looking at her Mom as she was smiling at her.

Summer: You love him Mom?

Lacey: I think I do

Smackdown Live

It was the Smackdown after Clash Of Champions as Everyone was hyped to see what action awaits for them. Alex was sitting backstage as he was texting to both Jared and Abella. Alex trained Abella a bit and would go to Japan to See Abella and Cathy match for the Goddess of Stardom Tag Titles. Alex would also plan on going to AEW Dark to meet the others too. Alex saw Lacey walking towards him as he gave a smirk.

Alex: Glad You're Here Partner

Lacey: Yup so Ready?

Alex: Yup Let's do this

They both waited at the gorilla position as Alex told the producers to play his music.

The Crowd In New Orleans hated Alex already along with Lacey since Laceys Heel Turn Two Nights ago. Alex smiled at the crowd as Alex got on the top rope and did his cutthroat taunt before getting down. Alex had a microphone on his hands as he had some words to say.

Alex: I just saying this but Michael is finished. What did you people said to me couple of weeks ago? The King is gonna win the war against the Warbringer? No no no. The King has been slayed by me. I feel so good knowing I beat another hero that you all loved and You all people should know No one can stop me in my Era. No one at all.

The Crowd booed Alex as He gave a Smirk.

Alex: That's why I'm still the best. That's why I'm everyone's number one draw and thats-

Alex was interrupt by The limitless one Keith Lee as Keith had a smirk. Alex was looking at him as Keith Lee got in the ring. Keith also had a Microphone as He had some words to say.

Keith: The Warbringer and The Artist. Do you ever shut up for once in your life?

Alex: What the hel-

Keith: Nah You spoke enough. These People are tired of you and your little antics. Michael is injured because of you and now Paige Team is not here.

Alex: So Paige sent you here huh?

Keith: Nope but I still have an Old Score to Settle with you

Alex: Bring it on Keith but just remember You waged War with the wrong person

Keith only had a smirk as Alex removed his vest and Keith removed his jacket. The Referee got in as well. The Bell Rang as Both Men punched each other but Keith threw Alex like a Ragdoll before hitting a Clothsline.

Five Minutes Later

Keith was going for a right hand but Alex kicked his hand as Keith went for another punch but Alex hit a

Keith was Still standing as He glared at Alex. Keith lee grabbed Alex and hit a vertical suplex as Alex was down. Keith got Alex up as He whipped him to the corner but Alex jumped over his head and hit Keith with a

Keith was holding his back as Alex was holding his knee. Alex pinned Keith but he kicked out at two as Lacey was cheering on Alex.

Ten Minutes Later

Alex was holding his back as Keith got up quick as Alex kept punching him over and over again. Keith hit a Superkick as He ran but Alex ran and hit a Rebound Elbow as He ran again but Keith lee ran behind him but Alex ducked under him and hit a

Alex was laughing as Alex whipped Keith But Keith whipped him back as Alex hit a

Alex got up as He tried to go for a Scythe Runner But Keith kept attacking Alex as Alex nailed a Crucifix Elbow Strikes on him. Alex got Keith up and kept hitting knee strikes on his gut before hitting a

Five Minutes Later

Alex hit a corner Forearm Strike as He blew a Kiss to Lacey before hitting a

Lacey smiled at Alex as she was cheering on Alex. Keith quickly kip up as Alex slapped him and gave a smirk but Keith lee had enough as He hit a knee strike to the gut of Alex and then hit a pounce causing Alex to go flying out of the ring as he was holding his back.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Alex pinned Keith but He kicked out again as Alex got Keith up but Keith hit a Superkick followed by a chop and then an Enzuguri as Alex was standing until Alex hit a

Keith Bounced from the corner as Alex grabbed him and went for a Death valley driver but Keith Got out as He was going for the spirit bomb but Alex got out as he was looking for Taste of war but Keith jumped over him as Alex kicked his gut and hit a

Alex pinned Keith but Keith kicked out at Two as Alex had a smug smirk on his face. Alex went for Scythe Runner But Keith Flipped over Alex and hit a spirit Bomb on him. Keith pinned Alex But Lacey distracted the Referee as Lacey was taunting Keith Until Alex hit a Low Blow on Keith as The Referee turned and Alex quickly hit a

Alex got Keith up and wrapped his arms as he hit a

Alex did the cutthroat Taunt as he said

Alex: Time To Bask in My Glory

Alex grabbed Keith and hit a

Alex pinned Keith and got the three count as he got up along with Lacey holding him as Alex laughed until

Paige did her little walk as Alex told Lacey to leave as Lacey didn't want to Leave but Alex told her too. Lacey left as Alex talked to Paige.

Alex: What's Wrong Glamprye? Sad to see your Fiance in The Hospital?

Paige: Michael is fine Alex but Since He suffered a Fractured Arm. He will be out of action for a while and since my team are not here tonight-

Alex: I won huh?

Paige: No, I will never let you win Alex not in a million years

Alex: Look Paige. Aren't you tired of Failure and Losing?

Paige: Nope But Right Now An Old Friend wants to Meet You

Alex stood in Confusion as Paige had a smirk. Mickie stood next to Paige as Alex laughed at Paige.

Alex: So You bring Mickie to Fight me? That's Funny Paige

Mickie: No Cowboy but My Man does have an Old Score to Settle with you

Alex glared at Mickie as Someone attacked Alex as The Man Revealed Himself to Be Nick Aldis formerly known as Magnus in TNA. Alex got up as he laughed at his old enemy.

Alex: Magnus. It's been a while Partner. Last time we met, I nailed your head with a Nailed Baseball bat and Your Wife was crying on your Unconscious Body. HAHAHAHAHAAHA

Nick: Funny Alex But This time it wont be the same for you

Nick grabbed Alex and Hit a Powerbomb as He kept doing Deadlift power bombs on Alex before he grabbed Alex and Hit a Uranage on the Table he got from under the ring. Nick grabbed Alex and hit Alex's Old Finisher Anarchy Storm on the Chair as Alex was down.

Mickie: Good Luck Warbringer Because You're gonna need it

This is gonna get Messy Between Magnus and Alex.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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