Clash Of Champions

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September 15 2019

Clash of Champions arrived after a long awaited build up. The show took place in Charlotte North Carolina as the crowd was ready to see what action awaits them. Alex and Michael's match happen just before the main event as The Crowd was excited to see Michael beating the Warbringer up. Charlotte and The Revival along with Dolph retained their titles as It was now Alex and Michael's match.

Alex made his entrance as he had a smile on his face. He also was wearing the purge mask along with his Constable outfit.

Alex stood quiet as he was waiting for someone until in the entrance ramp. They saw Pierre Knight along with Orion Steel coming out along with Charlotte and The Revival as Alex was laughing. The Crowd was booing Alex as Alex did a Two Sweet Taunt to Orion and Pierre.

Alex: What a Moment Huh. You'll remember that I'm gonna slay the king here.

Alex got on the top rope as he did the cutthroat taunt before Smiling at the angry crowd. Alex music stopped as Alex was taunting the commenters.

Alex: Come on Booker. You know I'm the best right? Cheer for me bud

Booker: I'll pass Anarchy

Alex was waiting for Michael as His Music played.

Michael music played as he had a different entrance this time.

Paige was with Michael as Michael came in his ring gear. It was like his father's attire. Michael got in the ring and stared at Alex as Alex had a smirk. Michael gave a smirk too as Alex knew he was taunting him. Michael's Music stopped Playing as Both men were having a stare down as the Referee was separating them.

Alex: Hey Mikey, Get Your Glamprye out of my face

Paige gave a smirk as Alex was smiling at her. The Bell rang and The Crowd was already excited and started Chanting.

"Let's Go Michael"

" Overrated"

Michael was laughing at Alex as Alex laughed at the crowd. Alex kicked Michael leg and slapped him as Michael laughed it off. Alex whipped Michael and Hit a Shoulder Block as He was laughing at the crowd.

"You Suck Alex"

Alex grabbed Michael as he went for a Firemans carry neck lock but Michael got out as He whipped Alex and Did a Shoulder Block as The Crowd was cheering on Michael. Alex got up and ducked from a close line as He hit a Shoulder Block on Michael and Spit on Michael's Face as Michael stared at Alex.

Alex: Hehehe *Does DX Taunt*

Michael had enough as He grabbed Alex and hit a

Alex was holding his head as Michael spit on Alex face as He whipped Alex to the corner but Alex stopped himself as Michael was going for a Closeline but Alex twisted his arm and hit a

Alex pinned Michael but Michael kicked out at One as Alex got him up and Hit a chop as He hit another one until Michael hit a knee strike on Alex's Gut before hitting a

Alex was holding his gut as Michael hit a low basement drop kick on Alex's knee as Michael got on the apron and went for a pedigree but Alex pushed him as He was going for a German Suplex But Michael countered and hit a

Alex was down as Michael was laughing at Alex.

Ten Minutes Later

Michael tried to go for a spine buster but Alex kicked him and hit a double cross chop as Alex grabbed Michael's Neck and twisted it as he hit forearm strikes on it before Hitting a

Alex got Michael up as Michael headbutt Alex and hit a

Michael only got two counts as Michael was going for a sweet Chin music but Alex grabbed his leg and tripped him as he hit a

Alex got up as Michael Surprised Alex with a

Michael pinned Alex But Alex rolled him up first but Michael kicked out as Alex kicked him in the gut but Michael pushed Alex as He was gonna charge at Alex until Alex hit a Reverse STO followed by a

Alex saw Michael down as he pinned him but he kicked out at Two.

Thirty Minutes Later

Alex got on the top rope as He was gonna hit an Elbow Drop until Michael Countered with a

Alex got up fast as he hit Michael in the back of the head with a

Michael got to the corner as Alex was giving two middle fingers to his face until Michael hit a

Michael pinned Alex but Alex kicked out at two.

Forty Minutes Later

The Referee was down as Alex was going for a Low Blow until Michael stopped him and hit a Death valley Driver. The Referee got up and counted but Alex kicked out at two. Michael was going for the Pedigree until Alex pushed him to the Referee as The Referee was again down. The Cameras showed Backstage Alex Regime fighting Michael's team as The Brawl Escalated Outside. Michael hit a Pedigree on Alex and was about to get the Referee up until Michael saw a hooded person with a chair.

Michael grabbed the chair and threw it to Alex as Alex was down. Michael grabbed the hooded persons arm and Removed the hoodie to reveal it was Lacey as The Crowd cheered at her. Michael taunted her until Lacey hit a Low Blow on Michael as The Crowd was shocked. Lacey hit a women's right while wearing Brass Knuckles as Michael was wobbling as Alex threw the chair on Michael head before grabbing him while blowing a flying kiss to Lacey and hitting a

Alex did a cutthroat taunt and hit a

Alex threw the chair as he pinned Michael and The Referee slow counted until Alex got the three count as Alex was on the mat laughing. Michael rolled out as Alex laid his head on Lacey lap as he was laughing. His Music Emitted around the booing arena as Alex saw Paige tending to a injured Michael. Alex got up as He was holding Laceys hand. Alex grabbed a water bottle and started drinking it and pouring it all over his face as he threw Water on Corey and pushed him as he sat next to Michael Cole and Renee.

Alex: That Right here is why I'm the best. This Crowd can boo me how much they want but I don't care. I have been on a roll since I returned and I have been proving that I'm the best since I came here.

Renee: But you just cheated to win

Alex: Nah, It was a win that I love to sour forever. Welcome to my Era Everyone. Where the rules are broken and not everything is fair.

Michael got up as he growled at Alex but Paige hold him back as They both left.

Alex: Poor guys mad since he lost. I mean he should have already known. Never Wage War with the Warbringer but he still did it anyways. Now Lacey let's grab a cup of coffee.

Lacey smiled as She had her fan and gave Alex some air as He was laughing at the crowd.

It's a New Dawn and Its a New Life just for me.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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