Era Of War

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November 4 2019

*Video Package*

It was a Tag Team Match as The Usos were going against The Viking Raiders until........

Renee: Wait a minute. That's The Revival from Smackdown Live.

The Usos tried to fight back but The New Day showed up as All Hell broke loose. Some of the Womens Divison came aiding them until They were attacked by Asuka, Io, Kairi, Rhea and Lacey as They lead their army into the fight. Seth lead the Mens locker Room to the Fight but James along with Yugoslavia brought in their men as They attacked Seth's team. In the End RAW has Fallen due to an Invasion by Smackdown as Kurt Angle ran in the ring to save the everyone but was attacked by Alex as He grabbed Kurt and hit a

Corey: Scythe Runner by the Prince of War.

Cole: Alex and Smackdown made a Statement on RAW.

Alex: Welcome to the Era of War everyone!!!!

*End of Video Package*

November 5 2019

Smackdown live was officially kicked off as The Entire Mens and Womens division were outside the ring as They were waiting for the Leader of this Brand.

Alex made his entrance as Yugoslavia and James were with him along Lacey as Alex did his Bullet Club Taunt before he did the classic gun finger taunt as Prince Devitt used to do in NJPW. Alex made it to the ring as The Crowd was booing him. Blood taunted the crowd as Rade and Luka did the same. Alex was smiling as he had a microphone in his hand.

Alex: Last Night On RAW Was The Only Episode Of RAW That we made Watchable.

Blood: Seth Rollins keeps calling RAW The A Show but In Reality It was Like watching a Dog shitting in someone's yard.

James: Now that's how you summarise RAW of 2019.

Rade: And the men that tried to stop our invasion were all pathetic.

Luka: Poor Bastards.

Alex: Aside from that. Let's move to our WWE Champion Kofi who set to go against Universal Champion Brock at Survivor Series now The Question Lingers Can Kofi Compete?

Kofi: I'm ready, i can do this-

Blood: First of all, You injured yourself at Crowns Jewel and made the pain worse for you Last Night.

James: How are you suppose to beat Brock if your Injury?

Kofi: You think This Injury can stop me from competing. I'm a Champion and I'm not scared of a fight.

Alex: That's Stupid because from what I know Brock whopped your ass in two minutes and if you face him again then consider the match done in two seconds. As General Manager Elect, Your out of Survivor Series.

Kofi was shocked as Big E and Xavier were arguing with Alex.

Alex: Sorry looks like Brock needs to find a better opponent and Kofi Get to a hospital or else I might need to break your leg like how I broke Tanahashi's leg.

Kofi and The New Day got out as Kofi was Quiet and sad. His Dreams were broken by Alex as Yugoslavia laughed at him.

Rade: So What's Next Anarchy?

Alex: You see here. NXT Might call themselves The Greatest Brand Ever but Let's be honest. NXT Is only famous because All Those Guys and Girls in the roster are trying to act like The Young Bucks and The Elite.

Luka: Basically What he's trying to say is NXT Is Only Better because They only know Superkicks, Knee strikes and High Flying moves.

James: Just like All Elite Wrestling.

Blood: Who by the Way, You guys saw how A Dark Order Member tried to punch Dustin Rhodes.

Rade: *Sarcastic Tone* Those Punches killed Poor Dustin.

James: Those Punches were so bad that Dustin had to call him out and asked him to learn how to throw a punch.

Alex: Hey Dark Order Jackass. I'll teach you how to throw a better punch but right now that's not important. We got a war to beat and I want a Clean Sweep at Survivor Series.

The Men and Womens cheered for Alex as James and Yugoslavia told them the same thing.

Alex: So The Womens Survivor Series team is Lacey who is the captain of this team and its team Rhea, Io, Kairi and Asuka.

Lacey smirked as Rhea and Io's Team had a cocky smirk.

Alex: Next up is The Men's Survivor Series Team. Blood Shephard is the Captian of this team. Its members are James, Rade, Luka and Someone We will reveal later on. Now Dolph you have to defend your IC Title against Someone.

Dolph: Alright, I'm not scared who is it?

Alex: Our Opponent is somewhere. I heard he hits his opponents from outta nowhere and-

Alex was gonna speak more until Yugoslavia, James and Alex turned and saw Dolph.

Alex and everyone looked at who it was as It was Damien Orton. The Son of Randy Orton and The Psycho Killer.

Alex: Speak Of The Devil, He did came From Outta Nowhere.

Damian smiled as He another DKO on Corbin before he left as Alex and everyone else looked at him.

Alex: Well He'll face Dolph for that Title later night so Right-

Alex smiled at who it was as It was Michael McMahon who was accompanied by Paige. Michael got inside as he helped Paige inside as Alex had some words to say.

Alex: Look Who it is. Its Michael McMahon and The Guy I beat at Clash of Champions. What's wrong? Bowing down to me?

Micheal: Look Ambrose. I gotta be honest with you. You need to stop acting like a tough guy because in my eyes Your a wuss.

Alex got on Micheals face as Michael did the same as Tensions started rising.

Alex: Let me tell you something boy. I defeated Finn Balor at Summerslam. I defeated You at Clash of Champions. I put an end to a Limtless Legion. I destroyed Nick Aldis at Payback and I destroyed Hogans team at Crowns jewel. What makes you a better man?

Michael: Wait you never beat me Ambrose. You had to use a Womens help to win while you were hiding behind her skirt.

Alex: Dont make me break you like how I broke Ibushi's Golden Dreams.

Michael: I'm not scared of you Ambrose. Your Pathetic and weak, You destroyed Kofi's Dream and others. I want a match against you right now. If I win then I get to control this Entire Survivor Series team.

Alex: Fine, I'll face you but I won't need anyone's help and Let's do this Fair and Square. Oh and By the win when I win?

Alex snapped his fingers as Blood and James dragged someone who had a bag on his head. Rade removed the bag as It was revealed to be Bobby Fish of the UE.

James: Look What Fish we just go from the sea.

Luka: Bobby Fish.

Alex: Once I'm done with you Micheal. I'm gonna beat NXT At Survivor Series after that I'll grab Triple H and Then.......

Alex and His Friends beat up Bobby Fish as Alex grabbed the bag.

Alex: Then We're gonna put the bag on his Fucking head and then I'm gonna pull the trigger.

Alex smirked as he dropped the Microphone and left the ring as He will face Micheal in the Main Event.

Main Event( Three Minutes Later)

Michael threw Alex to the corner as He started hitting Mudhole stomps to Alex. Alex was dazed as Michael grabbed Alex and hit a

Alex rolled out of the ring as Michael got out of the ring and hit a clothsline on Alex. Michael grabbed Alex and hit a

Alex was holding his back as Michael threw Alex back in the Ring. Michael tried to get in the ring but Alex hit a

Micheal was holding his head as Alex rolled out of the ring and hit Michael with a

Alex wasn't done as he grabbed Michael and hit a

Alex was holding his back as Both men were down. The Referee was checking on Micheal as Alex had a smirk on his face.

Five Minutes Later

Michael hit a running Powerslam on Alex as He pinned him but he kicked out at two. Michael grabbed Alex and hit a Sambo Suplex. Alex rolled out as Michael got out with him. Alex threw Micheal to the barricade as Michael punched Alex and tried to do a diving clothsline off the Barricade but Alex countered it and hit a

Alex was holding his back as He had a smirk on his face. Alex grabbed Michael and hit a

Alex threw Micheal back in the ring as He pinned him but he kicked out at two as Alex was holding his head.

Ten Minutes Later

Micheal had Alex on the top rope as he grabbed Alex and hit a

Michael pinned Alex but he kicked out at two as Michael was gonna hit a Running Penalty Kick but Alex countered it into a Crucifix and hit a

Alex and Michael both got up as Michael kicked Alex in the gut and followed it up with a

Michael pinned Alex but he kicked out at two as Michael had Alex on the Firemans Carry as Alex got out. Michael got Alex in a Backslide pin but Alex countered it into a

Michael got up quick as he hit a high knee on Alex. Michael was gonna hit a Shoulder tackle but Alex hit a

Alex grabbed Michael from behind and followed it up with a

Alex pinned him but he kicked out at two as Alex had a smirk on his face.

Three Minutes Later

Michael grabbed Alex and hit a

Michael hit a scoop slam as he got on the top rope and hit a

Alex was on the apron holding his gut as Michael got on the Apron and tried to do a German Suplex but Alex got out as They both hit a Chop at each other. Michael was gonna hit Alex but Alex hit a

Michael was holding his neck as Alex threw him back in the ring and saw Michael On the Corner as Alex hit a Corner Forearm strike followed by a

Alex was gonna pin him until Alex noticed The Undisputed Era s Attacking both Alex and Michael as They retaliated back as They got out of th ring. Alex got Michael up and gave him his sledgehammer as Alex grabbed a Fireaxe. The UE were staring at them as Rest of NXT were there. Smackdown also joined them as They had a stare down until NXT Retreated as Alex and Michael smiled at each other.

Meanwhile Paige was walking alone until someone stopped her as she looked confused.

Paige: What are you doing here-

???: Let's not go further. Be honest Paige. Are you tired of Alex?

Paige: I am along with his antics.

???: Oh well You need another Prince of Chaos to stop him and I know who's fit for the job.

Paige face was a little worried considering how dangerous that person is.

Paige: I'm not-

???: My Puddin can do anything he wants and He wants Alex on his list.

Paige: Okay Fine, I accept the offer.

???: Puddin is gonna be happy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

The Person left as Paige was looking worried about this new plan but she had to go with it.

Alex was gonna go back to his locker room with James and Yugoslavia until They opened the door and saw a

James: What the hell?

Alex pressed the button and all it played was laughter and creepy music. Alex saw a card as he looked at it.

Alex knew This was no game. Someone wants to end his era and his sanity.

A/N: Thanks for reading and McKeku is Damien Orton.

Stay cool and Stay Safe

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